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Yeah this dude is trash.


I wish you were right but the too much Floriduh, and not enough common sense in that state.


I agree lots of stupid people in this state, you can count on me to do what's right come next election.


Also lots of people vulnerable to misinformation and propaganda due to cultural/social/age/economical reasons


Yep. Which is why I’m telling all my republican associates I read online the Desantis is a closet socialist and I’ve seen pictures of him shaking hands with Bernie Sanders. Many of them believe it too.


Holy shit I love it.


Why would I give the party of personal responsibility a free pass for ruining my state?


Not just that, a stead increase of 'new' voters that are like that from retirees moving in. Even if the piss off the current republican voters; Florida is one of the few places that get a steady stream of new republicans.


He won by a tiny margin last time


Margins increased in 2020. Trump for a higher share of the latino vote. Older conservatives are always moving to Florida. Texas might turn blue before Florida unless you have a very adept left of center Democrat gain momentum in Florida.


If Massachusetts can get a Republican governor that’s centrist, Florida can get a democratic governor that’s centrist


Lol. You give us Floridians way too much credit. We would vote for a bowl.of ham salad if it had (R) behind its name.


Hey now, that's not true. If the bowl of ham salad was black, Floridians would definitely not vote for it.


I'm always amazed by the S. Florida Latino voting bloc that is exceedingly single issue focused. The dislike for the Cuban regime is understandable, however the GOP, and American approach overall, has not shown any true progress towards changing the situation on the ground. In the meantime, the state and country around them is slowly coming apart at the seams; hardly making it ready to influence real change they want in Cuba.




Exactly!!! It’s basically Georgia. Just like the panhandle aka “The Redneck Riviera” is basically Alabama. Toothless hillbillies and bikers.


Motto should still be “Florida, America’s dangling member”


The US is Canada’s Florida 😂🇺🇸


To be completely honest, the US is the world’s Florida. And I live in both Florida and the US...


But it's also Florida's Canada.


Leave Georgia alone. They are trying to stay sober.


He was only just barely elected and there was a lot of shenanigans about votes sitting in post offices and sorting centers. It’s not like Florida loves this guy and won in a landslide. Talk shit about us if you want, but at least do so with facts.


There were a lot more votes who would’ve voted for the more moderate Gwen Graham over Andrew Gillum. If Dems nominated Graham instead, she would 100% be governor right now. It wasn’t votes sitting in post offices, it was nominating the less competitive candidate in a purple state


Totally ignoring that desantis sued to stop votes from being counted in dade county.


I'm not in Florida, but unlike Rick Scott who was a piece of shit but still had support from the right, DeSantis doesn't really seem to be liked by anyone, even the most fervent Trump supporters.


The previous governor was a felon convicted of medical insurance fraud. Then they elected him senator. Don't get your hopes up.


Florida voted for Rick Scott, not once, not twice, but three fucking times, don't hold your breath.


It's the same here in Oklahoma. Last governor was pretty much universally hated even by conservatives yet she term limited out. Her replacement is her mini-me but dumber and also widely despised yet won without much difficulty and will win again. They vote for a single letter, nothing more.


They won't because he has the magical R. Since he is a mini-tRump he is trying to up his death count as much as possible. He is trash, but Florida has a lot of really blissfully ignorant boomers who will gladly vote for their own death.


The other problem is that in order to really oust someone like that before their term limit hits, you need a challenger. While the Florida R congresspeople make a lot of noise, the democrats, even when they do awesome stuff, aren't that noisy. It would be really nice if we were seeing reports and stories of some popular intelligent democrat in Florida challenging the Governor. Getting on TV and making noise, blasting all over social media, gaining a following. And, maybe that's happening, but I live here and I haven't heard of anyone. I don't want to hear about someone 2 months before the election, I want someone NOW.


hey if De Santis is gonna be a trump boomer serial killer i guess there’s nothing anyone can do to stop him 🤷‍♀️


Don't count on it. Remember Rick Scott being CEO of the largest Medicare fraud in history? Seems like a guy you might want to investigate and probably put in jail right?.....Well, Florida decided to reward him by making him governor. And go look over on /r/conservative. They literally call DeSantis one of the best governors in the country. The cognitive dissonance thats created by simply being a vocal Trump defender is truly insane.


