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If you want a smart, funny, devoted, gorgeous dog that can be groomed to look like nearly ANYTHING, get a standard poodle. Spend some time googling different clips & cuts. You can make a poodle look a lot less poodly, by choosing a modern clip. Don't give a single fuck what others think. Just walk away with your glorious beast.


The frou-frou does live inside the poodle though. Whatever it’s hairdo looks like, a standard will walk like it’s a superstar. That’s one of the things I love. Poodles know they are no ordinary dogs.


It's not frou frou in the way people think. It's not "ugh I'm amazing but won't move five inches to retrieve that ball that's rolled just out of reach, get it for me peasant", it's "I'm awesome and I know it, I can do anything I put my mind to and I show the world how brilliant I am". It's not a prissy, stuck up attitude, it's just they know how great they are


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyx6JDQCslE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyx6JDQCslE) Poodle Anthem


Lol. You perfectly described what people think. The ball retrieval sentence made me cackle. Thanks! 🥲


I was at an Airbnb where the owner had a standard and he walked like a little model, lol. Extremely smart, too. I was so impressed with him that I’ve wanted a poodle since (when the timing is right) 💗


Like when Brad Pitt or George Clooney get a 5 o’clock shadow and now look rugged. Yeah, but it’s Brad Pitt rugged.


This is it! They are the Brad Pitts of the worlds. Look amazing no matter the look. Can go from GQ pretty boy look to GQ rugged to GQ Redneck.


Just got my poodle groomed yesterday, and LOL it’s so true. They know they’re gorgeous. Get the poodle.


They have the springiest gait of any dog ever.


As a groomer, my internal response to the classic “don’t poodle my doodle” has always been “sir, there is nothing I could do to your dopey doodle to give it the grace and elegance of a standard poodle”


Thinking about making Orson’s middle two names Glorious Beast




Yup my breeder has some in show cut, one in cords, one cut like a Airedale Terrier, and several just shaved down with longer ears, topknot and tail.


My friend thought I was bringing a show dog when I walked him across the street to meet her LMFAO he wasn’t even in a fancy cut🤣 I take pride in it though he looks real high and mighty prancing around like that


Occasionally I've had other dogs owners make vaguely snooty remarks about my little boy. Usually just before he ran their bigger dog off its feet. Then they changed to a sheepish 'Oh, he's fast isn't he'. But to be honest for the most part nobody cares and if they do they're safe to ignore. Plus poodles aren't usually afraid to mix it with other dogs. My boy will boss any dog who gets in his space when he's not in the mood and he'll charm the pants of nearly any human. Don't worry about stereotypes.


I am so glad mine isn't the only one! He looks like he gets so aggressive when other dogs get in his face and he fights back. I was so worried at first but then I realized it is because of the fact that they are literally in his face and invading his personal space that he is acting like that.


Our boy has days where he just wants to play with everyone. And then he has days where he doesn't want to know at all. If you get in his space on those days oh boy, you're getting told no matter who you are. He's done a fair bit of 'training' over enthusiastic puppies in his time.


Lol I felt the same way until I met my dog. He is a country dirt dog through and through. He lays in dirt, will dig up voles and moles and take them out. He loves running and hiking in the woods but ends all that by being sweet and devoted. That stereotype doesn't need to be your dog. You can doodle groom vs fru fru grooming. We are 2000 percent happy with our standard boy. Ps we have a golden doodle, but our standard is much more calm, and smarter. He's super athletic. Call him a standard doodle if you want lol but honestly I will never have a doodle again, only standards. Go to a breeder, meet the dog, you will be hooked We bought our doodle because we had never met a standard before, only doodles and my wife is so allergic but loves dogs. The doodle and our doodle was the first dog she could pet and not get hives. So that's why we went that route. But after having her we realized the standard characteristics were what we were impressed with.


Yup, mine hangs at the barn and gets filthy!


Lol we said we should have called him Joe dirt


I noticed that between my doodle and poodle, doodle is sweet but just not that bright lol


Love the phrase “country dirt dog.” My toy poodle is the exact same way—she’s a little country dirt dog through and through!! I never knew how rugged and athletic poodles could be until I got my girl!


I’m a guy, I live in a rural area, my neighbourhood is almost all guys with male dogs. They used to rib me for my white, prancy, cotton ball poodle female and ask why I didn’t get a ‘real’ dog. No one makes fun of her now. Ok yes they do because she’s constantly filthy. But they’re obsessed! They roughhouse with her, they stop my car, they talk to her in baby voices, they carry stuff around for her to retrieve because she’ll fetch anything for them. She’s also wickedly well trained, after I also got teased for being ‘soft’ with my dog, who now walks beautifully on leash, comes firing back when I call, and doesn’t run into the road while theirs run amok and their manly yelling doesn’t work. We do agility, scent work, canicross and we’re learning to hunt together. She’s a maniac, a wild child, a swamp monster, I get 15000 steps a day and I wouldn’t have it another way. That being said, get ready for attention. They’re striking dogs, women and children adore them, and if you don’t like public attention this dog is seriously not suited for you. I don’t take her if I have a timeline in town. She prances with her toys, she demands I blow dry her feet, she groans at me like Homer Simpson and she has a fluffy head and tail that no one mistakes for a doodle. She’s not frou-frou, she has Standards!


>Swamp monster Yours too?! 😂


My SO grew up a country boy and got our little 20 pound poodle mix with his ex in college. He then moved back to the country swamps with our pup for a while. He’s the type to hike around the woods for hours, and our poodle boy was always trotting with him. Playing ball has always been our dog’s *absolute favorite thing in the world*. My SO told me he was sitting on the porch catching up with a friend once, and he was idly throwing the tennis ball for our dog the whole time. They lost track of time, and eventually he realized our dog had been continuously retrieving the ball over and over again for *two and a half straight hours*. Point being even our smaller guy absolutely thrived in the country swamp. We all live together in the city now, but our boy is about to turn 14, so he’s perfectly suited to cuddling on the couch, walks around the neighborhood, and just exploring the backyard now. Poodles are such versatile, active dogs.


Check out pictures of poodles in what’s called a kennel clip. I’ve had standard poodles since 1993. They’re not at all delicate or poufy. They hike, climb steep trails, swim, run like the wind. Several were descended from a standard poodle trained in search and rescue. Best of all, they’re extremely smart, loving and devoted, cuddly, curious, and they learn so quickly.


Poodles do seem cool, plus there are other breeds that are far more poufy. My Miniature Schnauzer is so prissy bless him. No mud, no water. Otherwise though all dog but his standard poodle friend doesn't care lol.


OMG so true! I have two mini schnauzers and they are so much more diva-ish than my poodle.


I was in the same situation, took me about 3 months of reading about them and lurking this sub to finally decide to get one. I understand how it can be off putting to get a poodle. My dog is 8 months now and it was the best decision to get a standard, it's such a nice breed. I get compliments for my standard all the time, never ever I felt like somebody is "looking down at me" at least after meeting my dog. Honestly, most doodle owners in the local dog park seem to be jealous. The more poodle traits they have in their doodle the more happier they are and in retrospect probably would go full poodle.


What’s funny to me is that people will talk trash to me about poodles when they find out I have a few, but when they meet my big boy (77 lbs) they are like, “holy sh$t, that is a poodle??!?” The stereotype is that they are little yappy dogs with expensive haircuts, the truth is that my spoos are loyal, protective, loving, super athletic and very intelligent


Our biggest standard boy was about 80lbs and so tall. In winter we would let his coat grow out a bit and people thought we had a black bear in our yard 😆. Standard Poodles are amazing, I grew up with them and when I get a fence up at my new home I plan on getting a black standard male cause growing up Shadow and Samson were the most amazing dogs ever. ❤️


Same w mine. He’s a 90# unit. Everybody is like “he don’t look prissy”. No shit. That’s cause he’s not.


same here. People ask what dog I have and I answer a standard poodle then I stop them and say "yeah, not the dog you've got in your head right now". He's a 90-100lbs monster who loves to cuddle, is afraid of nothing (currenly watching fireworks out the window), is as sharp as a tack but has a wicked sense of humour. Best dog ever.


We originally wanted a doodle - they're super cute, and everyone seemed to be saying they are friendly and easy to train, great for first time dog owners! When we were first looking at dogs, I wasn't crazy about the poodle look either. But at the end of the day, all the traits we wanted? They were poodle traits. We wondered - what's the point in getting a doodle if everything you want is from the poodle? To have the doodle face? It's a haircut, and if you don't like the poodle look you never have to cut them like that. So we got a standard poodle. Our girl is 7 months old now, and she is an absolute delight. So smart, picked up on training so fast, and now that her puppy energy is calming down she is becoming so affectionate. My favorite thing about her is how goofy she is - she is bouncy and makes me laugh every day. Every person we've met who likes dogs has always been so excited when they find out she's a spoo - dog people love them. We have a few family members who have joked and asked if we're getting the froufrou poodle cut, and we insisted no. We've already changed our minds on the cut, though. Her last groom a couple weeks ago we caved and got the shaved face and top knot, and you know what? She looks great, and I think we're keeping her this way now. The few people in our lives who don't like the poodle look can joke about it, but at the end of the day it's not their dog and she's so cute like this (the poodle smile on a shaved face can't be beat!!). As a new standard poodle owner - I'd get another one. I'd highly recommend them. And I wouldn't worry too much about the stereotype; they're brilliant, lovely dogs, and we couldn't have asked for a better companion.


I find it ironic and pretty hilarious that the reputation of the poodle breed cut has morphed from practical for hunting, to the quintessential feminine display. Tell the average person poodles are bred for hunting and they’ll think you need your head checked. The same 90% of people wouldn’t recognise a poodle without the poodle cut because without it they look just like another doodle. So get whatever dog you want, who gives a shit what people think, and if it really bothers you, just don’t groom it like a poodle.


