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It's really hard for me to understand the choice to put it in in the first place. Were they just trying to find nostalgia bait of things vaguely associated with the series? It's not like it's a popular insult with the youth they so desperately pandered to. It seems like such a weird choice to specifically make a reference to that time your former lead star got bullied. 


Especially since she’s in the movie!


It’s still the top insult slung at redheads/ gingers


I remember that and “does the carpet match the drapes” as common schoolbus comments, and being weirded out that they were talking about my hair down there.


There are people in this thread who don't get why it's insulting and think it was the wrong call to take it out. Gross. It's such an offensive term. You try having men ask you about your pubic hair when you are going about your day with your regular ass hair style.


Thank you 👏 As a redhead, I've only ever heard the insult from other women though.


I definitely it from men when I was younger (along with being presented with “red-headed slut” shots at the bar. Yeah, I certainly want to go home with you now, asshole!). Oh, and “do the curtain match the drapes,” that one was always a winner.


Dang, Im sorry! I got plenty of bullying from women for my red-hair, never FC, though!


The fire crotch joke is always made by women. The carpet matching the drapes is always made by men. I'm 31 and have been experiencing this my whole life. Dis we all just forget there is "National Kick a Ginger Day?" I was literally assaulted in public/high-school and it was socially acceptable. So fucking weird.


Ugh yeah!!! Thanks South Park 🙄 I still refuse to watch that show lol


Ugh I’m so sorry! Why are people the worst???


Redheads have always gotten shafted. "Red-headed step child" is also a gross reference to make.


That’s so wild, my friends and I all thought it was a just a crass joke and called each other, in accordance with our visible hair: Fire Crotch, Crotch of Darkness, The Crotch of Sunshine, etc. We never knew it had a gender and sex angle to it. Of course we were all dumb teen boys, but still.


I remember being called it for the first time in 6th grade and it took me a sec to understand, then I was like I’m not sure why this is an insult lol? I never understood why people thought it was a burn


Because the only woman whose side Tina Fey has ever been on is Amy Poehler. Other than that, Tina Fey is a wretched human being who takes great delight in being a mean girl, a racist, and buddying up to the worst men in the Entertainment Industry.


Makes me think of a recent interview she had with Seth Myers where she was talking about watching SNL clips with her family and her kids kept pointing the offensive jokes. She said she wrote a lot of what they were pointing out but wouldn’t dare say that to them


I read her biography and came to the conclusion that she is not a nice person.


I’m probably never going to get round to reading it, would you mind giving some notes to explain why she’s not a nice person? I’ve heard this view a few times now and always wondered


i also read her book; it’s been a while but if I recall correctly she’s just extremely judgmental about everything other people do. and she acts like she’s an objective, factual judge on the matter too lol like sometimes she would write about people with such a condescending tone… you know the bit in 30 Rock where Liz Lemon is revealed to have been super mean in high school, but says something like “ I couldn’t have been a bully, I was just a nerd!” ? well reading Tina Fey’s book, you start to get the feeling that shit was based on real life.


Idk. She’s definitely deeply insecure, but I don’t think that automatically makes her a bad person. I think it’s pretty obvious that a lot of her writing comes from how she thinks about and judges herself more than anyone. Some people are kinda just like that. With her, it definitely feels like she’s projecting her own insecurities more than not. Besides, they actively did something about it. They could’ve just sat on their hands, but instead they decided to remove it from the medium in which most people are going to be consuming it. That doesn’t sound like someone being spiteful. It sounds more like someone who crossed a crossed a line and is now walking it back, which is a *lot* of what comedy is.


agree to disagree then. I don’t think she’s projecting her own insecurities when slut-shaming other women or judging them for wearing makeup lmao I think she’s being a judgmental d-bag. But to each their own.


If it was a man behaving and saying the same things we’d (rightfully) call him a pig.


It doesn’t really matter if you think she’s just deeply insecure. Her actions speak for her. She is a mean person and her behavior tells me she’s also a bad person.


I’m just curious does her actions of listening, taking feedback, and removing the reference, also speak for her? Or is it just the bad stuff


Listening, taking feedback, and removing the reference is the minimum expectation! If you step on my foot and move after I ask you to, you don't get a cookie for not stepping on my foot anymore. You just avoid getting shoved off my foot. It does speak for her that she's willing to act when called out. It would speak for her in a very different way if she didn't change after being called out, so minimal credit where it's minimally due.