> Well, Florida decided to reward him by making him governor. And senator.


You have a lot of hope from Florida. Always expect the worst outcome to happen.


Native Floridian here, can confirm, this state will always let you down.


I hope so, too, but it seems bleak. Drumpf won by quite a lot in FL last month, which is just downright disheartening. Democrats will need to pick someone real solid to run in 2023. Nikki Fried seems to be a good bet to win.


Not gonna happen, Republicans love this fascist idiot


Your state voted to reelect Trump +1 when the nation was +4 Biden. Florida is pretty red bruh


He’s doing this for the next election. “Hey old people that make up the larges voting block in FL by a huge margin... I wanted to get you the vaccine (and let corona spread rampant through people who everyone else by delaying getting it to people who interact with hundreds of people a day), while the Dems hid behind science that says putting you 3rd in line would stop the spread quicker” Sadly this will get him a lot of votes.


Florida Democrats will field someone so incapable that DeSantis will win without trying. It is the reason that Florida will always be Red.


Why do you think he wants to vaccinate the old people in the villages? He wants their votes.


> "If you're a 22-year-old worker in food services at a supermarket, you would have preference over a 74-year-old grandmother. I don't think that's the direction we want to go," I mean, weren’t we writing off grandma in the summer to save the economy?


That 22 year old should pull themselves up by the bootstraps and become a grandmother.


It's Florida, they might.


*Oh Jesus, oh no*. Why did I think that comment through


Thinking things through and Florida are ancient rivals, it's true.


Many good people are saying it


All of the best people are saying it!


Live in Miami. Am Hispanic. Can confirm.


That was the first city I went to in America where the preferred language is Spanish.


Even the advertisements and signs are more likely to be Spanish than English in my experience here. I heard El Paso, Texas is like this as well. Here, the children often start learning English in Elementary school. If they aren’t proficient by elementary, they can take normal school entirely in their native language while learning English until they are ready to be in school in English.


Yeah, it was hard for me at the time, because I didn't speak any Spanish and in some stores, the workers seemed to resent me for speaking English. Now, I enjoy practicing my Spanish...


Yes my wife likes being able to practice, too. Ya usually you can only expect English in the American black neighborhoods or in the upper-class neighborhoods. I stay mostly inner-city NW since I’ve lived here, haven’t spent much time in South Florida outside the city limits of Miami for much comparison, but that’s why I’ve learned. The only white person I know is my wife and one of my homeboy’s girls. If I see a white person I just assume tourist, Cuban, or the feds.


I'm from El Paso, can confirm. There are entire school districts where Spanish is the preferred language and English is treated as a second language. El Paso is a strange city. It is like a hybrid of 2 states and 2 countries. We share a border with New Mexico and Mexico, Las Cruces and Juarez and there are weird "customs" that aren't quite legal that are adherred to. For instance, if you live in El Paso or Las Cruces you can attend universities in either city and pay in state tuition. WHen you go to Juarez you can just walk over across the bridge no problem or vice versa, if you live in Juarez you can just walk over to the States. Last but not least, EL Paso police corruption is among the worst in the US. Do NOT piss off an El Paso cop, they have huge egos combined with Machisimo and they will ruin your life over any perceived slight or "disrespect"...


I had a coworker who was as Florida as Florida can be. Her mom had her at 16, she had her daughter at 16, her daughter had her kid when SHE was 16...and last I heard, the great-granddaughter was in high school and dating a guy who was trying to desperately to pass the ASVAB to get into the military, as he'd somehow managed to fail it several times. THE. FUCKING. *ASVAB*. I'm 90% sure the great-granddaughter has a kid already, so that would be FIVE generations of Florida with the oldest being in her mid-60's. And for all I know, my co-worker's grandmother is still alive, could be six. The utter consistency of it always boggles my mind whenever I think about it.


