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Not ari being a homewrecker for SpongeBob 💀










I think you should be proud of yourself for this joke lmfaaooo


She’s been a homewrecker


It’s her MO


"break uo with your girlfriend cause I'm bored" Yeah.. maybe she does not use ghost writers and actually writes the lyrics of her songs because this makes too much sense 🤭


Once your in the Nickelodeon club, there’s no turning back.


bike versed subtract six rude boast gold swim pot follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He reminds me of the main guy from that show Greek


OT, but that show had some of the best, most nuanced character development I’ve ever seen and is underrated.


THAT'S WHO HE IS!!!! Holy shit, I'm dead.


(He played SpongeBob on Broadway)


Ariana SquarePants has a nice ring to it.






You have to be really dumb to give up your high school sweetheart for someone who will dump you when she’s bored in a few months. He’s clearly not very bright


I’m assuming he has family and friends who know and love her as his partner all these years and now as mother of his baby. He’s going to burn all those bridges too, the fool.


yep. there’s 100% gotta be family that cut contact because of it


You’d hope, but just as likely they’ll (especially from his side) be pushing for reconciliation ‘for the sake of the baby’ 🤮😭


They have a baby together too?? This is sooo sad.


I think the baby is less than or close to a year old… brand new


🎶Tale as old as time…🎶


Still got the fresh womb smell and he’s already gone. Smh.


On Mother’s Day he posted for her on ig and gushed over her being a great mom… 🙄 meanwhile he’s sleeping with Ariana.


He’s a theater boy being given attention by a leading lady. It’s a sad cliche he’s blowing up his life for.


My husband just did the same thing to me (we didn’t have a baby together though yet, thank god). We’ve been together since high school and as soon as he graduated medical school, he cheated on me with the first nurse who paid attention to him. He was so sure that his friends and family would love her. Newsflash, they don’t and they took my side!


All of this just so he can be one of many in a line of Ariana’s exes. Congrats to him….maybe he’ll get a song ![gif](giphy|yWS2itifUpxja)


Also Thank U, Next already happened so he truly picked the worst time to jump in this conga line.


They can’t all teach us something I guess


Break up with your wife (and baby), I’m bored


I chortled. That's the only way I'll think of that song in the future.


Dude went from marrying the love of his life. to dating a woman who has had cheating rumors on almost every single major relationship she has had in her career. You have to be real dumb if you think a cheater won't cheat on you. Remember folks, if they cheat with you, they will cheat on you.


I guess she truly wasn’t the love of his life if he didn’t hesitate In destroying what they had and his family.


Oh, I’m gonna bet that this woman (wife of 10 years and mother of his first born son) will have been the love of his life, he’ll never find that sort of happiness again. Hopefully his son can forgive him. Gonna HIGHLY doubt that Boq actually ends up with Galinda in real life. And now that I’m reminded of the two character’s’ interactions in the musical and the book and it makes it even grosser ewww


>he’ll never find that sort of happiness again Whew it's harsh but I think that's actually true because the two most solid, happiest, and cutest couples I've ever met were both childhood sweethearts. So wild bro threw her away for Ariana 🫠


Agreed and it goes for both parties, if you’ll cheat - who wouldn’t you cheat on? If you’d blow up your home for someone — you’re low


Limerence is one hell of a drug


I’m confused how they were high school sweethearts if they’ve been together 10 years and are currently 31 and 32. Wouldnt that make them 21 and 22 when they got together? Not that it matters at all. They were long time partners and he threw it away. Ariana and Ethan are both gross for this.


Maybe they dated in high school then got back together in their early 20s


They went to high school together but didn’t date until after.




There’s some stans who are DESPERATELY looking for ‘evidence’ that Dalton was emotionally abusive and controlling as some sort of excuse for Ariana’s behavior. They’ll do anything to keep that Smol Baby Girl, So Traumatized refrain going.




I ain’t even know Arianna had a history of going after men who had girlfriends/fiancés till I read the comments from this whole situation. Like there’s a certain variable (Arianna) that’s always in these situations. It’s insane how many dudes would also agree to be her fling for couple months at best


Even if the Dalton accusations are true… it justifies leaving the relationship. It doesn’t justify disrespecting someone else’s relationship!! I am a fan of her music but this is abhorrent behavior.


