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If the Jose Andres transcript is any indication, Trump's beyond fucked. He can't not lie. He just can't do it. In the Andres deposition, he contradicted himself a half-dozen times before finally throwing Ivanka under the bus, and this was him *as a plaintiff.* EDIT - Hey, [there's video!](https://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2016/09/trump-deposition-video-release-schedule-228953)




That’s why they want to reply to Muellers questions in writing. Lol.




Is there any chance he could get his way, DJT that is?


Yes, and don't be surprised if he does. It will be awful, but with the way things look, to me at least, it's probable.


Some reporter type or something noted that Trump isn't a liar, but a bullshitter. A liar cares about the truth and lies to avoid the consequences of that truth, and only when they have too. They will bend and stretch as much as they can to avoid an outright lie, becauese a lie is a liability. A bullshitter just talks as a matter of course, what the truth is isn't ever considered. Often they lie, sometimes they tell the truth and other times, they tell they spout off a bad (for them) truth for no reason, like when he said why he fired Comey on national TV.


Is this the article you are referring to? Trump is a hustler. https://blog.politicsmeanspolitics.com/why-hustlers-make-bad-presidents-13c2e5278899 You can not just "wing it"


>Trump is a hustler. Hustler, bullshiter same thing.


Luckily, in the eyes of the law, perjury is perjury...


Most votes in the history of the party, huh? Can someone remind me what his record-setting numbers were? All I can remember is 3 million fewer than Clinton.


He was talking about the Republican nomination. Probably a lie though.


I thought so too, but I checked it out and found that he actually did get the most votes for the primaries. [Politifact - Trump set the record for the most GOP primary votes](http://www.politifact.com/north-carolina/statements/2016/jul/08/donald-trump/donald-trump-set-record-most-gop-primary-votes-eve/) But then again, fictitious illegal immigrants weren’t allowed to vote in the Republican primaries.


There are also more voters since the population keeps growing, so lots of candidates have gotten the most votes ever and will likely continue to.


Yeah, I mean he got more votes than George Washington as well, but that in itself doesn’t really mean anything.


The record he's referring to is a rather stupid one that references the raw vote total for Republican votes. Just about every year the record is "broken" simply because there are more people turning 18 and voting than there are people dying or not voting.


Hahaha, what!?


[Here you go, no need to read a transcript like my dumbass did](https://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2016/09/trump-deposition-video-release-schedule-228953)


Do you have the transcript handy? I can’t watch a video at the moment.


Yea Tump's way easier to digest in a transcript.


Oh I meant I actually can't watch a vid because I'm on-and-off my phone too much lol. But yeah, you're also right.


> EDIT - Hey, there's video! The humblest person ever.


The big advantage of telling the truth is that you don't have to remember what you said. Since Trump can't remember what he says from moment to moment, getting him under oath would be the consummate fustercluck.


Hell yeah. A habitual liar with bad memory who can't admit he's wrong...wooooo




I hear ya. But, I’m considering moving to tide pods as they have the advantage of me not being around for the poop show.


Plus you'll be clean.


clean poop


"Perjury" was literally what the GOP tried to remove Bill Clinton from office for




Fuck the GOP is literally trying to Pizza when they absolutely need to French Fry.


Don’t say Pizza, it may cause Trump to revive the Pizzagate conspiracy


I'm ignorant of the skiing reference, so I immediately saw "Pizza" and thought Pizza gate. *sigh*




Freedom fry*


Clinton was impeached by a Republican led House, largely along party lines, and acquitted in the Senate along party lines. It takes 66 votes in the Senate to convict. The Clinton impeachment was petty. This is not petty, but it's doubtful the Republicans in Congress will do their duty unless they are strongly motivated. Scandal isn't going to do it. Some of them have to be charged with Conspiracy.


Trump was right when he said he could go out and shoot somebody and it wouldn't hurt his approval ratings a bit. There's no bottom, there's no limit. He could whip his dick out on the Senate floor and his supporters would cheer for it, say it's a big one too.


I guess we have to hope there's evidence that some of them are complicit. If Mueller starts taking them out then things will get interesting quick.


