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I’m not in the opinion that the name is stupid I mean is Fedora that great of a name? Naming is hard. But honestly System76 OS would of come to my mind.


I mean, naming stuff and cache invalidation are the two hardest things in computing, right? lol


"The two most difficult problems in Computer Science are naming things, cache invalidation and off by one errors."


Don't forget off by one errors. Now you'll have an accurate list of the two hardest things in computing


Agreed. ("Fedora" comes across as hipster-pretentious, as does "Elementary" and anything trying to sound clever. And who can even wrap their mouth around Linux Mint-Edge Cinnamon?)


In fairness to Mint that’s not the Distro name. That’s a spin.


Pop os has been great to me. I started with Ubuntu, tried mint, and nobara. But pop os just clicked for me and has been my daily for almost 3 years now


It's honestly crazy how solid it is. No regrets at all, other than having waited so long.


The same happened to me! Like most, Ubuntu was my first linux distro, but once I noticed it was getting bloated, I moved to Pop os and have loved it ever since.


I also think the name is stupid.


I would be fine if they changed the name. CosmicOS would be fitting I think.


Pronounced “cosmic-koz”.


Cosmic-koz-e? Sorry, bad joke.


Pop is a dumb name. Cosmic, Orbital, and Redox, however ... great names. I feel that Pop needs a rebrand after it finishes the switch to Cosmic DE.


Now to be fair, a lot of them have stupid names lol but yeah something about Pop\_OS just gave me like... Fischer Price vibes lol. But I don't wanna turn this into a \`shit on S76\` thread because I am genuinely happy to have finally taken the plunge. edit: because I forgot how to conjugate verbs.


It's Pop!_OS, not Pop_OS. You forgot the exclamation mark.


oh shit that's what it was! Cringe alleviated


I don't care about the name. I care about the looks the workflow and stability.


Look, we like the OS, we just think that having a better name would be nice.


Unfortunately, I have to agree here. At least with the spelling. As much as I love System 76's OS, 'Pop!_OS' is kind of imbarising and a pain to type. If I'm ever recommending to friends an OS to use (I generally recommend Pop), I normally pretend it's spelt 'Pop OS' or 'PopOS'


I'm indifferent to the name. If they change it, great. If they don't, great. I can empathize though. I was using Garuda for a while only because I liked the name. Especially dragonized. I mean... Who doesn't love dragons? Anyway, welcome to pop. 😎 Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to playing games they say you can't on Linux. Have fun.


Yep a lot of ppl do. I also avoided it for the same reason. Marketing matters. Really they should rename PopOS to just "CosmicOS" or "System76 OS" or something idk.


I completely support that suggestion: `CosmicOS` sounds good without sounding pretentious!


Techies loathe the name (largely because they think it should mean something, or be "cool" from their perspective). Show a normie Pop!'s default desktop in a line-up with other distros, and he'll pick it almost every time. It looks slick. It looks *finished*. And "pop" is at least as catchy as "google" (a completely made-up bullshit word).


Pop sounds fine as a name to me but writing out the full "proper" name Pop!\_OS just feels convoluted for no reason lol


The name and logo are what attracted me to Pop!_OS. Please don't change them.


Next: install the new cosmic app store and uninstall the popshop. It's WAAAY better


Got exposed to it through Linus Tech Tips. Installed it for the fun of it, I now have several boxes running it. It's fast on old hardware, and even faster on gaming-class hardware :grin:


I like the name. It's fun


Agreed stupid name, great os


I agree Pop!_OS is a terrible name. The logo is also bad. When you look at the name and logo it is hard to take it seriously. They should rebrand as Cosmic OS or something else.


Cosmic OS would be so very good


It’s a stupid name my mum saw it on Spotify and thought it was a radio station I was listening to


I actually relate to this. The name is goofy as hell and I hope they come out with a more catchy one someday, but I really do prefer it due to it being stable and easy to use. It also works really well with my Nvidia GPU. All in all it allowed me to ditch Windows and for that I'm grateful


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Yeah dude, very similar here. I had used Ubuntu for the longest time, then jumped to Debian, and was having lots of trouble with my Nvidia drivers and last week I was like, ya know what? Pop has a whole Nvidia-oriented ISO, let's try that. So I did, and man, it's great! I had been avoiding it for similar reasons. It just seemed so...idk, fluffy? I can't think of another word haha. I do miss my Debian set up, I spent a lot of time getting that right. But man, it's hard to convince myself into ditching Pop now!


The same happened to me with Ubuntu and snaps. I love them both. They just work and are rock solid. Canonical is doing an amazing job.


Here in Brazil Popo is a childish way to say butt. So here is like PopOS = Butts yeah, I do use butts on my daily routine


I have the same story. LOL


I felt it too, but with my Nobara set, but PopOS it's a good OS, highly recommended for gaming, and with that name... Yeah I though same here basically bc I'm Spanish language native and "Popo" means poop in Spanish and if adding the "S" at the end its plural, so for me it has that double sense.


Current release is not for me. I'm very interested in the stable release of Pop OS Cosmic though. But I don't like the default setup with top panel and dock. I hope there's a option to turn the dock into something like Dash to panel. I like that it has the option to use rounded corners, slightly rounded corners and square. Tiling I don't care much about because I only have a terminal, e-mail and browser open always and I don't use work spaces.


Pop OS is one of the worst names of all time - I still don't use it for this very reason 🤣


I think most of us here have had the same experience with Pop and I certainly agree regarding the other distros. The name is kind of silly, but I wouldn't mind it if they just tweaked it get rid of the punctuation or even to "Pop Linux" which is more does-what-it-says-on-the-tin and nicely states an ambition. "System76 OS" sounds like something from an ancient mainframe, "Cosmic OS" blurs the distinction between the desktop and the OS which makes things a bit confusing.