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I went to jail, got work release, left jail with 5 grand and got an apartment. Solved the problem of owing probation $$ too. Doing time sucks but it actually made my life better. I haven't been homeless since. Although I stopped doing drugs too. Went on methadone clinic 5 years ago and haven't looked back.


I got out of prison in 2014 then sent to a halfway house for two more years. Got a great job and saved the whole time. I still work there and make 34.26 an hour with OT some weekd


$34.26 😳


Wonderful for you. Congratulations, sincerely.


That’s awesome, what type of work do you do?


You make me hopeful for others. Keep being an inspiration.


Wow. I went to prison for 3 years and they worked me 6 days a week for free.


My story is pretty similar. Work release allowed me to save up enough money to buy a car and get an apartment. I would recommend for others!  Honestly doing time in work release was gravy! All it consisted of was going back to the jail to sleep and eat at night. Easiest time I've ever done. It was like a summer camp!


Probably shouldn’t pump it as we don’t want redditors to do jail time


So actually robbing a bank isn't the worse idea if your in dire straits


I wouldn’t recommend it. I believe it’s a mandatory 10 years Fed time. A friend of mine did that because his girlfriend kept complaining about money.


I was robbed at the bank I work at a few years ago. No weapon, no threat of a weapon. Just passed a note and asked for cash. They caught him within 30 minutes. He did maybe two years and that was on top of parole violations and a suspended license etc. I think each one is situational. Many factors go into the specific charge and how much time you do.


Robbing anyone is risky. But whatever. And having to send yourself to prison to hopefully improve your life is incredibly ridiculous.


It's crazy that society would rather pay to keep someone in prison 24/7 than to provide shelter and training long enough for people to save up for a deposit on a place and some emergency funds. This process could be a lot faster and cheaper and way less punitive.


You would think. But the for profit education system is embedded in our society. I would certainly my tax dollars go for job training for convicts and non convicts and temporary housing than building more prisons. We have a serious shortage of mechanics, carpenters, plumbers, basically every trade and doctors and nurses. Where are the Democrats as to this ? Dumping billions into green energy scams.


They’re not all scams, but the ones oil & gas companies try to hawk almost always are, and they inevitably greenwash it and sell it to some slovenly politician who drools at the prospect of more oil & gas money… Hydrogen, for example. Total scam. It was a con by the natural gas industry to lock in demand for their product, which is derived from…dundududunnnn… Natural gas. The same with LNG. Total scam, makes little sense, but we’re dumping money into it. Public money. Ethanol? Total scam. Solar panels, on the other hand, are a no brainer. But we didn’t wana protect American manufacturers, we just let China dump their product onto the market & saturate it. Don’t blame green energy. Blame fossil fuels and the $7 trillion in annual subsidies they suck up globally. If we had a brain we’d be building nuclear left and right and training an entire generation of technicians and engineers with public funds. Can’t have an educated workforce if you impose barriers to entry like we do now…


Bingo. Armed robbery is much different than theft even of a bank in the eyes of the law. Taking the example one person passing a note unarmed verses another walking in waving a gun or pulling a gun on a worker/customer.


What type of crime do you recommend? Asking for a friend.


Financial. 😂


Unfortunately... real as fuck.. educate yourself, if you can remove emotion, you van rob the rich via the stock market. OP look into that. With a cellphone, you can flip money like a drug dealer, on the NYSE, as it is a fully rigged system, with predictable outcomes. Educate, and find a reliable group of traders (doing the same shit) and you can make moves weekly that can 2x, or sometimes 10x, your play. But... never play with more than you need yo cover required living expenses (ie car note, cellphone, gym membership for showering), bc you most definitely can fuck up, and lose everything.. don't use fear in your decision making, it will always result in a bad outcome. Good luck friend


Yeah that’s how union pension funds lost money with Maddoff. Some of those big investors are people. But some are pensions that people who work manual labor jobs need so they can retire before their bodies collapse.


I recently watched something and a dude was saying most guys end up in jail because of women. One of the reasons why I think we need to legalize prostitution.


Lol. Or just make better partner choices. Although yes prostitution should definitely be legal.


Do something to get jail time, not prison time lol


They say it ain't workin'. That's the way you do it. You get your money for nothin' and your chicks for free.


Get a PO Box while you still have an address. It's it a necessity if you're homeless, and it will make it a lot easier.


PO Boxes aren't cheap


mine was like twelve dollars a month. even at 20 its a safe place to get your mail which is imperative and its cheaper then rent. plus you can move all around and not have to go thru the problem of changing your address on all your mail. so. totally wort it.


You can also use a friends address to collect mail from. DWP have advised this.


