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> Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democratic. Oh yeah because who wasn't thinking, "You know what America needs? More partisan gridlock." /s Words spoken from the ivory tower of a man who needs nothing from the government and can only benefit from its inaction. The notion that the best thing to do is tie up the Congress so it can't do anything is the ultimate expression of privilege.


Also, he knows exactly what shenanigans will happen with future elections if they take the House and the Senate.


Exactly this. This is a bad faith argument because the United States is careening towards a one party state.


That’s scary, concise and accurate way of describing my feel.




America already IS everybody's problem.


We think half your population are idiots and THAT is a problem for the rest of the world


> a man who needs nothing from the government On the contrary, Musk has profited enormously from subsidies, government contracts and tax credits. Half the reason his companies are in the black is government assistance. Buying Twitter and shilling for conservatives is an investment for him, but not because he thinks Twitter can make money.


Everyone company Elon musk owns is a coproare government welfare queen. He's made a career out of being a government contractor but calls himself and entrepreneur.


THIS ☝️☝️☝️☝️☝️ I said this the day he said he wanted twitter. Elon does nothing out of the goodness of his heart. Elon does for Elon. Given his need to impregnate and leave woman after woman and be an absentee "father" it's not a wonder he supports the Republican Party. His entire reason for twitter is to give the conservatives a soap box to spread their lies from hoping to get another tax break.




Someone should ask him if that means he supports Democratic candidates in the overwhelmingly Republican legislatures of Texas and Florida then. Maybe even for governor of Florida.


You have been banned, please pay $8/month for us to consider unlocking you account


Something smells…musky


if shared power curbs excesses, he needs to assign 51% of his businesses to me. he can keep the pigeons.


yeah no shit, right? Shared power says the guy who's CEO of 3 companies and holds like 15% of the nation's wealth


Elon Musk is a guy who claims teaching is easy and gets a job as a substitute teacher thinking he'll be great and then gets eaten alive by some pesky high school kids. Elon is so self-absorbed he doesn't understand the consequences of his actions, much like Trump, who never lived a normal life in order to understand what a typical American experiences. He recently tweeted he wanted Twitter to become a venue for accurate information yet he himself posts or retweets disinformation and is now actively shutting down accounts who mock or parody him, and parody is fair use of material. Elon jumped into shark-infested waters believing sharks would be nice to him.


>He recently tweeted he wanted Twitter to become a venue for accurate information Of course he does. He wants everyone to think of Twitter as legitiment news. That way, when he posts an "alternitive fact", his loyal idiots simply accept it. Like "Hyperloops are the only reasonable option to improve traffic. Please ignore high-speed/bullet trains" or "Trump is a good, honest, not-criminal" or "eating the rich is a bad idea".


Calling yourself trustworthy and reporting fake news has worked for Fox News for years!


That’s because FoxNews spent years developing themselves as a “fair and balanced” network before shedding the facade. They used to have liberals on their programs (remember “Hannity & Clomes”?) and their regular news shows were just CNN stores with “Fox News” splashed over the CNN watermarks. Then Obama won, and the facade evaporated. But by that point, they had already spent a decade on appearing legitimate, and took advantage of that to convince gullible viewers that they were “fair and balanced.” Elon Musk isn’t even doing this teensy bit of ground building first.


It wasn't much of a facade though. They had like 2 liberals and they were the most unattractive people on the network who made weak arguments and generally rolled over to the conservatives.


I don't think he thinks he's responsible for what happens to him. I'm 100% positive he thinks there's nothing actually bad or wrong with what he's doing and that people are just attacking him for him. In your classroom example if he tried to teach and got clowned on it'd be like "those aren't normal kids their parents knew I was coming and made them act that way." I THINK a politician went to some middle school or high-school in the last 3 years and when some kids didn't want pics with him he said that too. So to Elon he's done everything right and this is how you be successful and its just abject haters pressuring others to attack him.


