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The waiting... and the despair that comes when you find out that your flight has been cancelled and you have to stay one more day in close proximity to family members which you couldn't wait to say goodbye to and that you hoped you would never have to see again


For me it's the flying itself, as I have a lot of trouble sitting for more than 2 hours or so (even with brief walking/stretch breaks) I can stand or walk around the whole time I'm in the airport. Even if I'm there for 6 hours I'll probably sit for less than 30 minutes total, since I know I have so much sitting ahead of me.


pro tip: drink alcohol; then you *have* to get up every 30 minutes.


You know only the US has TSA right? Should have called that option Airport Security to cover everywhere.


I voted "boarding" since for me it's the wait before being on the plane that's the worst and we don't have "TSA" in Europe.


Tf is TSA?


From ChatGPT: TSA stands for Transportation Security Administration. It is an agency of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security that was created in response to the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The primary mission of TSA is to ensure the security of passengers and freight traveling through the nation's transportation systems, including airports, railways, highways, and public transit systems. The TSA is best known for its role in screening passengers and luggage at airports.


Okay. I'm not American so that's not really a factor when I travel, fortunately.


That’s good


That's good because it's a whole process and it's annoying as hell


Not just TSA, but the security stuff also outside USA, and all the hassle on the airport in total.




If you fly out of Phoenix sky Harbor it’s when they move you to a new gate 10,000 times


Yep, that our main airport too 🫤


I'm tall so it's being folded up in a seat less comfortable than a Toyota. Food usually sucks, except Asiana, their food is fire.


the waiting is by far the worst part of it, i don't mind flying but all the faffing around in the airport is not fun.


Being on the plane. 5 miles of air underneath your body. No fuckin way.


Idk, never been to one.


The flying is the fun part of the airport


For me it depends on the flight a lot. My longest flight was 14:30 hours from LA to Hong Kong and by the end of the flight I was so done. And it was a Chinese flight so the seats were close enough together that my knees were crushed against the front of the seat in front of me THE ENTIRE TIME. I was starting to wonder if that's how 9/11 started by the end of the flight. At the same time I had a Dutch flight that was 12:30 hours from KL to Schiphol which actually gave some leg room and I got the row to myself, so it was tolerable but it wasn't fun. But I've done flights between Boise and LA, or Berlin and London, or Portland and Boise, and those are all super short and a TON of fun that make me think I genuinely LOVE flying. I just get tired of flying after too many hours and don't like being squished


It’s fun for a while, but gets boring after 10 hours


waiting on the plane until takeoff.


Flying. I'm not scared at all, but I get sick :-/


I've only been through LAX once (Feb 2020) travelling from London to Sydney and customs and TSA were horrible. I cannot understand why Americans put up with their shit. It's enough to stop anyone wanting to ever go back.


I miss the times when Preboarding was quick with no restiction. Wouldn't count flying to the airport


I would say getting through TSA because it‘s kinda stressful


The waiting really.


wtf does TSA mean


Y'all all need precheck!


Even with precheck, TSA still takes long. A few months ago, my family and I were traveling to Jamaica and we were precheck, but the line was still very long.


I hear ya. I travel regularly and I think so many people now do precheck that it isn't as quick as it once. But it's still far better than regular. I hate taking off my shoes and fully emptying my pockets.


it is a known fact that TSA workers are certified idiots and unnecessarily mean to everyone


Being up in the air for hours gets boring. I'm hesitant to fly with Covid going around in a tube of recycled air. It honestly doesn't compare to security >!noticing my bulgy-wulgy owo through the scanning contraption!< or whatever they're trying to do to prevent 9/12.