Some offices where you get food stamps job assistance housing all that offer a non PO address for people who need it, since a PO address sometimes cannot be used for stuff. Some shelters or day shelters do that too


Join planet fitness. For $10 a month you will have access to a bathroom and shower all night and all day even while homeless. If you are under 26, check into job corps or any branch of the military. They will house, feed, and train you for a career.


Job Corp is the right answer if op is young enough. It'll buy you time and time buys you choices. Plus you'll learn something


These are great options


Job corp fucking sucks tho mkst don’t even get a job in the career they r trained for


Military will take you up to 40 in some branches now, I think. 38 at least. Rec centers or gyms for sure to shower and use the lockers and kill time. If you have a car, find a place to park and sleep in it where you won’t get ticketed or towed or harassed while sleeping. Library for computer/internet use, printing stuff, connections to homeless help, and a safe place to spend time.


Recently military son had a man join at a whopping 42! Yupp up to 42 now for USA


The Navy takes Chaplains even in their 40s.


Job Corps cuts off at 24. But they can be a really good option.


In my state it’s 26


If you have a car paid off, trade it in for a used Prius. You can sleep overnight in Prius with heat/AC on and it only burns a gallon of gas. And you can power stuff like laptops with it 24/7. My buddy was homeless for a while and said living in a Prius was liking having a tiny hotel room that cost $3 a night. Every morning he would drive it to YMCA for a shower then off to work.


Don’t forget the heafty one time fee of 60 bucks and the yearly fee of 50 just for the $10 month plan. So you’re chucking out 120 just for a month if a gym membership. Ik the one time fee is one time but I really would prefer to not pay that. I had no clue until Sunday that Gym memberships aren’t 10 dollars at the start. They’re around 100+. Bogus.


OK, need some background. How old are you, do you live with your parents, do you get along with everyone? Do you have a job, are you in school? The answer you receive probably depends on your answers :)


Don’t be afraid to ask friends for help. Try to stay where you know people unless you need to leave for your safety. Navigating a new place & finding a new job is really hard. Also some programs have residency requirements so if you havent lived there for a while getting government assistance from out of state or out of town can be hard. Make copies of all your paperwork. Have an email. Have an updated simple resume.


Take every action to prevent this from happening. It’s much easier to prevent than treat. It’s like cancer. Go online and search for a grant from one of your local charities. Go to the department of human services. Ask anyone who will listen for help.


Can you stay in your car for a couple of months?


His car is down right now I’ve been driving him around but if he can get it back up I’m sure this will be a good solution thank you so much for the suggestions 🩷


There is some info over at /r/homeless


Talk to whoever you owe for payment and see if they can work anything out. Sell everything you have that you don't need. It will help with cash and it will save you from having to move it. Call everyone you know that you can stand to live with for a couple of months and see if they can help. If not, and you have one, live in your car in hotel parking lots. Or, slide back into your job and sleep at night if you can. I did this for 9 months. It sucked, but a lot of things do I guess. All else fails, call the local homeless shelter.


quickly sign up to work as a 24 hour caregiver Some motels will give housekeepers a room to live in while working for them.


Thank you this is really helpful


I know some storage unit facilities have housing for the person/people who manages it. I don't know anyone personally who has done it, but I wanted to mention it as another option to look into.


Thank you!! 💙


It is also possible to get live in housekeeper/baby sitter roles, but since it is for a whole family instead of just one person, it is easy to start feeling like a slave.


there are resources like safe parking programs, and WIOA federal grants…you could also do work-study


It’ll be about finding a roof and an income source. Could be as simple as staying in a hidden tent while you do delivery jobs or work day jobs to afford a phone to use for interviews and setting up appointments.


Depending on your age, you may have more or less options. There are loads more homeless services and shelters that cater specifically to “youth” (usually up to age 23 or 24) vs generalized services/shelters for homeless folks. There are also programs such as Job Corps that provide housing during your employment in their program, but again, this is only a viable option for those still youthful. Depending on your disability status and moral stance, I suppose there’s also recruiters for the military who would be frothing at the mouth to get you signed into their branch of service.


Surprise—-the USA military has higher standards today than you would imagine. This equipment is very expensive and training more extensive and expensive than ever. Your health and appearance need to be in order—-no visible tattoos in dress uniform. Must hold a high school diploma. Age requirements, of course. Less than 5% of the population is eligible. SURPRISE!


And less than 5% of us want to fight for this dystopian nightmare


Thank you so much !! 💚


Do you have a job? See if you can find a room for rent. Let me know if you have any questions or if I can help.


Is joining the military an option?


