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The fact that he really can't pinpoint who ratted him out tells us he told everyone about taking classified info and where he held it.


This is the bigger issue that hadn’t occurred to me before now, but should be a big damn deal. The fact that there are SO many people who could be the rat means there are that many people who knew shit was there.


Yeah that's an angle I didn't consider until just now too. "It was probably one of the sketchier people in his own family" "Do you have even the slightest idea how little that narrows it down?"


Who is the sketchiest?


Honestly Kushner scares the shit out of me. He looks like a possessed life size ventriloquist doll


I feel like Ivanka and Kush are tired of his shit and the bad name that it brings on their potential future.




Yeah. I think both of them wish trump's republican presidency never happened. Their rich liberal elite social circle wants nothing to do with them now.


I remember hearing that he didn't even think he would win and His wife was very unhappy about it


That's always the impression I had. He loved the attention from his rallies and foolishness but didn't really expect to actually get the job.


Just watch when it was announced, Jr and Eric were the only ones in that family who were visibly happy.


Yeah there’s a video of the moment he won and he does not look thrilled. A believable theory is that he wanted to launch his own media network, like a Trump style Fox News thing, and he could have been on there all the time railing against Hillary Clinton and how things would be different if he won and all that. But then his popularity took off more than they expected.


Kush’s family has quite the stench to it as well. They are firmly immersed in scumbag family histories.


Kushner, for sure. He’s the only one who isn’t a Trump, and the only one who stands to gain more than what the Trumps are naturally capable of.


It's definitely Melania. She didn't want to move to the White House in 2016, and she definitely doesn't want to go back. Plus she's probably still pissed at him for the Stormy Daniels thing and she never has to see him again if he gets 20+ years in prison.


Melania saw her future in a NJ golf-course grave, with a kitchen counter, stamp-book sized headstone, and said,”Nah””.


I mean honestly though. She's also getting older. She's got an upper limit before he divorces her and starts looking for someone younger. She's about the same age Ivanka was when he divorced her. (Marla Maples was in her thirties, and you can bet she's not going to get a pauper's grave - he'll bury her under the lifeguard stand where he caught her with the bodyguard).


Freudian Slip. Ivana, not Ivanka. Ivanka is the daughter he wants to bang.


Though I think Ivanka and Ivana are technically the same name. Like Susan and Susi.


Her legal name is Ivana. Ivanka just means little Ivana.


Ivanka translates to "Little Ivana".


Trump may be rich (emphasis on may), but I don't think he's likely to outlive Maples.


Imagine if a Democrat's wife cost taxpayers millions of dollars because she refused to move to the WH until Trump agreed to reopen their prenuptial agreement and pay her more money. I'm honestly not sure a Democrat could get through that without being forced to resign. For Trump it never registered as a scandal. Honestly though, I don't think Melania ever actually lived in the WH full time. She agreed to be around and make appearances and do most of the standard First Lady stuff, but I don't think she actually resided there.


Yeah, amazing that for four years most people ignored the fact that the PotUS had a third wife who clearly despised him (and for good reason).


Trump criticized Obama for 8 years for golfing, then spent 4 years golfing as much as possible.


And Obama was doing it for free. Trump was making money every time because he only played at his own clubs and security detail had to pay for carts, food/drinks, lodging, etc. to him.


The secret service had to rent a house just to be able to use a bathroom because they weren't allowed to use any in Ivanka and Jared's house. https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2021/01/14/secret-service-bathroom-ivanka-trump-jared-kushner/


I honestly thought she’d have divorced him by now




Nah, her boyfriend likes it when she uses Donald's money to pay for everything


We could make a Clue game out of this: Don Jr, in the gold plated bathroom, with the coke spoon.


stormy was one of many, she was pissed it was PUBLIC. Donald doesn't like to have sex with women after they gave birth, or so he said in an interview. Melania seems one of the far less likely to have informed, tbh. Kushner is the most likely as he probably needs to save himself as he himself is compromised, possibly. We have heard very little from which Trump? Well, that would be the Javankas. Ivana of course is out of the way, and can no longer testify as to financial fraud (she knew a lot about the financials.)