And even [Ken fucking Starr is saying Trump should be impeached](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/jan/28/trump-robert-mueller-russia-ken-starr). That should be a* red flag to everyone, regardless of political affiliation.


Let me count the ways *that* gets deflected (in order from standard counterattacks to Alex Jones): * Democrats supporting Ken Starr *now* because they like what he has to say is hypocrisy. * He sucked at his job anyway (because he only got Bill for the blowjob and not for helping his wife kill Vince Foster or something equally nefarious). * Fake news. * I guess Ken Starr is a Deep State Democrat now. * The Russians (who have been working with the Democrats this whole time) are blackmailing Starr into tearing down the GOP, the only real party this country needs. This hurt to write and was indeed satire, but I can't help at least one or two pundits will chirp with one of these points if he keeps speaking up.


And it was for lying about getting his dick sucked


...to Ken Starr, who was appointed to investigate Whitewater


Whitewater was just the 90s version of BENGHAZZZIIIIII


Not really. There were real crimes involved and people did go to prison, there was just no evidence that the Clinton's were directly linked to the crimes uncovered. Whitewater was I think reasonable, Star just went too far IMO. Then again I wasnt an adult at the time, and with the benefit of watching this Mueller investigation unfold, I think i have a better understanding of why things unfolded the way they did with the Whitewater investigation.


Starr's problem was that Clinton was his white whale (and indeed, he was hired in the first place because the previous Special Prosecutor was deemed "too lenient" in general, so Starr probably thought it was his mission to take down the then-President). I have no problem with Whitewater itself because, as you say, people did go down for it, but Starr was so damn obsessed with nailing Clinton to a cross on the steps of the Capitol that he declared victory over *perjury about a blowjob*.


Sure, but that was different. You see, Bill Clinton was a Democrat. And he was lying about having sex with an intern. That is so much worse than getting involved with foreign spies or letting another government hack an opposing political candidate. Don't you understand that?


for lying about a blowjob he received years after the investigation started.


The GOP is a bunch of hypocritical assholes. Republican voters are the same, except also idiots.


> What I'm hearing: One source, who knows Trump as well as anyone, told me he believes the president would be incapable of avoiding perjuring himself. "Trump doesn't deal in reality," the source said. "He creates his own reality and he actually believes it." That sums up the Trump I've seen.


This person is president of the united states of america. His own advisors think this about him.


these are his *buddies*


They probably think of themselves as patriots. When the next batch of books come out after this shit has hit the fan all of these people are going to say they viewed themselves as the only thing standing between us and totally calamity and I can't tell if they are going to be 100% correct or self-serving/preserving weasels, but it might be both.


The real thing that should have stood between us and total calamity was us.


This is the reality we always forget. Sometimes its an inconvenient reality. The reason Wal-Mart and Amazon and Exxon rule the world...is because 'we' give them our money. 'We' allow Fox News to exist. We allow all the evil in the world, because it's a pain in the ass to fight it. Capitalists know we tire and get bored and eventually they get their way.


That's really not a fair view of it. Walmart and Exxon are not optional for a huge swath of the population. Walmart has driven competition out of a lot of markets, while Exxon provides the energy that makes the modern world function. Unless you're suggesting "live in a cabin in the woods and grow all of your own food", a ton of people are going to have to engage with massive corporations whether they know it or not.


I'm a country inspector I sometimes check to see if you are allowed to use your property in a certain way. They is a giant circle on our maps. We call it the ring around the Walmart. Walmart paid off the county board of supervisors to make it so you can't build a retail center close enough to compete with it


"We call it the ring around the Walmart" County zoning inspectors must not be the most creative bunch. Like accountants i'm sure..


What should they have called it, 'Walmoch', the ring of fire that surrounds every walmart burning the competition to ashes?


To a degree. I have family that is from a community that let a Walmart in. Before hand it was moving along. It certainly wasn't lush with money but people got by and every shop on main street was filled. After Walmart nearly every main St business shuttered and the only place to by many essential items is at Walmart. They made a choice.


> They made a choice. Often, the citizens *don't* get a choice. Buying off the local development community/city council/county commission in some rural county is well within the budget of Walmart. Citizens can attend all the council/commission meetings & complain en masse, and get steamrolled by the corporate reps.