Yes, I agree; in his own head he thinks he is blameless and the irony of suspending or closing accounts of people mocking him, creating parody accounts, or satirizing him is lost on him. "Why are people so mean to me? Don't they realize I am helping??" And then has a pity party when the internet descends on him like vultures when he starts suspending accounts he doesn't like or agree with. He wanted to be a Chaos Agent, became a Chaos Agent, and then became a victim of his own chaos. "Be careful what you wish for. You might get it."


Rule #1.1 or so of Narcissicm. Narcissists never, never, never, never blame themselves. Ever


He's the privileged son of an apartheid emerald mine owner. His family hasn't made an honest dollar in generations. You're telling me that someone raised in that kind of environment is delusional, narcissistic scum? ...well I never... /s


Elon is a self centered asshole. Everything he does is solely for his own ego. I wanted to say for his own benefit but I feel like lots of his more recent actions are gonna bite him in the ass.


And this is exactly why I don't vote for Republicans. They're not for me — they're for getting people riled up to hate their neighbors so that billionaires can pick my pocket.


I dislike being angry so I avoid things that make me angry. Republicans love to be angry


To be fair I’m always angry because republicans are literally trying to end democracy and not enough people care.


"Not enough people care." That's the point I just don't get.


Apathy is strong in the US. And the message that's often pushed is "both sides are the same!" when you try to criticize one party.


I hate that. Both sides are the same is the biggest line of bull.




I'm not american, but just looking at that... woah. Being a republican sucks. You are either a very influential businessperson, or just a really selfish ahole who thinks it's better than everybody else.


It's a message that benefits the right but is often pushed by people claiming to be fence-sitters or left of center. Sure, there are valid criticisms of the Democrats, and in many ways they're a far cry from a real left wing party, but the solution to that is to vote in better candidates in the primaries, not twiddle your thumbs and perhaps hope for a third party to take off.


It's a campaign of misinformation and propaganda launched by Trolls sponsored by enemies of democracy. It is called learned helplessness and it works sadly very well. It goes something like this: It is useless anyways let's just stop. Become apolitical. It worked extremely well on the Russian public and they tried the same with asking us to just stop supporting them because it won't change the outcome blah blah. The same is done here. Pretending that both options are equal. Nope they're not. I pray that tomorrow the voters aren't fooled and vote not for the beginning of the end of democracy in America.


My entire family and I voted for Fetterman and Shapiro. Our daughter attends a large university and she has an awesome professor who is letting them vote instead of attending class. She and her friends are voting for Democrats. Just wanted to give you some encouraging news. I pray Democrats keep control of Congress.


Does your daughter have a few million friends?


Not quite. However, the Gen Z is engaged. It is impressive.


That’s an awesome teacher. More school and businesses should do this. It should be a National Holiday. Everyone needs to vote.


I agree. Election day should be a National Holiday.


I fear that the United States of America is over if they don't... and there will never be another peaceful transfer of power. The Republicans have literally promised that this is what they will do if they win.


The Republicans are already challenging absentee ballots in swing states, and we haven't even reached the election yet.


That’s because it’s the only thing they can afford


It’s also the only euphoric biochemical that their religions approves.


I keep telling my wife how this is repeating 1933 Germany. They aren’t even trying to hide it anymore. Republicans are trying to do the same thing Nazi’s did. It’s wild. Vote for democracy! Edit: wording


I’ve told a lot of people this, citing many examples of parallels, and I always get laughed at. My dad had the hubris to say “that can’t happen here”. Oh well. It was good while it lasted!


You should explain to him how Sinclair Lewis published a book nearly 90 years ago (in 1935) titled *It Can’t Happen Here* about the rise of an American dictator. The irony would be delicious if it weren’t so maddening.


I've already defeated his "oh, don't worry" arguments so many times over. It's no use. Some people can't see something until it's right in their face.


Lmao tell him thatphrase it can't happen here was uttered by many gernam centrist and liberals who didn't do enough to stop the Nazis.


Quite literally. We should stop referring to Trumps failed coup by its date. So instead of “January 6th”, we should be saying “Ellipse Putsch”.


They prefer being angry to feeling nothing. It's a scary place to be.


Shame 40% of America just look for an (R) next to the candidates name.