Probably the same ari stans that also insist she hasn’t had any plastic surgery 🙄


“She just grew up!”


The only thing trashier than this man's (and Arianas) behavior is how addicted I am to following every beat of this story 😭 I'm a terrible person


I don’t feel bad. I need a distraction from my own messy life lol (feel bad for the wife of course, I mean I don’t feel bad for addictively following the story)


I don't even like her music. Reddit started suggesting me her posts during the Matty and Taylor ordeal, because I'm a fan of The Adam Friedland Show. And I clicked on one of the posts and now I'm here. I know too much about this bullshit lol


If she’ll cheat with you she’ll cheat on you, SpongeBob. Hope the few months you get was worth devastating your wife and permanently damaging your relationship with your child.


LOL agreed it will be months at best. the relationship will probably by over by Monday


And chances are that not just his ex will hate his guts. He’s torched the relationships with all the family and friends who have known him and his wife for their 10 years together. What a dummy.


Do you think all the negative press will make her drop him faster? Much like Taylor Swift and that Healy guy, PR would have more difficult time trying to spin this when Spongebob has both a high school sweetheart wife and a new baby. Chances are it'll play out like Miranda Lambert and Even Felkor, who did reconcile with his wife.


Yes, I think she is as shallow as a puddle of pee. She’ll dump him.


Yeah he definitely has damaged the relationship with his in laws for the foreseeable future. But I’ve seen people come back from affairs, don’t get me wrong. I have a friend who had an affair, divorced her husband for her lover. Moved in with the lover for a couple years. He turned out to be an abusive a hole. In the meantime, the ex husband moved on and got engaged to a regular gal but the engagement didn’t work out. My friend and her ex husband eventually got to a place where they coparented really well and developed a good friendship. Well this summer my friend left her lover to reconcile with her ex husband / father of her children. Literally everyone on both sides from family to friends is supportive of them reconciling and working things out. It had been long enough that everyone is willing let bygones be bygones and support the family reuniting. Obviously this is not the norm but it happens


That's awesome but still sounds so crazy to me. How does he not hold a grudge against her? What is their dynamic like?


Man, wouldn't that be some shit if Ariana threw him under the bus after his life imploded.


I would not be shocked if it went down like that!


>> Production sources told us Jay, 32, and their baby visited the “Wicked” set — and we hear Grande, 30, has spent time with the couple together. tired of seeing ariana stans act like it’s misogyny to call her out for this. this is truly awful behavior on BOTH of their parts


1000%. She needs to be called out just as much. When PEOPLE behave in a shitty manner, they should be held accountable.


Lmao as if it ain’t some misogynistic anti-woman bullshit to swipe a woman’s husband - *while* she’s post partum. Even the scummiest man int he world gonna have a hard time cheating if no woman is willing. I don’t have the words for the disgust this evokes. Flirting, being affectionate with, asking for his time, attention, affection- all while knowing that his wife is at home, with the baby, postpartum? Bile rises.


perfectly said 💯


This is exactly the reason i will never understand women who intentionally go after men in relationships. The ick i get from a man willing to cheat on his partner, just turns me off of them immediately. Like gross, why are you with someone if youre gonna fuck other people?


It’s an ego thing. They want to believe that they can have any man they want, even the ones that are taken.


As someone who was alone & heartbroken while postpartum, thank you 🙏


beautifully written, I agree.


I agree, it’s so gross.


r/ariheads Aren't defending her lol


When the fan base has a hard time defending you, it’s really not good. I wonder if her PR team will encourage a break if it’s not that serious.


why? damage already done, veil lifted


True but damage control. The longer it goes on the more we all think about it and embed it in our memory.


I used to love Ariana but there goes all my respect for her. This is so trash of both of them


All these happened while filming 'Wicked'. They are wicked indeed.