I lost my standard last year he was almost 16. They are super smart, super loyal and super snuggly and cuddly. If you don't want to do the poodle cut.... Don't do it. I got myself a shaver for dogs and the blade attachment that's specifically for standard poodles and just did his whole body in summer. In winter I'd let his body and legs grow out and he'd have a ball on his tail and head. Kinda typical poodle look. But again... You don't need to do that. If you want them to just have a few centimetres all over than go for it. But I do recommend getting your own shaver and doing it regularly. If you leave it a few months then you're looking at a 8ish hour job to cut.


I did it once in only 6 1/2 hours! 😭😂


Nice going! I think if I didnt stop to take breaks (for him too...) Then I could maybe do it in 6 but yeh... We both needed toilet and drinks breaks!


I super don’t understand how my groomer can do it in two-ish. 😳😜


Oh our groomer couldn't! Took her half a day! Lol That's why we just decided to do it ourselves.


To be fair, it was a complete shave down, not anything that required and scissoring or caution near edges. 💁‍♂️


Winston Churchill, John Steinbeck and I all had standard poodles. They’re anything but froo-froo. Get one, give it a normal haircut and a normal name. Call it a *Canadian Cougar Hound* if you must. They are fantastic all heart, full tilt dogs.


Canadian Cougar Hound, that's hysterical 🤣! Absolutely froo-froo less!


Haha, I like "German water retriever"


So my wife wanted a doodle because everyone she knew has a doodle. She was dead set against a poodle since they’re “poofy”. I’ve never had dogs, so I did my research. We ended up getting a poodle, but we don’t clip him like one cuz she doesn’t like those clips. She couldn’t be happier with our boy now. If a part of what’s putting you off is the haircut, then it’s just that, hair cut. Clip the hair how you like it. The dog won’t care. If you don’t shave him like a typical cut poodle, people won’t know he’s a poodle and just ask what kind of doodle you have. I will say though that I’ve had several snooty comments from friends and relatives and other dog owners. From “but poodles are aggressive” to “they’re princesses”. I brush it off and don’t even comment. All these stigma are misinformed when read about the breed. There was a period in 60s and 70s I think when poodles became so popular that poor breeding was rampant and those dogs had behavioral issues. It’s only when they ask “but why poodle” that I go on my spiel of poodle characteristics, ethical good breeding, and how awesome and versatile dogs they are. My opinion, get a well bred poodle. They are loving, goofy, intelligent, hypoallergenic (big one for me). You’ll need to do some regular brushing but that’s a small price to pay. You won’t be sorry. This sub and others can help direct you to good breeders in your area.


Have you checked out how they look fully shaved? Personally I think they look just as great that way as any other look


Yup, we keep ours with a "retriever cut" and nobody looks at them and thinks that they're anything other than performance dogs. Honestly when they're due for haircuts they look quite a bit like doodles, you can only really tell the difference because the poodles have a narrow nose and a leaner build than doodles do. OP, if you keep your dog's hair like ours you'd basically be rolling the dice on a zany doodle temperament and coat just to avoid a narrow snout. It's your dog, but that seems like it's not worth it to me.


And they really do be zany... lol


We keep our spoos coat short until the snow comes and no one ever guesses he's a poodle.


The people who think you should get a doodle instead often cannot tell the difference when the poodle doesn't have the stereotypical fancy cuts. Usually the traits they like about doodles are all traits from poodles


I hunt with mine. He’s fast, tough, strong and has endless stamina. He goes flying through the woods and marsh with no issues. You can groom them so that they look froufy but they were originally bred to hunt.


My grandfather always had two standards for hunting dogs as well. The way he told it, after a few disappointing experiences with non-poodles that made better family pets than working dogs, he couldn’t imagine a better-suited breed.


If you feel like the poodle's traits matches your needs, and you can manage the grooming and training, then you should go for it. Finding a dog that match your needs is 100% more important than what people think. You'll be happier in the long run. Now the negative stereotype will never go away. People with big mainly dogs will think poodles are prissy. Toy poodles have it worst because they are not as hardy as the standard so can't even use the argument that they are just as tough. Some people who are pro shelter and "adopt not shop" will look down on any purebred anyway, but more so that it's "fancy" dog like the poodle. There's a real "money you spend unnecessarily dollying up the poodle could be used to safe heaps of dogs in shelter" mentality. At least where I live I encounter these a lot. I got A LOT of pressure to adopt and some people around me were annoyed I got a poodle instead. Anyway, you will have an amazing dog you'll just laugh at these stereotypes. I love how my poodle is easy to train and do all these cool tricks. I love how in real life, people and children love looking at them and coming up to say hi. I love how I don't have dog hair all over my furniture. I love how my dogs have great temperaments. I'll take the pain of the stigma any day to have the poodle. Now if you really get annoyed, then you can always have your dog fully shaved. Without the top knot and poof on tail many people won't be able to identify it as a poodle.


I always laugh when people say poodles are frou frou dogs. They’re actually badass dogs! Not only are they a retriever breed, but they can kick some serious tail! I was talking to someone a few weeks ago who was walking his poodle with a few friends and their poodles on some sort of trail when a pack of coyotes came out of nowhere and attacked them. Despite being severely outnumbered, the poodles dove right into the fight before the owners could do anything. They killed at least one coyote, injured several more, and sent the whole pack running for their lives in less than a minute. One poodle got hurt pretty badly, but he went straight to the vet and recovered just fine. The other poodles weren’t hurt. The best part is the poodles were in the traditional poodle cuts that people claim are for frou frou dogs 😂




As a older married guy IDGAF what people will judge me on because the list is endless. Yes my two are exceptionally camp and, bar the odd light-hearted joke about them being floofs the responses from randomers has been overwhelmingly positive. Man, I wish I had a poodle in my single days!! The amount of women that stop and talk to me about how beautiful they are is mind-blowing to me. Everybody knows these dogs. I had a Ukrainian woman I met on the beach just exclaim "beautiful" as they ran by chasing a ball. Doodles are fine, much more common than standards, get what you want.


Oh yeah. I keep my poodles in a kennel clip so it's not even the most fancy cut out there, but going out for a walk at busy public spaces is like I'm walking some fancy special animal. No jokes. At least once on every trip some people will point and look as we walk past. Kids will squeal. Occasionally some people will start taking photos like the paparazzi. It's hilarious.


Literally every time I take my boy out for a walk, we get people staring and telling him he’s beautiful. It’s more rare that he’s ignored than praised haha. We have him in a German cut and he’s such a handsome lad. He trots around like he knows it too.


My wife and I got one because of her allergies, they are the poster child for hypoallergenic dogs so no shedding. I'd always had springer spaniels growing up and didn't think I'd ever change but now I'd never have any other type of dog. None of my friends or relatives ever thought about owning a poodle and now they have jumped to the top of the list for them all. Just don't do the poodle cut. Also on the whole people giving you shit, weight till your poodle sees an intruder, my cousin let himself into my house to borrow something whilst I was out and said he's never been that scared for his life. My girl scared him right back out the door. Google standard poodle snarling. Lovely, relaxed kind dogs that can and will defend you if they think you are in danger.


What's wrong with the Poodle cut?


nothing it's just what ppl will associate with a frou frou poodle. my standard puppy doesn't have any particular haircut right now and is just kind of grown out. most people think he is a doodle and it drives me nuts. I can't wait till he gets some silly haircuts.


>Google standard poodle snarling. I did, and jeez, that's both impressive and terrifying!


You mean the cut that is designed to protect their joints and lungs when they are doing what they were bred to do, which is retrieve waterfowl in the cold lakes of Germany? Yeah, definitely don’t do that. 😂


And you can't find a reputable, responsible doodle breeder. Standards are not froufrou and are great dogs. Be sure to read and follow the advice of the wiki on r/dogs for finding a responsible breeder https://www.reddit.com/r/dogs/wiki/identifying_a_responsible_breeder/ And if you choose to doodle, the only ethical way of getting one is through legitimate rescues and shelters. If you decide on a standard reach out to PCA breeder referral as they are volunteers doing it for the love of the breed. They will only refer to breeders that do the minimum of health testing to get a Chic number. https://poodleclubofamerica.org/breeder-referral/ Testing that should be done on standards,: Hip Dysplasia: OFA or PennHIP Evaluation. Yearly Eye Exam by a boarded ACVO veterinary ophthalmologist. Health Elective (at least one of the following three tests is required for CHIC number): OFA Thyroid Evaluation from an OFA approved laboratory. OFA Sebaceous Adenitis (SA) Evaluation by an OFA approved dermatopathologist. Heart Evaluation by an ACVIM boarded veterinary cardiologist. The PCA Foundation recommends all three electives for Standard Poodles and also strongly recommends the following DNA tests from an OFA listed lab to easily avoid breeding two mutation carriers to each other and producing affected puppies: DNA Test for Neonatal Encephalopathy with Seizures (NEwS) and DNA Test for vonWillebrand’s Disease (vWD). Verify on OFA: https://ofa.org/advanced-search/ If you put on the breeder kennel name (check of any part of name,) and choose poodle, it will bring up all the dogs with that kennel name. DNA testing is a breeder tool, health clearance testing is what reputable breeders do to try to ensure healthy puppies grow into healthy dogs.


I was in your shoes until a few weeks ago. I love the shape and look of hunting dogs (setters, pointers, field labs, etc) and wanted a dark dog. I did not find most poodle pretty.Well here I am now, with a WHITE poodle. I have to admit that I was kinda afraid telling people I was getting a poodle, but now I don't care. First, I am slightly allergic to dogs and although I tolerated living with my lovely golden retriever for many years, not dealing with that now is great. Second, I cannot believe how often I am stopped in the streets by strangers telling me how beautiful she is. People just LOVE her. People who get to know her now want a poodle. Third, she is so perfect for us that I cannot imagine myself without her. Also, you can keep a poodle in a short clip that isn't poodly, or keep the face scruffy. They really are a great breed


My mom owns three black standard poodles. They are magnificent creatures!


Things people say about my poodle: - wow he’s so fast - he’s a love bug - he’s so cute - do you have to groom him a lot? Is that expensive? - does he like the water? (they are water dogs. He does not) - I thought he was a doodle! - is that a full poodle?! - what a sweetie - wow he sure loves his ball - is he really smart? - wow he’s so smart! As you can see I don’t get a lot of frou frou comments. Mostly about him being athletic or a sweetheart


Get the poodle! they are the absolute best; super loyal, smart and soft. My boyfriend and I have have a toy poodle, but we are getting a standard when we get a bigger yard. Also I recommend you spend a few minutes on the grooming subreddit and read how much of a nightmare doodle coats are to groom.