No this isn’t for me the person I made this post for is way too old for the military sadly


So how old is this person?




I found a job that travels and pays my way by per diem it was a masonry company from Alabama had an ad in Dallas morning News paper I got in the periodicals at the local library they were down there working in Biloxi right after Katrina rebuilding the Beau Rivage casino..I stuck with them and ended up in Miami in a company provided condo on the bay about 2 miles from south Beach building the everglades on the bay twin 52 story towers. Another 2 and a half years


Depends on a lot of things. Age, education or skills, job or not car or not etc. no easy way to answer this.


Yes that’s true thank you so much for sharing 🩵🩵


1. Establish a safe space to stay (friends, family or coworkers) Short of that 1. reach a homeless shelter 2. Chat with the guidance social workers they have their indicating your willingness to work 3. As difficult as it would be, get a fast food job. Not only does it give you income but gives you a cheap source of food (employee discount) 4. With any amount of money, get a gym membership. They have showers, sauna, pools, heated space to get out of the cold 5. Find a roommates (new immigrants are best) and rent a single sharee bedroom. 6.Rebuild your life from there. Of course, any number of issues, drugs, debt, addiction, dependants would make the above down right impossible


Being homeless isn't nearly as bad as people make it out to be if you're resourceful.


The first thing you are going to need is a job. The job is actually more important than a home. You can have a job without having a home but you can't have a home without a job. Once you have steady income you can make things happen as far as securing a new place to live.


I did long haul trucking for 5 years


Thank you!! 🩵


I was lucky to have a car ands a few months of a job left (I was a grad student teaching the semester at CU Denver) though it didn’t pay enough for Denver’s exorbitant rental rates - first, last, plus deposit meant I would have needed a minimum of ~4k to simply apply for places, not to mention application fees. I ended up finding solace under an old oak tree for a time, lost my little dog, then found a household looking for a roommate who gave me a chance to get on my feet. I got lucky.


Thank you so much for sharing and I’m sorry you went through that but I’m happy you are doing better 🩵🩵


Depends on where you live honestly. If you are in the USA there are homeless shelters that can help you get back on your feet. I stayed in a shelter and they helped me find work. They helped me budget to get myself an apartment and they put me with a program that helped me get started on furniture and dishes. These days I cook meals for the homeless for one of the programs that used to feed me. You better believe I include extra cookies.


Thank you so much for sharing and your kindness 🩵🩵


I hope things get better for you.


Thank you so much


When I lost my job and couldn’t make rent my land lord told me not to worry about paying and showed me sympathy. This lit a fire under me and I ended up landing two jobs. In the morning I worked part time unloading trucks at Walmart and in the evening I delivered pizzas. Then I was lucky enough to get a third job at night so quit the delivery job and just did the unloading trucks un the morning and then paid training for my other job at night. Eventually I only had to work the one job and had some savings and no longer owed back rent. Keep in mind my car had expired tags and I had let my insurance lapse and also ended up getting my license revoked. I got all figured out though. Had I been evicted internet friends had offered to get me money or have me come live with them. My own plan was to live out of my car and look for jobs and beg for money if things had gotten bad.


Starting in his late teens, my brother became a homeless addict on the streets of Portland. He'd occasionally try to go straight, but always ended up back on the streets. In his mid 30's, he got curbed for selling drugs in the wrong area. The curbing acted as a wake up call. He moved back in with my parents while he recovered. A while later, he checked into a halfway house, got sober, and went to community college to study to be an electrician. Basically, government programs were there to help him once he decided he wanted it. After graduating, it took him a few years to land a real job, during which time he worked at McDonalds. Now, a decade later, he is making six figures and travelling internationally installing industrial robotics. He bought his own home last year.


You need to reach out to the rapid rehousing program in Detroit. If there’s a St. Vincent de Paul nonprofit organization in the area, also reach out and let them know he’s going to become homeless, they can and many times will pay for rehousing, and give money to get a person on their feet along with food. Try nonprofits and government programs simultaneously, don’t do one and then the other… because these programs max out, so you need to apply simultaneously until you find the one with existing funds. Look at the city of Detroit’s RRP (rapid rehousing program) … connect to them, if you’re able. This was a quick search… please message me if you have questions. God bless you for helping this person, I hope you can find help for him. 🙏 Here’s some resources: https://communityhousingnetwork.org/short-term-programs/ https://www.uchcdetroit.org https://drmm.org/tag/homeless-prevention-rapid-re-housing-program/ https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/assistance-programs/housing-and-homeless-services/resources-for-providers https://www.michigan.gov/mshda/homeless/homeless-and-special-housing-needs-programs/emergency-solutions-grant-esg-program/homeless-preference-housing-choice-voucher


Aww thank you so much for this I appreciate you taking time out of your day for find all this for him 🩵🩵 God bless you


Thank you for taking the time to advocate for him… no one wants to be kicked when they are down. You’re a good human 💜. Has he already been evicted?