Lmao have you read her book? Or even this post?? She is a mean girl. If you have to be told this joke is mean after decades of Lindsay saying it was mean… YOU ARE MEAN.


Same! Bossypants was recommended to me about 100 times, and I finally picked it up about two years ago. It did NOT age well. Reeks of privilege.


I’m generally starting to believe that nice well adjusted people don’t become celebrities. 




This latest anti-woman gaffe from Tina Fey brings to mind the episode of 30 Rock where Liz has her high school reunion. From her memories as she relays them to Jack, she was the introverted nerd who was always bullied. When she actually meets her former classmates for the first time in 20 years, she realizes she was the real bully, insulting people under her breath whenever they tried to be friendly and approach her. I think a lot of storylines from that show came from Fey’s lived experience. Liz Lemon was actually pretty racist on that show.


I love story lines like that. People have rose colored glasses when remembering their own behavior. It’s not just showing different perspectives, it’s completely turning someone’s idea of themselves upside down.


I do, too! And it was a very funny episode. 30 Rock is one of my all-time favorite shows, but when I rewatched it during the start of COVID I noticed how so many jokes didn’t age that well and seemed pretty indicative of Tina Fey’s views, especially towards Asian women and black people in general. I want to believe she’s grown from her mistakes, but the firecrotch joke in the Mean Girls musical suggests otherwise. It seems like she just didn’t consider at all how Lindsay would feel watching that, especially after she graciously appeared in a cameo and attended the premiere.


oh she's straight-up said that was based on her in high school.


Yeah she's pretty honest about it and growing from experiences like that so I respect it.


Except she hasn’t grown much at all lol she is still a bully


I’m from that area and the school is notorious for how mean and racist the students are. I’ve heard crazy stories and witnessed some of the crazy shit they did in high school. Personally I’m suspicious of anyone of someone who graduated from there and said they had a good experience, every friends Ive had that went there HATED it lol.


Upper Darby?! I graduated from there and there was like 800 kids in my graduating class of varying diverse backgrounds since it’s one of the closest HSs to Philadelphia. I’m not too familiar with rampart racism you alluded to. Kinda so big a school people let people do their own thing.


You never noticed racism in one of the most racially divided regions of our country?


Oh my, that is exactly how someone I know from high school acted like. They had a whole complex about how everyone else was mean to them so they would lash out at us or act over the top pitiful & accuse us of leaving them out when they would remove themselves from us.


Oh my god!!! I Picture this episode the second I hear her name. I can only see her making those mean girl faces with her 80s hair in my head


"I dunno, Casey, how's your mom's pill addiction?"


Can you elaborate? I’ve heard nothing but nice things about Tina.


"...and every Tina I've ever met has been a real judgemental bitch." - Liz Lemon


Racist stereotypes and comments about Asian people, most of the clips I saw before (interviews etc) are gone, but there’s one reupladed of her saying her toddler talks like a Vietnamese prostitute. In mean girls the only two asian characters are hypersexual and hooking up with their white teacher, and their Vietnamese lines are intentionally mistranslated to “n*gga what” on screen (not cc written by someone else)


I tried watching the Kimmy Schmidt show, but in the first episode they had a Latina woman as a maid who couldn’t speak English even after spending 15 years in a bunker with English speakers. I didn’t bother watching the rest of the show. I did read they rectify the joke by saying she did learn English but was frustrated by the others, and she became the owner of a mole sauce business. But that had to be tacked on as a way to cover such a cheap joke as not so offensive….while adding she kept up the appearance of a non-English speaker to sell mole sauce.


That bit was hilarious to me because my mom is Mexican and will 100% pretend to not know English if she doesn't want to talk to somebody. Can I ask what you find so offensive about it? The language part, not the maid part. That annoyed me a bit too


It’s the presumption that the character never learned English in those 15 years. Your mom is hilariously Mexican. I’ve encountered so many women like that. Tu sobre hablas inglés! Gah! Never change, Mexican moms. I love all of you.