They're not mutually exclusive. Many people do need to shop at Walmart, because it is cheaper than local shops. So of course they invite it in. But the local economy collapsing isn't to blame for over 30 years of stagnant wages. Corporations like Walmart have created a desperate populace by using their national power to prevent national reforms like welfare improvement, labor laws, minimum wage, etc.


Aye. Lower prices, lower wages, and excess sent to Bentonville, AR.


> Aye. Lower prices, lower wages, and excess sent to *a few people in* Bentonville, AR. FTFY


> after this shit has hit the fan This right there says it all. We're still waiting for the worst to happen and we expect it be A LOT worse than what we've already experienced.


>They probably think of themselves as patriots. When the next batch of books come out after this shit has hit the fan all of these people are going to say they viewed themselves as the only thing standing between us and totally calamity And folks like Dinesh D'Souza will sell thousands of copies of bad propaganda to a waiting audience happy to swallow it down based on the recommendation of Hannity, Rush, or Falwell Jr. and the cycle continues... The only way I see forward toward normalcy/sanity/objective-reality is to get something like the Fairness Doctrine back in place, but I don't know how we get that particular genie back into the bottle.


> as the only thing standing between us and totally calamity I hope they really do stop total calamity. Because the thing I heard from Trump voters the most in 2016 was "burn it all down!"


And they have a Constitutional responsibility to act a la 25th Amendment, but they're cowards. History will not be kind.


His supporters live in the same dream world.


It's like the clownshoes version of Karl Rove: > The aide said that guys like me were 'in what we call the reality-based community,' which he defined as people who 'believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.' [...] 'That's not the way the world really works anymore,' he continued. 'We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors...and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do'.


Out of all the shitty quotes from the Bush years that's one that pisses me off the most. They honestly believed that if they lied, spun, and used enough power they could outrun reality and shape it into whatever they wanted despite the facts. The Bush administration was full of actual monsters.


And yet, here we are.


> The Bush administration was full of actual monsters. And Republican Americans loved those monsters so much they found bigger monsters to elect in 2016.


Not bigger, just dumber and more blatant. The Bush administration had an actual worldview and ideology behind it. They were weaponized Neo-Liberalism intent on spreading "Democracy" with the barrel of a gun. The Trump administration is a loose collection of racists, criminals, and vulture capitalists. There's isn't a uniting principle behind them because they are all out for themselves or whatever the people that own them want.


well, they were right. how many of them were held accountable again?


They weren't right. They just weren't held accountable. The "war on terror" is a failure. Afghanistan is a forever war. Most Americans think Iraq was a terrible mistake. The PNAC and their dreams of an American empire are essentially dead. People can only outrun reality for so long before it catches up. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, Perle, etc. might not ever see the inside of a prison cell, but America and Americans will pay the price for their leadership.


Trump admin. is basically Bush admin., but stupider. Bush admin. is what we'd have--yet again--had the top of the ticket (Trump) and his appointees been actually competent.


Yeah. Studying what they did, they fucked up bigly. Back in 2003, that was a hard argument to make. Now, everyone believes it.


Many of us called it before he was appointed.


The Onion nailed it ahead of time: https://www.google.com/amp/s/politics.theonion.com/bush-our-long-national-nightmare-of-peace-and-prosperi-1819565882/amp


I remember reading that when it published. Too accurate.


Some of us called it before he was appointed Governor of Texas.


I just got done watching "Dirty Money " episode 6 on Netflix. It is about Trump and basically proves how big a moron, liar, cheat, and con he has been his entire life. It's good stuff. Edit: I had Dark Money at first it, is actually called Dirty Money.


Just watched this the other day. I second the recommendation. If you have Netflix, check it out, even if you think you know everything there is to hate about Trump. There's a lot of interesting stuff there.


It's actually episode 6: The Confidence Man


It seems like back in the day he knew 99% of what he said was bullshit, but it "worked" for him. But the older he gets the more it becomes his reality.


Then why the fuck would you protect him so he can continue the PRESIDENCY. Let him perjure the shit out of himself and impeach the bastard because he is completely unfit to lead the worlds largest superpower! These people also lived in some fucked up reality.


