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It's worse when you find out that the author of the book the movie was based on, wrote it as an apology to his little sister who died of malnutrition.


Not just malnutrition. She died because he fed himself because it was either that or he himself starved to death.


WHY DID YOU HAVE TO REMIND ME OF THIS??? It honestly makes me sad just thinking of it. That’s a testament to how powerful that film is!


Christ, this one…


Adding on to this, Barefoot Gen. Brilliant, but never again.


I really wanna see this but I don’t know if I wanna do this to myself


Bruh I swear this is film-reddits #1 most mentioned film when it comes to sadness/these types of discussions lol


Precious. Once and never EVER again lol that movie crushed me


NEVER again. That movie traumatized me. Monique was magic on screen, I had no idea she was capable of that. Shame she was blackballed after


Why was she blackballed after???


Lee Daniels blackballed her because she refused to campaign for *Precious* (she won the Academy Award anyway) He eventually apologized to her after 13 years It’s a real shame though, I would’ve loved to see her in more movies. She was fucking electric on screen


That’s insane! & I don’t blame her for not wanting to campaign for Precious. That movie was gut wrenching — like the movie is good but like .. I could really only watch it once and the movie honestly is so vague in memory but I know I don’t wanna watch it again.


I believe it was a monetary issue. She said that it wasn’t in her contract to campaign. I agree with her btw, if they wanted her to spend months on talk shows, they should’ve paid her more


Yes, instead of being paid she was blacklisted and thrown under the bus .. ![gif](giphy|77PW0C7xUEsrC)


You know how it goes, certain actors/actresses just aren’t compensated correctly and they still end up suffering at the end no matter what. :( I always wondered why I didn’t see her in more movies. Thank you for the information!


I hope that apology can be cashed at her bank. People are wild. I know even later when popular sentiment veered towards her side after this story came out, she then ran into an issue with Netflix offering her less than she wanted for a comedy special, so it fell through. Iirc the dialogue went right back to her being “difficult”. Idk Monique personally, but it seems to me that it’s often women of color who are labelled as difficult when they demand something they’re not getting.


Monique deserved that Oscar more than any actor or actress I can think of. She literally transformed into pure evil. That movie is heartbreaking. I can’t imagine ever seeing it again either.


Yep! One and done with Precious!! The book is even MORE heartbreaking 💔


![gif](giphy|Vlh3kZbXmDK5a) Atonement (2007). Sobbed like a baby after and as moving as this story is, I’ll never put myself through that again emotionally lmao. Kiera and James were amazing tho


![gif](giphy|SB0wC4kkSXb7q) A moment of appreciation for The Green Dress


It is more iconic than Rose's titanic dress or the red heels from Wizard of Oz to me. The Green Dress is the best costume that was ever created


I will ALWAYS be wowed by it, it’s just stunning, what I would do to have one just like it.


This movie always makes me sob 😭 ![gif](giphy|57emtb25iyFJ6)


Fun story: This movie came out my senior year of high school. I had just started dating this boy and we wanted to go to a movie together. I loved the costumes from the trailer, and picked *this movie* for our date, 😂. That date was so awkward and unsettling that I thought I hated this movie for like five years, hahaha. Didn’t understand how great it really was until I rewatched it after college. Ross, if you happen to be in r/popculturechat and see my comment, I’m so sorry I picked this for our first movie date, 😭


The book is great too imo.


https://preview.redd.it/hh2e58631lib1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb32a19a82748c49285ddbf5aef8601f55ac196d Irreversible (2002). I am still traumatized by this movie. Many movies either fetishize, exploit or romanticize sexual assault. This film does none of that. It's brutal, horrifying, repellent and beyond deeply disturbing. It depressed me for days after and it's distressing to even think of it now. I will NEVER see it again but the good that came from it was that as a result of seeing it, I no longer have any tolerance for fetishizing, romanticizing or exploiting the suffering of women. What you show better be honest and have a point. The point of that film being to NEVER victim blame. It doesn't matter where they were or what they were wearing, they DID NOT deserve it and also to recognize rape as the horrifying tragedy that it is.