> Donald doesn't like to have sex with women after they gave birth Jesus CHRIST why do so many people want this fuckhead, the avatar of repulsiveness, to be our fucking president


Which potentially ruins the right wing talking point. Sure the President has the power to declassify, even in his mind, but if he was bragging to people that he had in his possession classified documents as a former President and there are multiple witnesses or an audio recording then his only defense would be "no those are declassified documents and I was lying/misspeaking".


Their talking points don't rely upon being fact based, so it doesn't ruin anything.


‘Fake news‘ was always a projection.


"Truth" Social is so on the nose Orwellian it's like they're rubbing their lies in their fans' faces on purpose, letting them know how stupid they think they are.


> Sure the President has the power to declassify The POTUS can't declassify anything and everything, and definitely not nuclear secrets. That defense was BS from the start.


Jared is tired of the love triangle.


Or he's cut a deal because he didn't want to end up like his dad. To think these people do anything out of anything other than self interest is naive.


yep - he is the only one who knows jail is real


Okay this just sent me down a wikipedia rabbit hole looking into their family and now I'm completely floored that Jared, *grandson of Holocaust survivors*, would want anything to do with the Trump administration


Jared would’ve sold his grandma right to the Nazis for a quick buck. Never underestimate anyone in this Klan’s greed or self-interest.


Listen, Stephen Miller is another. There are quite a few in fact. I think Mnuchin values money above all else. This does not shock me anymore. It is not the same world and its values, once you get into power and money like this. There are a few who are true believers in Christian nationalism, but I am convinced most, even Flynn, are using it for power and not out of idealism. It makes no sense to us, but to them, it's part of the game.


Stephen Miller is kind of special among these... people, in that he seems to be singularly motivated by hurting brown people rather than trying to gain something for himself like the rest of them. While the administration was riddled with greedy, self serving assholes, Stephen Miller was just there to execute as much evil as he could with whatever power he was able to. Really a top of the class piece of shit.


For Yahweh’s sake don’t look up Stephen Miller!


I believe you mean Stephen “the guy whose whole family publicly asked him to stop being evil” Miller


obligatory link cuz its a real zinger of a read ​ https://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2018/08/13/stephen-miller-is-an-immigration-hypocrite-i-know-because-im-his-uncle-219351/


They went to Jared.


Every kiss begins with J.




I dunno, he just made $2 billion from being in the triangle.


My money is on Ivanka. Her testimony clips looked an awful lot like the movie villain betrayal scene. She has the most access and seems to be the only one of his kids who isn't a lickspittle.


She could also be compromised, along with her husband. "Listen, we can work out a deal that will avoid sending you and your husband to prison, but you're going to have to help us out."


Precisely. When it comes to the Trump family, all relationships appear to be transactional. I wouldn’t doubt for a minute that Jared and Ivanka are the moles (if it’s one, it’ll be both).


I’m not so sure about that. Jared has done a bunch of shit that maybe Ivanka wasn’t so cool with and could have advised him against. Their marriage seems pretty transactional as well. It’s possible ivanka wants to distance herself from the shady dealings of her husband and dad, but can’t out herself yet. Or if you’re right, it’s possible she’ll use marriage privilege to refuse to testify against Jared. That gives her a free pass to take down her father, without also taking down her husband. Who knows.


After all the talk about fucking Ivanka it was Ivanka who fucked him


I read that they haven't spoke in over a year. I'm thinking she and her hubby cut a deal.


Melania doesn’t want to be buried on a golf course Edit: thanks you guys!! This is my highest upvoted comment ever 🤗😎


I don't think she is in the trusted circle though. Probably by her own design and self-preservation instinct. Don't get me wrong I never bought the "she's a victim" angle. I have always thought she is simply a literal prostitute that knows she married a criminal and is smart enough to never be the one left holding the figurative bag of evidence and does not care to be a witness to crimes.