Very sad when you cannot pass the ASVAB.




Yeah, that test is a fucking joke.


I went to high school with a guy who got an 18 in the ASVAB.


I am a vet and a teacher. Had a student come to me for help on it. He had some learning difficulti s and came from a shitty family. He was a good kid trying to find a way out. It took about five months of tutoring after school, but he eventually passed, joined the military and was pretty successful. He got out after three years, used his veterans status to land a federal job and is doing well, last I heard.


What is the ASVAB?


Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery


Really easy aptitude test. Like basic literacy and logic. Only the truly idiotic fail.


I’m sorry son, you’re too dumb for the Marines


Is that a low bar?


Very. The marines are memetically infamous for being aggressive blockheads.


There was a guy from my school who took it and didn't pass. The recruiter was able to get him a waiver so he could still join but he was limited in the jobs he could take to driving a truck or being a cook.




Florida Man, 22, becomes his own grandmother.


Goddammit Fry


Its Florida, a 22 year old is on the older end of grandmother age.


It depends on how old Uncle Cousin Daddy was at the time of conception.


I went to Florida a couple of years ago and went out to eat with family at a Chic Fil A in Orlando. This barely 18 girl walks in with her friends wearing neon green and pink lingerie. It was a lacey bra and lacey booty shorts with a backpack purse. I almost spit out my food. I completely believe your statement and that was an awkward thing to witness with an in law.


Could’ve been EDC or something going on that weekend. Oh, wait, was it a weekend evening/early morning? That would do it.


I know an 88-year-old 22 year old.....born Feb 29th, only celebrates a birthday every four years. ......in Florida.


My cousin from Delaware could be described as the same if she lives to 88/22, she's more than halfway there!


If they move to Alabama, they stand a chance at becoming a grandmother at 40.


Forty is old for a grandma down there. There are a lot of 32 year old grandmas--the kid they had at 16 also has a kid at 16. Not unusual at all.


I'm trying to conceive of a reality where I was a grandmother at that age. I don't even know where to start.


My parents had 5 kids by the time they were 28. Good Catholics that didn't use birth control because the invisible sky daddy says that's a sin.


My mom was a grandma at 35. And she could have been a grandma at 32 if I had been stupid and knocked up some girl when I was a teen. Instead, even though I was the oldest of 4, I was the last one to have a baby in the family. I was almost the same age as when my mother became a grandma before I had my first kid.


Life begins at erection


Right? Like my grandma became a grandma at, like, 60


That is the life story of a co-worker I had in Austin, TX back in the late 80's.


No, they should learn how to vote.


Can’t get time off to go to the polling place for a few hours. Plus that weed felony won’t go away.


Didn't Florida pull a rabbit's foot and allow felons to vote as long as they are debt-free?


They just made it impossible to calculate the debt and a felony if you didn’t pay.


Lol. Debt free. Not allowed. Once in the system always in the system.


We also voted for a $15/hr minimum wage. We keep voting for progressive amendments and hardcore republican politicians, who then work their way around implementing the progressive policies we vote for. We are a very dumb state.


Felons can vote if their court fees are paid off. However, in many cases, the courts aren't actually sure how much people owe. Also, the fees can be ruinous, and were rarely collected in full.


Yep, Florida hasn’t set up a centralized system to manage and pay court debt. Where I live, you can look and pay online, super easy.


And then Republicans found a way to not allow that.


The measure got 68% support as I remember it and then the Republicans decided to collect fees first so they could fuck over as many people as they could. It held up in court too.


And they should learn to stop being gerrymandered. Do we have to do everything for the millennials these days???


All they have to do is stop buying new iPhones


And avocado toast


I just put my avocado right on my iPhone. Skip the damn middle-man!