I do a short clip on my standard and she’s the best dog I’ve ever owned. We just got a mini and she’s a total character at only three months. Snuggle monster with so much attitude and a comedy gene I think. If it were up to me I’d only ever have poodles. Ignore the stigma, they’re the best dogs alive. Take my standard hiking and up to the woods all the time. They’re very outdoorsy dogs.


I'm a fully bearded man and I fucking love my poodle. I take him everywhere and no one has ever given me any shit about it. They wouldn't. And it wouldn't matter if they did. I don't care. I love my dog. What you are talking about is a problem that you're making up in your head. It might be better to ask yourself why you feel insecure, rather than asking us what breed of dog is right for you. Because the truth is all dogs are different no matter what breed they are. You occasionally find some deluded people who will think that all poodles behave a certain way. My boy? He is a huge dog who loves to get muddy and tear sticks off of trees. Just yesterday we found a rabbit that he had hunted. You would never ever think this dog was froo froo. If it helps you feel better, know that spoos are hunting dogs. What's funny to my wife and I, is that you're worried about people saying mean things if you have a poodle? But the truth is, the most annoying thing about having a poodle, socially, is that you'll constantly be asked " is that a doodle?"


I think the most important consideration from whichever dog’s perspective is how your feelings on this might impact the dog’s care. If you’re self-conscious about taking them out, you might take them out less etc. It stinks to be the dog in that situation! I know you said you don’t care what people think. You’re making a thread about what people think. It’s so important to come at this from a self-aware stance. It is normal and ok to be affected by how other people react. How affected will you be when (if!) some dork makes fun of your dog, and how will that in turn affect your dog? Another thing to consider, and I’m coming at this as a dog groomer with 3 poodles: Poodles need a lot of care relative to many breeds, because the hair mats like no other and the hair never stops growing. That they require the most brushing and cutting may be part of why people consider it frou-frou. And people just kind of love to judge stuff. We value the hell out of our own opinions and we need them validated, so maybe we are the frou-frou high-maintenance ones. 🙃 The only person who has ever made a crappy comment was actually a person who just likes to make fun of stuff. He called my little man ugly, and I looked down at my little dude in his hoodie and mohawk and said, “Nah, I don’t see it.” That was one single comment in the span of 17 years. I get compliments when I walk my poodles. Everyone around here knows my dogs and call out to them. I’ve had people stop me to take pics of my guys. I’ve had people ask if I can give their dog a mohawk, but I can’t because their dog’s hair would fall down and look like a mullet (which personally I think would be cool). YMMV but there are plenty of people who see poodle and think “A dog. I like dogs.” Poodles are dogs. They’re domesticated wolves with crazy hair. They’re energetic and smart. Most of them love hiking. You just gotta brush them after or get them a good low-maintenance shave. Finally, I want to refer you to a dog called Ollie. He posts here on the reg. Look at some Ollie pics and tell me that poodle ain’t The Man. 🐩 ETA: u/meandollie is Ollie.


I mean, as long as you’re up for the grooming, they are totally awesome dogs. I do dog sports with mine like rally, then take him out to the barn where he plays with all the barn dogs and goes with me on trail rides, he’s faster than even the German shorthaired pointer at the barn and a lot better behaved. On.


My family kept their spoo's coat short (except for winter when he would look more like a bear). He looked like a graceful, dedicated, somewhat intimidating dog to others, but to his own family he was the smartest, funniest, most loving dog ever. When he died my grandad was so upset he refused to eat and said he mourned him more than he did his own grandmother. If you want a loyal dog full of personality, sometimes complex, sometimes stubborn, but overall insanely smart and loving, then get a poodle. Appearance-wise you can shape the fur however you like




That last line. 😆 So true.


The more I have learnt about poodles, the more I realised they have been an under dog (: made me root for them all the more


There is absolutely nothing frou-frou about a poodle standard or otherwise. I have had minis and toys and they can be as athletic and rough and tumble as any other breed. Standards even more so. Poodles are crazy smart, lots of personality and the only downside is they do need to be groomed often.


Poodles make great hunting dogs just staying


If you're that bothered, buy a poodle, keep it in a doodle cut, and anyone who seems snooty just say they're a mix. I mean I wouldn't want to lie because poodles are awesome dogs, but you'll get enough people asking you what doodle they are anyway that telling them what they want to hear won't be difficult!


This! People have no idea — I have a small mini and NOBODY recognizes that she’s a pure poodle, I have to tell them.


After seeing my standard, men with doodles in a dog park often would complain to me about being forced to get a doodle because of wife. Our standard poodle is the fastest, most agile, most friendly dog in a dog park. Everyone notices after a while that “look at that poodle still running”. Then she does round of asking humans for pets. At kennel, staff adores her because she’s so friendly and smart. Pet sitters love her. It’s easy to find good care for super friendly dog. My husband and my teen son absolutely adore her agility and like to show her off everywhere we go with her. Miami cut is super easy to maintain and it’s a show stopper too. Get a poodle 🐩


Standard poodles are amazing. They're goofy, silly, smart, and athletic. I'm a toy poodle kind of gal but my sister has a standard and he is honestly the greatest. His personality just shines. Also- who gives a fuck what other people think. It's your damn dog.


Honestly? You’ll either have to cope with people being judgy or not get a poodle. Seeing as you’ve done the research you know that the stereotypes aren’t true (most of the time). You’ll still have people thinking your dog is too much of a princess to go outside, play in the mud, do sports, … Personally, if I know the people I just tell them how she is. If I don’t, I ignore them. I also cannot tell you how many people ask if she’s a doodle because she’s not in a poodly cut. (I don’t get the doodle hype either) I don’t think I’d take any another breed.


So I have a mini not a standard but most people thought he was some cross until I got a short poodle face, so depends which cut you go for. Poodles themselves aren't frou-frou, yes they need grooming but you don't have to deal with shedding a positive in my eyes as less hoovering for me ;)


I have had A LOT of different breeds of dogs in my life, but then I got into rescue fostering and happened to have a bunch of poodles/poodle mixes come through my home. I bonded with every single one of those dogs like I had never bonded with any other animals in my life. It was like we just “got” each other. All of this to say, I always thought I was a golden retriever or labrador kind of person. But now I have two mini poodles and I don’t think I’ll ever consider any other breed. I keep telling people that I never in a million years thought I’d be a poodle person… but here I am! And I wouldn’t have it any other way. Now I proudly brag about my poodles to anyone who will listen.


Honestly, I lean into the stereotype, then laugh when people express shock that my dude with the floofy topknot and bracelets/boots is leaving their retriever in the dust, haha. My boy is super sporty and beautiful to watch when he’s in motion. And every so often we will give him the kennel clip, which feels like velvet. I’ve never done the full continental clip on him, but the little accents here and there stop people from asking me “what kind of doodle is he??”


You can have an haircuit different than classic lol Problem with goldendoodle and labradoodle is that you really don’t know might be 80% golden and 20% poodle with shedding, etc. hybrids can vary a lot so you really will know until is grown My only cons about poodle is that are expensive to mantain their grooming think about 100$ every sex weeks and to travel being a big dog just like any other big breed, thats why I prefer mini & toy poodles.


Get the poodle. My last dog was a labradoodle whom I adopted at age 2. She was smart and obedient and trustworthy. Through the years, I realized the qualities I most admired her were standard poodle traits. After she passed at age 15, I didn’t feel I had the energy for a puppy, so began looking for another poodle mix through rescues and rehoming groups on Facebook. My current girl is a 100% standard poodle who was rescued from a neglectful breeding operation. She is bouncy and funny and happy and smart but with a fierce bark if something outside doesn’t seem right to her. She’s well-mannered and gentle with my cats and loves every person and dog she meets. I keep her coat trimmed short for easy maintenance but do keep a top knot and shaved face. People constantly comment on her beauty and temperament. I wish I’d discovered this breed sooner!


Most people don't seem to realize that poodles are German gun dogs. The fancy haircut and curls were meant to protect their organs and joints without weighing them down too much while retrieving from cold water! Honestly, a lot of people lack education and understanding of them. My take is that yes, some people will have a poodle stereotype in their head, but are you really going to let other people judging you for something as stupid as your dog's breed get in the way of getting the furry friend that is the right fit for you? Plus, if you want to hide your poodle is a poodle you could always do a more doodle-like haircut (although those look more frou-frou to me than a nice German clipped poodle). Poodles are great dogs! I have a doodle and a poodle and would recommend a poodle over a doodle 100%. Find a good breeder that health tests and matches on temperament (and does puppy socialization and titles, etc.) and a poodle would be a great addition! They are so smart (sometimes a little too smart lol) and funny and just great dogs. Although if the alternative is getting a rescue and you aren't too picky on your needs, that's a great option, too! ETA: Also, in my experience the lack of dander makes poodles not have a wet dog smell! My doodle gets really bad wet dog smell and my poodle just smells like his conditioner when he gets wet! Just a little bonus to an already great breed!


My brother-in-law refused to get poodles for years because he thought they weren’t masculine enough. My sister finally got one, but my BIL insisted on keeping the snout with really long hair to hide the poodle look. You’d think that at 55 years old he’d be comfortable enough with his own masculinity that the dog’s snout wouldn’t make him feel judged or vulnerable.


I have a toy poodle, which is funny because I used to think they were the most froo-froo dogs. My 9 pound little gal is SO athletic and rugged. She would be constantly covered in dirt if I didn’t clean her off so frequently because she’s always playing so hard outside. She is insanely fast, like faster than my Australian shepherd male, and she can jump over super high gates like they’re nothing. I love her so much lol. You can clip a poodle in a short cut all over if you’re concerned about the “froo-froo” look (also easier to maintain in terms of brushing as they mat easily). I personally like to keep my girl relatively short all over, but with her head, ears, & tail long and grown out. Screw the haters. Everybody who meets my toy poodle loves her. She’s so sweet and loves people. But she also loves hiking, getting dirty, and has so much energy. The stereotypes are not necessarily true! Go for the poodle!! I adopted my girl at 6 months old. So it’s possible to adopt a poodle rather than buying a very young puppy from a breeder!