There’s an allegation from a then underage girl that was sexually assaulted backstage at SNL in her presence and she laughed. Her writing is constantly racist to Asians. She screwed over the woman that wrote the source material for mean girls. She’s friends with a lot of shitty men in comedy, just google it.


These are BIG claims to not give sources to


I think this is the SA allegation: https://www.thedailybeast.com/tina-fey-seth-meyers-among-snl-alums-who-allegedly-witnessed-horatio-sanz-assault-underage-fan?source=entertainment&via=rss


Why is nobody mentioning this? Didn't she screw over the original writer of "Queen Bees" the book the movie is based on? She's Regina.


What happened?


Basically the Mean Girls movie was inspired by a book, Queen Bees and Wannabees. The roles in cliques the characters have were inspired by what the author outlined in this book, as well as taking some anecdotes directly from the book for the movie. The author, however, got screwed out of making much money from it because of contract stuff For more information on the book and how it was used for the movie, I highly recommend this video: https://youtu.be/9irdn0a3F5U?si=AxSijSCHEX2ZBCJi


Adding to this: The contract said that the book author would get a percentage of the earnings when the OG movie was profitable. The studio calculated "profitable" in such a way that they claim the movie was never profitable, which is clearly some fucked up "creative accounting."


Always gotta ask for gross to avoid that.


Yeah, apparently she had a few lawyers look at the contract after the fact, and they were like "this is a perfect example of a terrible contract no one should sign."


This is how the studios ALWAYS make contracts with people who don't understand how manipulative they are. There was a huge franchise -can't remember which - but one major studio who had this same clause in the writers contract ended up including all these shitty shell corps they had to make it seem like they didn't profot. If I recall they took on a bunch of debt from their own shell companies. Making it look like they weren't profiting or somethjng but really they already technically owned the debt it was just claimed differently. Something to that effect. But they always do this with anyone they think they can get away with it


Forrest Gump 


Halfway through this and it's such a cool video - thank you for sharing


I mean she also allowed Cosby and Weinstein to be repeatedly called out on her show. And long before the tide shifted on them, back when they could still end careers So like IDK maybe we don’t need to read people as childish black-and-white images like you seem to want to do and maybe we should just be happy that for the 1990-2010 era Tina Fey was a wonderful progressive person who pushed for positive change All while still acknowledging that she is a product of her time she’s problematic now and that we should celebrate her victories while still remembering that we’re all humans and that no one is perfect and no one does everything right and no one really is the world’s perfect role model


She is a terrific writer, though.


Kimmy Schmidt has some weird Asian jokes that didn't age well


Probably as an ‘Easter egg’ for the nostalgia bait like you said, but also, and I say this without seeing it…the movie is titled Mean Girls, they just one another with their words. Honestly I’m surprised they remade the movie at all with the whole anti bully campaigns now a days 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit: I saw the original, not the remake. Personally I think she should get over it by now. In the 80’s they would’ve said the carpet matches the drapes. It just makes me think she has no self esteem, even now and that’s sad.


In the movie Megan thee stallion randomly says it as part of a tik tok scroll, it adds nothing to the vibe


She was so young when it happened. It was distasteful because his words clearly hurt her at the time. She even went blonde for years afterward as a direct result.


Paris was a nasty person. I don’t know if she’s changed but even up until 5 years ago she was horrible to Lindsay in public.


I don’t like her anyways, now she’s back in Britney’s life out of the blue while working with Team Con, she took an advantage of both Britney and Lindsay and milking their transactional and toxic friendship for clout. Let’s not forget that she’s buddies with Perez Hilton whose biggest targets were Britney and Lindsay at the time. She really doesn’t deserve a redemption arc like Britney and Pamela are also having.


Also she married someone who definitely looks like he hunts humans for sport


And who has a kid he ignores because her mom was on a less famous reality show than the mother of the kids he acknowledges.


Ooft! This one tracks and is 100% true . Yikes


God he is so gross


Wait Carter Nobody was a reality star? Say more now?


The mother of his estranged child was a reality star, on a show called Secrets of Aspen (lol). It ran for 1 season in 2010. His estranged kid is a daughter, Evie, who is over 10 now and he doesn't seem to give a fuck about her: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11697831/Paris-Hiltons-stepdaughter-abandoned-bio-dad-Carter-Reum.html


Paris? Is that who you mean, cuz if so...I KNOW!!!!! SO TRUE!!!!