I don’t know how Monica Bellucci could film *THAT* scene


I remember reading somewhere that they kept from her when exactly that scene would be shot. She knew that it would take place at some point, but they wanted to get a more genuine reaction or make her more fearful of it, I can’t remember the exact reasoning because I was already shaking my head like wtaf. It was years ago and I will randomly think of this and just feel nauseous.


And stuff like that is why there’s a push for intimacy coordinators now.


That sounds horrific. Can't imagine that would be allowed today.


ewwwwwwwww that's so fucked up


I didn't actually get past that scene. I just...I couldn't watch anymore.


>Irreversible (2002). I am still traumatized by this movie. The noise frequency at the start of the movie is also pitched at a level to make viewers deliberately uncomfortable. The film used the low-frequency sound of 27Hz to create a state of nausea and anxiety in the audience. Apparently it's not immediately perceptible, but enough to cause an actual physical response.


27Hz would be hard to replicate for home viewers without proper sound systems, so assuming that was aimed at theatrical viewers


I met up with an old high school friend about 10 years ago and we got to talking movies. We’re both horror buffs, him much more so than me. He was recommending me a bunch of really disturbing movies (including Martyrs). But when he mentioned this one, it was to tell me in the strongest possible terms not to watch it. He said it was horrifying and made him so, so angry, and he said that he can never get it out of his head. As tempted as I have been to watch it over the years, I just remember how adamant he was and I’ve stayed away.


I was about 18 and went to see it at the cinema. One of the ushers warned me at the screen door that it was very violent and asked if I was sure I’d be ok. I said yes, but it really shook me up. I hated the movie. It just made me so angry. It felt so depressing and brutal for no reason. The SA scene was so disturbing that even now, twenty years later I still think about it. Basically I should have listened to that usher.


The fire extinguisher situation is… also not to be forgotten quickly. I don’t want to say anything more than that because although it should come with a **massive** trigger warning, it’s an incredible film. Vincent Cassel and Monica Bellucci are phenomenal in this.


I agree. It forces you to watch the horror in the most unflinching way. The part where in that scene someone just walks past & ignores it still gives me chills


Came here to say exactly that. Thanks for putting the words so right. Playing down rape and blaming the victims has to stop. Everybody with that mindset should have to watch this movie.


I haven't watched it because of the contents, but I do know that one of the SA scenes is nine minutes long. Do those of you who watched it feel like it needed to be that long? Or did you find that the length was over the top? (I know she directed how the scene went every step of the way, but purely from a viewers standpoint)


I didn't make it for the entire nine minutes. I was sobbing so hard by minute five that I had to shut my eyes and muted it. I would quickly glance to see if it was over. So on a personal level it was far too long for me. From an artistic perspective the length of the scene made sense. On one hand, nine minutes is a nothing amount of time in the course of someone's day. It's an easy to dismiss amount of time. If you heard about someone being assaulted for nine minutes there would probably be a part of most of us who would think "Oh thank goodness it was ONLY nine minutes" which does a huge disservice to what the victim had to suffer through in that seemingly small amount of time. What the movie does is show us just how vile, destructive, traumatizing, and hellishly long JUST nine minutes can be for the one who is being violated (and for the audience bearing witness too).


I can’t believe it was only 9 minutes. I’ll never watch the film again but I swore it was like 20 minutes of me having a panic attack.


It doesn’t downplay the horror of SA. I say the length of the scene is proper, in that it absolutely makes you uncomfortable, angry, sad, and horrified.


I have never seen the movie but I when to a self defence class for women where the instructor shoved us the rape scene in full length. I was so distraught and I afterwards told the instructor that he shouldn’t show that scene because a lot of the women attentinding the class myself including have had similar experiences. He listened to me and apologised. I actually went on to date him afterwards and he let me know that he stopped showning it.


That’s crazy. I still cannot fathom how he’d think that was appropriate even for a self defense class.


This was the answer I was looking for. Snowtown is another although I couldn't even finish that


Mysterious Skin. I saw that movie in high school because I saw a tumblr gif of Joseph Gordon Levitt kissing a guy and saying fuck youuu so I thought this was gonna be a fun teen adventure film… I couldn’t have been any more wrong.


