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Or Kushner.


It's them. This is what they were doing when it went down. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/ivanka-and-jared-enjoy-dinner-in-minnesota-after-visit-to-mayo-clinic/ss-AA10woX2#image=1


They seem to have the most to gain… As in, could potentially carry on with a career after this train wreck


Who tf wants to read Jared’s memoir




Kushner and Ivanka were both known to leak information in the past that they found desirable to their own aims/made them look good-e.g. reports about them counselling Trump not to do stupid things, is probably from them. Its pretty consistent.


It was Eric in the foyer with the coloring book!


What if it was totally accidental because he went looking for something to color and grabbed a paper with the White House seal on it and someone was like "Where did you get this?" "My dad's basement. He's got boxes full of them". And continued about his coloring


On the floor of Mir-a-Lago dining room. He's on his stomach with his feet in the air. ”Look at how I colored daddy's seal of the president purple!!"


He’s just like Buster Bluth…


Can't be Tiffany, Donald has only met her a few times.


Otherwise known as, [Turkey Legs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PR7cQAjZsJI)


Man, this (and countless of other personal anecdotes) show how small his mind really is. We somehow avoided nuclear annihilation for 4 years, sadly lost way too many people to COVID due to his mismanagement/intentional downplaying, and came within a hair's breadth of losing our constitution (and still could) - and 74 million people think he's playing eight-dimensional chess, when he's really just trying to find more adult diapers and Sudafed. So depressing.


> We somehow avoided nuclear annihilation for 4 years Because the nuclear codes are written down.


If it's Barron I will laugh hysterically


The funniest outcome is that it was Trump himself randomly bragging to a guy on a golf course about how much money he'll make selling nuclear codes to North Korea and that guy ends up being a FBI agent on his day off.


This was exactly how some leaks happened early in his presidency. Trump would call a rich acquaintance ( trump didn't have friends) and brag about doing something as president. That rich acquaintance would tell other people, and boom, another leak.


He also bragged about shit to people attending events as his golf clubs, they probably leaked stuff too. At one point apparently the VA was being run by one table of assholes who had dinner at Mar A Lago.


There was a famous picture where he was showing guests at his club satellite photos of a military strike that had just happened, before the news was notified


What kills me the most about stuff like this is the Right-Wing reaction when you point out how terrifyingly open with information he was. *"He's the Commander in Chief. It's his right to share anything and if he thinks it's not a big deal then I trust him."* Just insane...


And in the same breath *but her emails! What about hunter's laptop!*


He bragged to the Saudis (or Jordanians?) how the CIA is awesome, that he got info from Mossad about potential terrorism using booby trapped laptops.


He also leaked info on the seal team in Iraq and endangered their lives.


He openly fucking* bragged to Michael Wolff. Fire and Fury has its issues, but 90% of it is Trump and Bannon speaking with no filter. He did the same with Bob Woodward during COVID. Trump’s loose lips sink his own ships all the fucking time. Homeboy has no filter or sense of tact. Edit: order of words see below


Fuck, remember when he used a cell phone light to view a document at a dinner table at MAL?


And some of his guest took photos of themselves with the guy holding the football and was posting it on social media?!?


And the unmonitored calls / visits with Putin.


Wow. We normalized insanity rather quickly huh?


Yea we do. Saw a post about how the first flight at Kitty Hawk and the first moon landing was only 66 years apart. That’s how fast we have evolved. We’ve evolved at such a rapid pace that we have very little experience or a real appreciation for the new age that we’re living in. That old Unabomber was a terrible and wicked person but his warnings are kinda spooky if you re-read his manifesto.


Trump leaks.


He is leaking down his own leg these days


If only he'd leaked down his mother's leg, we'd have all been saved this clown show.


Crude, but effective. I rate this response 4.8/5.


What are you talking about? This clearly deserves a perfect score. 5/7.


Or Tiffany


No they said close to Trump


“Who’s Tiffany?” —Trump, probably


“Like the daughter I never had”


The way "had" could be taken. Eeew.