I think it’s a bit different when you already have a poodle. People see the dog and can’t think of anything bad to say about it anymore


I had similar concerns but pros outweighed cons and I bought a toy poodle (though he is bigger than an average toy) and it was the best decision ever. Smart, energetic, friendly and well behaved with other dogs and kids, and poodle’s fur is soooo soft. Plus a good groomer can easily turn your future poodle into a labradoodle or an afghan hound:)


First they are not “froo-froo” dogs. Poodles are hunting dogs. They got that stupid cut because they were used to hunt water foul and their fur was too heavy when wet and they would drown. I have 2 standard poodle pups they play rough with each other and me too. They are incredibly smart, don’t shed and are good with kids.


The other comments are brilliant, but I would like to add that if you are the type of person who dislikes the fancy dog stereotype and because of this dislike/other people’s judgement would refuse to groom the dog properly, don’t get a poodle. Even if you keep your poodles coat short it still needs to be taken care of. Going to the groomer/shaving the dog yourself, combing them even if the coat is 5cm long, bathing them if they’re caked in mud/roadkill, etc. It’s a necessity, like brushing your own teeth, not a luxury experience that can be done without. Speaking from experience with this type of person. I dogsit a poodle and I’m the only one that combs the mats out and trims the dingleberries. Because the owner doesn’t want a “fancy” poodle but a “rugged” and “curly” one, and wants to be different from those with “fancy” poodles.


I have a mini, but it’s funny because my husband has blue heelers on our farm. When I told him I was getting a poodle, he laughed. Well he loves this dog as much as I do. He has been amazed at how un-foo foo our boy is. He is constantly hunting bugs and showing interest in doing ranch work (but I won’t let him). He loves to be outside and would run all day if he could. I promise there is nothing sissy about this breed! I too keep mine cut in a dog cut as I call it. He is always called a doodle by others. Get the poodle. You won’t be sorry.


A doodle will be more “frou-frou” than a poodle if you keep up to date on grooming. A poodles coat is much easier to maintain if you keep it relatively short.


Can’t go wrong w a poodle! You’ll fall in love so quickly you won’t be bothered by the naysayers


Poodles don’t have to look fancy, you can turn them into anything you want lol. Our poodle Prada practically metamorphs after each groom. 🤣


We had our moyen standard puppy with a long haircut as she adjusted to being groomed. She also has a full, not cropped, tail. So, it was common for people to ask if she was a "doodle" because of the tail, long face hair and short size. She's now getting a kennel cut with a face shave so there's no mistaking that she's a poodle. I love the thin, athletic, supermodel look and the confident poodle prance. That's something that seems to be missing in all the doodle mixes I've seen. Also, our groomer hates to groom doodles because of their inconsistent hair. One thing I will mention about standard poodles is their energy level, which is very high with a quick recharge rate. That's something we weren't prepared for. Ours is even more energetic than the border collies my family had when I was a kid.


I have a standard poodle and people are indeed annoying as fuck but it’s worth it to me because it’s the best breed for my lifestyle and personality. I truly don’t see myself getting any other breed for the rest of my life. My girl has also turned a lot of poodle-haters into poodle-lovers, and I love proving people wrong. Note: i also live in the southern us where people think spending $3k on a mutt that’s 75% poodle 25% lab/golden retriever automatically makes them superior and totally not frou frou. You could always just lie and have some fun with it if the person seems annoying. Say you have a double Australian sheepa-labra-golden-malti-shih-cocka-doodle


There's no flex flexier than walking around the neighborhood with a goofy looking dog who barks like a bear and can pee higher up on the tree than almost any dog on the block. Even if he does sometimes fall over while trying. That doberman guy is compensating for something.


Plus there's nothing like a big dog in a Miami clip to make people smile.


Keep their hair long, everyone will think the poodle is A doodle of some sort. After getting my poodle I realized quickly they are not fru fru dogs, mine will sit out in the rain to wait for a squirrel to come down to chase and will get up at 4 in the morning to attack the sprinklers. All the poodles I've ever worked with have always just been good company.


If you keep their hair long it needs daily brushing or it will mat. You don’t have to get a Frou Frou clip.


I had literally all the same thoughts about poodles before I met my girlfriend’s standard poodle Madrid. I literally told her I didn’t really know if i wanted to meet him, just had heard so many things over the years and honestly, I was lied to for the most part.. Madrid is my very best friend in the world now, he’s sweet and soooo smart, and cuddly as heck, and goofy and fun loving and playful and just, I couldn’t ask for a better dog than him, also the haircuts seemed so dumb at first but you’d be surprised how quickly they grow on you, or you can always just get the teddy bear cut where they look like a fluffy teddy bear, lots of options for styles, but poodles are amazing and, and they’re hypoallergenic too!! I probably just typed a whole paragraph of nonsense but I wanted you to know from someone who once thought poodles were nothing but froo-froo stuck up mean dogs, they are absolutely not that, they’re wonderful and smart and fun and silly and very loving -edit - almost forgot to say that they prance like ponies when they’re proud of themselves and that alone is worth it


Sounds like a personal problem. 😉 But anyways, just look for a breeder who does not dock tails (which they should all end docking of tails), and give them a “puppy” cut and people will think the dog is a doodle/mudblood anyways. 😁 (You probably already know if you’ve been researching, but poodles are water retrievers. Webbed feet and all.) Edit: thought I’d point out since nobody said it, but do know some of the poodle stereotypes do come from the toy variety. A toy poodle and a standard poodle are pretty different. The “yippy” dog stereotype is only applicable for the toys. The standards, not so much (for the record, we have a toy and a standard). Lots of people out there don’t realize the difference and think they’re all the same. A poodle is a poodle, right? The toys are good dogs too, but they are a little different. You have to remember the toys were bred from essentially runts of runts of runts. I also saw your link and they sure to mention the coat a lot. They mention brushing and how hard it is to take care of. I’ll tell you from personal experience owning multiple standards, we cut the dogs with a #5 clipper blade, and we brush our dogs exactly 0 times per week. So yeah, we NEVER brush our dogs. That’s just frizzes out the hair. We trim them about every 2 months. We do it ourselves. Just buy the high end clippers, some nice scissors, and get a friend to help hold the dog. It’s honestly not that bad.


my husband is the one who wanted a poodle and had to bring me around on it. i definitely thought the same that they are uppity, snob dogs. then i learned that they were hunting dogs and the continental cut associated w them is for practical reasons, and they're also well suited for things like truffle hunting. we have had our puppy for for about 3 months now and he is the best dog ever. he is mellow and intelligent. he loves to run around like crazy at the dog park. he gets along with everyone. he loves kids. we don't have any but little kids love poodles so he gets lots of attention when he's out. funnily enough kids correctly call him a poodle but adults always assume he is a doodle. he loves to solve dog puzzles. he loves to cuddle. he's so sweet. i love watching his fluffy hair bounce around when he runs. anecdote about his intelligence and kindness: a pug came to play with him at the dog park. obviously, the pug cannot run as fast as him. so he matched her speed so she could keep up while they took turns chasing each other. also, nonshedding is a huge huge bonus. people love doodles and say they will be nonshedding too but from what i've read is that their coat ends up totally random and is often unmanageable, prone to matting, because there are just zero breed standards. our poodle brushes like a dream and he's so fluffy and soft. i never knew a dog could be so soft. when he comes back from a bath or the groomer he's like a little black cloud. we deal with enough cat hair so not having to deal with dog hair is so great.


I won my husband To the idea by explaining they were originally a hunting breed and the more he read about their coats and cuts he was in. My guy is the most fantastic star of everything in his life. He is wonderful with everything has a soft mouth and is a dream to train. I do nose work with him to tire his brain quickly and daily sniff walks as well so it’s not all physical activity they need. Mental works as well. We do a lot of public access training with usually at least three trips out and about which is really him taking errands with me then a quick walk somewhere new for a sniff walk. I’ve said it here before I think but when people inevitably ask what kind of doodle he is, after commenting how he is so well behaved because theirs never is. I always tell them he is a poodle-doodle. That makes everyone feel better about the designer “brand”. Then I tell them it costs a lot extra. One of his latest tricks is that whenever I say come on we are taking a picture. A phone comes out and he starts posing and smiling. Because he gets a treat faster. He does it for other people now when they stop and ask in stores which they do. I didn’t get the beat but here’s a few of the different cuts and examples of his [lifestyle](https://imgur.com/a/Xbn5Kq2)


We had to get a poodle (or another similar breed) because of allergies. We like big dogs, so settled on a standard. Our girl is NOTHING like the stereotype. She’s rough and tumble, athletic, super smart, and a stone-cold, calculating killer. Seriously, no small animals are safe in our backyard. We keep her shaved down evenly, no poofs anywhere, and most people (except other spoo owners) have no idea what breed she is. It’s laughable how false the stereotype is. I say get a poodle and when people say shit, educate them. (I’m doing my part - as a middle school teacher, none of my students believe the poodle myths - I tell them LOTS of stories about my girl!)


Our two standard poodles have been absolutely amazing. We don't groom them into fancy cuts. They love our kids and are very protective. They are very smart dogs so get a garbage can they can't get into. Health wise ours have been very healthy. I don't think I have had a more loving and snuggly Velcro dog in my life. My older dog does love to wear a sweater or a dog hoodie when it is cold. We don't know about the younger one yet as it is her first winter.