My brother's friend bought him the dvd for his birthday and told him it was a hilarious college movie We watched it together and OH MY CHRIST Great film but damn we were blindsided 😂😂


Omg such a deeply disturbing film. I remember reading about it in a church magazine. Even the description haunted me.


It is so deeply sad and yet, it made me feel see as a CSA survivor. A really powerful film.


This movie killed me. I was sobbing though the shower scene. By the end I felt so broken and I refuse to watch it again. Started a personal healing process though, so I suppose that is a bonus.


Precious, Requiem for a Dream, Schlinder’s List, Amistad, Brazil, American History X


I do think everyone should watch Schindlers List, but I don’t think I have the mettle to watch it twice. The end had me hyperventilating crying. Never had a movie that created such a visceral reaction in me before.


Yes, same with The Pianist. It is a film that has stayed with me, never left.


I thought this about American history x the first time I saw it, but I’ve watched it maybe 2 or 3 times since. I personally think it deserves an Oscar and WAY higher recognition than it ever got.


I have to agree with you about American History X deserving higher recognition. It’s one of my most favorite movies. People often look at me like I’m crazy when I say this but the message is undeniably true and just really makes you think about the way our words and actions set certain things into motion and the impact they have on people, negative and positive.


Ed Norton is truly incredible in it and deserved an Oscar. One of the best lead performances I've ever seen from a US film


Anerican History X was a tough watch, but excellent film. I can’t bring myself to watch it ever again.


I vividly remember how disturbed I was by the curb stomp scene. The sound of his teeth scratching the sidewalk and then the actual stomp is burned into my memory. Makes me shiver just thinking about it.


Man, Brazil fucked me up too. That ending.


Hereditary. I will *never* watch that movie again. Permanently messed me up lol


im right there with you. it put me in such a bad place for a few days after i watched it


Yeah I saw this on a Tuesday matinee after smoking two blunts and I like have PTSD from that lmao 😂


That movie was ruined for me because everyone in the cinema just laughed at it so the whole scary element was lost


Everyone in the theater I was in was silent like the dead. It was an intense experience.


I am a huge horror fan but I had to listen to a podcast review of Martyrs because I just do *not* have it in me to watch it. That was enough for me. I can never watch Dancer In The Dark again. Ok coming back to add a few more: Lilya 4-ever, Snowtown, Come and See, The Golden Glove, Inside, The Act of Killing, The House of Sand and Fog, and Dear Zachary. I’m pretty sure those movies scarred me and I blocked them from my memory which is why I didn’t immediately think of them when I posted.


How shocking is the ending to Dancer in the Dark. Farrr out I was like wtf.


Dear Zachary was one of the worst I’ve ever seen. I was yelling at my TV and ugly crying for so much of the movie. I watched it years ago, before having kids. I can’t imagine ever watching it again especially now as a mom. I still think about that poor sweet boy and his grandparents.


I had to watch Come and See as part of a master's module on genocide in film. It was so well done, and so harrowing. I have no desire to watch it again.


![gif](giphy|7Fb4qMFtVPhBK) Requiem for a Dream. Brilliant film but hard hitting. Only seen it once and that was enough


The disaster that was the second sex and the city movie tbh


Poor Kim Cattrall having to deliver the line "*Lawrence of my labia"*. Absolutely criminal.


And people wonder why she didn’t want to come back for And Just Like That…


Ugh, that film was terrible on so many levels. Mocking and minimising the persecution of Saudi women by saying “hey, they wear Prada under their burkas, so it’s all good!”, the blatant America apologia, Samantha acting like a moron screaming “I have sex!!!” in the middle of Dubai marketplace, Carrie being an immature idiot and a cheater, uh, the list goes on. 🤮


I mean i get it why Kim Cattrall absolutely refuse to be in the SATC franchise anymore


That was so embarrassing for Samantha (all of them but they make her look the worst) and hearing they wanted there to be something with Samantha and Brady in the next movie. She would have been torn apart for how inappropriate it was. Even if she wanted to come back that storyline alone is enough to walk.