Hear that Florida "essential workers"? You too can enjoy the benefits of protection against deadly viruses, all you have to do is shit out babies that are already pregnant like an aphid.


> babies that are already pregnant like an aphid. wait, there are real critters like that? I was thinking "like a tribble"


And yet the 22-year-old worker can infect 200 grandma’s a day.


Why listen to professional when we can try to patch together some uninformed plan yourself? These are the people who “don’t need to hire no electrician” and then their house burns down.


100%. Except, these people respect blue collar work. They wouldn't ask their plumber to rewire their house. But they'll ask their barber for legal advice, or their mechanic for financial tips.


This is the party that literally gave us Joe the Plumber after all. They practically fetishize blue collar workers.


>Joe the Plumber Who wasn't even a plumber. >Wurzelbacher left the Air Force in 1996 and worked as a plumber's assistant, but then switched careers and started working for the telecommunications company Global Crossing. They called him Joe the Plumber in 2008.


I always thought joe the plumber was a metaphor


*slaps hood of 22-year old* This bad boy can infect over 200 grandmas per day!


>bad boy can infect over 200 grandmas per day! I miss this meme


And there are more dead grandmas under the floorboards!


The CDC's Tier 1a, 1b, and 1c vaccination schedules include the over 65s and young people with comorbidities. Everyone DeSantis is pandering to is *already* ahead of the 22-year-old supermarket worker. And since he's decided his own notions of "deserving" are more sensible than the pandemic specialists' advice, you can bet everyone on staff of the FL Republican Party and DeSantis administration and cronies will be getting their vaccines before that 22-year-old worker as well.




>We don't actually know if the vaccine prevents transmission First, there are multiple vaccines. Second, while technically true in the strict sense that there is no airtight proof, the overwhelming likelihood is that any successful vaccination against covid-19 will drastically reduce the chance of transmission. I just want to point that out because there is a difference between having no idea about something and having a pretty good idea, just without complete proof.


Don’t bother. I tried explaining this and everyone downvotes it. We’re doing the exact same fucking thing in Canada. Vaccinate the at risk, elderly, and healthcare workers as a group first. Followed by everyone else. DeSantis is an abhorrent human but this reasoning isn’t wrong.


We are doing similar in WA. Currently healthcare workers (specifically ICU, ED, and COVID wards) as well as nursing home residents.


Well the thing is the grandmother gets more of a net positive from the 22 year old being vaccinated than vice versa. You vaccinate the that are out in society interacting on a day to day basis cases will go down faster than if you vaccinate the elderly. This is entirely a political play for the elderly vote.




Amazing the group who thinks the virus is a hoax and no deadlier than the flu are criticizing Democrats here. What does it matter who gets vaccinated first if the virus is a hoax?


Cognitive dissonance is a hell of a drug.




Lol. Oh, the irony. Everyone who didn't believe in the virus and/or refused to wear a mask should get quarantined. Preferably in a shithole with other like minded people. No vaccine. No hospital treatment. No care. Go sweat it out and pray to Lord Trump.


Exactly. That he can go from insisting its a hoax to then demanding vaccinations be prioritized and for him and his supporters to not bat an eye is actually terrifying.


It’s also a biological attack from china designed to cripple our society and obviously when we’re attacked by a bio weapon we need to quickly spit in eachothers mouths to get everyone infected as quickly as possible...


Also the fact that republicans wanted to sacrifice old people for the economy. I mean they fucking said that out loud.


Exactly this. Grandma probably only has a SS check to spend, but if restaurant workers are sick, businesses close and the economy slows and Grandma can't spend that SS or stimulus check. The restaurant workers don't get a SS check and must go to work otherwise they can't make rent, Grandma is fine to stay home for another couple months. He was all for Grandma dying for the economy just a few months ago. This is purely because he knows he is up for reelection in 2 years and can say, I put you (old people) ahead of others. He knows he'll never get the younger vote, so he's pushing to keep older people alive long enough to vote for him. Such a jackass. Can't wait to vote this chucklehead out of office.