“ never heard of her, I didn’t have a wife name Tiffany”


Tiffany is the one he doesn’t want to sleep with


Yeah that rules out Eric too


Tiffany ain't top 10 in Trump's circle, that's for sure


Oh, but those heartfelt *letters* praising her grades that he sent her must mean she’s at least his second favourite daughter. Oh, wait.


Honestly I can see this, but not because she's one of his 6-8 closest, but because he probably never realized she was there the whole time and knew everything. Kinda like the documentary crew that was there during Jan 6


Trump: “Barron who? Never met him.”


It was John Barron. Plot twist, Trump accidentally ratted himself out in 3rd person.


That is completely plausible.


Deer god if its Alex Jones' phone I will die


He's heavy enough to count as 3-4 people close to Trump.


It is Melania. With Trump in jail she would have access to his money without the agony of being near Donald Trump.


She looked at the 6 foot hole at the side of a golf course and decided "Not me".


Barron is [apparently](https://www.theverge.com/2016/9/26/13068578/transcript-here-are-words-trump-just-used-to-talk-about-the-cyber) a cyber expert according to Trump so you never know..


Trump strikes me as the type to call anyone who can properly use Google a cyber expert


I helped my mom use excel. You can say I’m a bit of a cyber expert myself.


being good at excel is a bigger perk than people realize.


Gee, all I ever got from being good with Excel is more of other people's work.


Hello fellow cyber expert.




Oh please let it be Baron. That would just be the best. I bet he’d earn his daddy’s respect IMMEDIATELY.


It's Melania a.k.a. Lady MAGA. You can tell by her poker face.


I love knowing that Trump is paranoid and unhappy and probably will be for the rest of his disgusting life.


I saw a clip of him yesterday and the one thing I noticed after he was done spewing word salad is that he seemed to be chewing on his tongue, a lot like my grandfather did when he was nervous. It was quite enjoyable to see.


I haven’t seen a single clip of him since Jan 2021 and it feels great. I didn’t see this one either. I hope to never see a clip of him again. Edit: I’ll watch him being led away in handcuffs if it happens.


Trump's perp walk will be the highlight of my news consumption life.


Keep going, I'm almost there. Are the cuffs tight? Will he stumble at any point? What will he be yelling incoherently?


Collapsing several steps from the prison bus. He falls to a knee. With his hands bound unable to maintain his balance, he crashes, pale ghostly face into mud. He desperately tries to get his face out of the puddle. Once the guards foist his fat ass out of the puddle he utters one last comment…. “Covfefe…”


Oooo I didn't even think of his ramblings as he's being lead away in cuffs. I hope he's still babbling the whole way.


He will be so flushed and red-faced it will even creep through that inch thick mask of orange powder. What a sight it will be to behold.


Hopefully they bang his head on the doorway as they stuff him in the cruiser


That’s also a sign of amphetamine abuse


Interesting...don't think my grandfather was on amphetamines but what do I know. Trump on the other hand, we've seen it before. It's fairly easy to tell when he's tweaking, he seems extra agitated and talks in circles more.


I was t referring to your grandfather, lol


Nah this guy's grandpa was definitely jacked up.


Popping those Gramphetamines like they are werthers originals.


My great grandpa kept gin soaked raisins in his cheeks. You never know why or what grandpas are chewing on.


We joke, but I bet that’s what took so long for him to come in for covid briefings when he was President. Had to wait for the drugs to kick in.


And to put on his regimen of make-up, skin bronzer, and hair product/extensions, etc. That picture from the other day is what [grandpa geezer Trump really looks like](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/donald-trump-without-makeup-photo) day to day. 8)


Crazy that the right is up in arms about drag queens when their “alpha male” leader wears about as much makeup and hairspray as one.


Trump might actually use more makeup than drag queens. He just has no idea how to apply it properly. RuPaul could show him a thing or two 😉


May he never have a good nights sleep, enjoy a good meal, or have a solid bowel movement for the rest of his hopefully short days.


May both sides of his pillow be hot.


May he step on a Lego every time he isn’t wearing his lifts.


Considering how he eats, those bowel movements should be like pushing a camel through the eye of a needle.