I started watching the first seasons of SATC some weeks ago and also And just like that last week and I was actually wondering what exactly happened that made her step out of it. I kind of like the new seasons (especially for some of the new characters and their different family lives etc.) but I miss Samantha because she was always one of my faves in the original series.


I watched it a few weeks ago and oh my god, it’s so incredibly bad


I just pretend that one doesn’t exist


What do you mean? It doesn’t *exist*


https://preview.redd.it/uxy9q27bvmib1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30e8a4ba09297648419e33e8beff924601543785 This. 💔


It’s Moonlight for me. It’s one of the most beautiful movies I’ve ever seen but also seeing the pain and anguish of the characters is too much for me.


That was a beautiful movie. Whew.


Atonement. Just… no.


That and Never Let Me Go. Why does Keira make them sad ass movies. I was depressed for days.


Never Let Me Go is also a great book.


Never again. I was depressed for weeks after that.


Promising Young Woman. I loved it and thought it was incredible, but I don't think I could watch again.


I read the wiki on that and bought the Blu-ray; I haven’t watched it yet though because of where I am in my trauma treatment, but I’m hoping to one day get to experience the movie, as I believe it’s given a voice to a lot of us. I hope that’s not weird to say.


We didn’t know the subject matter when my boyfriend and I watched it in lockdown, but it became available on streaming and we knew Bo Burnham was in it and that was all we knew. I wish I knew, it ruined me for a couple of weeks and was a regular topic in therapy during that time. I’ve never had a movie come close to affecting me that badly, with Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri being a runner up. I had EMDR treatment for PTSD for related trauma maybe 6-7 years prior to watching the movie and it still royally fucked me up. From one traumatised human to the other, I would really suggest holding off if you’re uncertain. Hope your treatment is going well ❤️❤️❤️


My husband and I watched this on Valentine’s Day because we thought it was a romcom/comedy type thing. We loved it but yeah, it definitely killed the mood. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️


My mom's seen it at least three times: once when she watched it on a plane, once with my dad because she was still thinking about it when she got home and wanted to discuss it, and once with me, because I do a lot of sexual assault research in my job (psychology professor).


I honestly think it's an important movie to watch. Yet it seems so underrated.


I saw it in theaters Dec 2020, idk why but I was incredibly adamant about seeing it in theaters & seeing it alone, without my wife. In Feb 2020 I was raped, and I became obsessed with Promising Young Woman upon seeing the trailers. Thought it was gonna be a "yaaas girlboss revenge" movie with a happy ending. Sat all alone in this massive theater, no one else in the room, just sobbing by the end. Also shout out to the worker who came in to clean up & saw me crying. She just sat with me & asked if Id like to hold her hand. Dont remember what all she said but I do remember her saying "Someday we'll all look back on this year and it won't hurt so bad". I struggled alot in the aftermath of what happened to me & I lost alot of close people I really trusted (& then add on everything else for 2020). It was an awful catharsis but ultimately I think it was needed for me. But it is a fantastic movie.


I came here to comment exactly this. It was one of the best movies I’ve seen in the past few years, but I’m not sitting through it again.


https://preview.redd.it/k360p55c1lib1.jpeg?width=988&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aafe823a0078df75a0ac60c08e69799932693e63 it's very good, it just stresses me tf out


Omg, yes! This movie was SO disturbing. And you keep hoping that at the end she'll finally get out of that hellish situation when she encounters some adults, but...nope. 🫣


I’m a hardcore horror fan, and while this film is absolutely amazing, I will never watch it again.


Agreed, loved this film but I would not be able to watch it again because it so thoroughly accomplishes its mission.


So glad someone said this movie! It was deeply disturbing. I felt so down for a few hours afterwards tbh


Harsh times , requiem for a dream , grave of the fireflies


requiem for a dream for me too! i’m in recovery now, but i watched that movie the first week in fucking rehab freshly sober and it wrecked me. i was terrified for weeks that my track marks were so bad my arms would look like his toward the end of the movie. never again but perfect example of addiction


![gif](giphy|3XPsFRp58nzTW) American History X. Great movie, but I couldn’t do it again.


High Tension, We Need to Talk About Kevin, Prisoners and The Informers (Brad Renfro’s last appearance on film was his one of his darkest).