That assumes Republicans plan to wear masks, socially distance, or avoid MAGA rallies and congo lines. If none of that happens, then the plan is the 22 year old front line workers will get infected.


Which is amazing because earlier this year, it seemed like they were more than happy to throw the old people under the bus. Just stay home and let the productive people live their lives, they said.


No. There is a medical rhyme and reason for the priorities for the vaccines. A 74 year old is more likely to stay at home and not infect anyone. Yes, young people are less likely to die, but all of our younger age groups are having sky rocketing death rates this year too, it's not JUST old people. Not to mention, the young ones are spreading it. WTF this vaccine health recommendation isn't even rocket science. It's obvious Desantis is using them how he personally sees fit. Otherwise, go with the health recommendations.


You may need to re-read my comment. We agree. Not sure what your "no" is about.


My apologies! You're right! Good day sir or madam. :)


He's betting that the 74 year old votes in every mid term and special election, while the 22 year old may have only just voted once in the 2020 general. Vote people. Vote local, vote state, vote in midterms and in special elections.


I know, the hypocrisy is real, considering he was so careless about the virus all year. Suddenly now he's worried about the elderly population?


Needs those old people votes.


Yes Texas Lt. Governor: Old People Should Volunteer to Die to Save the Economy https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2020/03/dan-patrick-coronavirus-grandparents At least you can say the Republicans are consistently inconsistent


Mine already died of Covid in FL. I totally blame him and Trump. 😡😡😡😡


I heard they were OK with it, thats what the dude in Texas said...


>> "If you're a 22-year-old worker in food services at a supermarket, you would have preference over a 74-year-old grandmother. I don't think that's the direction we want to go," > >I mean, weren’t we writing off grandma in the summer to save the economy? Absolutely. However, the election is coming up in 2022. 22 year old Food Service Supermarket workers are not going to be voting for DeSantis like the 74 year old grandmother is in the villages will. Got to keep my vogter's and supporters alive to keep me in office.


Florida has a large elderly population. He's trying to score political points with them, no matter how many people die as a result.




Ill vote against him. But well probably elect him again then send him off to the senate.


In the span of decade, Florida voted for Barack Obama twice, voted for Rick Scott three times, elected Trump, and made Ron DeSantis governor. It’s really quite impressive.


Boomers retired and flocked to FL, radically changing the political landscape there to where it's no longer really a battleground state. I would also say there's (at least in my opinion) been a **HEAVY** political shift in boomers to the right over the last decade. Personal anecdote, I know, but I've literally witnessed a boomer who used to be his local union rep 25 years ago, screaming recently about how unions are Communist inventions to cripple America... Couple the two, and it becomes abundantly clear what's happened to Florida sadly. ​ |Age Group|1960 census|2010 census|2020 (estimated)|2030 (projection)| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |18-44|1.675M|6.5M|7M|7.9M| |45-64|1.1M|5.1M|5.25M|5.5M| |65+|.5M|3.25M|5.5M|5.95M| 65+ used to make up just 15% of voters in Florida. In 2020 it's estimated they make up over 30%, and that's not projected to change until sometime in the mid 2030s... For a comparison, the national demographics has 65+ at just 15.6% of the population, which should showcase how heavily skewed Florida's age demographics are right now.


Ironically it will be those very people who will die due to the 22 year-olds getting the disease and passing it to them..


He sure didn’t care about all those nursing homes full of Covid patients a couple months ago when he shrugged it off as “necessary sacrifices” or whatever he called it


the CDC itself said the most lives are saved by prioritizing everybody 65+. sorry I don’t have the link offhand, but it was a model presented in a recent ACIP meeting. it’s even more important to vaccinate older people if the vaccine only prevents disease, which is all we know at this moment.