Aww thank you so much I hate seeing people in bad situations and no he hasn’t thankfully




Work multiple jobs,and spend the absolute bare minimum as possible. It can be done.




It’s not for me it’s for a family friend is 56


Do you have a drug/alcohol issue? Legal problems? Baby momma drama? Pets? Those kinds if things will keep you down. People don't want that stuff in their lives. I got out of it renting a room at a time, but I didn't have substance issues, I'm very clean and very quiet. You don't even know I'm there. That's huge, make yourself as small as possible. Be quiet and polite. Do your part in helping around the house Don't bring drama. You'll be able to find a room that way. Best of luck.


Thank you so much for sharing he doesn’t have any drug or alcohol issues and his children are grown so hopefully it will be easy for him if he needs to rent a room out 💙


Find a SOAR counselor in your area. You can pm me and I will help you find one


Be careful in job corp!!!!! They have a lot of unscrupulous kids


Job asap. Shelter and basic necessities asap. You can room for cheap if you can find it. Work as much as you can; besides $, you'll meet decent humans.


Work for the national park service! Housing is cheap and deducted from your paychecks. You can work any odd job, server, housekeeper, bartender, shop associate etc.


Section 8 saved me and sober living. I was homeless for like 4 years. Much of the time with my child. Thankfully we never lived on the street. I got into sober living stayed there for a few years and eventually got a section 8 apartment. I am grateful every day for a second chance at life.


I had a remote job where I worked from Mc Donald’s most days. I stealth camped in a city park, and hiked to Mc Donald’s every morning for work. After several months I was able to save up for an apartment.


Thank you so much for sharing 🧡


So this is a hard question to give a definitive answer, but I'll do my best to give advice. A lot of it starts with where you're homeless and what gender you are. Women are going to have a better time finding emergency housing. There's really no shelters for men except rehab places. Also if they have any history of foster care or adoption and they're under 25 check the nearest welfare office specifically for resources for foster kids. The first thing is making sure they have identification and a place for mail. If they have ID great, if not you'll need to find a friend, family, or church that will let you get mail there. Second most important thing is a gym membership. A 24 hour fitness or other gym membership will help you stay clean because if you can't stay physically clean on the streets you're screwed. If they already have a job I would highly suggest them dropping the hint at work that they are looking for a roommate. Another slightly more risky option is to find a VFW or find someone on a military base that you can put the word out that your looking for a roommate or to rent a room someplace. The military community is kinda in a weird spot when it comes to housing because people die or deploy and end up leaving their residence for a long time. Transportation and food will almost always be an issue as well as maintaining a job. If they have any management experience or are comfortable lying on a resume look into live on site storage management jobs. A lot of storage places have a small apartment above the office where someone lives and watches the facility. Look for a street sheet in your area and pray you're in a more liberal place. I know it's not much help but it's the best I got.


I’ve been living out of my car for the past nine months already. I love it.


You need to lean on friends. I was technically homeless for a few years but worked full time and had a cheap car. I slept on friends couches or in the back seat when needed. I was able to stash all of my cash because I worked at a restaurant and made a lot in tips but also got fed on the cheap or secretly ate customers leftovers if they were hardly touched. I used a reliable friend’s address. Thats the biggest hurdle with any situation, homeless or just traveling. Stashed a ton of cash and then got my own place.


I was homeless for a total of 4 years. Living out my car, couch hoping( rare for me). Just got to find a job love or of your car close to too your work and bank money. Camp grounds for a night or two on tent sites provide showers and stuff.


Thank you so much for sharing 🩵


I went on Facebook marketplace and found a room for rent. I picked out and found a really great safe place to live with some very nice people


The best thing to do if you can't afford housing, is to get a lot of friends and split the cost. I shared rooms when I was younger, I kept up with friends who were living 30 people to a 3 bedroom house, pretty much blankets and bunks all over, but I would visit and be nice to them because I knew I was just a bit of bad luck from asking to move in.


If you're not working start. If you're not working enough try to get a 2nd job. Not sure how old you are, but job corp takes you until age 21. As a last resort, try the military. Its nearly impossible to get an apartment with bad or no credit. Low income options tend to run full. Hard to get on a list.


Thank you so much for the advice it was all really helpful 🩵🩵


If you’re young, join the military. Not everyone’s first choice but a great choice when you have no other.


