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You joke but the average Joe who doesn't pay much attention to politics doesn't know this and just think he was a fancy lawyer. Besides at least Starmer has working class friends, unlike some....


Yeah, people can't keep saying "who is Keir Starmer anyway?" and then get mad when he keeps repeating his background. The main things people know about him is that he was a big-shot lawyer and he's got a knighthood. They think it's hereditary??? So they think he's a toff. So learning that his dad was a toolmaker and he did his undergrad at Leeds and he got his knighthood just for being a top government lawyer... yeah that's useful for people to know.


No one cares about his personal backstory though, the "who is kier Starmer" question refers to how we have no idea what his actual beliefs are.


I don’t disagree with you but the ‘we’ you refer to isn’t who the message is targeted at. The general public don’t pay any attention. They don’t care about policies as much as a gut feeling. Spamming this message that political junkies don’t care about will help win him the election. It helps move the needle on that gut feeling for millions of people


To me, hearing he joined Labour as a teenager makes me less inclined to tolerate the silly “Red Tory” attack line. He seems a classic lefty that’s decided on a centrist approach (which is a pretty massive constituency in this country) rather than any breed of conservative. Background matters as a clue to where a person’s instincts lie.


Yes, because his time as DPP wasn't filled with anti-democratic behaviour and conspiring with some of the darker elements of US security services.


Yes because separation of powers is something we shouldn't care about.


Liz Truss was a Lib Dem in her younger days. It means nothing all these years later.


Someone's background context can tell you a lot about their personality and the way they operate.


his father was the owner of a toolmaking factory and he went to oxford 👍


Postgrad at Oxford, so not fair to come back without the clear caveat. Getting in postgrad is a lot easier. Rodney Starmer being the owner is an unsubstantiated claim made by Ashcroft. And we all know how his claims usually turn out. Typical Tory sleaze. Why can’t we just accept he was a pretty normal person, in comparison to the completely abnormal upbringing of most Tories.


it's not about whether he's "normal" or not. i don't think that being "normal" is an indicator of ability to lead or of political prowess.


I think it’s a strong indicator of whether someone can actually empathise with average people’s problems. Which I think is really necessary for political leadership for a broad church, rather than for elites.


Where do you get off on repeating Tory propaganda?


green voters = tories. typical starmerite brainrot :)


Would you prefer Tories, morons, or both? The green party is absolute pond scum.


i'd prefer a functioning democracy that is serious about actual wealth redistribution and doesn't partake in genocides 👍 im voting in bristol central and binning an MP that has in 9 years of service built a playground, put a dentist in st pauls, and brought back one bus route. it would be hilarious. so idgaf about your local green party canvassers and how they interrupted your wank. all evidence of anything to do with Rodney Starmer has vanished or has never been on the internet, bar the 5 words "my father was a toolmaker". he has a reputation as a liar, so why should we ever take him on his word? the issue most have with him is that he's a serial liar.


Ah, so you're binning one of the best MPs in the country and putting in their place a protest party that has no clue what they're doing, has candidates that have praised Hamas, and wanted to restrict women's rights because they don't like c sections. Are they still against building homes, and are they still protesting that allotment in Bristol? Thangam has done more for the people of Bristol than you or whatever citizen smith twerp the greens are putting forward will ever do. Given that you think calling people the wrong name is the height of political critique, I can fully understand why the Greens appeal to you. You're a useful idiot to the Tories. At least the Tories look you in the eye when they're stabbing you in the back. Also, when you trot out the same Tory line that Starmer "broke his promises", do you mean the promises he made prior to Ukraine, Truss and fucking COVID? Yeah, I wonder why a change in policy might have been needed following a change in the material conditions. Absolute smoothbrain.


Thangham Debbonaire one of the best MPs in the country? Hahaha And you say don’t vote green since they have candidates that praise Hamas. How about the leader of the Labour Party saying Israeli has the right to cut off food and water to 2 million people? How far to the right would labour need to go before you would vote for someone else?


He didn't though, did he? If you have to lie in order to feel better about voting for an absolute joke party then you do you.


It's going to be funny when Starmer and Labour win the next election, then within 6 months, go back on everything they've said because "the situation has changed." At least he won't be wearing a blue tie, though.


Maybe dial back the hallucinogens mate


>he did his undergrad at Leeds Don't worry Oxbridge - he still went to Oxford for a postgrad. Can't have a prime minister without their Wikipedia listing their alma mata as Oxbridge can we? /s In all seriousness, it does wind me up the last prime minister we had that hasn't passed through Oxbridge was Winston Churchill and that was only because the entire planet ignited into conflict.