Article on this by VOX: https://www.vox.com/future-perfect/22193679/who-should-get-covid-19-vaccine-first-debate-explained


If the elderly are vaccinated, not many people will die. Considering we have been repeatedly told that the vaccines are effective for preventing serious illness, but of unknown value for preventing spread, why would we vaccinate those at very low risk of serious illness but higher risk of spread?


Even if you are a senior in Florida who will benefit from DeSantis's pandering to you, you must know that his decision is purely selfish and political. He does not care about your health or anyone else, certainly not the health workers who face the virus close up daily. The same health workers who may have to take care of you or your family. Such a person must not be a governor anywhere, never mind the state of Florida. Vote DeSantis out in 2024.


Pretty sure he will be the next Republican presidential candidate


Am Florida man Am very disappointed in him. Not my governor, never has been my governor




This guy really is as stupid as he looks.


DeSantis is also 42 but somehow managed to looks 57, so in his defense, he's got an extra 15 years of stupid going for him.


He’s 42!? I thought he was in his 50’s. The guy is not aging well.


Evil rots them from the inside. For example: Kelly Anne Conway is the exact same age as Selma Hayek.


McEnemy is also desiccated before our eyes.


Right? She and I were in competing high schools at the same time, and I had some rough ones post high school- how does she look 15 years older than me? [Roald Dahl was right](https://www.google.com/search?q=roald+dahl+face&tbm=isch&chips=q:roald+dahl+face,online_chips:good+thoughts&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&prmd=isnv&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiJ8-WHzeTtAhUXq54KHQRRCAIQ4lYoCHoECAEQDQ&biw=412&bih=718#imgrc=D0ZzusR0HjenvM) (about this thing anyway)


Kayleigh McEnany is a slightly-rehydrated Kellyanne Conway






It's like how in Star Wars: The Old Republic, the further you go to the dark side, the more scarring you get


DeSantis is IRL Reynholm from the IT crowd. I am shocked DeSantis hasn't had sexual harassment cases come up yet


Hey, Reynholm may be a dick and a womanizer, but at least he doesn't purposefully keep people in danger of dying


Damn these electric sex pants!




Oh wow, THAT’S who he reminds me of!


Damn, I hate that I have to share a generation with him.


We? This motherfucker thinking he's royalty


Yeah, a royal douche lol


Is disrespectful for for douches At least douches clean the asshole


Old white people are who vote these dipshits in, of course he's going to prioritize them. Staying in power is literally the only thing GOP anything care about.


You forget the large cuban/latino population that votes R as well, because poverty and crumbling infrastructure are fine as long as the S or C word are never spoken.


DeSantis is truly a piece of garbage.


Fuck Florida. There's a reason Trump feels at home there.


Been saying for years, replace all mentions of Trump with “Florida man says..”


Lots of countries are doing the same thing and it’s not completely clear he’s wrong. And the logistics are certainly more straightforward this way.


Yes this exactly it. I get that people hate this guy but it's not that outlandish at all. In Canada the first batch of vaccinations go to: * Residents and staff of congregate living settings that provide care for seniors * Adults 70 years of age and older, beginning with adults 80 years of age and older, then decreasing the age limit by 5-year increments to age 70 years as supply becomes available * Health care workers (including all those who work in health care settings and personal support workers whose work involves direct contact with patients) * Adults in Indigenous communities where infection can have disproportionate consequences Essential service workers are next, when Phase 2 begins If the goal is to not overwhelm the health care system and hospitalization and death rates are entirely correlated to age and Florida has a huge population over 70, I'm inclined to agree with him.


If your goal is to not overwhelm the hospitals then the average age of hospitalization is what you should be looking at, not deaths. NYU did a study in October and the average age for hospitalization from COVID had dipped down to 49. America is not a healthy county, it’s going to be the 40-60 age range that clogs the hospitals, even if they do ultimately end up recovering.


yeah I dont really get the reddit outrage here. This is not a controversial idea, many places are prioritizing the same way (Sweden)


Yeah, but Sweden was going for herd immunity from the start. It turned out to be a bad strategy. DeSantis has also mismanaged this from the start, pigheadedly even opposing masks. I'm inclined to think we should do the opposite of what he thinks is a good idea.