There’s no one size fits all answer. You need to generate an income to afford a place to live. If you have any money look for a room to rent in a house if you can’t afford a place on your own. Stay there for a while, get a job and save. Get an education and train for a higher paying job. It doesn’t have to be a fancy Degree. There are Certificate programs that will land you a decent job. Go to your local employment centre for assistance looking for ideas. Staying sheltered is all about having foresight to plan for the future and build yourself a safety net so this never happens again. When you get back on your feet, look back and thank everyone who helped you and give back your time in service of others.


Community college


Pack a go bag and acquire sleeping pads and a cheap tent (presuming you don't have a car). I was kicked out after I had a $1200 car - that car really helped. Although, I made terrible decisions regarding what I was willing to do to get a roommate.


You be proactive and realistic in your dilemma and if you can’t secure stable housing, I recommend Job Corps .


How do you feel about the Armed Forces? They will have you set up pretty fast.


can you provide more context?


Call 211 for area housing and resources. It’s the United Way


prepare by calling 211, or check your county website for emergency relief resources. Look for shelters in your town - somewhere close to a storage unit if your trying to save your belongings. Uhm - other then that - search for a room to rent for the time being if your cant tolerate being in a shelter, and can afford it. other then that -I would sign up for low income housing, or section 8 waitlists in your city/county - at least if you get selected later down the road - you wont have to worry about being homeless during older age. and maybe go buy a tent after your figure out where to store your belongings. then get a dog.


Thank you!!


Community resources sweetheart


I was one rich homeless guy, I slept in my brand new car with $24,000 in my bank. Came back home after a year or separation and now I’m poor again.


Get a job on a cruise ship


You can take a look at r/almosthomeless and r/homeless for some tips. There's r/roomandboard, read their mega-thread it might be helpful. You will need to share a general location if you want assistance finding specific resources. I just helped with some in OK and earlier this week, Lee County, Florida.


Apply for as much state resources like SNAP now - this will help you provide for some of your basic needs Try reaching out to family and friends for support - if they can probably provide short term housing until you can get a hotel or rent somewhere for longer. If you're under 18 - speak to a counselor or a trusted adult. They can help you to navigate resources around this issue primarily through helping you get connected with a social worker If you're 18 and a woman - women shelters can be a great resource and are usually more safe than regular shelters to an extent Churches and nonprofits can also be great resource. Try searching up things like “food pantry” to receive assistance while dealing with homelessness Stay strong


I got a job at Mc Donald's while squatting in abandoned houses, stealing food and supplies from Walmart, and l worked my way up from that. I had previously worked in construction so once I was stable I got a better job doing that again. There's so much more to it than that but I'm not trying to write a novel.


Did you use the address of the house you were in?


Used the address of a friend


If you are handy at all, try to get a job as an apartment or self storage maintenance man where they provide housing.


A job usually helps


I had to couch-hop for a few years. Found an elder friend who had a cabin in the woods and that was a lifesaver for a few months. The issue is when you don't have a community and community seems pretty rare these days. Sometimes it seems to be all about luck too. I know if one more thing had gone wrong during any of that time... well. Anyway, if you have a computer look into datannotation dot tech. do some research on it. it's hard to get in but the pay is good if you do. Good luck to you.


if you have a car you can sleep in there and if you have money for a gym membership you can get that to use the shower and restroom. check out the subs for car living. It’s a valid lifestyle these days.


Get a job.


I was homeless for a bit back in 2003. I was lucky and was able to get into a women's shelter. The shelter staff helped me get into subsidized housing until I got back in my feet. I was able to move and get my own place within six months but I was allowed to stay in the apartment for up to two years if I needed to. That time in my life feels like a lifetime ago. If you are facing homeless and not dealing with drug addiction, I strongly suggest calling 311 and asking about resources to help you. There are probably services out there that you aren't familiar with that can help.


Your friend needs to consider every resource for a place to stay if he gets displaced, and decide if he should put his belongings in storage, sell them, or (if he can afford to) move them into a smaller & more affordable place. He will need a job if he doesn't have one, and a way to get there. Depending on the area,the climate, and safety factors, he could consider if public transportation would be better or worse than owning a car & trying to keep it fueled, insured and maintained. If he can't get long-term housing at a permanent address, he should get a PO Box for mail or pre-arrange with a trusted person to have his mail forwarded to their address until he settles somewhere. Apply for any public assistance that he's qualified to get and check into local resources for food (soup kitchen, food bank, churches etc) if he will need help. Once he has his immediate needs arranged-for, he really has to figure out how to earn as much money as he can, and keep his expenses as low as possible so he can save towards a permanent place to live. No drinking, no drugging, nothing that will distract him from working or suck him dry of funds. Free housing might include couch-surfing, a shelter, or camping out...but that's not a long-term solution and should only be done for a short while so he can save money to get something better. Cheap housing might be renting a room, finding a cheap apartment with a roommate, or maybe a short-term stay at a budget motel or a trailer park. Just keep working as much as he can and spending as little as he can. And whatever mistakes led to this situation, he should learn from so it doesn't happen again.