I like that you said, “disgusting life.” The guy looks like a Garbage Pail Kid FFS.


Its Eric. They gave him a whole pizza to himself and 30 bucks in Chuck E Cheese tokens and he was all in on the FBI


Once again, this is fake news distorting the truth. The fact is, Eric *earned* a personal pan pizza from pizza hut by reading, like, a *ton* of chapter books over the summer.


What is this science fiction? I can’t picture any Trump reading…


$*30 in tokens*? Thats like a hundred dollars worth! - Eric, probably


I love this hybrid character of Lucille Bluth and the Venture Bro’s that you’ve constructed here in one sentence and I’m all about it. You should create a new adult swim show called, Two and a half Golf Courses


We al know it was Melania. She gets her freedom and the money, plus doesn't get thrown down a staircase and buried on a golf course


Yep. She might want to stay away from staircases & upper-story windows & balconies for awhile.


"A whole cheese pizza just for me"


It's Eric, but I just imagine the FBI sent him one of those nanny cams, and when he gets home everyday he just tells his Teddy Bear buddy about all the cool stuff that happened today.


Poor kid probably thinks the FBI is his father now


> Former White House Chief of Staff **Mick Mulvaney said** that the FBI informant who tipped the federal agency off with the sensitive information that led to Monday's Mar-a-Lago search could only be one of six to eight people who are "very close" to former President Donald Trump. > In a Thursday appearance on CNN, Mulvaney said that the informant must have been in Trump's inner circle, explaining that even he wasn't aware of the safe at Mar-a-Lago—which Trump said agents broke into—despite being Trump's chief of staff for more than a year. > "This would be someone handling things on day to day, who knew where documents were, so it would be somebody very close to the president," the former official said. "My guess is there are probably six or eight people who had that kind of information." > "If you know where the safe is and you know the documents are in 10 boxes in the basement, you are pretty close to the president," he added. > […] > "Maybe the best thing for everybody to do right now, in order to calm things down and sort of reset the playing field, is **for Trump to come forward with the search warrant that he received and the receipt of the documents that were taken**, and the DOJ to come forward with the affidavit that they swore out to a judge," he said. The fact that the source is Mulvaney, former WH Chief of Staff, and that he wasn’t aware of the safe or its location is telling. I hate to ‘Watergate’ everything but this is this administration’s Deep Throat, and this situation is spiraling out of control for Trump. It’s now not a matter of if, but when his political career comes to an end. The data is compartmentalized, at least one source near Trump is talking, the DOJ is investigating, and this story isn’t going away. We literally have a federal judge considering unsealing s search warrant of a former President’s home; it’s historic. This gives me Nixon tape vibes.


Between the two impeachments, leaked calls to election officials, the TMZ tapes, this, and the dozens of other things I'm forgetting I think it's time we come up with a new term other than Watergate. Trump has gotten away with so much insane shit.


It's not just what he's gotten away with in terms of crimes, but what he's gotten away with in terms of utter stupidity and still has supporters who think he's a genius. Eg * Nuking a hurricane * Creating a fake weather map to win an argument * Injecting people with bleach * Rallying against the nations toilets ... seriously, wtf!? ... oh turns out he was trying to destroy documents in them ... * Saying Mexico will pay for a wall, getting you to pay, then stealing your money and pardoning the thief * Bragging about passing a cognitive test they give to alzheimers patients


The last one kind of worries me the most. I’m faced with a situation where we had a discussion with my father's doctor about when do we need to start testing for dementia. He can get confused for several hours then return back to normal. Test him when he’s normal and he’s pass easily. Test him when he thinks we should go the doctors office at 2am for a 3pm appointment because he thinks the doctor is there drinking coffee and getting ready, he’d fail.


Trumpian - exhibiting a buffoonish or cartoonish high level of corruption or criminality without any logical defense.


Wasn't Stupidgate going during one of the impeachments?


Stupid Watergate. My favourite was after the Capitol had been secured on January 6th, when a Redditor referred to it as the [Beer Gut Putsch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_Hall_Putsch).


would mulvaney admit to knowing where the safe was, if he was trying to throw suspicion off himself?