We Need to Talk About Kevin left me so empty. Fuck Ezra Miller but boy can they act.


Why was Prisoners SO stressful


I've said the before about We Need to Talk About Kevin. When she picks out those eggs shells I felt that. Beautifully done and horribly awful


I don’t usually cry during movies, but We Need to Talk About Kevin had me rage sobbing by the end. My partner was concerned. 😅 Will never watch again.


The Descent and the Open Water movies. I adore horror, but I absolutely hate movies where the thing is that they’re “trapped”. It freaks me out and not in the fun way.


The Descent’s psychological terror of who is truly your enemy in a confusion situation scares the shit out of me. Loved it but never again please


The Last House On The Left (original and remake), The Hills Have Eyes (original and remake), The Human Centipede series, The Woman, and The Girl Next Door. iirc they all had just too much sexual violence against women for me to want to sit through them repeatedly.


Hills have eyes was disgusting, I used to like horror movies but that one was next level


Same, but for Human Centipede. Ugh, how did so many people come together to make not only the first film, but anymore after that. When I think about it, I go, « Alright humanity, you’ve outlived your purpose — time to just let an asteroid destroy us. »


>The Last House On The Left I watched the remake, but skipped the R scene. I made the decision not to sit through it because I knew it was going to be too distressing. I can't understand why they have to put that in the movie instead of just alluding to it. Like I don't want to see my worst, most traumatic nightmare (and assuming most women's) played out on screen.


I’m the same too. I either just fast forward or just skip the movie all together. Rape scenes are one thing in movies I can’t handle.


The Boy in the striped pajamas wrecked me


Just so you know, and not at all trying to say your emotional reaction was wrong, but people who study the Holocaust at all fucking *hate* this movie/book because it is deeply inaccurate, emotionally manipulative, and exploitative of the actual Holocaust victims. Just putting that criticism on your radar. EDIT: For anyone wanting more details on why this book/movie is troubling, I recommend [this](https://x.com/gwenckatz/status/1487530360703361024) very good Twitter thread from Gwen Katz.


I’ve only seen the last 10 minutes of that movie. Awful. I was giving my buddy a ride and I went in and he was finishing the movie crying so I had to watch the ending w him. I think about it all the time.


I used to teach this book as a novel study in middle School (no longer do) and the amount of times I’ve had to sit through this movie is horrendous. I would always bring my headphones and do marking when it was movie day.


Had me staring into the void for few minutes after finishing that movie lol




This. The Holocaust and WWII were such horrifying events, I cannot imagine someone would want to write fiction about them. The real stories are terrible enough, why imagine how it could have been more ‘creative’. And then not even doing the proper research..?


Can’t believe that no one has said it yet but “The Girl Next Door” (dir. by Gregory Wilson) So so so fucked up And “Changeling” did something horrible to my inside that I can’t describe and I can’t fucking watch it ever again


Ugh yes to changeling. I feel that one is especially hard because it’s based on true events. Angelina’s character was a real woman who was legit actually gaslit by the LAPD into thinking some random kid was her son. And of course the reveal of the chicken farm and that her son never came home 😢 I ugly cry with that one.


Not to take away from the movie you mentioned, but I thought The Girl Next Door was the one with Elisha Cuthbert and I was very confused how it was so disturbing.


The Girl Next Door is definitely one of the darkest, sadistic and most heartbreaking films I ever saw.


“Changeling” was hard to watch at the time. I can’t imagine trying to watch it now as a mom


I’ve never seen it but I’ve read it was a very toned down version of what actually happened to Sylvia Likens.


Yes that movie and A Serbian film, both disgusted me and left me feeling extremely dirty days after. I shouldn’t have seen those movies but curiosity got the better of me 😭


I am like a moth to a flame. I know what will happen but curiosity always wins


I'm also shocked about no one mentioning the girl next door. Ugh, just makes me sick thinking about the blow torch scene. And just all of it in general. So disgusting.