Absolutely. Ariana’s team is doing their absolute best to spin this whole thing into somehow being her ex-husband’s fault, but anyone with a brain can put two and two together. Hard to work things out when your wife is actively cheating on you with her married co-star. Absolute yikes. And on the set of Wicked? *Please.*


His poor wife, they have a new baby, what a turd he turned out to be. Thing is, if Ariana’s problematic relationship habits manifest again, he’ll have blown up his marriage for nothing.


If 😂


Lol busted.




I mean it’s pretty rare that it works out when someone blows up their marriage for a fling, even if it’s not a known serial dater like Grande


Alexa, play "Burn" from Hamilton


He really blew up his world, and walked away from his high school sweetheart and brand new baby just for a doomed fling with a serial monogamist. Absolutely disgusting and pathetic behavior. I hope his wife takes him for everything he's got and bleeds him dry. I hope all their friends and family support her and turn their backs on him.


Here’s the thing, when you’re married, you will find other people you’re attracted to. These are people you never flirt with - you have to make that decision immediately and stick to it. That’s when the decision to be faithful or not is made. He’s a fool to walk away from his wife and child for that.


I want to preface this by saying Ethan is a POS - obviously!… but Ariana is NOT a girl’s girl like she’s always claimed to be. Feminist, my ass. This whole thing makes me sick and I feel like she’s already lost so many fans over this. This is the relationship that will forever taint her image. She’ll be known as the home wrecker. This shitshow has also ruined Wicked for me ˙◠˙


I knew once she licked that doughnut and put it back that she was not a good person. It tells you a lot about someone when they do shit like that when they think no one’s looking.


THANK YOU. It blows my mind I had to scroll this far down to see the donut incident. Maybe everyone un-cancelled her for that but I never did


i actually can't believe they just made a literal human who is one day going to have to tell other people ariana grande broke his parents apart as an infant because surely ariana and ethan will not still be together anywhere near that long 💀


I know, right? Hopefully Lilly will move on and find a good and decent partner who will treat her and their son better than this flounder. Or if she decides not to pursue a relationship (trusting is hard after this kind of betrayal), I hope she has a good support system to help raise her son.


Any respect I had for Ariana is gone. This is so disgusting. I’m not excusing him either because it just shows how scummy men like him will throw away a perfectly fine relationship just to spend a night with someone they believe to be out of their league. Ariana can get anyone she wants, yet she dates a married man. I think it strokes her ego to know that someone would throw away their entire relationship just to be with her. She knows how desirable she is and she loves that. I don’t know how her PR team is going to get her out of this mess. She just lost a fan.


I agree, how insecure do you have to be to be so beautiful and talented that you get your jollies from pursuing men already in relationships and destroy them (it takes two and of course the men suck too)? She needs therapy.


She seems to only do that. You’re right she needs therapy. Every relationship she’s been in leaves some poor girl questioning “what did I do?”


I’ve listened to her music….. it’s shows how insecure she is honestly


And this is a pattern for her. Her disregard for others and selfishness is on another level. They’re both in the wrong of course, but she needs to get some help at this point.


Its crazzyyy she has song called break up with girlfriend im bored lmaoo


Wasn't Mac Miller dating someone too when they got together? And Big Sean? She's alwaya done this, I don't know why people are shocked.


Big Sean was engaged to Naya Rivera (rip Naya)


Pete Davidson too, right?


Pete broke up with his girlfriend over a text the day before going public with Ariana


That was so scummy of him 🤢


Yup, him too 😳


Most of her relationships overlap and most of the time she's the other woman as well. Cheating all around, no wonder none of them last. Cheated on Jai with Nathan, on Sean with Mac and on Mac with Pete. Sean cheated on Naya Riviera, Pete cheated on Cazzie, Dalton cheated on Rikki, Mac also had a girlfriend that he cheated on with Ariana (i forgot her name)


I knew Dalton wouldn't last because she moved on so fast and I don't think she knows how to be single.


Yep. He was living in Brooklyn with his on/off gf of 7 yrs. Their relationship was v messy but anyway. Ari does SNL in March 2016. All of a sudden she & Mac are @ each other, he’s hyping the upcoming DW album… by June he’d left NYC and was back in LA.