Gordon Brown was from Edinburgh


The fact that he ACCEPTED that knighthood should tell us all we need to know about him.


That back in 2013, before he was a politician, he was proud of the work he'd done as DPP? It's completely normal for an outgoing DPP in good standing to get a knighthood and completely normal for him to accept it.


Heaven forbid somebody who worked up from a bog standard background to be one of the country’s top barristers, advising public departments on human rights laws and becoming DPP should ever accept any recognition of their public service eh…


You've missed the point. Try again.


I’m afraid you’re either going to have to spell it out for me, or I will simply have to live out the remainder of my life in ignorance of ‘the point’.


There's zero problem with him advancing his career. Just what he did to get there. The fact that he ACCEPTED a knighthood shows he's The Establishment's man.


Who or what is “the establishment”, by your definition?


The sorts of people that give out titles and jobs for the boys. Quintessentially British.




Isn't the salary recognition enough.Why do we need silly outmoded titles which really don't mean anything?


Agreed. Vital we know what a 60 year old mans daddy did for work. We're all thick that way.


Kier dad have a factory making tools but he wasa tool maker as he made him for sure


'Who is Keir Starmer' isn't answered by 'my Dad was a toolmaker'. That's an answer to the question 'who is Keir Starmer's Dad?'. 'Who is Keir Starmer' is a valid question because nobody knows what he actually believes. What are his principles? What are his convictions? Nobody knows the answer to this. Nobody in the Party even knows this. 'My Dad was a toolmaker' is a deceptive attempt to answer a different question instead of the one at hand. It's dishonest and it's slippery. Which, ironically, is about the only things one has come to rely on Starmer to be and do. What on Earth are the policy positions of this man that he will not dispose of? That define him? Nobody knows! People will draw the conclusion that that is because he doesn't have any. And that will be terminal for him. He's going to be an exceptionally unpopular PM. And that's in the crowded field of the last 3 Tory whoppers.


Working class friends??? You are off your nut you fool, he surrounds himself with influential money.


In Scotland toolmakers make more than lawyers.


its why its an interesting thing to repeat, I dont know what specifically his father did, but everything from making hammers to designing multi million or even billion pound manufacturing machinery could be accurately described as being a tool maker, its a quite uncommon job and alot of the people that fall under it are wealthy educated professionals, and so if the goal is to make him seem down to earth i think some people might take it the opposite way. I spose most people can relate better to manufacturing than being a lawyer


Tell me you don't know what a toolmaker is without telling me you don't know what a toolmaker is :D BTW my dad was also a toolmaker


I refuse to believe that there is anyone on the planet, including, as yet undiscovered tribes in the Amazon, who don't know that Starmer's dad made tools.


His dad owned a tool making factory


If you follow politics, you're going to hear the "stump speech" a bunch of times. That's just election politics. If the Tories weren't flailing around like someone drowning you'd be hearing a consistent stump from them, too. You literally combed speeches and clips for it, of course you're going to find the stump speech repetitive. If you don't like it, tune it out.


It's basically like if you go to a stand-up comic many times in succession and being surprised they retell the same jokes to different audiences; it's just the nature of mass politics.


Busy and productive weekend then.




Shock. Now do every other politician and see what you find! Classic speech stuff.


His dad definitely did make a tool


So did corbyns father.


Just let it go man, stop letting him live rent free in your head.


Corbyn caused 9/11


Hard to let go when we caused so much damage to the party and helped elect a far right government.


"we"? Just to be clear are you meaning specifically corbyn and yourself? To be honest its those who voted tory without applying critical thinking that ultimately meant we got continued tory rule, not much else.


Typo meant to put "he" instead of "we" my bad.


Good one boss


Nah, Corbyn's not a tory.


No, he was just their biggest asset


Id say the tory about to become PM is their biggest asset.


Repeating Tory propaganda again are we?


It's tory propaganda to point out that the queer harmer is a tory?


Trots like you were calling Attlee a red Tory. You're fucking allergic to actually doing anything and being a government, because then you'd actually have to do stuff instead of wanking your ego until your arm breaks


Not a trot. Bringing up attlee doesn't change the fact that over the past 3 years, keith has gone on a journey of anti worker, anti strike, anti trans, anti-union rhetoric. What was it he said to striking rail and NHS staff again? Oh yeah. "I don't support what you are doing."