This sums up most businessmen that I've met. Believe it hard enough to convince other people and it becomes "reality". They want confidence not knowledge.




It's a fitting end. He lied and bullshitted his whole life and it brought him success because of the circumstances of his birth. Now he's lived his whole life this way and can't break out of character because it's all he knows. Even more amazing that it will be the precedents set with Clinton that undo him. Even crazier that Bill Clinton played a huge role in how Putin got in power (by pushing hard to get Yeltsin elected, who then named Putin as his successor) to lead to all of this. The irony meter is off the charts.


Clinton didn't have anything to do with putting Putin in power. Putin did that all by himself.


It is quite an incredible serries of events, and even still so much is yet to come. As pissed off as I get about Trump, I sometimes think, it’s good to step back sometimes and appreciate the significance of some of this history that’s unfolding.


The movie is going to be amazing.


He has always been this way... America fell for The Apprentice reality show


Many names for it, but my favorite has always been Pseudologia fantastica. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3279719


The Bloomberg piece was written by Tim O'Brien, who won a defamation lawsuit by Trump based on a biography O'Brien published. The [legal opinion](https://law.justia.com/cases/new-jersey/appellate-division-published/2011/a6141-08-opn.html) by the court of appeals is worth a read. Some excerpts: Trump on his own truthfulness: >Q Now, Mr. Trump, have you always been completely truthful in your public statements about your net worth of properties? A I try. How Trump stretches the truth: >An older Fortune article, published on April 3, 2000, noted that >>Trump delights in the sort of elaborate shell games and impenetrably complex deals that frustrate the most conscientious efforts to assess a person's true worth. "It's always good to do things nice and complicated," he once told an interviewer, "so that nobody can figure it out." >That difficulty is compounded by Trump's astonishing ability to prevaricate. . . . >>[W]hen Trump says he owns 10% of the Plaza Hotel, understand that what he actually means is that he has the right to 10% of the profit if it's ever sold. When he says he's building a "90-story building" next to the U.N., he means a 72-story building that has extra-high ceilings. Court's ruling on a specific argument: >We reject Trump's additional argument that O'Brien improperly ignored Trump's interest in the "Trump" brand. As Trump's accountants acknowledge in the 2004 Statement of Financial Condition, under generally accepted accounting principles, reputation is not considered a part of a person's net worth.


>under generally accepted accounting principles, reputation is not considered a part of a person's net worth. Which is a blessing for trump, or he'd have a very negative net worth.


So he's got 3 options right? 1) Lie and say he didn't try and fire Mueller (along with a bunch of other lies but lets keep it simple with this one). 2) Say yes, which is pretty damn as close as you can get for admitting obstruction. 3) Plead the 5th How are *any* of those options survivable?


4) Wag the (nuclear) dog.


5) Big Mac overdose.


I’m telling you guys... he’s going to “disappear mysteriously” one day and then 100 people will see him at Mar-lago later that day... followed by a tv interview of him gloating: “everyone said how is Trump gonna get out of this... no one thought it was possible... but then BOOM... he disappeared... without a trace (snaps finger)... just like that.” Edit: missed a letter


"Oh you flee so they can't haul you in to prosecute you and suddenly you're 'a fugitive...'"


I was thinking the other day, how bizarre it would be that when things looked grim for him he just got on Air Force One and flew to Moscow and never returned. I was thinking of how that would play out, the whole nation would be in shock, congress would have to take some drastic measures to revoke his presidential powers. Then maybe there would be some big incident about whether the pilots and crew of the plane could return, or maybe they'd keep the plane and send the crew home. Or maybe they'd throw the crew in some horrible Russian prison. Meanwhile back home, there would be this huge uproar because everyones worst fears were validated, and the finger pointing would begin about who knew what when. Our country would be in turmoil, but I think would have a lot of people come together to pull through. The sane Republicans and the Democrats would team up to root out the traitors. And the whole tale would be made into a record breaking blockbuster tv series.