I agree, she milks any friendship for attention. She wants to be relevant. She did it again with Kim a few years ago after her documentary was released, probably to give it a boost although people were already talking about it. I did feel bad for her over what she went through at that “school” as it was horrific but it still doesn’t excuse what she was like and did after. Old leaked videos show who she really is, racial slurs and all. A lot of them are still on YT. She clearly wishes she was much more famous than she is. She always seems to be trying to re-live her peak period of fame. I don’t think she’s really ever moved on from those days. Have you seen the pap videos over the last five or so years? There were only one or two of them waiting for her (like once a week probably) to get in her car but she gives them a whole show instead. Lindsay was in a really rough place and needed good friends but Paris and her little minions made her look unhinged and desperate to the media making it so much worse. It was literally described as mean girls in real life, that’s how Paris and her friends treated Lindsay. It was awful. Let’s not forget the kidnapping incident and blackmail. Oops long rant.


Britney was in a rough place and needed some friends too, yet she was more scrutinized unfairly compared to Paris and even Lindsay. Her baby daddy tried to frame her as a bad mom, she dealt with postpartum depression, she has been sexualized since she was a 10 year old and that’s why she shaved her head, almost similar to Sinead O’ Connor (RIP). Also, Kim actually planned her own sex tape to get more famous and to compete with Paris (her tape was leaked w/o her consent), it was an absolute slap in the face to real victims of revenge porn. Her and her family are just disgusting, so is Paris.


Lindsey loan is insane. She tried to kidnap a families child off the street 2 years ago saying thst they were trying to sex traffic her. It was psychotic. And Lindsey recorded herself ** doing this AND posted it online.


That clip was hilarious though when the mother slapped her and appeared to cuss her out in another language. Lindsay was putting on a bizarre fake Middle Eastern accent and acting like she was with Iranian mafia or some shit. Truly unhinged, however it's good to see she's come out from a dark place. Her own behavior got her shunned in Hollywood, unprofessional on and off set, but she seems to have matured since those days.


Paris Hilton is nastier than Perez. She has been caught saying the n word a bunch of times, said gay men were disgusting and all die of aids, sung a little song about Jewish people..she really knew how to offend everyone she could.


Wait, are they siblings or something?!


Perez and Paris ?? No


Pz. and Ps. Hilton... Is it really so strange to imagine? (It is, I know.)


His last name isn’t really Hilton, he used that to capitalize on her fame because she was the It Girl at the time he came about. Perez Hilton sounds enough like Paris Hilton. His real name is Mario Lavandeira.


Ohhh wow. What a slime ball. I don't know how I didn't know about this.


I love that she goes on interviews telling people her most awful years was just playing a character. Was it her character that got those DUIs? Was it a character that cried her way out of jail? She didn't even get put in a jail, she got like a dormitory or something and cried her way out of that too. Just a character, wow. Real method actress


Paris fucking sucks. She’s a racist Trumper and somehow everyone magically forgets that.


I didn’t know this until recently and I was like…damn she got some good PR with her “this is my real voice” comeback. she has said and done some vile things.


Literally everything you said is made up… Paris is not a Trumper…


She said In an interview that she voted for him https://www.thedailybeast.com/cheats/2016/11/17/paris-hilton-i-voted-for-donald-trump


she said herself she voted for him though


the racist part is definitely true.


Thank you! Paris is so toxic and was so nasty to other females of that Gen. It's only now she's middle aged and has a baby wearing a hat that she's being 'nicer'.


True although a decade after she peaked people were still singing her praises and all of the horrible things she did and said were mostly ignored and swept under the rug until the last few years. Most of those who did sing her praises though were probably only kids at her peak so don’t remember much about what she was up to that was being reported in the media or discussed online. People actually think and thought “fire crotch” is iconic when it was just childish bullying.


I was a chubby redheaded 12 year old when Paris Hilton was an asshole to Lindsay Lohan. Paris is a vile nepo baby and bully.


I can only imagine those who sing her praises have watched her 'doco' and lack critical thinking skills.


Yea that show the simple life was just her and Nicole ritchie going to average people's homes and ridiculing then for being poor. Idk how she's not cancelled from that alone


Paris has a better publicist now


Paris Hilton is foul. She's an awful brat.