Mark Meadows. June 3rd - [DOJ declines to charge Meadows with contempt](https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/03/doj-declines-to-charge-meadows-scavino-with-contempt-of-congress-for-defying-jan-6-committee-00037230). > The Justice Department has declined to prosecute two of Donald Trump’s closest White House advisers — former chief of staff Mark Meadows and social media director Dan Scavino --- June 6th - [Last time Meadows "was really around regularly"](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2022/08/04/politics/trump-justice-department-january-6-criminal-investigation/index.html). > Trump has specifically been counseled to cut contact with his former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, whose actions leading up to and on the day of the US Capitol insurrection have been deeply scrutinized by the House panel > The securing of Trump's endorsement for US Senate candidate Ted Budd "was the last time Meadows was really around regularly.


If Mulvaney was the source, there is zero chance he is going on interviews discussing it. The FBI would be doing everything they can to protect the source’s identity. (Mulvaney left his position a year before Trump took the docs. So many better candidates.)


I'm guessing Mark Meadows, Ivanka, or Jared Kushner




i expect more flailing and paranoia. everyone’s a snitch!


give it time, I heard trump's been asking everyone if they're wearing a wire


This week has just been horrible to Trump I'm enjoying every minute


It feels like everything I've been hoping for is finally happening. I honestly never thought I'd see the day. I've been glued to the news for the last couple of days. I've never watched so much fox news in my life. I love watching how they try to spin everything and it's honestly really sad that people will believe everything they say and eat it up. But god damn am I happy to see the shit finally hitting the fan.


I will keep saying it... Melania has the most to gain.


Trump will say I hardly know her I only met her a few times.


We’ll it’s a strange time For Trump to start being honest.


God, this is as brutal as it is hilarious. I'm dying here 😂


“I did not have sexual relations with that woman”


"we only had sex once, it was the best sex ever, believe me" \*waves fingers in the air\*


“AND I have triples of the barracuda, the roadrunner, and the nova.”


And seems most likely to say “look in Melania’s closet.”


That's where she keeps her original face.


*moisturize me*




This reference just made my day


It puts the lotion on the skin, or else it get The Donald again.


“In the third shoe from the right on the 12th row of Manolo Blahniks in the main shoe closet of the East wing’s master bedroom”


pour one out for the likely straight white male FBI agent who had to figure out that RPG logic puzzle


Bruh she saw where Ivana got buried and said “Aight I’mma head out” and rang up the FBI lol


~~what was wrong with where she got buried?~~ edit: lol oh shit, I just looked it up, she's buried at his golf course in NJ.... classy.


That their children let him get away with that is absolutely disgusting. The shit apples don’t fall far from the shit tree.


I didn't watch the coverage, but the journalists I follow on Twitter were aghast at the eulogies. Apparently Ivanka and Junior delivered quite spiteful or mocking speeches.


Buried there so he could get a tax break for it being a burial ground.


Not just at a golf course but the smallest and cheapest headstone he could buy


Literally just her name and the years she lived.


and they did for tax reasons. she's the only one buried there.


This is my thought as well. She gains her get out of jail free card, she gets rid of orange husband, and she gets what is left of his money while he spends the last years of his life in ADX Florence.


Gets to pretend she's Jackie O.


Actually it's me. I was hired by Govenor Desantis and work undercover at Mara Lago as a bleach boy.


You bleach Trump's asshole, don't you?


We need to be repeating the rumors it was Ron DeSantis,it would hamper his presidential run. He's a far bigger threat than Trump in 2024. Check out r/ParlerTrick and get into sowing shit like this on right wing social media. Trump Groups on Facebook are good, ring wing news media on Twitter is good too. They have tons of DeSantis is deep state memes posted to the sub you can share already.


I have been repeating this rumor and hope everyone else will too.


No rumor about it, DeSantis is definitely the FBI informant. Pass it on.


Prolly doesn’t want to wind up like Ivana.


Six feet under at a golf course?