Rent a room? Call your city resource number like 311 and they can direct you. Sometimes they are useless but keep persisting. Do some google work, head to your local DSHS for help.


Thank you so much for the advice 🩵🩵


An idea that might help with both housing and work: becoming an au pair. Here’s what it involves: 1. What is an Au Pair? • An au pair is a young person (usually between 18 and 30) who lives with a host family abroad, helping with childcare and light housework in exchange for room, board, and a small allowance. 2. What You’ll Do: • Take care of the kids by feeding, dressing, playing, and sometimes helping with homework. • Do light housework related to the children, like tidying up play areas, doing their laundry, and making simple meals. 3. Requirements: • No formal qualifications needed, but you should love kids and be a responsible adult. • Being between 18 and 30 years old. • Basic understanding of the host country’s language is often needed. • Many programs require a background check. 4. Benefits: • Free room and board (you live with the host family and eat with them). • A small allowance to cover personal expenses. • A great way to travel and experience a new culture. • Opportunity to improve your language skills. 5. Visa: • Depending on your nationality and the country you choose, you may need a specific visa. 6. Finding Opportunities: • Check out AuPairWorld, an online platform where you can connect with host families. You can create a profile, search for families, and find a good match based on your preferences. It could be a great way to get a stable place to live and some work experience.


I lived in a travel trailer for 3 years while I waited for my number to come up for section 8, 7 hours drive away from where I lived. It was the first list that had availability, of the 12 I applied to.


Look for homeless shelters in affluent suburban areas. In my community we provide temporary housing as well as transitional support housing. The homes do not look like housing at all.


I'm in the Phoenix Valley in AZ and homeless shelters or soup kitchens don't exist in our affluent areas like Scottsdale and others. In many big cities suburban areas don't have homeless shelters because people who own houses in the suburb don't want a homeless shelter in their suburb. Out of site out of mind is where you can find homeless shelters. In industrial areas, by the train tracks, out of the publics way.


There should be a couple of community type centers they go by different names. Call 211 to get the first one . They should have a housing department along with energy assistance, just so you know you're at the right place. The other would be a mental health type recovery type place BUT THEY ALSO HELP WITH HOUSING. And they can qualify to be a client if they self identify as having depression.


First question would be why are you getting kicked out of your house ?


Salvation Army has housing program in which you can reside there and they help you with other services but you have to do some basic chores as it is a community setting. They don't charge of you have no income and will assist you with getting a job and back on your feet.


In my travels, states vary greatly on how they handle recycling. If you are lucky, maybe recycling is profitable in your state. Noticed in some Costco lobbies (no membership needed there) people putting plastic bottles, etc, in these recycle bins and the best part: They are paid right there on the spot! If anyone has more info on the profitability of recycling to generate income it would be appreciated as I have a broke, recovering addict friend.


Home Health Aide programs are 2 to 3 weeks of training (some programs are online). There are free programs for low income earners. If not some programs cost $300 and up. The agencies do job placement for live in and non-live in positions. They take a percentage of your pay or pay you less. However, family members usually ask nurses in hospitals to recommend care givers for their loved ones. My Aunt did a live in job and made more than $1,000 a week. Volunteer at the hospital 2 hours a week or more and make friends with the nurses. If you like being a Home Health Aide you can continue to earn higher certifications to make more money. Based on your goals you can look into these: Job Corp Military Shelter Group Home Convent Live in Nanny Live in housekeeper


I asked every friend I could if they had a couch I could crash on. Got lucky and found people willing to let me stay while I found income and was able to start paying them rent. Started learning how to budget and save. Got in a relationship with someone else struggling with homelessness and we both started getting scrappy to get ourselves permanently out of this. He found a friend selling a trailer who was willing to let us make monthly interest free payments while living in it. We both got stable jobs during that time, and now own our own little home. Learning how to manage our money more, and are working towards saving for an actual home. In other words, ask for help every chance you can. Look for every little hint of possibility of you getting lucky, and try to take it. It may not seem like much at the time, but every little stepping stone can lead you to a better life. You’ve got this.