You know what’s even worse.. I saw KIDS in the theater with *my dad* I thought the movie looked cool and it was playing at a local indie art theater. You could see it with a parent. Went with a friend and my Dad. We sat a few rows up from him. Had NO idea the movie was going to be what it was…


Inside. It’s a French horror film about a pregnant woman being attack in her home on Christmas Eve. It’s very gory and upsetting.


Oh that’s a hard nope from me. 😩


I was like paralysed for twenty minutes as I watched it because I felt like I’d gone through some kind of trauma. One of the scariest films I’ve ever seen.


Inside Out. I am not going through that bingbong shit again.


![gif](giphy|JPaat5p7SJPUUhQliX) omg bing bong


The Lovely Bones. It was so beautiful but so deeply heartbreaking and heavy.


https://preview.redd.it/gcwvcyw8plib1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bfd57d63b666ce996f33e58a7dd065124656fee5 What a terrible day it was to have eyes.


I spit on your grave (remake) that shit was not worth watching the revenge portion at the end. No SA survivor ever needs to see that garbage.


I was raped a year before watching that film on a double date. Imagine my face when my boyfriend joked that she deserved it. He didn't know what happened to me, but I hated him in that moment for being so unnecessarily cruel.


Uh… a joke? Hope he’s an ex.




Please say that he is an ex. No matter if he knew or didn’t know what you been through that is an appalling joke and imo it is nothing to ever joke about. As a SA survivor myself I would be furious if my partner said anything along the lines of any human deserving that. I would not be able to see past a remark like that.


Maybe *Antichrist* I actually love the movie, I will watch anything Lars Von Trier. His visuals are always so layered and heavy and thought provoking; *Antichrist* is no different. It’s definitely a think-piece and an interesting display of grief… But good god. The intense climax of violence and sadomasochism had me feeling like I was being suffocated or held underwater and couldn’t come up for air. A palpably thick depression. And watching the brutalization of Willem Dafoe’s character made my stomach twist. TLDR: Gorgeous film, extremely triggering and painful content


Aha yes another Lars von Trier watcher. His films are absolutely devastating. Breaking the Waves was my choice. I felt both transformed and traumatized after viewing. He has an incredible way of captivating you as a viewer, feel intense dread and so many emotions generally.


I love horror movie and don’t mind gore, but I refuse to see this movie. I have a hard limit with torture porn kind of movies (Martyrs is also one that folks who hate these kind of movies should also avoid) and I feel like it’s like Martyrs in the sense where that one has great points and metaphors, but it’s too grueling to rewatch.


Midsommar messed me up good lol


The grief in that movie was so palpable. It messed me up far more than any of the weird shit that happened.


Wind River, Irreversible, Grave of the Fireflies


Wind River! I came here looking for that. It was so unbelievably sad. Lately I've been feeling the urge to rewatch it because of the bittersweet but ultimately satisfying ending. But I just know I'll be sobbing through the damn thing again, just like I did in theaters. Especially the scenes involving the dead woman's dad, that just broke my heart.


Revolutionary Road. I remember going to the theater expecting a nice love story, and leaving with a headache from crying so hard.


This will sound weird, but Mrs Doubtfire. I watched it when I was 12 and my parents have basically always been separated since i was 3. It hurts a bit too much, especially since Robin Williams reminds me a bit too much of my dad.


![gif](giphy|2m5hGgfE1Tf2M) An American Crime based off the true story of a girl tortured and murdered by the family that was supposed to take care of her


Omg I didn’t realize Elliot Page played Sylvia Likens in this!


Mother! and could barely manage that. I have a longer list of movies I couldn’t make it through and Martyrs is on that list.


mother! and Midsommar both messed me up in ways I wasn’t expecting


I could have gone without seeing someone rip a newborns head off and then proceed to eat it. Midsommar I’d watch again but skip the “sacrifice” scene. Don’t like watching anything happening to babies, kids, animals or the elderly.


I don't think I could watch Possum again, but that's not in any way negative against the film. It was just a punch in the gut, especially as it touched on CSA and I'm a CSA survivor myself. When I finished the movie, I ended up full on sobbing, but I have to say that it was in a way that made me feel seen. Like, here was a movie that understood a deep wound that I have spent the majority of my life mostly keeping to myself, that almost no one has really seen yet has undoubtedly shaped me in really significant ways. So despite the fact that I will probably never watch it again, I think it pulled those feelings out of me in a really thoughtful, painfully understanding way that makes the film incredible and I would consider it in some way a favorite.