IDK after hearing her leaked recordings, she seems just as toxic as him. She tries to defend migrant child separation by saying "The kids, they say, 'Wow I will have my own bed? I will sleep on the bed? I will have a cabinet for my clothes?' It's so sad to hear it but they didn't have that in their own countries, they sleep on the floor". She also claims no one ever asked Obama about his separation policy even though the policy is totally Trump's doing. [https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/01/politics/melania-trump-tapes/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/01/politics/melania-trump-tapes/index.html) Edit: To all of you saying "just because she's toxic doesn't mean she wouldn't turn against him to get his money", have you even thought this through? Why would she do this? All of you seem to assume she would take control on the Trump empire if Donald goes to jail. That is not likely what would happen. She likely signed a plea, agreed to testify against her spouse, and Donald will eventually find out it is her. What happens then? Donald files for divorce, pays her the relatively small amount she is owed per the pre-nup, and then kicks her to the curb. If she is completely innocent and is not facing jail time, it makes no sense that she would flip on him. It's in her best interest to stay loyal, wait for him to go to jail and then take control of the fortune. The alternative is that she thinks he is an awful person and she is trying to do the right thing despite giving up all the money. I'm pointing out the fact that she too is awful so I don't believe this is her gameplay. ​ Edit 2: The other alternative is she's nearly as guilty as he is, so she flipped on him to keep her own ass out of jail. I think this is less likely because she's rich and can afford good lawyers. Everyone knows rich people don't stay in jail. Why would she risk giving up all the money on the off chance she might have to stay a month in jail?


She was also a birther.


I mean, yeah, but everyone in Trump's inner circle is an awful person, so that's not exactly a way to figure out the leaker. But she has probably committed less serious crimes than the rest of them, so I could see her wanting to flip in exchange for the feds leaving her be, and the feds being fine with that deal.


I don't think she'd know what she was looking at nor care. It's Jared.




This is peak psychological warfare right here. Knowing what we do about his childhood, the part about his father being ashamed, especially, would cut hi super deep if he sees this. There's gonna be so much ketchup on the walls.


I saw this last night. Plays very well into his undoubtedly growing paranoia. *creepy* 👀


“Your father would be ashamed.” Should be said by every reporter before every question they ask him.


I mean, would he? Fred Christ Trump was a tremendous piece of shit, from what I've read. If he wasn't Trump would himself likely not be the sociopathic asshole he is.


He'd probably be upset the Trump name is a joke now, except to the people Fred would probably hate anyway.


Yes he absolutely would be. Fred was a gigantic asshole but he was good at what he did, built the Trump fortune, and was everything Donald wants people to view him as. Donald, on the other hand, is very obviously an imbecile, incompetent, a laughing stock, and ruined the Trump name. I'm getting a real "Lannister" vibe from the Trump family dynamic.


Great time to remind everyone that the folks behind the Lincoln Project are still totally on board with the vast, vast majority of the shitty Republican policies that have been trying to turn the US in a fascistic corporate dystopia for the past 50 years.


Also keep in mind this person had to sign and swear that the info was correct or they would end up in jail so they weren't doing it for s#its and grins.


Yes, this is a major step. Not to be taken lightly. Not forgiveable. So...Melania? The news has been constant that she wanted out and cried when he won. Or Ivanka, a closet liberal and person who cares about her own reputation? Or someone on the cleaning staff? Bet a bunch of people could lose their jobs over these suspicions. *Mulvaney didn't know the safe* *Was there at Mar-a-Lago* *It must be someone close to Don...* *Perhaps it was the doggo?*


Ivanka and Jared have been completely ostracized from their new york social circle. And after roe was overturned, her former classmate and socialite lauren santo domingo exposed on twitter how ivanka was taken to get an abortion by her friends when she was in high school


Like Trump would ever have an animal in the house.


This Whodunit will hold me over until the "Knives Out" sequel.


*Eric Trump slowly smiles as he reads headline, the dull glaze of stupidity falling from his eyes*. "Checkmate, motherfucker." *He tosses his head back and laughs manically towards the photo of his father nailed to the wall.*


Meadows. He is well known in the political/ DC world as completely untrustworthy.