I have a poodle and everyone thinks he’s a doodle. He’s a mini and can be yappy but he’s so sweet and loving and the hair is a million times better to deal with than other dogs. I have bad allergies he doesn’t she’s at all. The dog and my husband are mutually madly in love. And get him groomed however you want. We never do the frou frou look so he just looks like a fluffy adorable dog everyone want to pet


So just clip the dog in a non-poodle clip, like a hunting clip and who cares what people think. Or let them be an ungroomed, dust mop and bam, you’ve got a dog that looks like a doodle (j/k, most doodle owners keep their dogs poorly groomed and matted and it’s a huge disservice for the dog). However, what I like about poodles is having them look fancy af and then be total badasses. What’s wrong with looking amazing while also being amazing? Do a google image search or a YouTube search for hunting with poodles and you can see these dogs in a variety of clips doing their thing, and it’s not just standards, people do upload game with minis as well. Plus obedience, agility, dock diving, lure coursing, therapy dogs, service dogs, poodles are ridiculously versatile as a breed and can excel at so many things. But seriously…if people give you shit, tell them to go fly a kite. I relish in telling people that they don’t know anything about poodles and schooling them a little bit.


Standard Poodles are so awesome, you should go for it. It's pretty rare for me to see any. The last time I saw a couple with one, I took a picture with it like it was a celebrity lol


I think the "frou-frou" stereotype is down to the poodle's high grooming needs. Look, there IS a lot of grooming involved in owning a poodle, no matter what clip you keep them in. We keep our dog clipped short- it's convenient and I think it looks great- but that does still mean a trip to the groomer every 6-8 weeks, plus i'll go over her face/feet/sani area at least once between appointments. I think a lot of people are put off from the "high maintenance" aspect. It's not a wash and ready dog, like a cattle dog or a lab. Even though obviously both those breeds benefit from regular grooming, a poodle NEEDS to be groomed. It's the difference between a sturdy cotton hoody and a hand knitted cashmere wool sweater. Both are great, both will keep you warm, one is sporty while the other is elegant, and one can be thrown in the wash while the other needs to be dry cleaned. The upside- and it's a big one- to that high maintenance coat is NO DOG HAIR IN THE HOUSE. I've literally never seen any of her fur anywhere around the house. You can't say that about doodles of any type, or most other dog breeds. If you've lived with a shedding dog before you know what a big deal this is. Plus they don't have any doggy odor. Personality-wise, poodles can definitely be aloof (if not standoffish) with people they don't know. However they love love love their people. Super sweet and affectionate dogs. They're also incredibly athletic animals. Mine can hike all day, and can out run a border collie when playing fetch. She'll just keep going and going. Thankfully she has an off switch and can chill on the couch for most of the day too. Idk. Who gives a crap about stereotypes. Get the dog that suits your lifestyle and make sure you get it groomed regularly (this goes double for doodles) and if that is a poodle, smugly enjoy your clean home while the haters vacuum their living room for the third time that day.


I keep my spoo clipped pretty short on the body, with a clean face and feet, and a shaggy topknot. She looks poodly, but not fussy. Literally every time we go out in public people stop us and say the same four things: 1. What a beautiful dog! What kind of doodle is that? (She's not a doodle, a standard poodle) 2. Wow, she's huge, I didn't know poodles got so big! (This is a normal standard, they are big dogs!) 3. Can I pet her? (No, she's very shy, but thank you for asking!) 4. My grandmother/aunt/friend had a poodle, etc etc etc. Bonus, from the people who have unleashed or poorly managed dogs: Don't worry, my dog doesn't bite! (Mine will protect me, you'd better get your dog under control right now!) To be clear, she is not at all aggressive toward people of any age or size, and she tries to avoid other dogs. She never picks fights but any dog who fucks around with us will definitely find out! We live in a rural area and have had only had one person be shitty to us, out of hundreds of encounters. Be prepared to draw a crowd when you are out with your poodle. Even if you keep their fur clipped short, they attract attention. We were recently on a road trip in the southeastern US and she drew crowds wherever we went. It was wild.


We have a standard poodle and he’s been getting mad attention since he was a baby. We keep him in a teddy bear clip(my kids prefer that) since he was a baby and people were crazy about him and still are now that hes 19 months old. My husband and I own a business in a service industry and just being out and about with him has been a great way to connect with people as people are drawn to his friendliness- and he doesn’t shed or trigger allergies in people unlike a golden. People do mistake him for a doodle but the convo is a great way to educate people on the various cuts a poodle can have. He gets compliments daily and because he’s not too big(24 inches at the shoulders) he doesn’t intimidate people. Some people like having scary dog privilege but I’m a mom with kids and we do a lot of outings and moms and kids love him. Our dog has been a great addition to our family as he’s very friendly and stable thus we can take him anywhere. See pics in my history to see the clip we keep him in. Poodles can be cut in anyway.. short ears etc and if you have a poodle in a color that most people don’t recognize such as phantom or silver or red etc they won’t be able to place the dog anyway. Most people assume poodles only come in black and white and the stereotypical poodle cut which includes large poofy head and very long ears.


https://ibb.co/q0yCKxz https://ibb.co/jVV8NpY https://ibb.co/mDFMK2h https://ibb.co/b30TgQ4 https://ibb.co/Fx2Nys7 Some non stereotypical poodle clips. Also a shaved face looks super nice as well with shorter ears etc on a male. You will get comments with people asking you what breed he is.


I've always loved poodles. Mine has a trim that is slightly longer on top, ears, and tail, and is otherwise short in summer, longer in winter. No bows, no perfume, no poufs. Poodles were bred as water retrievers. Mine has a 'soft mouth' and likes water. (soft mouth means she'll grab my hand, or pick something up, with no pressure; you want you waterfowl retrieved intact.) Poodles are smart, mischievous, energetic, affectionate. She barks to alert me of people or animals in the yard. They're quite trainable. Their fur keeps growing, so they have to be trimmed, or they'll get mini-dreadlocks - they call that being corded. She gets matted, brings in burrs and leaves in her curly fur. That's the only drawback. Find some breeders, go meet some poodles.


We keep a Miami Cut on my standard and my boyfriend has the most pride of anyone I know when we’re out with her. If it was up to me I’d keep her in a floppy muppet cut bc I love long hair. Why do you care so much? Poodles are PERFECT.


You need to meet some standard poodles , the ones I have met are strong , active and not delicate frou frou creatures . I have two minis and although they are lap dogs they are farm boys . They love running around in the woods with my Collie , riding in the side by side , riding in the trucks . I will say this though , I do see so many doodles for adoption and all my dogs are adopted at various ages my Anatolian collie at about a year , one poodles at about 5 and the other at about 8 . They are all great dogs and came house trained and good with cats . I worked hard on the recall with the big dog and it builds a good relationship. If I was in your position I would definitely see what is available for adoption and meet some dogs .


Everyone thinks my poodle is a doodle. So you can get a poodle, cut them like a doodle and then never correct people when they mistake your pood for a dood. Standard poodles are such lovable goofballs you will not regret!


Our standard is smart, goofy, and desperate to please. He’s a great hiking/snowshoeing dog and has endless (not obnoxious) energy. we keep him groomed short and are mindful of his coat in the snow. It does require some maintenance. He’s a great pup and while he is fully standard, we did rescue him from a not so great situation when he was a puppy. That was our middle ground for “buying” a specific breed instead of rescuing. We also have a wonderful rescue dog. I hope you find the right pup for you and don’t let people talk you out of standard just because they don’t know.


I have standards. They are amazing! Just remember it will require grooming as an added expense every 6-8 weeks.


Stereotypes are just that. They're stereotypes They are meant to perceive something negatively. If the only reason you don't want to get a poodle is because you're worried what other people think of the dog, don't get it. It isn't fair for the dog for you to boil it down to just a stereotype. Get a poodle only because you genuinely want to get a poodle. These dogs will outsmart and outrun most dogs they come across.


It is funny because I felt somewhat similar. I had endless griping from my MIL when we told her we were getting a poodle. She'd only ever had labs and is very opinionated. Don't get me wrong, labs are great dogs, but after dog sitting for her lab over the years I realized they were not the breed for me. By no fault of his own, he was untrained and overweight but it put me off. My Spoo is goofy and cuddly and always up for a walk or to play. She's very sensitive to the moods of people around her. She also doesn't stink when she gets wet. I mean after a full week or so of swimming in the lake last summer there was a bit of a distinct doggy smell in the car. The snow can be a challenge - where I live it gets to be around 0F for at least a few days each winter and the first year we lived here, there were several feet of snow. The powder brushes off, but the wet snow does cling. We discovered a cheap whisk from the dollar store works wonders in getting the clumps broken up. She's a great retriever and extremely athletic. She's also got a nose that won't quit. She hasn't caught any wildlife but she loves to flush the quail that hang out in my yard. I won't have any other breed. That being said, I would suggest looking for a breed specific rescue before buying if you haven't already committed. In Canada, Standard Poodles in Need (SPIN) has had an inordinate number of dogs in their care the last few years as the doodle breeding industry slows down post pandemic.