Oh sorry, not a trot, just a moron. My apologies, the two look very similar. Citation for those exact words, as I can't help but feel you might be missing something.


What tool exactly did his dad make? Does anyone know? Inbefore someone says Keir...


Footage of Starmer Sr as proof: https://youtu.be/xuEef3NGw30?feature=shared


Anyone know what his mum used to work as? Don't think he's ever mentioned it before.


It is hard to say what Kier Starmer believes in, regardless of how you intend to vote he doesn’t really seem to have a core set of beliefs. Sunak is even more hard to pin down, but he’s toast anyway.


Bing! Just had a new one: Starmer on the Sky interview. "My dad was a toolmaker", audience laughs.


Joe is a virtue signalling NPC who just drives home what's wrong with politics. You are either on one side GB news which pushes a certain anti imagination narrative or you get the LBC and Joe who push the complete opposite. There is no middle ground.


I have you all know keir starmer dad was a fine tool maker one of the best in this land however the biggest tool he made was a one off and absolute shambles and it goes by the name sir keir starmer. Morel of the story don't trust a son of a tool maker he will probably be the best tool in the world.  I would laugh but a tool might be running my country soon. One final note change is what he wants so don't expect any left in you're pocket when he gets in.


Yet Sunak barely mentions that his mum was a pharmacist and his dad was a GP.


Starmer's father was a tool maker, alright. And Starmer is the tool he made. All politicians are tools (slang term for penis), and Starmer is one of the biggest.


"Yer da was a toolmaker"


His Dad was a factory owner.


Really? Please provide evidence (and don't say "Google it" you made the assertion, you prove it).


Article about receiving his Sir. His father refers to it as my factory.


My dad was a toolmaker and we couldn’t afford the phone


Love this! 🤣


YouTube and twitter? I thought you were going to say you only got halfway through the debate last week!


His mum made a tool as well.


Is the joke Keir is a tool?


Is it true his dad owned the tool factory?




I’d rather see one of the many milkshakes he’s had chucked at him become PM, to be honest


Someone in a debate needs to say the biggest tool his Dad every made was him


a special debate round should be introduced where trump enters like a WWE fighter and brings it down into the gutter


>Trump enters We already have farage, what's the point?


to watch trump slide him a sliver of a backhanded compliment, and to watch farage have a stroke trying to suppresses his resulting spine-shaking orgasm


tbh the thing that this most makes me think is, what tools do you use to make tools with and what tools do you need to make THOSE?!


Well, you see, there’s a toolmaker’s toolmaker. And that toolmaker has a toolmaker so they can supply the other toolmaker. Of course, that toolmaker also needs tools, so there’s a toolmaker’s toolmaker’s toolmaker’s toolmaker. It’s a little known fact that 66% of the country are employed as toolmakers, such is the demand. The quiet army, toiling in obscurity…until now.


Tbf they're all at it albeit Starmer is definitely the most repetitive. Drives me insane how often someone asks a pertinent question about policy and they launch into chit chat about their childhood. They all, Tories and Labour alike, stand around talking about their personal connection to the NHS, yet it hasn't stopped the Tories from gutting the life out of it. Thatcher was arguably one of the most working class Tories, she was still one of the most brutal to the poor. Suella Braverman is literally the daughter of an asylum seeker, if anything it seems to spur her on with her draconian onslaught. Certainly on a general level I think we need politicians from diverse backgrounds and I can see why it is sometimes genuinely relevant but lord we need to give up on the idea that having a personal background connected to the topic at hand is extremely important in decision making. If anything I'd rather hear a preamble about where all their donations come from rather than rambling about their parents jobs.


Definitely some butt hurt Labour supporters in here..I'd wager that Starmer will end up being a very unpopular PM if he gets voted in..mind you..if you're Dads a toolmaker...


Yes Keith, every time I think of you, I think "What a fucking tool!"


His Dad was a tool maker...and Keir was head of the Crown Prosecution Service ....letting Jimmy Saville off the hook while Saville was still alive is not something that gets mentioned as many times as .. "My Dad was a toolmaker.."... interesting..


What did he do specifically to let him off the hook? Don't think he was involved at all.


Make your own mind up...


Literally just repeating Tory propaganda without shame


I'm definitely not a Tory supporter ..or a Labour supporter...I don't support any party ..we've had these two parties in power and everything has got worse in my lifetime..they are fake and don't give a fuck about the peasants...nothing has changed...vote for Starmer if you want..it's your choice .let's see where he leads us...it won't be good for 99% of us..