4) Make up some bullshit reason he can't testify under oath. Guaranteed this will happen. Same thing GWB and Cheney did when questioned about 9/11 - closed door meeting, no transcripts, not under oath. Who is going to make him do it? Even if Mueller and the Dems can show 100% legal basis for him to testify, would Congress actually do anything?


The courts will compel him to testify. Bill Clinton couldn't avoid it. GWB didn't have a special prosecutor on his ass with subpoena power.




Goes to the supreme court I suppose. You're asking if Trump then ignores the Supreme Court order to testify? I don't think even the Republicans could support him at that point. I hope we don't get to that point.


Then we're in *United* *States* *v.* *Nixon* *1974* territory, where the Supreme Court ordered Nixon's White House to release the subpoenaed Oval Office tapes. We've actually been in this situation before - a president citing privilege to not release subpoenaed documents. US v. Nixon is rock fucking solid legal precedent saying the president can't do that.


> I don't think even the Republicans could support him at that point. Why not? Fox News will spin it as a corrupt Supreme Court of "activist judges". And demand they be investigated. Because of some memo.


Yes I meant the latter, and to be honest it wouldn't surprise me.


The 9/11 commission wasn't a criminal investigation.


He’ll be legally compelled to act in one way or another. He doesn’t have a lot of good options in this scenario.


> How are any of those options survivable? You really think pleading the fifth will suddenly change the Republicans' position on Trump?


4) blame Hillary and mention how everybody is saying it’s her fault.


Well, #3 is not an indicator of guilt and cannot be used as evidence of anything. Pleading the 5th is not "admitting to hiding something." EDIT: Guys you don't have to point out to me that Trump would be a massive hypocrite for pleading the 5th. But that doesn't change the fact that pleading the 5th in of itself is not an admission of guilt or anything.


According to Trump > "The mob takes the Fifth Amendment," Trump said at a campaign event in Iowa later that month. "If you're innocent, why are you taking the Fifth Amendment?"


When has hypocrisy ever been detrimental to him? I think he will plead.


trump says a lot of shit is bad then does just that


Plead the fifth and say that "The investigation is fake. Russia is Fake News. They were able to make me show up to testify, but I'm not saying anything to them just for them to twist my words." I think this is clearly the correct strategy, but I kinda doubt Trump would ok it.


He just needs to take the 5th and then walk out of there all smug and say to the cameras. "Folks, this unfair and biased prosecutor tried to trap me but i pled the 5th and showed them Im not cooperating with their crooked and biased investigation that is a huge waste of taxpayer dollars. Folks, Democrats want to raise YOUR taxes just so they can waste YOUR hard-earned money on pointless witch-hunt investigations into republicans. They CHEAT. they have to CHEAT to win. It really is a horrible obstruction of justice and collusion by the democrats, that I can tell you. Believe me." Literally half the country would eat it up.


Legally it might not be but optically it's political suicide, not that it matters much for hairboy


Everything he does is political suicide. All he cares about is his base and whether Republicans in Congress are loyal to him and the right wing propaganda still keeps the cult in line


isn't pleading the fifth survivable? his base would not care/eat it up, and it seems legally valid. what are the long-term repercussions?


Directly, its probably the best legal option Trump has. But Mueller likely doesn't need Trump's testimony and can still legally prove all sorts of things he's guilty of even without Trump's testimony.


If I remember correctly, pleading the fifth also denies you the ability to contradict the other evidence being presented by the prosecution with your own sworn testimony. It’s still true that pleading the fifth must not OF ITSELF be seen as a sign of guilt, but all the other evidence still can. Pleading the fifth isn’t a get out of jail free card, it’s just your legal right not to answer certain questions.


Pleading the fifth means that he feels whatever he might say will incriminate himself. That's a bad look for someone claiming he's done nothing wrong.


Itd also be a bad look to fire the person investigating you and then try to fire his replacement not even a month later cause of a golf dispute from years ago and yet here we are


I think he will plead. I think he can sell it as “I’m not going to elevate this witch hunt by answering their questions.” And I think his base will accept it. And that republicans will shirk it off. “It’s his right. Why can’t he use his rights?”


>"He also lied during the deposition about his business dealings with career criminals." Uhh, Mueller, you reading this?


ha. he knows.