Quite few folks I met in the military were either homeless or on the verge of it. I just found out my supervisor was homeless. Left an abusive home at 13, lived on the streets for about a year while doing odd jobs. Found a job where the owner let him live in the shop. Got his GED and then joined the military. I joined the military after my folks split and I was on my own. Couldn’t afford an apt and college and I joined the military. I learned an awesome trade and after I got out, I never had to worry about finding a well paying job, even got 2 degrees with 0 debt. My current job pays $60/hr, work 40hr weeks, mostly remote.


When I was 17, my parents never told me I was going to get kicked out, but I felt the urge that it was going to be time to do something. Got a post card from the Navy with all the benefits (room & board, paycheck). Couldn't afford college and at the time, didn't really want to go. I never liked school anyway at that time. Showed my dad the Navy postcard, he suggested the Air Force (I had 2 older brothers in the Air Force). So I joined the Air Force and worked for them for the next 42 years. That worked out for me.


Thank you so much for sharing I really appreciate it and I’m glad everything worked out for you !!🩵🩵


You're welcome.


Friends, or volunteer fire department, you can stay at the station usually as long as you respond to calls.


Live in your car and shower at the gym. Store items in a storage unit. Get PO box.


You get a job while you're homeless and save your first few paychecks and move up to motel or sub letting a small room.


you take responsibility for yourself and do what needs to be done. You make sacrifices and work hard.. you dont blame other people... you use resources if available, but be very careful because this can lead to feel sorry for yourself... you have to sand on your own feet as much as humanly possible...


Baby steps, get a cheap motel and keep working, stay away from bad people completely including social media. All old acquaintances can be re found once you're stable.


I found someone that was renting a room in their house


Write another post like this, but we need to know if ur a teenager? Or ur just an adult. Are you married & ur wife is kicking you out?


what’s your situation? are you getting kicked out? Or actually evicted?


That depends where you live, how old you are and any health concerns you may have. If you’re in the US in a larger city, there will be services for people who are unhoused. Start calling. Being unhoused and getting services is way more complicated than it should be. But one of my clients told me there are YouTube videos on how to be homeless.


My Lutheran church partners with others in the area and takes people in for 1 yr You have to get a steady job, school your given food, shelter and transportation to get to school or work and helped with the deposit on your new apt. You have to show you can be drug free, want to provide for yourself and learn to manage money. It's called family promise.


Look in to joining the military, if you’re at an acceptable age. I know a lot of people are against the idea. Like with anything, there are potential risks and benefits, depending on what you choose to do. It’s not ideal, but if you’re facing homelessness, you’re not in an ideal situation. Aside from that, if you have people around you, ask for help. Everything from a place to stay, to job hookups.


Assuming you're in the US, If your mail has been coming to that address, you are Legally owed 30 days before you have to leave. The homeowner has to serve you with a legal eviction notice. If you can't find a room to rent, call 211. If you need money, look on maps for a plasma donation center near you and donate for $$$.


it really depends on the situation. homelessness is not a clean cut issue. it's layers upon layers. medical related seems to be number one, with waiting on social security being a close second.


Thank you so much for commenting I appreciate the input 🩵🩵


Honestly? When I was homeless I did my best to not look homeless and that helped get me a job. But what helped me the most was finding a boyfriend who already has a house. I know that sounds trashy and despicable and just icky, but to me it was better than being homeless in winter or going back to my stepdad (moms dead and step dad is a major perv) I'm away from the boyfriend now and just bought a home with my daughters dad.


Get back into college or university ?


Basically I always had a job no matter what, was always working, and got a roommate to help split rent with me as I couldn't afford to live anywhere alone. Now I'm no longer homeless.


You stop doing drugs, get a job, and find a place to rent.


Get a haircut, even if from homeless services. Take temp work through an agency. Cities DO have work. It might be at the dump or recycling center until you find the right thing but its income. Run in the morning. Pray. If you’re not drunk, mentally ill, or on drugs you can find a job and get your life on track within a week or two. Speaking from experience.


All this work release talk y'all giving OP needs to come with a disclaimer. Rehabilitation programs are only as good as the people in charge of them. These programs are going to vary heavily by state (assuming you're in the US).


What city are you in?  What is the problem that is leading you to getting kicked out of your house? Do you not make enough money? Do you have trouble managing your finances? Is it a bad landlord/roommate situation?  There are a lof of solutions but we need to know what the root of the problem is. 


Find rent assistance and employment programs.


Rent a room instead of a place. May have to ask around or check online, papers, etc. much more affordable than renting a whole place.


Lived in my car for three months while I saved and reset my finances. Some of us have been through it. There’s no shame in survival


Maybe talk to someone at housing and human services for the city? They have programs for assistance I assume. Or do a GoFundMe and campaign on Instagram.