I'm gonna found the Righteous party and run on serious waves man


I unashamedly do the same for (D)’s. Which party has control of Congress is far more important than any individual representative. You can be picky during the primaries but unless the candidate is a pedophile or on camera murdering someone I’m probably going to vote for whomever the Dems run in the general. Any vote for a Republican senate candidate is a vote for Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.


Luckily for you, all the known pedophilic candidates seem to be Republicans anyways


Like this guy. "I've known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy. He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life." donald trump on jeffrey epstein 2002. trump was the co-owner of the miss teen USA pageant for 20 years. For a real estate guy he was sure into pageants. Are pageants a big moneymaker or was it the access that made it a good investment? NSFW: https://www.scribd.com/document/324233182/Jane-Doe-v-Donald-J-Trump-and-Jeffrey-E-Epstein


Considering he * is credibly accused of raping a teenage girl with Epstein in addition to at least 15-20 other underage girls in addition to other women * is on tape admitting to sexual assault * has publicly stated he wished he could be in a relationship with his daughter ...yeah. Take these people at their word.


Voted for a few (R)s locally in the past because I thought they were individually better for the job, but the last time I did so was 2014. I never will again, regardless of circumstance. Nobody comfortable calling themselves a republican today deserves my vote.


At this point, even if they were a criminal, I'd vote for a Democrat (Jesus, that sounds exactly like the shit they say)... but only because I fear that our very democracy rests on the results. This time is different though... I've never worried about an election before. Everytime the conservatives won, I'd say, it's okay, it'll flip back in a couple of years, always does. But not this time. They've promised that if they win (and even if they don't), their intention is to seize power anyway and never give it back. They'll probably hold elections moving forward... but they'll be sham elections where the results have already been decided by the Republicans before election day even rolls around.


to be fair, I do the exact opposite during general elections (I'll do my research during primaries) and just vote for anyone with a D next to their name if it's R vs D on the ballot. Without RCV (can't believe it failed in 2020) I usually skip anything with an I next to it as well.


> I usually skip anything with an I next to it as well. I noticed on a ballot one time that the Republican candidate was also listed as an independent. So his name was on the ballot twice. While the Democrat was on only once.


Usually getting people riled up over completely fake shit.


Bigots, billionaires, and idiots. Those are the three biggest supporters of Republicans.


Billionaires, bigots, and buffoons


So true


Make Twitter irrelevant. Just stop using Twitter. Deactivate your account. Stop talking about it. Stop using it, and he has no voice. There's a lot (for the most part) of good conversation on this post, thanks for that! Some alternative sites were suggested, I tried Mastodon and here's a link to the comment https://www.reddit.com/r/politics/comments/yotytk/elon_musk_posted_a_nazi_picture_and_then_called/ivhb56q?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


way ahead of you


I deactivated the Monday after the purchase and uninstalled the app, haven't missed it.


People only ride his nuts because he’s rich. If anyone who wasn’t in his position acted like this, they’d rightfully be called a neckbeard.


No one rides the jock strap of the rich harder than Republicans


It gives them hope that they can be rich like him one day.


They’re hoping for that trickle down.


>Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democratic. A tweet with blatantly faulty 3rd-grade level logic, tailored for its audience. Musk is an insidious little prick, huh? He knows exactly what he's doing.


I wonder does he recommend Texans vote for Democrats?


He’ll just claim that he didn’t know it was a nazi if anyone asks, while winking. Garbage human.




Did it when he walked in with that sink.....


Will deactivating delete all your previous tweets as well? Or do those stick around? I'd like to remove myself from that platform entirely.


If you mock him enough, he’ll block your account for you. Bonus points for hurting the man child’s feelings.


Also if you attack don jr, he'll get you. As a parting shot, I tweeted donnie that if he would stop doing blow off tucker carlson's ass prior to public engagements, he wouldn't look like such a spastic cock jockey in all of his photos. Before I could even finish deactivating, I was banned.


NGL, that was kind of poetic really. 👍


Absolute legend.


Perfect ending.


But but but I thought he was for freeze peach! He's about to become Lex Luthor.