The Descent disturbed me at a primal level. Never again.


*Sophie's Choice*, *We Need to Talk About Kevin*, and *Hereditary*. *The Bridge* and *Dear Zachary* for documentaries. I'll recommend them all, but never watch them again.


Come and See (1985) A Soviet war-film that set during WWII. Often heralded as one of the greatest anti-war films of all time. It's brutal, haunting, violent, disturbing and disgusting. Watch it if you can. https://preview.redd.it/yf6nxbnt7mib1.jpeg?width=1288&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8c9b73750af12443ab776d69ab6708f4a0e43b0




![gif](giphy|5VFIE18UnwA24) This came out when I was in high school. I remember my dad asking me if I’d seen it. He’d been divorced before marrying my mom. He said, “don’t watch it. It’s so sad.” He was right! One and done for me.


Omg. Me and my cousin have an ongoing inside joke about this. *On a scale of 1 to Blue Valentine, how traumatized/and or depressed are you right now?* We started a Blue Valentine “Ring” circle of recommendation to friends. Traumatizing everyone along the way because if we had to bear it, so should everyone else.


Mmm yeah this movie was like having my heart dragged behind a moving truck along a gravel road for the entire thing. I think it might’ve been a good movie but I can’t remember bc the pain was too much.


![gif](giphy|ilhDRXuENQuNW) Destroyed me.


Once were Warriors


The Human Centipede


Trainspotting, when I was 15. It’s been 17 years and I’m still traumatized by that movie.


Blood Diamond, the scene where Djimon Hounsou has found his family in the refugee camp. Initially joy and relief turns to anguish as his wife tells him about his missing son. Him on that fence wailing heartbroken while his wife is on the otherwise... that about broke me. I recommend people to watch it but I don't think I'll be able to again.


Life is beautiful 😭 I’m crying thinking about it


Notebook, Walk to Remember and Marley and Me. I just can’t deal with sad movies 😭


I remember seeing Marley and me in theaters with a date. Everyone started crying and I was like damn that’s sad (don’t cry dude,don’t cry dude).


I saw Marley and Me on Christmas Day and the entire theater was jam packed. I could not help myself from sobbing and ugly crying, all while trying to *hold it in* because I was so embarrassed.


My “1 and done” movies are Precious, Requiem for a Dream, King Kong, Ray and John Q to name a few.


King Kong? Which one?


Why king Kong?


marley and me


Tusk: I’m 50/50 on Kevin Smith films (Clerks is a beloved classic to me) but this one just made me feel weird man. The ending still haunts me. Also: Happiness




Schindler's List


Butterfly Effect.


The Land Before Time. Watched it once when it came out, I cried so hard my parents were legit worried about me. It’s been 34 years and I refused to watch it with my kids because I’m still traumatized.


Becoming Jane...so good but too much to go back thru again lol sigh


https://preview.redd.it/nxbtrkegclib1.jpeg?width=1175&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83714ec5753b03b8d43b09413fad6b87b48bb3d7 This movie traumatized me because I can actually see it happening. I had to pause at some points of the movie and take breaks because it was too much for me.




Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father, a tribute/elegy for the director's late best friend turned tragic true crime doc that makes me so mad and devastated every time I think about it


American History X and Bridge to Terabithia. We had to watch them in class when I was in school. They both absolutely wrecked me for very different reasons. I’ve never even been able to entertain the idea of viewing them again.




A Serbian Film 😕


ugh i despise that movie, i didn’t even finish it


This movie is so try hard extreme it’s comical. That’s the only reason it didn’t bother me. It’s just so over the top trying to be the worst of the worst of the worst.


Good, cause…..the ending was the worst part….


Dear Zachary


The Devil's Rejects


Tully. Charlize was so gutwrenchingly raw, and it absolutely stuck with me and probably sold me on not having kids lol


We Need to Talk About Kevin. For numerous reasons besides the movie itself.