My two spoos are athletes, and can look as upscale as needed but that is entirely up to you. Our red male one looks like a golden doodle if I let his hair grow and is often mistaken for one. But this froo froo idea is an easy mistake to make. I thought the same thing until my husband surprised me with the gift of a beautiful black poodle puppy 7 years ago. I would have never guessed my life would suddenly change and make me a much happier and fulfilled person. And this is coming from a person who didn’t care for dogs in a house and thought dogs were for other people. I never knew that certain dogs don’t have an inherent smell. Poodles do not stink or have a doggy smell and they don’t shed. My biggest fears gone. Easy to potty train, too! Wow, have I changed because I found out I was missing the fun and love two great companions can give. I guess the poodles are what was missing in my life. They are absolutely the perfect additions to our lives! They are very different in personality and one likes to travel and one enjoys playing catch in the backyard. One is a very outgoing clown who loves to run. The other is more quiet and likes to sleep a lot unless he is with others. We have a farm and a suburban home and froo-froo doesn’t live here unless we want the black female to show off at Thanksgiving because that’s just fun! Everyone oohs and exclaims because our girl is very gregarious. She is gorgeous either way—groomed to her best or scruffy from the farm or I’ve let her hair go “natural.” Attaching a couple of photos. You can see it’s all up to the owner. Let’s talk grooming. Keep them short if you like, but they do require some brushing. If you brush them right, they enjoy the attention and I find it very relaxing while watching football games or the like. I won’t lie, long hair requires grooming and patience but even that reaps the rewards of special bonding and trust if you learn to do it yourself. Take a poodle to a groomer and it isn’t cheap but either way, a poodle isn’t a dog for a small budget. I’m a cheapskate by nature but these two poodles are worth every single penny and every ounce of care! Poodles can be very active or can relax with you. They take cues from their family. If they run amok with the farm dogs and have fun following the goats and chickens, they will be completely chilled out later. If you want to go for a run, the poodles love it. If you’re feeling like you need to do housework, they rest and check to see you’re ok, but don’t ask for much except a smile or hug, and perhaps a treat. But these guys adapt to you! If I’m ill, and it happens as I have chronic health conditions, my husband will leave one home with me and take one to the farm. I’ve never felt more at ease because either one of the guys will sympathize or just rest beside me. Seriously, they are so smart they know today is not a day to party. Ok, I’m prejudiced, but can’t help it. I just wish I found out about poodles decades ago. Only you can decide if one (or two) is right for you. I’d start with one though…as it takes takes time to become a good parent, right? The sweet little girl that showed up one Christmas was a little scared but that paled in comparison to me! Take your time, and if you decide you want a poodle find a good breeder who offers ongoing help and support if needed after you adopt. One warning. If you do adopt, these pups will steal your heart and you will never be the same. Sorry to blather on. I’m just a happy woman who thinks the froo-froo rep that poodles have needs to be dispelled and it’s Sunday morning and I’m here to testify—poodles rule!! Whoops..can’t figure out how to attach photos to this message but DM me and I’ll show you!


I can tell you, poodles always love to strut after a great grooming. They work it!


I have a smaller rescue boy, he doesn't have the tight curls, and the DNA test this year (finally at 8 years old lol) says he is 40% Shetland Sheepdog, 25% mini Poodle, and equal parts thereafter of Lab, Golden Retriever, Schnauzer, and super mutt. In Midwest USA. He was very horribly abused obviously when I get him at around 1.5 years old. He had issues, never potty training issues but behavioral towards men and hats and generally being absolutely terrified of humans besides me. He is now an absolute angel and star, he goes boating on the ocean, kayaking frequently, does multi day hikes, listens, loves EVERYONE he meets, and everyone who has ever met him loves him too. Literally at least 10 people have asked to babysit him anytime I need, and at least 5 close friends and my neighbor all have voiced that they would take him in a heartbeat if ever needed. He is my baby and the best dog I have ever had the privilege to know and have as my companion in life. He gets haircuts to look like a Schnauzer and people 100% have insisted he is a schnauzer poodle mix. When I grow him out and shave his face, feet, give him "boots", he looks like the most glamorous little princess around. He loves wearing costumes, and snuggling. He follows me absolutely everywhere, he is my shadow. He goes to big events, and all over, and only ever wears a leash when it is required. So, what I'm saying is, dog is man's best friend and my little sometimes prissy looking boy has changed "tough guys" opinions on fancy looking dogs more times than I can count. I'm team rescue but it does take a long time to find the right dog (he has allergen friendly poodle traits through and through). No matter what dog you get, give it love and training with firm but gentle attitude, and that dog will be amazing. I used to breed Corgis, also great dogs, but, this little doodlish mutt is the best dog I've ever had. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks!! (Also look into hybrid vigor, and common health issues of any purebred dog that you do have interest in prior to committing.) The $35 adoption fee was the best money I ever spent. I've went back and donated hundreds to the same organization he came from, every year since. They need lovenjust like we do in order to flourish. You can't make the right decision so long as you properly train and exercise and care for the dog you do end up with 🙂 they're all angels and reflections of their environment!


i never thought i wanted one either. I have two now. i keep them clipped short to keep maintenance at a minimum. My second i got from a breeder who bred for sports/retrieving and she will play frisbee/ball until i am tired. She has a keen eye for squirrels and rabbits so have to watch that. Loyal and so so smart. Chose your breeder carefully if you go that route, depending on where you are many areas have standard poodle rescue groups looking for new homes for abandoned dogs. With the rise of the doodle many poodles are kept for breeding then abandoned.


Being one of the OG gun dogs isnt froo froo in my book. My male is always in a show cut with “feminine” bands and collars but he still gets down to business. I really only experience that stigma if we’re not around dog or poodle people.


If you did your research you would have found that standard poodles are retrievers and the so called foo-foo haircuts have a needed purpose. Also myself loving my second poodle and dreadfully missing my first, to me hands down best dogs. Also holy shit they are smart, cuddly, loving, they train so easily, did I mention smart?


I’m a 24 M and I love my standard poodle to death. They’re great companions, smart, and agile. I usually don’t get mine the traditional poodle cut just because I don’t like the way it looks.


I felt the same about spoos. I have one and he’s six now and I cannot imagine having a different pup! He’s great. So gentle but playful. So energetic if you want that. When he was a pup, I got the frou-frou cut and everywhere we went, people either loved him or close friends made fun of him for looking prissy. But he wasn’t! So, he has a teddy bear cut now and I think he looks great! I correct everyone that thinks he’s a doodle of some kind and I stay, “No, he’s a STANDARD POODLE!” You know, they’re originally hunting dogs? Doesn’t get more manly than that!


Here are a few pics of my ‘sissy’ dogs working and embarrassing every Labrador at the duck blind. I personally loved the juxtaposition of having a beautifully groomed poodle that is out working in a swamp or the woods. Poodles so incredibly athletic and smart they can do absolutely anything that you are willing to train them to do. So tough that it’s sometimes times shocking, mine have injured them selves on sharp sticks and broken off toenails without even a whimper. And they are friendly loving clowns that just want love and play. Get and poodle, everything else is just a dog. With regards to what other people think it your dog. you will have the pleasure of having the best companion you’ll ever know. They will be sad and wonder why their xdoodle is only half as awesome as your dog. There is an elitism that comes with a standard, because when you have one you know that they are the best. The others are just diluted shades of what could have been. The guy I work for has a labradoodle, he always comments on how great my dogs are and how he wishes his would be more like mine. Well, he’s only got half of the good part and that’s not enough. [Fiona running](https://imgur.com/a/1kKqK) [Fiona Geese](https://i.imgur.com/7cRC98u.jpg) [Fiona TRex](https://i.imgur.com/bMr4Its.jpg) [Beatrix & Fifi](https://i.imgur.com/WkbhEox.jpg) [Beatrix and Fifi 2 limits](https://i.imgur.com/juDtjb8.jpg) [Beatrix and Fifi good haircuts for a field trial](https://i.imgur.com/CHtTs9z.jpg) [they even like to go fishing!](https://i.imgur.com/kORiHvw.jpg)


My parents have had two standard poodles and neither of them had froo-froo temperaments. Their first was incredibly intelligent, was quite calm, loved the outdoors, except for water. Their current dog is smart but not as smart as the first one. He is rambunctious, loves to play tug, loves the outdoors, but also hates water.


90% of what reads as poodle is the haircut. Which means you can change it entirely every few months if you want. A low-maintenance kennel clip will have your dog looking very dog-like. A longer face reads as a doodle. There are like three months of hair growth between the two. The continental clip (the show poodle look) isn't something most people choose. Longer hair requires a lot more brushing, so it's a lot of work. Personally, I like the Miami clip for my girl: it's relatively easy to maintain, and it's just the right amount of fancy for my pretty dog. I think we're going to lose the cuffs at the next groom though, with the weather getting wetter. Poodles are athletic without being super high energy like a working breed, so they fit well into a regular life with a 9-5 job, they respond really well to positive reinforcement training, and you can totally take them on a hike on the weekend and you'll both have a great time.


I mean you can always cut the hair of the poodle to not be so "frou frou". It is just hair anyway. Regardless, I'm a man and I specifically picked a poodle over the doodle mixes because poodles have such an amazing pedigree and history (plus doodles are somewhat fashion/designer breeds so not really the best bred). If you ask me poodles are not frou frou at all. Standard poodles are very capable hunter dogs. They are typically a gun dog (water and land retrieval), but can easily be a hunting dog (land retrieval), or even a flushing dog (a dog that locates and chases birds so the hunter can shoot them out of the air). Not only that, standard poodles were often used in war throughout history. There is a famous scene depicted in one of Napoleon's letters are the Battle of Waterloo where a general passed in battle. The general's companion dog survived and tried to get Napoleon's attention to help his just recent passed owner. The dog didn't leave the corpse's side for many hours and howled during the night. The picture and moment was so monumental to Napoleon he wrote a letter about how it even moved him to tears and made him rethink the lives he has effected due to his actions. That dog was speculated to be a standard poodle. I think it's funny that people almost frown upon you when the idea of getting a poodle is presented but when interacting with the dog they love it. When I first got my spoo my friends told me not to give him the poodle cut and all of that hoopla. At the time I was in agreeance (sadly I cared too much of what other people thought at the time), I kept him in a teddy bear cut. Then after some hospital visits he needed some of his mouth hair cut so that's when I was kind of forced to give him a the shaved feet and face. WOW WOW WOW! That was when I really took pride in the breed. Not only that, other people loved it too! My friends at the time liked it more than expected and strangers always commented on how handsome he looks and how "you don't see them like that anymore! It's always doodle this and doodle that, but never just the poodle." It sounds like you really think a standard poodle is right for you. It sounds like you want a poodle. It also sounds like you have some hesitations. I think hesitations are all normal. I also think, this will be your dog, so who cares on what other people think. I have had many punk teens and rougher looking men look at me and my spoo then ask questions about him or even comment on how beautiful and respectable he looks. I really don't think you can't go wrong with a spoo and nobody in person will ever say those things to you. It's just a dumb stereotype from the media.


remember that standard poodles were bred to be retrievers, and are still used for that purpose. they can LOOK frou frou depending on the cut you give them, but even the show dogs enjoy getting muddy and dirty and splashing around in the water.