You weren’t asking this (thought you were at first) but if you want to keep everything you’ve written on the site you can download a copy of your data and then deactivate.


I did this the other day. Took about 24 hours to get the archive off my data (I barely used Twitter but had an account for over 10 years).


Already did last week.




Same here.












Don't deactivate it - what a waste! Change your nickname and pic to Elon Musk without "parody" in your bio and go hog wild


>ctivate it - what a waste! Change your nickname and pic to Elon Musk without "pa Malicious compliance I love it


Removed by User -- mass edited with redact.dev


Just did. I'm out.


I did that shit when Trump was president.


Thanks ima do this now, I hate Twitter even more now


I just reset my password and logged in for the first time in 5ish years just to deactivate my account.


thank you. I didn't really use the platform, but figured might as well reduce user numbers.


Wouldn't it be hilarious if we could get \#DeportElon trending on Twitter


It's better to quit and ignore. Tesla shares are down about 5% today, after buying Twitter Elon has decided he needs to own himself apparently.


This. If you want to make some kind of impact, leave Twitter now.




Makes perfect sense to go full MAGA/Q when he depends on selling electric cars to city dwellers. The phrase "Don't shit where you eat" comes to mind.


Especially as all the major car manufacturers are now kicking their electric divisions into overdrive. I'm sure that won't backfire on Elon when his shitty overpriced brand of crap has to compete with the much larger auto companies who make much better and cheaper EVs and DON'T shitpost with reprehensible beliefs offensive to anyone with a basic sense of decency.


> reprehensible beliefs offensive to anyone with a basic sense of decency. That's what I don't get about any of this. Mainstream advertisers have made it clear as day that they have no interest in spending money on blatantly racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, and homophobic platforms, by avoiding rightwing social media and websites like the plague. How does he possibly think that by making twitter more open to that kind of shit that it's not going to tank ad revenue? Is there some huge upside for him that I'm missing if twitter can't make the interest payment next time?


He's a jackass that bought into his own bullshit and made a lot of hype about buying Twitter. Mind you he fought in court to avoid having to actually buy it because this was a big PR stunt for him, now it's backfired horribly but as a narcissistic douchebag he'll double down.


I'm getting my popcorn ready for when Musk has to take on the EU and their new [Digital Services Act](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_Services_Act).




It’s true. Im finally making enough money to buy an EV next time I buy a new car. I think teslas are really cool, but Im not gunna give this guy my money if I can avoid it.


Owning a Tesla is now no longer a goal of mine. Elon chose to make a political move rather than a financial one.


Given that Tesla kept a number of controls over the vehicle even if you held a clean title, I’d rather wait for a traditional automaker to come out with a good all-electric vehicle.


I love my Nissan Leaf. They've long since fixed their battery issues. Haven't paid for gas in three years.


And reading how programmers were evaluated for layoffs at Twitter makes me super concerned about the programming on any Tesla product. Quantity over quality is not something you want for lines of code.


And what happens if he goes to the Saudis or the Chinese for a lifeline? Seems like there’s some pretty terrifying national security implications there.




The failure of the Cybertruck, which seems to be entirety a Musk idea, may be the end of Tesla. I say this as a Model Y owner. Tesla has gone from a first mover to trying desperately to catch up to Ford, Kia and Rivian. They've failed to produced their promised truck and that market has gone to Ford and Rivian, and they've lost the entry level market to Kia through their failure to get the Model A to production. That failure is on Musk, the Cybertruck is ridiculous, hard to build, and outclassed by other electric trucks. And in the meantime they never went after the compact they promised and now Kia is eating up that market. Musk started buying into his own BS and it's going to cost him. And I assume he's alienated his 729 kids and so he seeks adoration from people without having a real connection. I assume he's going full Howard Hughes.


I can see him going full Howard Hughes when everything goes sideways on him. And this: >And I assume he's alienated his 729 kids and so he seeks adoration from people without having a real connection. is a brilliant observation. (I am going to steal it, just letting you know)


Dude forgot to put windshield wipers on it. Absolutely comical that people consider him a genius


>He knows his empire is starting to crumble and he's scared shitless. Doubt it. He has no experience in regards to consequences. For him to be scared would mean he would have to understand what consequences are and their impact which he has never seen personally. He isn't scared because he doesn't understand what's happening.