I'm not even going to pretend I read all the comments, I liked the financial crimes 😂, but your friend needs to start finding out what benefits snap medical cash, also id advise him to get a little notebook and find out who offers food on what day, where the day shelters and libraries are, believe it or not at least in Denver it's a kinda sober way to hang out, with the weather in Detroit they may have the shelters 24/7, also figure out whether or not to go to a shelter or have other accommodations, Aldo 211, and the libraries are the best sources to get information on what's available, if he takes public transportation he needs to stock up on tickets and best deal is a monthly pass, but those can be pricey, but having it wil provide some Independence especially if he needs to quickly exit stage left, it happens, also some kind of self protection, mine was is a long winter scarf with 2 little bags of rock salt at the end, I don't know don't Care if he uses substances, but I know people who went from no substances except cannabis, I'd advise him to stick with that, the special medicines including alcohol can cause a person to be taken advantage of, not that it's good, but you're going to need something to take the edge off, I stayed what I called comfortably aware cause things can happen fast, many people talk about doing it but after awhile, most people need others when times are hard. Ok this is where I get really real, even if he fills out affordable housing apps every day he's probably going to unfortunately be homeless for quite awhile unless he can get into some kind of program, because first families especially single moms usually get first available housing that fits their needs basically has enough space, then us senior ladies are next, I spent a friends 80th birthday on the street with her we had a good time, then disabled women, then the then men if you're around the right people the times are hard, but we also learned that laughter is a good thing otherwise sooner or later you will go off in some way. The system isn't set up to discriminate against men, but the Denver politicians never expected the large influx of families and elderly women, they actually opened a shelter for elderly women, so there is a giant


Needs to contact the lender if they own their house and work something out. If their getting evicted, then call 211 for resources to or get financial help or help to find a safe place to stay . Call all friends and family and see who can offer help and find out if their a real friend or truly family. May be an embrassement,but you do what you need to do till you have a better plan . Sale what they can to make ends met till they can come up with a better plan.


Thank you so much for all the advice this was really helpful 🩵🩵


You are so welcome, they have some great programs and won't charge you to stay there if you have no income


56 is the right age to get into some senior housing. Almost all have waiting lists but if a person is literally homeless and not living with someone else, they move to the top of the list. So one strategy is to get on the list and then notify property management when the person is literally unhoused.


If you are young, I would recommend you join the military


I am a tenants lawyer. Everyone is scared of a shelter, but that's where you're going to get services for permanent stable housing , a social worker to help you find a job and find housing and sign up for anything you might qualify for. For example, free medical care, free child care, if you have a car you can see your city's safe parking program. And deal with the social workers that way. But that's the only way to jump the queue


If you’re not mentally ill or addicted to drugs: just take advantage of the programs available. If you are mentally ill or addicted to drugs then you can still do it but it’s harder


If it's inevitable, stop trying to prevent it, rent a storage unit for valuables, heirlooms, and backup identification, get a PO box, and keep your cell phone bill paid as long as you can.


seek out government assistance programs like Section 8 or rental assistance programs.


Idk if this is any help but i saw this posted on [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/poor/s/BOc26Cu2zO) yesterday & it seems like a great resource!!! I hope you’re able to figure all of this out OP!!!!


Idk where you live but some jobs will give you housing atleast for the summer months…I’m on the east coast and a lot of jobs in nh or Martha’s Vineyard will give you housing and take it out if your paycheck monthly my boy was just in this situation now he works at a ski resort making $18hr with like $100 month taken out of his check for rent




Good relationships. So family connections and quality friendships. So you have somewhere to land when you fall. Cutting out all the things that will grt between you and those relationships like addiction. Making sure you always have multiple jobs!!! When someone lets you stay with them be clean and respectful, like a good guest should be but go out of your way to make their life easier, cut the grass, take out the trash, cook them dinner, clean, etc. At the same time work your behond off and save. Live below your means, no debt, get mentally and physically healthy and use all resources to heal your trauma. And of course all these things as best as you can. Educate yourself in any way possible as this will break generational poverty.


1) Have money 2) Get help from others


Plenty of investors out here with derelict property who will trade live-in house while you fix house. Hell, I have three houses right now would trade live-in fixit guy.


Is he physically fit enough for the military?


Stop drinking and doing drugs


If someone figures it out, let me know. Wife and I have been homeless for years now. It seems impossible to escape.


If you’re male, you can join the Ukrainian army up to any age. If you survive, chicks will dig you. If you’re young, join the army in your homeland. If you have family, get gov assistance.