They’re shocked because she plays off this persona of being cute and small. I personally thought it was gross when she went through her “black” era.


ForHarriet did a really good video about Ariana blackfishing and it educated me a lot. The extreme tanning, the AAVE, the blaccent which all disappeared almost over night when she wanted a new image. I don't like her as a person for other reasons but that too. Her fans are just a lot to deal with and they're very protective and can't seem to handle criticism about their queen Ariana so a lot of people don't say anything which I don't blame them. [This](https://www.tiktok.com/@sleezymitscore/video/7220981394636442926?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=mobile&sender_web_id=7258528491568645637) video also really shows much she's changed over the years and how obvious it was what she was doing


This is the first time she went after a married man with a baby, though


I'm just mentioning that it's a pattern. Married or not, it's weird to date men who are in relationships over and over. She definitely needs to do some healing


It’s a weird serial power play thing. Needs help.


Big Sean was engaged to Naya Rivera at the time Ariana got with him (not married but still)


I remember her mentioning that, I felt so bad for her 😞


Seriously. He sucks the most for this, but she knew he was married and knew they have a child together but didn’t give a fuck.


No more listening to her. Such a fraudulent feminist


Agreed and I think “fraudulent feminist” is my new band name.


He looks like Elijah Woods' feral cousin.


Elijah Wood has a much nicer face. Source: me who wrote him a letter because I loved him when I was 10


Are you me? I did the same thing when I was 10...


He really does look like if SpongeBob were a human being. It’s so weird… 💀


I mean I just saw this pic and I am a little shook now: https://preview.redd.it/5yzvlaqcogdb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1d7975e0a01c3bf103d2d9bbac51523de4e22154


It’s hilarious that her team is trying so hard to emphasize that she and Ethan started dating after both of them were separated. HAAAA we’re not fucking stupid. We’ve seen her do this with Sean, Mac, Pete and Dalton. But yeah, I’m sure she had absolutely nothing to do with why SpongeBob left his wife!


I could see Ariana standing beside him while he was on the phone telling his wife it was over and jumping him as soon as he put the phone down.


🎶Break up with your girlfriend, yeah yeah cuz I'm bored🎶


As someone whose ex moved in with someone else while we’re still married with kids, two of whom were toddlers at the time, it’s fucking beautiful to see the internet ripping these two apart for this. 🍸


Shit I’m sorry your ex did that to you, what a d-bag, I hope you’re doing okay.


I lost 230 lbs of steaming hot potential. Every night I fall asleep with a smile on my face enjoying the lack of foghorn snoring. Every day I dance and sing bc he is ruining her life now, not mine! I said she can go on ahead and fix him. I was not cut out for it but I’m sure his glory days are just around the corner with her help 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭


Love that for you girl!! 💕


You’re my hero


Ariana has been doing this for a long long time. Hate to say this, but she is 30. She should know better. I already heard people defending her that "it's her trauma", sorry but if you have that, go to therapy. The thing is.. he wrecked his home for someone who will MOST definitely be gone in a few months.. and then who will want you boo? No one. And Ariana has 0 respect from many after this.


Yikes. This ruins Ariana for me. I’ve always loved her perfume and music but I hate homewreckers. Having been cheating on it’s really disgusting and messes you and your trust for a long time.


She seems to have some unhealthy relationship patterns and a blinding lack of awareness of the damage she does.


I feel like she sees "I would cheat on my partner with you" as a compliment instead of a moral failure.


I love her too. Seen her in concert many times. But as a wife and brand new mom, I cannot look past this behavior. It’s so wrong


And the thing is....it's really not that hard not to mess around with someone. They're married, cool, they're off limits. *Done*. I don't understand people that say 'I caught the feels' or 'I couldn't help falling in love with them' when they are talking about a married person. Like, no, you are doing this to yourself. You are in control of your own emotions. Ariana has her option of anyone, and who knows - maybe he is charming, and funny, and the best fucking guy around, but he's MARRIED. If he REALLY wanted to be with you, then he would have the respect for his wife and child - for himself and for Ariana - to divorce his wife FIRST before he started anything. And if Ariana had respect for herself, for that wife and baby that came to visit the set, she would have fucking waited as well.