He knows everything


Can you even imagine what he’s seen/knows? It’s unbelievable how much inflammatory material is PUBLIC and reported by the media.


I'm fairly confident that the first day on the job, they just led Mueller to a room full of smoking guns and told him his job was to figure out what pieces of absolutely damning evidence belonged to which idiots.


There are people here who are able to copy-paste a well-sourced two pages summary of the Trump's administration scandals on a single theme. These are hobbyists doing that out of indignation on their free time. Mueller has a team of good lawyers paid full time to compile such lists, match them with legal offenses and a vast array of legal and intelligence tools at their disposal. He is not just going after Trump. He is going to jail the whole organization.


God I hope so. It would be incredible.


From your lips to whatever-god(s)-you-believe-in's ears.


Mueller knows.




I really do think it's cute how so many commenters really believe Mueller might not have heard these things.


> Mueller's spokesman had no comment.


My man.


Bob Mueller is the Baskin Robbins of law enforcement. He knows everything.


Bob Mueller don't play


Oh, he plays alright; for keeps.


With sprinkles.


>What I'm hearing: One source, who knows Trump as well as anyone, told me he believes the president would be incapable of avoiding perjuring himself. "Trump doesn't deal in reality," the source said. "He creates his own reality and he actually believes it." The fact that we have a fantasist as president should require the invocation fo the 25th. If he literally cannot be trusted to tell the truth to this extent, he's not fit for the office. He's not fit to manage a Dairy Queen. He needs a nice quiet home with pudding cups and plenty of nurses.


> plenty of nurses Male for their own safety.


> The fact that we have a fantasist as president should require the invocation fo the 25th. If he literally cannot be trusted to tell the truth to this extent, he's not fit for the office. He's not fit to manage a Dairy Queen. He needs a nice quiet home with pudding cups and plenty of nurses. Yes, but he's useful to the oligarchs -- Russian *and* American. That's why he's not been removed yet.




And then have Mueller take it all as proceeds from crime


He just can't not tell a lie. He's the anti-George Washington




And if I did chop it down, it's not that big a deal. And if it is a big deal, look at how great that chop was. Tremendous. The best.


More like: Father replies, ["I hope his plane crashes."](https://twitter.com/glennthrush/status/726054857791123456?lang=en)


I've been calling him the anti-president.


Sounds like a movie where Seth Rogan is president and he has to explain whether or not he was high to a congressional committee.


"Trump ultimately had to admit 30 times that he had lied over the years about all sorts of stuff: how much of a big Manhattan real estate project he owned; the price of one of his golf club memberships; the size of the Trump Organization; his wealth; his speaking fees; how many condos he had sold; his debts, and whether he borrowed money from his family to avoid going personally bankrupt." It is funny to me personally, having grown up in a similar circle, that so many people take him at his word when everything about him is false. This is a guy that I know pretty much faints at the sight of blood that for some reason people think is a tough negotiator.




Like 14 or 15 at least


If you stop at Mattis I'd be unhappy, but cautiously ok. If you continue to Devos? I'm fucking done.


Mattis is probably clean. Probably. Hopefully.


I would think so. I would be ok with President Mattis


This is how you get military dictatorships. By thinking they are OK replacements for terrible, but elected, civilians.


You speak as if he was elected. I'm simply OK with it, if he proved he was incapable of being president then it would be time to move on. You can't just assume every military general would be a militant dictator.


President Eisenhower?




Hatch? Oh no, he's retiring. Uhh.. Mattis?


The price of freedom is eternally F5'ing.


Man... if Trump can be cornered into an interview with Mueller, it'll all be over. I feel like Mueller already has enough evidence for obstruction of justice charges, but he's just making sure the case is air tight. He's probably also gathering evidence for a pile of other charges like money laundering and perjury.




So basically everyone already admits the president has lied his ass off and the only trick is getting him not to for a couple hours.


This is describing a man that is INSANE... "What I'm hearing: One source, who knows Trump as well as anyone, told me he believes the president would be incapable of avoiding perjuring himself. "Trump doesn't deal in reality," the source said. "He creates his own reality and he actually believes it." (The president's attorney, Ty Cobb, did not respond to a request for comment.)" The man is certifiable....He is BARKING Mad...