I'm with you on this. She is not in the inner circle by design and is on a needs to know basis. She don't care about Trump or his name.


She’s the prototypical mob wife


But George Bluth Sr told me that they can’t arrest a husband and wife for the same crime.


I've got the worst fucking attorneys!


Time for Bob Lawblah


Completely agree with that assessment. The whole bit with her not moving into the White House right after Trump took office, choosing to stay in New York instead. She was likely fighting for better pre-nups, inheritance for Barron, that sort of thing. She definitely wanted nothing to do with any part of the actual office.


Always get the feeling she pretty much only cares about Barron which like, good mom ya know? Man I cant imagine having a kid with that shithead tho


Plot twist: Barron is the informant.


She did get a new pre-nup. After the Stormy Daniels thing, she voided her pre-nup and got a new one.


There were celebrity blinds a while back that she had originally been the paid for “entertainment” provided by a Saudi Prince when Trump went on a trip there. He apparently remarked how much he enjoyed “extra activities” and then a few weeks later, she arrived as a gift from the prince and Trump needed a trophy wife for business purposes so the timing was perfect. Literal prostitute may well be right.


Jeffrey Epstein, the wealthy financier charged with sex trafficking, reportedly bragged he was the one who introduced Donald and Melania Trump. https://www.insider.com/jeffrey-epstein-reportedly-bragged-he-introduced-trump-to-melania-2019-7 She was recruited by Epstein's "modeling agency" from Slovenia. Also, conveniently, Epstein was running his child prostitution from Mara Lago. His famous victim, Virginia Roberts Giuffre worked at Mara Lago providing massages to Mara lago members. https://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epstein-and-trump-mar-a-lago-resort-connections


I usually don’t correct typos, but this one changes the entire meaning. She was forced to provide *massages* and not “messages”, while very underage. Huge difference!




"Betrayed by my own ~~eskimo brother~~...I mean son in law!" -trump


I’d snitch on the miserly bastard who buried my mom on a golf course too.




I don't fucking believe how easy it is for rich people to save money. This shit needs to be approved on a case by case basis. If they're getting tax breaks, they better be a busy filuneral home and have bodies all over that god damn golf course lol


Right? The loopholes in the tax system makes an absolute mockery of its nominally progressive nature.


Conservatives love seeing our taxpayer dollars go toward the mega wealthy. I guess they want to stay poor, to own the libs.


The mom who he raped…


Yeah, i like to keep bringing this one up, too. She claimed he VIOLENTLY raped her, and his defense was that you can’t rape your own wife…


And she only retracted her allegation *after* Trump’s lawyer, who also didn’t believe spousal rape was a thing, convinced her. Either they convinced her spousal rape isn’t real, or she got paid off, but she described the ordeal in great detail. Crybaby Trump got hair plugs after she referred a surgeon to do it, and he was in so much pain afterwards he violently ripped her hair out while screaming at her, and then raped her.


And then maliciously said to her the next morning after she cried herself to sleep all night: > Does it hurt?


he's a fucking psychopath


She walked it back later by saying that he didn’t literally rape her, she just felt super violated by the fact that he had violent, angry sex with her without asking. Which is, y’know, rape.




Knowing the Trump clan, this was all probably sorted out years ago to ensure the scam continued. She was married a couple times after her time with him, but her only kids are the 3 Trump kids, and they know they are nothing with their father.


That’s not fair. Don Jr. is an egotistical coke addict with or without his father.


As if he could afford the coke without his father


> where to find a specific leather case Tell me again how this was an innocent accident and Trump did not intend to be hiding the documents?


He actually said "it's not theirs, it's mine". It's definitely not an accident


Just by the fact they swore they had given everything and the FBI was able to retrieve 20 boxes, we already know he was purposefully hiding things.


Yeah, but that could be excused with "gee, I had forgotten about those other boxes so my lawyer didn't know about them when (s)he signed the papers". *That* is the kind of claim that's undermined by the facts that this leather case was apparently of interest to the FBI and hidden from a reasonably thorough search.