People are dumb and poodles are awesome. I was also resistant to the frou frou but after getting to know our particular lovable idiot dog, I’m all on board with getting him a haircut that’s as ridiculous as his personality. Pros: athletic, cuddles, fetches like a madman, gorgeous, amazing with kids, always down for a day of vegging out on the couch or running full speed, very soft and pettable Cons: needs as much attention as my human children, his haircuts cost more than mine


I have a labradoodle, and now I am OBSESSED and in love with poodles. Please no one shame for getting a doodle— I got him peak pandemic and I, too, was worried about PP (poodle perception). Poodles are the shit! They are SO smart, SO sassy, SO loving, and loyal and funny. I see all these traits in my doodle, and they all make me love him even more. He is 87.25% poodle vs Labrador, so dare I say, I have a mostly poodle mix? I think poodles are the best now, can’t see not having a poodl-y dog now. Don’t forget poodles are bird dogs! They’re hunters— so don’t get in your head they’re total frou frou. You can cut their hair to make them seem more or less “fancy,” but even regardless of the cut, my boy knows he’s a dapper lad and prances and trots even if he’s coming back to the house covered in mud after chasing down vermin.


I had a very similar experience to you, all research and quizzes and stuff were pointing towards the poodle, I didn't particularly want a poodle. I did some research and changed my mind. Poodles started off as hunting dogs, retrievers with the same purpose as a lab or golden. They are still used for hunting to this day, there are videos on YouTube. They are smart, friendly, affectionate and athletic. Extremely versatile dogs that can do almost anything. Also they come in many different colors and patterns. For example the phantom has the same pattern as a doberman. The parti is spotted like a cow, brindle has stripes etc. And the clips you can put them in are endless. Look up the German clip. Super masculine. Or you can leave the face long and get a doodle clip on a poodle. Or keep them short all over. The options are vast.


If you're personally so sensitive to other people's reactions, you probably shouldn't get one. Standards turn heads everywhere they go, and you'll constantly be watched or approached by people who want to discuss your dog, mostly positive, but some negative. A lot of them will be people who grew up with standards and have really positive memories even though they've now succumbed to the stereotypes and have purchased some kind of poodle mix. No matter what, you're going to get a lot of outside commentary and attention. I'd hate for you to let that sensitivity affect how you treat your companion. I've been in the woods with mine for several days, he's passed out now after a morning running up and down trails and greeting strangers.


My male family members also had reservations about getting a poodle at first. Then we adopted a 3 year old black standard and she quickly showed them how loving, intelligent, goofy, and athletic poodles can be! That dog went everywhere with our family- the barn for my riding lessons, hiking, kayaking, she was game for it all. The only time I’ve seen my dad cry in my life was when she died and he was burying her. I’ve since converted my husband to a poodle person too, and my family are fully poodle people for life. My parents have had 3 more standard poodles now, my grandma has had two, my husband’s aunt got one, his parents are considering one for their next dog. We have two mini poodles and at first my husband was a little worried about getting comments from people about his “macho” dog- a tiny 7 lb poodle. But honestly, people don’t really say anything like that. They just rave about how cute she is. Go with the dog that’s best for your lifestyle. The great thing about poodles is you can kind of make them look however you want. My parents keep their boys shaved down to one even length, so it’s easy maintenance and they don’t have “frou-frou” poofs. I keep mine in more of the “puppy cut” because they look cute. It’s up to you!


When asked "Why a Poodle?" Anne Rogers Clark (the first woman to win Best inShow at Westminster) often replied: “They are Labradors with college educations. After a day of retrieving, your Lab wants to curl up in front of the fireplace and take a well deserved nap. A Poodle wants to be fourth at the bridge table and tell naughty stories!”


Poodles are softer, biggest reason lol. But they’re also at their core hunting dogs, which is bad ass. A lot of those froo froo poodles you see at shows are in the field on the weekend or at hunting trials. I also kind of thought poodles were froo froo dogs until I met a farm poodle. He was so sweet and he ran around outside with his pug friend. He was in a short all over cut, which I’m still a huge fan of. You can also get a mowhawk with that short all over. If you have a heart for rescue you can adopt a poodle. Or you can make a list of all the qualities you like about poodles and give them to a rescue and they can match you a dog. Or you can get a well bred poodle!


Don't worry about people's opinions. The standard poodle is an amazing breed and in my opinion, cross-breeding them with labs, goldens or anything else only dilutes their poodle awesomeness. Plenty of savvy hunters use standards as retrievers/gun dogs. You can google "hunting poodles" for an interesting alternate look at the breed. You're clearly already aware of how intelligent they are. I kept my standard poodle in a very short, all-over clip. He didn't have a frou-frou bone in his body and he didn't look it either, in that short clip. I say, if your research points to the standard poodle as the breed for you, then get one and to hell with people's misconceptions.


Someone once told me a poodle is a Doberman in drag.


I have a sport poodle. He's got drive for DAYS and would gladly learn anything I ask of him. They are fru fru dogs in the way that they KNOW they are special super stars. They however are not stuck up prissy dogs. Go to a few dog shows and meet some or see if there's a breed club in your area. They will definitely surprise you.


It's always a good idea to consider a shelter / rescue dog, but it's ok to go with a breeder who cares about the breed. I am a man and never had an issue with someone thinking or saying anything about my dog. I honestly find doodles a bit of an odd choice and lets me know their owner probably wanted a poodle but cares way too much about what other people think. I kind of don't respect most doodle owner's decision making logic for this reason. However, even though I'm critical of their choice, nobody would know it because I don't walk up to people and say rude things like that. The real scenario you have to think about is what you like to do and what you want to get out of your dog. If you want an affectionate and smart breed that loves you and who you will love, a poodle is a great choice. Downsides are they need grooming, but that can be fun, or you can trim them down real short. They are sometimes too smart for their own good. You have to be vigilant not to leave food on the counter!


My great aunt had an old man Standard Poodle, his name was Buddy. He would bark and scare off the bears that came around. He also would stick to me like glue when I was outside with him, exploring the bush. An absolutely amazing dog. Aunt Pearl never had him groomed frou-frou. Just a short clip all over for easy maintenance.


I have a mini pure bred and just let it's hair grow out till it's a fluf ball, then buzz it bald. If I take her in to get her hair cut, I have to specify and say "don't poodle her." Also, mine was a rescue. Shelter had 10 of these mini pure breeds. They were breeder dogs who got dumped. Me and my ex ended up getting 2 of them. Took some training and love, but they are the sweetest dogs ever. So you could get lucky and some shitty breeder dumps the dogs because he doesn't want to pay to take care of them.


Your off putting


I’ve had two Wheaten Terriers who were unbelievably smart dogs. My mini poodle Honey at just 11 months is equally intelligent, responsive and an awesome companion. She, like all other poodles is a HIGH energy dog so keep that in mind! You don’t have to have it groomed like “FiFi LaRue” 😆 it’s a stereotype that just doesn’t apply. Get a poodle! They’re awesome!


I hate the poodle cut, absolutely no offense to anyone who likes it, and would not ever do it to my dog. He’s consistently confused for a doodle because I keep him scruffy but that comes with a lot of maintenance. I am female so no one’s ever given me shit for having a mpoo but my brother walks him all the time and he says no one’s ever said anything to him. If anything, the opposite. He’s also about 13 lbs on a good day and one day my brother came in during quarantine with a hat, mask, and scarf after the end of his shift in the middle of the night and my little buddy did a whole cat arched back snarling and growling posturing in front of me trying to herd me backwards while barking for his life. My brother took his mask and hat off and he was like oh hey! dude did you see that intruder I just scared off? And this is coming from a dog that gets scared of his shadow.


If you like to read cozy mysteries try “Laurien Berenson”. Poodle lover!


I got a standard poodle. Great dog. You can just tell people it’s a laberdoodle if your so inclined. Doesn’t shed, super smart, tall, loves to cuddle, loves to play, loves to do tricks, loves to lay around. Doesn’t shed. Did I mention doesn’t shed…isn’t predispose to the whole genetic diseases of the designer poodle mixes. And above all else. Doesn’t shed.


I had a black standard poodle, Astro, who lived to be 14 years old. He was extremely athletic and shocked all of my friends, especially the men, with how smart and strong and athletic he was. Yes people will think a standard poodle is a frou frou dog, up until the moment they meet him in person. Then that dog will destroy every notion they had about what a standard poodle is. We would take him out to a baseball diamond that was empty to throw his tennis ball, and everybody at that park would just stand around staring at him in amazement at how fast he ran and how he would slide through the dirt to get that ball. After watching him for a bit, everyone wanted a standard poodle. We kept his haircut short all over.


I was in the exact same boat as you and so happy I decided to go forward with getting a spoo! He’s the best boy, no shedding, and you don’t have to do the frou-frou cut. Most people who have the stereotype have never actually gotten to hang out with a standard poodle, and once they do they do the stereotype falls away pretty quickly. I honestly think you’d find it to be a non issue. It’s kind of fun getting to dispel some of the misinformation anyway. Getting a dog from a shelter is also a great choice! Much less consistent, better if you have the time and patience to work through some real issues, but can be super rewarding.


Best dog I’ve ever had. Everyone wants to pet him. He loves it. V athletic. Assimilates the family vibe. Will be laid back when you are. Will be fun and bouncy when you are. Smart. Will likely be able to read your thoughts.


I mean, the /perception/ is frou-frou, but that will almost always be heard from people who don’t actually know any standard poodles. My go-to example is my girl: her favorite state of existence is muddy followed only by snowy. 😂 Have you tried reaching out in your area to see if there is a standard poodle owner (or two) that would maybe meet you at a dog park or something to just hang out with their dog? I have multiple friends that have said something to the effect of, “I had never really considered a poodle until I met your girl! I always thought poodles were [insert weird stuff here]!” I have long called her a great ambassador for the breed.


My wife was worried about the same stereotypes before we got our Standard Poodle. We absolutely adore him. The frou frou stereotype really does come from the haircuts and misinformation. The only people who recognize what kind of dog mine is are people who have or love standards. Most others assume he is a doodle. And strangers are invariably impressed by how athletic, sociable, graceful, and good looking and good natured he is. As others have said, you can make them look however you want.