Much harder to hashtag when you have deleted your account. Maybe he will rename it “Twitter Social” in keeping with the new theme.


I like "Qwitter". Maybe should start #Qwitter as a last tweet before the account deactivated...




Twitter's top 20 advertisers, for those who want to try: Amazon, Anheuser-Busch, Apple, Capital One, Financial Corp., CBS, Century Link, Coca-Cola Co., Comcast Corp., Best Buy Co., Disney, Google, Home Box Office, IBM, Mercedes & Co., Meta Platforms, Mondelez International, PepsiCo, Procter & Gamble, Unilever, Verizon. These companies say they've pulled ads already: General Motors, Pfizer, Audi, General Mills.


Just like he said pedo is not pedophile and dodged a lawsuit. He’s a scumbag at this point.


That's Elon "Pedo Guy" Musk


[In court](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2019/12/03/media/elon-musk-testifies/index.html), Musk claimed "Pedo Guy" is a common insult in South Africa meaning "creepy". Elon "Creepy" Musk is just as fitting a name.


Wait. Are you telling me the guy who grew up in apartheid South Africa and whose dad used black slave labor at his emerald mine might be a bit of a Nazi? I never would have guessed.


It’s like I two piece puzzle man, I get it.


He also agreed with a quote from a neo Nazi. It was attributed to Voltaire, but the quote was pretty horrible "To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize" How can he not instantly recognize what this means?








Lamest Bond villain ever


Phony Stark


Ruse Wayne


Bruise Vain


lex loser.


That’s Bezos


Austin Powers seems more his speed tbh


Why do Nazis and Republicans always end up in the same sentence?


[Shared funding.](https://www.propublica.org/article/uline-uihlein-election-denial)


Fuck. Dick. Uihlein.


I figured this one out for myself over a year ago. I ordered rolls of freezer paper and sheets of newsprint from them, so I was on their catalogue mailing list. I read the “letter from the CEO” in one and it was full of America First pro-Trump rhetoric. I decided I would find a new vendor for my supplies.




I have used Grainger (www.grainger.com) who covers a lot of what they supply. From what I can tell, they at least keep their mouths shut as I can't easily find what their politics are.


"Not Racist, but #1 with Racists!"


But also completely racist if you take into account their takes on Columbus, confederate flags, police murdering black people, undocumented immigrants, and on and on and on…


They’re the same picture.


*Spiderman pointing at Spiderman.gif


As Shakespeare once wrote, >"What's in a name? That which we call a rose. By any other name would smell as sweet."


Because their Venn Diagrams are concentric circles.


Elon Musk is a fascist who immigrated here from an apartheid state. This isn't surprising.


This cannot be repeated enough. He's racist, and fully accustomed to exploiting disadvantaged people for personal gain.


“Work shall set you free” bullshitter


[All billionaires are. There is no such thing as a good billionaire.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Cu6EbELZ6I&t=205s&ab_channel=AdamConover)


The good billionaires become millionaires.


Like, with 50 million you could live lavishly for the rest of your life. Why do they need 50,000 million+? It's a sickness in our society that we let people horde that much wealth.


If I put that on a shirt and sell it you think I could make a buck?


As soon as Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren mentioned a wealth tax, Elon went far right wing. He wants to be the worlds first trillionaire and if the rest of the world is ashes, so be it.


>He wants to be the worlds first trillionaire He's going the wrong direction


Putin probably already has his dead ass beat with his secret coffers.


Remember when he duped some people into thinking he was incredibly smart.


He got me years back. :/


But at least you recognize it now, and that’s great!


Yeah I was somewhat on board until the soccer team submarine/diver harassment. Glad for the clarity now, often bring that up when talking to people who still fawn over him.


but guys he invented the vac-train, just check the patent filed in ... 1898?


Did he strike a deal with GOP to avoid SEC prosecution?




When assholes show you their ass, believe them.