Might explain how they “accidentally” ended up with his passports and “potentially attorney-client” privileged information. Sounds like it was a grab bag. Passports, legal paperwork on who to contact/ what to do, and a few juicy TS-SCI docs to buy your new life in exile. All wrapped up and ready to go.


"Knew where to find". He's basically admitting he knew had had stuff he wasn't supposed to and he had it hidden all over the place.


But also it was planted by the FBI But also it was declassified the second Trump took them out of the White House But also Obama did it Am I missing any?


Someone was pissed they buried mom at the bottom of the garden.


Wasn’t it the golf course?


Yep, a pauper's grave right by the first hole, and nowhere near a garden. NJ tax code exempts cemeteries from all taxes/rates/assessments, and cemetery companies from all business tax, sales tax, income tax, and inheritance tax. That's why Trump had the Trump Family Trust in NJ (the entity that will take the course when he dies) [categorized as a cemetery company](https://projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/organizations/465718872), enabling his kids to avoid inheritance tax/sales tax.


So she was buried in a 6 ft deep loophole.


If she’s buried there at all. Best guess is he dumped her out at sea and buried the super serious documents there.






How convenient of her to die at such an opportune time


Dig her up! Dig her up!


She was actually cremated. There is the suspicion that some very sensitive items are in the coffin.


Imagine if the FBI exhumes the coffin


They've done it for less serious crimes


Wait she was cremated and the coffin was still so frucking heavy? And once they started going up those stairs the weight. Shifted. No fucking way it's only her ashes in there.


Not to be that guy but coffins are actually pretty frucking heavy all by themselves


My pockets are empty but that is pure gold. Well done.


I missed this is all the other nonsense, but wow. [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/08/donald-trump-ivana-trump-cemetery-tax-breaks](https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/08/donald-trump-ivana-trump-cemetery-tax-breaks). I don't know why my reaction is to be stunned; I should know better by now. But, still.


Melania looked at that golf grave and said hey I am next no way. Besides she can see the handwriting on the wall or has been informed that criminal and civil charges and fines going down badly not going away and her gravy train is about to run out for her and Baron unless she secures it.


I still say she was pushed down the steps. That burial is super suspicious to me.




*What's in the box!*


> nowhere near a garden. "At the bottom of the garden" is a britishism. In yankee it would be rendered as "in the back of the yard."


I have a conspiracy theory that it's Ivanka. She was close to her mother and it just seems so convenient that Ivana died right when the kids were to give testimony. Then on top of her suspicious death, Ivana gets buried on Trump's golf course for the tax breaks.


Imagine the conspiracy theories right wing media would be spinning up if it were Biden’s ex wife who died under these circumstances.


Ivanka's also been really fucking quiet lately, especially compared to Don Jr.


Why in the fucking world would the kids allow their mother to be buried by her ex husband? This makes NO SENSE, unless the two of them explicitly wanted it. They have been divorced more than 30 years, and he's in charge of burial? WHAT?!


I figure it makes perfect sense if all they care about is keeping Trump happy and the gravy train flowing.


The mom faked her own death and is on a crusade to take down Trump. Please let this happen.


She faked her death for unrelated reasons, saw that Trump buried her on a golf course, and *then* decided to take him down.


Though Trump calls for loyalty, we've known for years that he rarely exhibits such. Fitting that a relative rats Trump out. Trump may be impervious to outside forces. But he does look especially vulnerable to insiders.


Fascists attract only two types of followers: sycophants and backstabbers.


They're the same picture.


It's always a one way loyalty. Fealty might be a better word.


I hope to god its Kushner or Ivanka


The huge plot twist would be if it was Eric. "You thought I was the dumb one dad. Who's dumb now?"


Trump Aide: "Sir, we found out who the mole is. Brace yourself, it's Eric." Trump: "Who the hell is Eric?"