Too many poor, minorities, women, and people from foreign countries on front lines for that piece of shit to care.


"More souls for Pazuzu, more skulls for the Maralago Throne!"


20% of Floridians are 65+ 80% of covid deaths are 65+ I don't see any problem with Florida rolling this out to elderly people. Why would you target any other group? If you vaccinate the group that is dying more than any other group, you directly bring the death rate down. It won't matter if our grocery store clerks are not vaccinated, because the elderly, the people most at risk, will be vaccinated and they can move on with their lives and allow others to move on with their lives.


Those over 70 are his base, he’ll be re-elected unless all the young people get out the vote.


Thing is he"s pissing them off by not making the vaccine available.




If we vaccinate the checkout person at Publix, it makes your mother, my mother, all of our mothers, a little bit safer. If we vaccinate just your mother, sure she is safer, but everyone above is just as likely to get sick. And if all of those people get sick, it still puts your mother at risk because of potential mutations and the added stress of seeing her friends and family get covid from the staff at Publix.


If I was a Florida doctor or Nurse I would be finding a temporary job in a neighboring state who does prioritize my health, I have a friend who lived in state A but their government there is appalling she now lives in state A and works as a temp ER nurse in state B making BANK. If all the health care workers leave the governor can go sit and spin along with the people who voted him In. I’m just done with this shit


He also said one dose was enough.....


Yeah, cuz his pandemic control plans have just been amazing. /s as a former Floridian who got out in late 2018, I’m glad I’m not there anymore, unfortunately my Cuban in-laws still are, but my own father passed in August ALONE in a Florida hospital after being ALONE in a nursing home since the start of the pandemic. I hate DeSantis with a passion that will never die. I wouldn’t cross a street to save his life for anything on this planet. I might however pop some popcorn to sit and enjoy the show though.


Florida is a flaccid penis


The situation is far more nuanced than most of us are willing to admit. If you vaccinate the elderly, you’ll decrease hospitalizations and deaths, but won’t see the same improvements in case numbers. If you vaccinate the younger people more likely to be exposed, you’ll decrease the infection rate, but the hospitalization and death rates may actually *increase* because the people getting infected will be much more likely to have serious complications. I’m in my 30s and work in an essential job. My aunt is 70, diabetic, and recently had heart surgery. With rationed vaccines, I’d rather she get vaccinated. I have a much better chance at full recovery. That’s the decision. The first two groups were easy to decide on. Obviously frontline healthcare workers and long term care residents were two of the most hard hit groups and could greatly benefit from the vaccine, more than any other group. But what now? While it’s promising that the vaccine can cut transmission, we don’t have enough evidence on that. Do we prioritize the most vulnerable? Or do we try to decrease overall transmission? With how many essential workers there are, how do we prioritize them? Personally, I think we should focus on essential workers and prioritize them based on age and comorbidities. For example, the healthy 22-year-old grocery store clerk from his quote can probably wait, but I worked at Waffle House with a woman in her 60s with diabetes. She still works there. Surely we can agree that at-risk populations within high-exposure jobs should be the priority, right? Both sides have merit so why not focus on the overlapping population?


Florida is really good at electing really bad people.


Makes sense, at least. His consistent direction has been to kill as many Floridians as possible - why stop now?


not sure how this kills as many people as possible? I dont like the guy but this is the direction they are taking also here in Sweden, vaccinate the elderly population first since they are the ones dying


Lol, Florida will run out of essential workers soon and they would need to hire old retired racist people.


Florida's pro-death governor wants to maximize COVID carnage? Color me surprised. Has he legalized spreading COVID on purpose for self-defense yet?