Absolutely! You might not be fully able to control your emotions, but you do control your actions for sure. And as you said, if you caught such strong feelings, take accountability and divorce.




I mean, she has a song called “break up with your girlfriend”…So not a huge surprise that she doesn’t respect other people’s relationships


She does appear to have issues when it comes to pursuing taken men and navigating relationships in a healthy way.


I genuinely wonder how someone who has done this multiple times doesn't get bored of it? I "get" some people see a thrill in having an affair, but what's so exciting about being a consistent home wrecker? Like how is there a thrill and challenge in it for her when she clearly knows she can get anyone she wants. It doesn't seem worth it to hurt someone.


Some people get addicted to the feeling (thrill) of a new relationship and don’t know what to do when that feeling fades into normal life. This seems true of her. I think they call it “limerence.”


Limerence is the word of the fucking week, thank you. There are people that love a forbidden relationship, specifically, they love to be the other woman. They love flirting knowing that the person they are flirting with are struggling with the temptation that is them, they love the fact that they are on the mind of the other person when they are at home trying not to think about them. They love being the affair partner, the apple hanging from the tree.


She’s never faced any backlash or consequences in the past And she clearly doesn’t give a shit about the women she’s hurting


Man I feel so awful for his wife and hope she has a robust support system behind her. That first year after giving birth is already such a whirlwind of emotions and ups and downs mentally and physically then your high school sweetheart leaves you for one of the biggest pop stars in the world. Devastating. Obviously sometimes relationships don't work out but this is such a cruel way to treat someone you claimed to love and choose to start a family with.


She and her team will be HATING this publicity so there’s every chance she’ll go into damage control and he’ll get dumped before they even go public. ![gif](giphy|5PiIuCHlkQ58Y)


I’m confused why she even went public with this. She had to know it was going to look extremely bad.


damn i didn’t want to admit it but it really seems like ariana’s type is someone else’s man…


I know, right? It’s just gross.


Nsync noises : here we goooooooo


Everybody’s definitely not feeling fine 😭


Yes yes yes here we goooooo


I remember Naya Rivera talking about her... “I walk in, go downstairs, and guess what little girl is sitting cross-legged on the couch listening to music? … It rhymes with 'Smariana Schmande'. Ari loves to break up People.


Naya was such a gem, makes me sad she’s gone.


Lots of love and support for Lily, she did not deserve for this to happen. And to think that she had a newborn too!


I looked Lilly up and besides being an abandoned wife she has also done some cool shit. She helped launch an anti-sexual assault organization and she actually gave a speech at the White House about being assaulted in college. https://preview.redd.it/y9oz1n8xifdb1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c51c04d0fbee86da6b20e6bc16561fe8351ff944 I just feel like it would suck for the only thing the world knows about you to be that your husband divorced you for Ariana Grande


I said this in another comment, but they’ve been together 10 years and if he truly pulled this schmuck move, he’s going to be sorry when Ariana bails on him and he’s left in the wilderness. Family and friends of him and his wife were probably blindsided too and it won’t end well for him.


They’re both terrible people for this. And I kind of feel terrible for saying this…. But….they have completely ruined the excitement for Wicked the movie (huge wicked fan). Assholes! **again, I truly do feel awful for his wife and baby. This is just downright cruel.


This is going to be like when people found out Tristan was with his heavily pregnant fiancé when he first met Khloe. People stopped sympathising with her. I hope Ariana's team is ready for that switch. On a personal level, one of Ariana's good friends Victoria Monet, has her own little family, at what point do you stop being sycophantic to your famous best friend and honestly tell them, "this was fucked up".


He’s clearly a moron because Ariana is incapable of being faithful and staying in relationships. She’s a serial cheater. Throwing your whole life away for a temporary fling is so careless. I hate society.