"Erika? Never heard of her."


"Erika... is that the one we paid off back in June?"


I think he was some kind of coffee son. Haven't heard much about him.


“It ain’t the way I wanted it. I can handle things. I’m smart!” Eric “Fredo” Trump


I always thought it would be ~~Clemenza~~ Eric . It's the smart move. ~~Tessio~~ Ivanka was always smarter.


And at that moment is when Eric realizes he's talking to the couch cushion, not his father.




She also testified for the Jan 6th stuff, and everyone says she was on team sanity. I also think it was her.


It was probably ‘The Boy’ (Jared Kushner).


Please tell me you mean Brahms, like the porcelain doll from the movie "The Boy." I read a comment the other day calling Kushner a Victorian ghost child and those words have replaced his name in my head. Now I just need a Chrome extension that does that for me.


Could Barron have been born with a recessive morality gene?


I know there is a lot of speculation on who gave out the information to the feds, was it Jared, Ivanka or secret service maybe all of the above. The way that trump handled those documents it could have very well been a maid or groundskeeper Willie. I’m just happy trump is wringing his tiny hands and anguishing over what happens next.


>could have very well been groundskeeper Willie. Nay laddie, twas the shinning!


If they got to Melania, I could see it being her. She’s way more into her life and her son, if Trump’s dealings threatened that in any way, he’s gone.


Melania made a statement on the matter: “I really don’t care, do u?”


My money is on Melania as well. Im sure she gets a lot more access to the money if Trump ends up in prison.


If hes in prison she gets the same access to his assets because they are still married but she never has to see or hear from him if she doesnt want to. Even better for her if he dies there.


Any hint she could face repercussions or consequences from his actions and she’s flip. Or he just really pissed her off and she volunteered


Ivanka and Jared have long lives ahead of them, and they have young children. I'm sure they talked and understand that they need to save themselves.


My wife said exactly this months ago: Ivanka will protect her children.


I think it was probably Ivanka. Get the old man out of the way, take over what's left of the family business. Her brothers are probably easily controlled and can be removed later on. Just a guess.


I hope it was. She's the only one that I think he'd be hurt by.




Seems far more likely to me that a secret service member turned him in. Eventually, the informant will be testifying (were it to come to that). And I don't see anyone in his family feeling patriotic or an angle where they financially benefit from his going down.


I also think it's more likely that a USSS agent turned him in, but at the same time it's also possible that a family member didn't *directly* go to the FBI, but rather told a third party who then went to the FBI. I could easily see Eric talking to somebody he thought he could trust then that person went to the FBI, for example. So it's still possible that his family is directly implicated even if one of them was not the person to pull the proverbial trigger.


Biggest plot twist would be Trump himself ratted on everyone else and feeds his own children into the meat grinder to try and save himself.


Ah, the Whitey Bulger move. Classic.


I still have $20 on Jr selfieing himself with docs in the background to Alex Jones.


Maybe they don’t benefit financially. Maybe it was for a lesser sentence (we can always hope).


"His whips and gag he likes for himself? They're in that leather case with the nuclear codes. .. How do I know? ... Well.."


I also believe it was a USSS agent, but it really could have been anybody, as trump was lax with classified info at Mar a Lago his entire presidency. Seems like whoever is spreading rumors of palace intrigue has a vendetta, say, Bannon vs. Kushner, or something like that. From 2017: [Trump handling of security information at Mar-a-Lago queried by House panel](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-maralago/trump-handling-of-security-information-at-mar-a-lago-queried-by-house-panel-idUSKBN15T2Y2)


I love watching them eat their own. Grab the steak knife, its a juicy one!


Technically, it’s an over cooked one with a side of ketchup


A specific leather case? This just keeps getting more interesting. I hope this ends with him locked up in a deep dark effing hole somewhere in the Utah desert.


The only mention of leather on the receipt of items seized was the box that had the TS/SCI document in it.