Omggg!! What did Paris do? And what is fire crotch?


I’m sorry I’m young and ignorant, whose words are you referring to?


It’s in the second paragraph of the article linked in the OP. “Fire crotch” was infamously associated with Lohan after socialite Brandon Davis made crude comments about the actor’s body in a 2006 paparazzi video that also featured Paris Hilton.”


"Socialite" 🙄 I hate that that's someone's main claim to fame and why any of us even know them.


I actually feel pretty good about myself for not knowing who Brandon Davis is other than a name I’ve heard some point in my past. You could have told me we took chemistry together and I’d have believed you lol


His nickname is Greasy Bear and he's a vile person.


Same honestly. I only even know his name because of this whole controversy with that comment and this movie lol


Now he’s married to Ashley Benson!


Corrected, young, ignorant and lazy


It happens to the best of us lol


Technically she wanted to be blonde before that. Although childhood bullying definitely could’ve been a factor. He called her that slur in 2006 and in one [interview](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JUtFKQUPi9M) she talks about how Freaky Friday was the start of the changing to blonde since she requested blonde streaks for the character. Then after filming Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen, secretly tried dyeing her hair full blonde in her hotel room against the wishes of other people (I assumed she meant her parents/team). Those movies were released in ‘03 and ‘04.


I feel for Lindsay and always root for her and it's cool they removed it, but are we really calling "fire crotch" a slur?


>slur *noun* 1. 1.an [insinuation](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=900911ee60afdd29&q=insinuation&si=AKbGX_q4mkMHy1Nmq4yITjHYVzepab9Zxt68emrfp7TpMh22Wbk2TGe7WkWeY3YYP6opegEKLQaR75SFffpVx2PQPE5_MGwGSORdMmv2PF8rYgvGMjrKsO4%3D&expnd=1) or [allegation](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=900911ee60afdd29&q=allegation&si=AKbGX_pvY3MWP4azJI0Z_NruCLb8CghVuTCwUEZpU85C-wGyInlJOFF6VP6wl2JCSQ1aPk61nvB0llTitRhXtxwI7UaWNFx2-ITi4mwXZxDvXCZh7w663SU%3D&expnd=1) about someone that is likely to insult them or damage their reputation."the comments were a **slur on** the staff" Similar: insult slight slander slanderous statement libel So ... yes.


This is ridiculous lol


I'm sorry you find dictionaries ridiculous. That seems like a you problem.


As a redhead...yes, it's a slur. It's extremely offensive and continues to fetishize us. It reduces us to a sexual object.


It’s 2024. Nearly anything you say is a slur to an offended person/group.


Has nothing to do with the year 🤦‍♀️ It’s so easy to not be a dick. If something hurts someone’s feelings, even if we don’t get it, it’s so easy to just not say it to them. How hard is that for you?


People feel entitled to be nasty to other people and, ironically, get offended when you tell them that's not cool.


Can we all collectively hold hands as a society and agree that talking about the pubic hair of young women and teenagers isn’t appropriate?


I don't need to hear about anyone's pubes, tbh.


And yet every time some bro meets a redhead he makes some comment about whether the carpets match the drapes. Like…you’re asking a LITERAL STRANGER about her pubes? Eeeeeeergh


There is a reason I have brown hair now 🫠


Oh no!! The red hair is SUCH a good way to weed out psychopaths and losers


Also blondes get that alot too. Not as often since so many more people color their hair blonde these days, but as soon as guys learn a woman is a natural blonde, it's the same reaction


Respectfully, gonna have to disagree. I have red hair, and we are always seen as the less desirable fetish object compared to blondes. I feel like men are way more into blondes than redheads. Men want to try out a redhead. They want to date a blonde.


They’re talking about the curtain matching drapes comments; not arguing about who has it worse.


Oh I’m glad you asked! I’m letting mine grow a bit but I do trim.


I second this notion 🤝


Thank you! Everyone is brushing me off when I say that!


Good, it wasn’t funny anyways and was rather distasteful


To be fair the whole movie wasn’t funny and rather distasteful…..