I'm so tired of seeing this gasping for air, fish-faced-fuck on the news that it makes me *sick*. **He's Trump 2.0.** Worst of all—he *actually* has money to ruin things with in addition to his awful rhetoric.


At least we can find solace in one fact - he cannot run for President because he was not born in the US.


He doesn't need to run for president he can just buy a republican one


Oddly, I never made a Twitter account. I guess I never will either. No need for it.


His views were always clear


You have to basically google nazi pigeon to get that image. I tried messenger pigeon and carrier pigeon and image search results did not come up with that picture on the first page. Definitely a dog whistle. But... online Elon fanboys don't vote.


“I’m just trolling” always said by people who don’t give a fuck about hurting others


“Like a maniac shooting flaming arrows of death is one who deceives their neighbor and says, 'I was only joking! ' ” --Proverbs 26:18-19


It almost seems like he is sharing memes from alt-right groups. How would you even find something like that otherwise?


This must be the answer - and it explains his juvenile sense of “humor.” He’s desperate to be seen as the alpha edgelord.


No, I just typed in "unread emails joke" and it came up. Which lead to a reddit post from 7 years ago.. ​ [https://www.google.com/search?q=unread+emails+joke&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiGptjD2Jz7AhXMllMKHRTSAAIQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=unread+emails+joke&gs\_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJzoFCAAQgAQ6BAgAEENQ0ANYlQ1gpg5oAHAAeACAATuIAbsCkgEBNpgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=WE1pY4aaKMytzgKUpIMQ&bih=768&biw=1490&rlz=1C1GCEU\_enUS926US926](https://www.google.com/search?q=unread+emails+joke&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwiGptjD2Jz7AhXMllMKHRTSAAIQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=unread+emails+joke&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzoECCMQJzoFCAAQgAQ6BAgAEENQ0ANYlQ1gpg5oAHAAeACAATuIAbsCkgEBNpgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=WE1pY4aaKMytzgKUpIMQ&bih=768&biw=1490&rlz=1C1GCEU_enUS926US926)


That's because 80% of the likes his posts get are bots.


As if Mondays weren’t bad enough, Elon Musk shared a photo of a Nazi soldier and then encouraged “independent-minded voters” to follow his lead and vote Republican in the midterm elections.


I removed the "Tweet" button from all my websites this morning. That's nine websites and 11 instances of "Tweet" buttons. Not that Twitter was all that great before, basically the "text bite" of social media, but now... ugh.


The irony of Elon telling independents to not think independently.


“independent-minded voters” is literally the same slogan the "America First" pro-hitler jew-hating group used in the 1930's That group was financed by Hitlers government to overthrow American Democracy and champion Fascism around the world Its really hard to believe Elon doesn't know that


If there were any more of a reason to vote Dem -


Thanks for reminding me to delete my account


He's going to learn a harsh lesson that bad PR means more on a communications platform. Also, unrelated, he's going to learn a harsh lesson that charging folk $8/mo for verification while demanding immediate action taken on unverified parody accounts *are the same problem.* What I mean to say is, grab some marshmallows kids, this roasting is going to burn hot!


How many times are we going to pretend that it's simply by accident that Republicans keep stumbling upon Putinist and Nazi imagery/talking points? At a bare minimum, it's because Republicans share similar ideologies. I mean, to anyone who follows politics, it should have been crystal clear *at least* since the first impeachment when GOP politicians were repeating Putin's talking points from the Senate floor -- even *after* being told what they were doing.


Yup. I deactivated my account yesterday. What a shitshow.


He is awful. I cannot believe he has stans.


>Shared power curbs the worst excesses of both parties, therefore I recommend voting for a Republican Congress, given that the Presidency is Democratic. This is such an idiotic and specious take. I don't believe that Musk is as smart as he thinks he is, but he's also not this stupid. He's just using his power and influence to promote his own self-interests under the guise of stability and centrism. Democrats aren't monolithic like the GOP is. The parties aren't in parity. A balance between them isn't going to be down the middle. An actual balance would be with Democrats holding a slim majority, but still larger than what it is now.


Edolf Twitler


He’s not even trying to (apart)heid it anymore