This might be unpopular, but regardless of whether or not he and his wife were separated before he and Ari got together, this whole thing is still gross because of the fact that he has a child. It’s completely insensitive and disrespectful of him to have this very public, possible affair, so soon after his kid’s birth. It’s also absolutely moronic for any divorce proceedings he may be getting into. Not sure what exactly SpongeBob is worth, but I hope his wife takes all of it


Even if there was no baby/wife The dude looks like a pale, less flamboyant version of her brother. Gives me the heebie-jeebies


He could be exceptionally witty, very charming, and the best friend out there. But his pulling this makes him trash. Full stop.


I said the same thing about the divorce proceedings. This does NOT look good for him. Non-famous, high school sweethearts tend to not do prenups. Hope she takes him for all he’s worth.


And his family has probably known and loved her all those 10 years. Dude has torched those bridges with this if it’s true.


I guess people will view her song “break up with your girlfriend, I’m bored” quite literally now.


But why does he actually look like SpongeBob


Well Aris turned out to be a nasty person.


Whoever said it on reddit I give credit to you. If Ariana looked like Megan fox, she would’ve been clocked for this kind of behaviour ages ago. She changes up her look, trying to “be a race” all the time. She had that blaccent era. She’s small and a twee little thing so she’s gotten by. She only seems to want to date guys who are in relationships as a power play. I’m sorry but she is disgusting.


Does she only feel good about herself if a guy leaves his girl for her?? Fucking ew. 🤮


Lyrics from sweet little baby angel’s song: Then you realize she's right there And you're at home like, "Damn, she can't compare" Immediate jail, no parole


Gave me a similar feeling of the year Mr. & Mrs.Smith was out, Brad Pitt and Angelina had no problem getting all cray about each other, as if Jennifer Aniston is a stepping stone for his pursuit of true love.


Yeah and we know that whole fling turned out great.


His wife was already way more attractive than him to begin with. I can’t wait for this to blow up in his face when Ariana dumps him, and I hope his wife finds someone 1000 times better and won’t take him back.


Everyone but the wife is 🗑️


The wife and the baby


Like…he can’t bffr with thinking Ari is going to not dump his ass once she’s bored of him in a few months


This is beyond stupid. He'll soon lose Ariana as well and then what? I don't know why I'm even mildly annoyed at someone else ruinning their life over stupidity. Not to mention the life of his poor wife. I feel bad for her.


Ariana sounds like a skeez and all for Dollar General Carrot Top, no less?




alright in order to show support for Lilly Jay (Ethan’s wife), I’m not listening to Ariana’s music anymore. Complete boycott. Ethan is obviously also to blame but he’s a nobody and I never listened to his music before this anyways. What he and ari did is fucked up. And ari cannot keep doing this to women.


This is neither here nor there but Page Six loves to use "Blindsided" in headlines.


Lol her and that sleep paralysis demon deserve each other. There are young single men her age, why does she like other women’s men?


I don’t know why people are so shocked, she’s done this shit for years.


I guess he was the only straight dude who can sing in the cast?


there's a point at which no amount of trauma excuses your behavior. his baby isn't even a year old.


Ole BBQ grill strikes again


What a loser. Hope losing custody over your child was worth it.


She sure goes after the funny looking ones, eh?


Another Olivia munn and that jackass situation.


Idk if I'm more baffled or disgusted with Mr. Squarepants tbh. How do you walk out on a partner of 10 years and a new baby for a fling with the lifespan of a housefly?


The wife needs to lawyer up and cash in. Shouldn’t be too hard to prove infidelity, Ariana might help her out and write a song for evidence


![gif](giphy|LQzIpIRsZKmPK) We all knew she's not a good person, but this is another low for her.


I'm sorry, but Ariana is trash for this. You don't mess with a taken man, especially one who is married with children. I feel so bad for the wife. I hope it was worth it for him. Ari will get bored and move on to the next one.


I gotta be the only one in this thread looking at this as an Ethan Slater fan and not an Ariana fan. Followed him for years as SpongeBob, saw it on Broadway 6 times, twice on closing. seeing this is destroying me lol.




Ariana is never going to know what real happiness is. Imagine having everything and STILL acting like a worthless miserable loser


Can she not be single for more than 12 seconds?


Ah, the old Miranda Lambert dating method.


What is the appeal!! He is deeply 🥴