Headline: “Trump’s approval rate has fallen to 34% since he is in jail”


All I’m saying is Ivana died from blunt force trauma after “falling down the stairs” two weeks before the search warrant.


Which is why I think the fbi got tipped off at her funeral. There would have been a lot of boasting there. Ivana's last revenge.


I was just thinking about that. Seems like such weird timing…


There was an article in New York magazine the other day about Ivana and one of the big details was that staircase in her apartment. Apparently she adored it. The article went to great pains to quote multiple people who said that they had been telling her that staircase was dangerous for years and years, and then quoted multiple people who said that her gait was poor in recent years and that post-pandemic she had been in visibly poor physical condition. It's a great conspiracy theory because there is a perfectly innocent explanation but at the same time you absolutely know Trump would have his ex shoved down the stairs so he could hide classified documents inside her grave.


Plot twist: Trump actually paid people to tell her that over the years in order to build plausibility just in case he ever needed to shove her down them!


The whole burying her at one of his golf course seems rather odd as well. I don't know if there was foul play, but it's pretty amazing that /r/conspiracy isn't all over this.


That’s because it’s no longer a conspiracy sub, but an alt-right cesspool full of r/The_Donald refugees and bots.


It's really sad, I loved to read about aliens and ancient civilization and ghosts and stuff.... And now you can't really go there anymore. I keep an eye out every now and then and it pure rightwing and antivax stuff


I used to love conspiracy theories, but I now realize it's been creepy and anti-Semitic since the jump... So what you are really interested in is high strangeness, think more skinwalkers and Loveland frogmen and less "Jewish bankers secretly control everything and want to eat babies." As someone already commented, the high strangeness sub is definitely for you.


They haven’t found a way to blame Hillary Clinton yet.


I dont believe that


"You buried my MOTHER on your *GOLF COURSE*?!" ​ My money's on Ivanka. That was the straw that broke that camel's back.


Apparently her mother's repeated accusation of violent rape against her father wasn't enough, but this was.


Barron: "Please make this shit stop. I'm close to beating Zelda. I'm going to swat the cringe m-f with the FBI."


I know it's unlikely but I want it to be Barron so fucking bad


I’d love to give proper credit but I’m having trouble finding the tweet. Someone wrote: The FBI: Busts down the door Barron, not evening looking up from his X-Box: “The safe is in the back.” Edit: Found it! Mike Scollins, a writer for Late Night with Seth Myers. https://twitter.com/mikescollins/status/1556785633766563840?s=21&t=5gDvXxy0j5yE1axa1ncpiQ


This shows he intended to hide the materials and is an admission of guilt.


They went to Jared.


And who could forget dear rat boy?


Perfect use of a Simpsons quote.


I'm betting on Jared. They unraveled his two billion dollar Saudi deal, and now he's doing whatever he can to keep out of jail.


Funny but a $2 billion Saudi slush fund would disagree. I think it was melenia who wants out from trump with a semi-uncomplicated divorce so she doesn't end up buried on a golf course.


I have it from a very reliable source that DeSantis was the snitch. Very reliable, maybe the most reliable of sources.


I’m not claiming that DeSantis was the mole. I’m just asking the question, who else but DeSantis makes sense? (Confused or Constipated face)


It's almost as if a lifelong "leadership" style that's laser-focused on the merits of dishonesty and ruthlessness makes for a paranoid day-to-day life. Such is the case for all fascists.


Probably Melania because there’s no way on this planet she’s going to be forced to be First Lady for another 4 fucking years, plus the campaign.


Not a chance. Also: *Per the sources, some aides were convinced that only a family member would have known to point agents to a particular leather-bound box, as well as knowing the location of Trump's safe.* Okay, but it seems more likely it would be one of those aides who must have known to even make this statement.


I think an aide flipped a long time ago and he or she has everyone pointing fingers at each other by design




“Trump aides think that informant is not a Trump aide” 🤔


The whole inner circle is just spidermanpointing.jpg right now lol


This is the new Clue for 2022, everyone literally has a reason to betray him.