>What I'm hearing: One source, who knows Trump as well as anyone, told me he believes the president would be incapable of avoiding perjuring himself. "Trump doesn't deal in reality," the source said. "He creates his own reality and he actually believes it." (The president's attorney, Ty Cobb, did not respond to a request for comment.) Well that's just fucking terrifying


I think enough people around him freaking out that he's going to fuck it up is going to embolden him to do it just to prove them wrong... before ultimately proving them right.


I love that thought. His ego can't stand the thought that he's surrounded by advisors who view him as a total fuckup babysitting job. So the more they do to limit this or prevent him from speaking altogether the more enraged he'll get. That said, I think on an issue of this magnitude he'd also be terrified of speaking to Mueller. We know that in actuality he's a pussy who is afraid of confrontation and he doesn't want to go through an interrogation with these stakes. And if there's one thing Trump would be willing to swallow his ego for.. It's probably this.


Put it on pay per view. We will have the deficit all caught up in an hour.




If his lawyers let Donald Trump testify or be deposed under oath, they might as well be playing Russian roulette with all chambers loaded.


This must be serious. As seen in the photo, they've employed Agent Smith from the Matrix.


They also employed the guy you see on every bowling trophy as vice-president.


He's quite aerodynamic. That due to an underdeveloped frontal lobe, where knowledge and decency are located.


This dude can't speak for 5 minutes without telling a lie or disputed fact. And they want to still hate Hillary even after she gave public testimony under oath for 11 hours.


“We are White House and this is our new single Perjury Panic. Hope you like it.”


This mother fucker is so corrupt and guilty of conspiring against the United States and OOJ it's insane. Fuck. Ing. Re. Move. Him.


chew, you fucking rats. chew.


I'll throw my bid in. Trump resigns/gets his ass kicked out of office by April 2018.


I think Pence is tied up in all this, so it'll be between November and December of this year. Juuuuust before Paul Ryan is out of office as Speaker, they'll impeach and remove both Pence and Trump, putting Ryan into office. Otherwise, they run the risk of Pelosi in the chain of succession.


Ding ding ding ding ding ding


Yeah, I think that is why Ryan is floating the "I might not stick around long" bullshit to keep that door open for an exit. It would be really great if he got primaried.


I am embarrassed that this idea has never occurred to me. Trump & Pence resigning / being impeached and removed from office during a lame duck session would reset the pinnacle of cynical Republican lawlessness. This is absolutely how things will play out if that blue wave we expect comes ashore.


No way. I’m thinking like Feb. 2019.


As long as he doesn't serve a full term and pence is also kicked to the curb I'll maybe retain some level of hope


I was banking on 2019 too but I'm starting to lose hope. At this point does it even matter what he gets caught doing if his base decides to just stick with him and GOP senate decides that nothing matters anymore?


Put your money where your mouth is. If you're wrong you lose 23¢. If you're right, you'll make 77¢. https://www.predictit.org/Contract/5367/Will-Donald-Trump-be-president-at-year-end-2018#data


Too soon. His ego is utterly massive. He will see resigning as beneath him no matter what they find on him, and he's probably dumb enough to still try a hard coup if he knows they are finally coming for him. And many republicans will be traitorous enough to still back him, but the military will just laugh in his face and tell him to GTFO. THEN he'll get impeached. But I doubt he'd ever resign unless they give him full immunity. Don't underestimate the current justice system; they just might. And the spineless Dems *will actually let them*, 'for the good of America' or some brainless bullshit like that. Just like Obama did with Bush. "The nation needs to move on and begin healing." No, what would heal the nation is some asshole crooked politicians being held accountable for once. Edit: I'm thinking spring of 2019, after a Dem landslide in Congress. Republicans in Congress can't be trusted to vote objectively or fairly on impeachment; they've already proven that.


"Trump doesn't deal in reality," the source said. "He creates his own reality and actually believes it." This in itself disqualifies him from being president.


>"Trump doesn't deal in reality," the source said. "He creates his own reality and he actually believes it" We all know this to be true.