I found the movie really funny and enjoyable tbh


For anyone who hasn't seen the rant, here's a summary. Brandon Davis says Lindsay (who was only 20 at the time) cums freckles, tastes like his Turkish fathers ass, says her dad is hotter than her, he keeps asking the photographers if they'd fuck her, says that she's so gross and smelly and her clit is 7 ft long and Paris is absolutely dying of laughter the entire time. She's whispering to him to keep saying firecrotch the whole time. He's absolutely cooked, dripping sweat the whole time, and soaking up the attention. It's vile.


Yeah it seemed incredibly rude and uncalled for considering she was IN the movie


Looks like the Mean Girls were the writers the whole time




Can’t understand why it was included at all. It was a painful time in her life. It happened when her life was arguably not going well. She did a favor for Tina by appearing… not sure what happened.


I had a hard time as a redhead in middle school because of that joke, the resulting South Park episode, and a scorned wannabe boyfriend lol. But for real, glad they cut it. It’s dumb as fuck and weird, I’d think that even if I wasn’t a redhead.


I still remember “Kick a Ginger Day” and other assorted bullshit like that from middle/high school. And there was nothing I could do but take it. Fucking hated those years.


Looking back the anti-ginger hate campaign was brutal! Why were we so horrible back then?!


Yeah I fucking hated school then. I was bullied pretty bad for having red hair. I was 12/13.


i heard it nearly every day in middle school and even in high school. 🤮 it’s so weird and inappropriate.


I remember begging my mom to let me dye my hair in 6th grade.


Same! lol she told me it didn’t work on red hair and offered to try after I begged and begged and then tricked me and threw out the color and just used the …developer? Idk, whatever the white stuff is in box color. Joke was on her because I had a friend who dyed her hair who offered to try again on mine in 8th grade and it worked. I had brown hair for years and it was the dumbest thing ever bc I may as well have been the new kid at school with the way everyone treated me, especially male attention. Like I still have red hair, idiots.


My ginger friend used to do the creepiest and best impression of the ginger kids from the South Park episode lmao he'd just slowly walk up to us doing that dead eyed face whilst smiling. He definitely got shit on for his hair colour by others but he sort of owned it in a way that I've always respected him for.


Fuck that episode of South Park


And so they should. Anyone who remembers POS Brandon Davis would understand


I actually didn’t really remember this happening so I just looked up the video and oh my god it’s just… vile. I expected maybe a passing comment but he is AWFUL. Minutes of him going after her body, her looks, whether anyone would sleep with her. And her “friends” just giggling in the background. Truly disgusting behaviour on his part


I was so confused when his dumb face popped up in the tabloids now that he’s the father of Ashley Benson’s baby


Crazy how anyone would want a baby with that thing


Kinda shows me everything needed to know about Ashley, as a person, wife, and mother, ya know?


He only pulled her because of his money and that gastric bypass lol . I have no respect for her, marrying someone like him, tells me all I need to know about her.


I can see why Rachel McAdams wanted nothing to do with this sequel spinoff.


Smart woman.


She's based. She also turned down the shitty Tom Ford Vanity Fair cover


I don’t get why they had to be naked for that cover




Seriously. It's really gross to rehash bullying insults for laughs.


Okay I know this is a bad joke and never should've been included but is anyone else bothered by the fact that we're just removing things from media now? I find it a little icky, especially with so many people being so ok with it. They recently did it for the super bowl halftime show uploads too. Alicia Keys missed the first note live but when it was officially uploaded to youtube they put a track over it or edited it so the note wasn't messed up. It just feels like a really slippery slope to me.


agreed that the joke is dumb, but it’s crazy that things can just be edited away as if it never existed.


Later editions of books have been edited to remove problems with earlier editions since the creation of editions. Sometimes it’s factual changes or just improving wording, sometimes — even in the days before “political correctness” — it was because something offensive that somehow slipped through got noticed, like the Little House on the Prairie line about how there were “no people there, just Indians.” To me, this seems like an extension of that. Editing a “live performance” so a singer sounds better is different IMO, because (I assume) it’s presented to the audience as though that’s how it really happened. I’d love if I could just edit the Super Bowl so that Christian McCafrey didn’t fumble the ball and the 49ers won, but alas, that’s not what happened.