Totally Meadows.


Interesting, was also suggested by ex-prosecutor Glenn Kirschner a month ago. This part has a point: 'Kirschner's remarks come after shocking testimony given by former aides during the recent House January 6 committee hearings, including by former Meadows aide Cassidy Hutchinson, who made several shocking claims that stunned former Trump aides.' https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.businessinsider.com/ex-prosecutor-says-mark-meadows-will-snitch-on-donald-trump-2022-8%3famp


Cassidy’s testimony of Meadows burning documents after meeting with Perry and the DOJ seizing Perry’s phone make the pieces fit together even easier. They likely have more sources. I would say they have Eastman and at least a few others. We probably have a good guess on who the others are. Cipillone is definitely one, maybe Rosen, and Clark.


Everyone assumes it was just one of them and not all of them


It's like Lenin said, man. You look for the person who will benefit.


Meadows. And the DOJ backed off on him earlier this month,


Yup. My money is on Meadows too.


"I am the walrus."


Coup coup catchu


Informant is a misnomer. I'm tempted to go with "patriot" but it appears Trump's own attorneys may have accidentally been the ones to tip off the FBI. [https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/11/politics/mar-a-lago-search-subpoena-latest/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/08/11/politics/mar-a-lago-search-subpoena-latest/index.html) ​ >Trump was present at the beginning of the meeting to greet investigators but did not stay to answer questions. During the meeting, Trump's attorneys showed the investigators documents -- some of them had markings indicating they were classified. ​ Possession of those records was a federal crime.


I think informant is right. That’s the proper term for an organized crime ring


Did Trump hire Alex Jones's lawyers?


oh man if they sent a record of trumps text logs that would be amazing


Trump doesn't text. Or email. Just phone calls and tweets, apparently. Harder to use as evidence if there's nothing written down privately


Trump worries about creating electronic records of conversations by using emails or text messages, so he always eats phones after he uses them.


"I have the worst fucking attorneys." Primarily because he never pays his bills.




Title is a bit click baitey. I was watching Mulvaney on CNN when he said this, Mick said "I didn't know there was a safe at Mar-A-Lago, so it must be somebody close" then said something along the lines of "Maybe only 6-8 people who would know about this in Trump's orbit" So, yes, it's possible it was someone close to Trump, but Mick doesn't have any inside knowledge, he's been out of the loop since he realized Trump couldn't help him achieve his own power desires. It's also possible the safe was added after Mulvaney's time kissing Trump's ass was up. Team Trump isn't exactly known for their ability to keep secrets.


Remember that Donald Trump isn’t even the dumbest person named Donald Trump.


Melania must have decided she didnt want to be buried on tee 2 in the golf course.


I’ve got money on junior. Coke ain’t cheap


Any and all, involved in handling these documents, are feeling the heat. Some one thought it best to let the cat out of the bag and save their butt.


Let's start compiling a list of people he screwed over the most. Then we can talk now we're down to just six to eight hundred people and go from there.


The United States has over 300 Million people though.


I'd love to exist in the timeline in which it turns out it's not *one* out of 6-8 people but 68 people all at once. Anyone and everyone who is quasi close to him from Melania, Ivanka, his Brother, his in-laws, the squirrel that loves to shit in his golf back and all the way down to Jared and maybe even Eric.


I was actually only joking when I mentioned Melania ... ... then again it can't be her. She's really not that close to Trump.




Mr. White: "We think we got a rat in the house." ​ Mr. Pink: "I guarantee we got a rat in the house." ​ \-- Reservoir Dogs


I think it's Jared or Ivanka or both saving their own skin. Succession style.


They've also reportedly answered questions in the NY AG's investigation, so that could track.


I find that to be very suspicious. There couldn't possibly be that many people close to Trump.


Maybe the kids are mad that their mom was buried on a golf course? Are we really sure Ivana "fell" down the stairs? Just asking questions


I’d say it’s Barron, but then I saw the phrase “closest to Trump.”


It's Ivana.