Standard Poodles were bred to be hunting/retriever dogs. Their fur was to repel water. Yes, they can sometimes look Froo-Froo, but that's not all that a Standard Poodle is. And you can have them cut anyway you want. We groom our Standard Poodle and we just keep his hair short with a poof on top of his head. That said, he does prance a bit when he walks/runs. :)


I think it's those over-the-top poodle cuts that people refer to when they think a poodle is fru fru. No offense to anyone else, just not my thing. I don't shave mine anywhere, he's all one length with a puppy cut and he's adorable, He's also stubborn, and a pain in my butt, but i love him anyway. hahaha I should add poodles are one of the smartest breeds and therefore easily trainable. Nothing about my guy is fru fru


Just shave him down all over. My standard poodle gets confused for a German short hair pointer when he’s shaved 🤷‍♀️ google standard poodle completely shaved


People here have some great advice and perspective. There’s a reason we are on this sub, poodles are frigin awesome. I would also add that rescuing is a great choice. My poodle mix was from an animal shelter and she was the epitome of the perfect dog. She would rough house, was so athletic, incredibly smart, and the most emotionally intelligent best friend anyone could ever ask for. There are poodle mixes and even full poodles in shelters. Avoid this doodle purchasing trend, there are plenty of hybrids in the shelters that need homes and would make amazing family members without spending 1k.


No worries, as long as you don't get the traditional poodle cut people will just ask you what kind of doodle it is 😅 they won't really know what they're looking at.


Get your next Standard Poodle from Poodle Rescue! That's what we did, and Marshall is the most intelligent, sweetest soul we've ever met. Better than our 7 Dobermans. (See my posts of him in this sub.)


If you get a red or apricot poodle everyone will think it’s a doodle anyway. I keep my girl in a puppy cut with clean/shaved snout and people still ask what kind of doodle she is.


They are truly amazing dogs and companions. You can always get a none fancy haircut. I used to do a very short clip in summer for mine and a medium all over clip in winter. She never looked frou frou


Standard poodles are the best!! I have 3 dogs now and have always had at least 1 standard since i was a kid. the one i have now is named grizzly and you can tell by her name that she doesnt have the over the top hair cut you see in dog shows. I give her the teddy bear cut that keeps her face and body a little longer and shaggy and a puppy cut in the summer. There are a number of cuts you can choose from. Get a poodle, you won't regret it. Try not to care what other people think. If a poodle has all the characteristics you're looking for in a dog, don't let the opinions of people you don't know stop you from getting what you want! :) Also, standard poodles raced in the iditarod! There isn't anything more athletic or badass than that!


The poodle breed is a hunting dog at its core, they are smart and work like any other dog with a job. My toy may be only 6 lb but she works 12 hour days as a service dog (with breaks and naps of course) and comes home and still alerts to episodes. My own father who’s a 6’4” Viking of a man with two 100 lb + Bernese mountain dogs fell in love with her in 5 seconds and was holding her like a baby. He previously insulted my love of poodles for the Same “fru fru” and pointy face reasons most people do but he fell in love all the same. Get a poodle and give it a lamb or sporty cut , and ignore the haters. Your dog will run circles around there’s. Don’t get a doodle whatever you do. It’s near impossible to find an ethical doodle breeder.


My poodle and I go hiking every weekend, we go on runs daily, he knows lots of tricks, and if I would let him, he would be a good hunter. He doesn’t have a “frou frou” poodle hair cut. Just a regular haircut, with belly shaved in the summer to keep him cool. People often mistake him for a doodle of some sort, and are surprised when I say he’s a standard poodle. I wouldn’t miss out on the opportunity to have a companionship with the best dog breed because of other peoples opinions. If those comments get to you, just keep your poodle’s hair cut regularly instead of a poodle cut!


My male red standard poodle besides intelligent is big strong extremely athletic. Take him running, backpacking swimming,etc. He is 9 now and so far I have slowed done more. As long as he gets a lot of exercise and playtime he is happy and a great companion. Also well socialized and getting to be more of a love sponge.


I have a standard poodle. Some people definitely turned up their nose early on. I use him as a trail dog though and people have just gotten used to him flying down the trail chasing me on my downhill bike. I keep him short almost all year long and he wears a sweater when needed. Some people think he sucks because he's a poodle, some people think he sucks because they have a burning hate for doodles (and think he is one), and honestly if this is going to bother you you should avoid the breed. The stereo type follows the owners who keep their dogs like a show piece - but if functionally they are great outdoor dogs and love to swim - just a bit high maintenance due to their fur.


Get the poodle! You can keep it in a short clip. They are smart, athletic, easy to train dogs that don’t shed. Poodles awesome dogs that get overlooked constantly.


I have a male standard and the only response I get is “wow that’s a big poodle” he’s 65lbs and to me not big at all. He keeps a lower cut with maybe a head poof but nothing remotely close to fancy show dog cuts. We play fetch outside for hours a week and roam the property. He’s far from froo froo. He’s athletic, smart, gentle, great with the kids, cuddly, and everything I could desire as a single man with young kids. I also don’t give af what others think about my choices.


Before I got a dog allergy I laughed at the idea of owning a poodle. Now, just one year into it I can’t imagine having anything else. I consider my spoo and myself rewriting that frou frou stereotype. We are legendary together. You define you and your dog, no one else.


My standard is the top dog I’ve ever known! She’s surprisingly smart, kind and patient, a true family dog. She’s happy to chill at home or go wild at the dog park or on a long leashed walk. Only poodles for me from here on out.


The stereotype is certainly there but only for those who have never known a poodle. I am a middle class Floridian with allergies that wanted an intelligent and medium/ large dog. Standard Poodle it is, and don’t want to spend a ton of money on grooming so I groom her myself every 4-6 weeks. Ironically, most people assume she is a “doodle” of sorts and very rarely does anyone know she’s a standard. I correct them every time, and am proud that she is a true breed. Goal was intelligent, loyal, and hypoallergenic. Checked all the boxes there! And so much love.


My wife and I got our first dog 6 years ago, a mini poodle. Now, we don't think we'll really want any other type of dog. We're in an apartment, but if we get a house, we'll get a standard as well. Even our mini is definitely not frou frou. She's wickedly intelligent, playful, well-trained, and loving. She gets filthy and loves it. She's a big dog in a 13", 11 lb body. She also serves as my psychiatric service dog. Everyone always asks how old our puppy is and are surprised when we say 6 years old, lol. They think that she's a standard puppy. We groom her ourselves, and do a modified pet clip. We heep her topknot pretty big, because we love it, and when I'm having an episode, I pet her head and her top knot floofiness helps. I say get yourself a poodle if you want a poodle. You never know what you're getting if you get a doodle, it's really a mixed bag. Edit: she's also not yappy and stuff, which surprises people.


Most of that froo-froo stigma comes from the poofy haircuts. I like to give ours a shaggy dog type haircut and what’s funny is that no one can even tell she’s a poodle. When I tell them her breed, they’re usually shocked. If you’re concerned about a poodle stigma, maybe you could also go with this kind of haircut? [Here’s a picture of her so you can see what I mean.](https://i.imgur.com/xYgMHCg.jpg) Also, fuck other people and their asinine opinions. If you want a poodle, get just one. In the end, no one actually cares what dog you have, what’s important is that you’re happy.


Poodles are the best dog breed in the world and you'll never convince me otherwise. We groom ours very basic and nothing like the poodle stereotype. He's the best dog I've ever met or ever had. Most people are super surprised when they learn he's a standard poodle. Most people think he's a doodle. He's amazing, athletic, kind, gentle, smart, etc. I could go on forever. The OG water retreiver dogs. Nothing froo froo or frilly about Standard Poodles other than those ridiculous haircuts. Poodles can be outdoor adventure dog hunting manly dogs through and through. https://ibb.co/TqLSr9G https://ibb.co/5R5vd9b https://ibb.co/qnB9Cdj


My boyfriend balked at the idea of a standard poodle too at first. The frou frou stereotype forefront in his mind. Our boy is now 2.5 years old and my bf will never have another type of dog. We currently have our poodle in a short body clip with a Mohawk and growing out a goatee so we can braid it. He'll never be in a traditional show cut because that's not our style. You can do whatever you want with yours. I will tell you that every single person who meets your dog, especially if you do a unique clip, will love your poodle. I haven't met a person yet who doesn't gush over ours.


Buying a poodle instead of a overpriced mutt makes you 10000% smarter then any of the people who will judge you for it lol


Anything a doodle can do, a poodle can do better and in spades. If you’re worried about the aesthetic, just choose a doodle/modern cut and people will probably assume it’s a doodle anyway. I don’t have a spoo yet, but it’s my dream dog. They are truly amazing dogs and only have a negative reputation because people don’t *understand* them, period.


my ex’a family had a spoo and idk a more “manly man” than his dad.. dude was a gun toting Missouri man, ive also never seen anyone love their dog quite so much😂 if you have the energy, a spoo can definitely fit into any household !


Poodles are athletes, they are good running buddies and good swimmers. They're strong and agile. They're intelligent and learn quickly and love showing off. Just get an athletic type groom and people can think what they like. You know you have a great dog and excellent friend


If they renamed them English water dogs or something, everyone would have one. The reasons people list for wanting a "doodle" (smart, family dog, low shed, etc) all describe a standard poodle way more than a doodle. I'm a vet tech and standard poodles are always the best patients I have.


If you can’t get a dog you like because you’re too worried what other people think … well, that’s really kinda sad to be honest. I don’t give two fucks what anyone else thinks about my choices.


Very easy. Get the Poodle..... and you will become obsessed with poodles 🐩 But seriously. You can cut a poodles hair anyway you want! Kennel clip, fancy continental, shave them down, give them a mohawk, clean face, fluffy face.... they really don't care what they look like, as long as they can bounce around and be your best friend! Trust everyone here. Get a poodle and thank us later!


As a vet I have always appreciated standard poodles. They are smart, not overly aggressive and don’t shed or smell. You can also train them to go duck hunting according to our clients (no personal experience since I don’t shoot fuzzy critters). Go for it!


You would be surprised how many poodle mixes are already in shelters.