That's Ashley Benson's man for you lol


I had no desire to see this movie and I feel validated lol


Same. I'm so sick of remakes and revival attempts for movies these days. No one needed this movie. I'm sure some people enjoyed it but the music seems corny in a non-endearing way. I'm not interested in watching it at all.


Idk why everyone was all shocked Pikachu at notable (self-professed, self-obsessed) asshole Tina Fey doing asshole shit. Not excusing her bc fuck her, but it seemed pretty on brand.


Why’s Tina fey an asshole?


Her obsession with blackface and saying Paris Hilton "looks like a t slur in person" come to mind first but there are a lot of other examples.


Oh damn, I never heard any of that


What's a t slur




Oh wow, I always felt Tina Fey was implicitly queerphobic but that goes over the line


Queer phobic how? I’m bi and never got that vibe


I'm as confused as you are. I'd love a list of clear examples of the woman's transgressions because this thread is making her out to be the devil and I have zero context.


I’m no Fey scholar, but it seems like for the most part she has a history of edgy jokes, some Of which have aged poorly. And she participated in cheating the creator of the book Mean Girls is based on out of lots of money because they signed a misleading contract, which I think is shitty but not cancel-worthy.


Don’t come for me but “fire crotch” was something I heard a lot as a kid before LL was famous so I didn’t instantly make the connection, it was a pretty generic slang term for a red head in the 90s so I was surprised it became such a big issue. Although I guess if some shitty oil baron’s son ex used it in a disparaging way and the reboot of my most famous film put it in even though I did a cameo, I’d be pissed. Fire crotch pride!! Red heads are sexy AF!


Aw, Tina "Fake Feminist" Fey doing the bare minimum as usual.


The movie was already increasingly tame and not living up to its “mean” title and now this.


Absolutely agreed. I enjoyed the movie, but it had no teeth. It was far too tame. I agree with my partner that you don't want to teach kids how to be bullies, but is this really the best alternative?


I think because the line is so blurry its best to admit shitty things occur in life. What insults one person, another wont gaf. Bullying and conflict happens. In the name of comedy, satire exists to help understand how ironic and surreal life is. I hate the policing on comedy/art tbh. Im relatively young, and not part of the mindset that everything needs to be canceled.  We need bite because that’s how life is. Don’t like it switch over. It’s what I do. Catering to everyone is impossible and it’s why media and people are losing authenticity. 


Have you met kids? They’ll figure it out all on their own. Don’t have to teach them anything.


We don't need targeted insults about a physical, genetic characteristic someone is born with. Making fun of red hair is like making fun of someone's nose, chin, forehead, or arm hair. Except it's a little worse, because it's about our pubic hair. I can't hide my redhair, and I'm usually the only redhead, so when someone says it to you, it knocks to the wind out of you. Suddenly, I'm like, how many people think about my pubic hair when I go out? Gross. It's very isolating and sexualizing. It's super offensive.


Some random pervert every time you go out in public. There's always some asshole wondering if the curtains match the drapes.


It’s mean in a movie about mean people.


Oh brother


Sorry, what does fire crotch mean? Second language. I mean, I literally get what it means but is it an insult to Lindsay Lohan especifically?


It was an insult before Lindsay, but Brandon Davis (early 2000’s trust fund annoyance) infamously called her that in 2006 and it became a whole thing.


Oh I understand now, thanks


It’s a reference to redheaded people often having red pubic hair. It shouldn’t be a big deal but it’s said a lot to young kids in middle school and high school. Having random peers (usually loudly and publicly) mock private parts of your body and ridiculing you for being “different” in a such an intimate area, at that age, is *incredibly* humiliating. Kids that age are so uncomfortable with their bodies as it is and desperate to be accepted. It’s especially cruel that a bunch of adults still think it’s just a funny punchline. Kids at least don’t know any better when they say it. Source: I’m one of many red heads in my family.


It refers to the pubic hair color of someone with red hair


Ohhh ok


Lindsay tried to kidnap a kid. This is no big deal.


I have watched that video so many times. Her bride of Dracula voice is my favorite thing I have ever heard.


Redhead guy here. Took my red headed twelve year old and it was the hardest laugh we had from the whole remake.


Lol cry into your money


Good, it would have been funny if Lindsay hadn’t been so young and that man wasn’t a predator who said that shit.


Lol cry into your money