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Noel Gallagher hates anyone that's not a Beatle or Noel Gallagher.


But especially Liam Gallagher lol


My sister and I are like the Gallagher brothers. We cannot stand each other, except we’re poor.


One of them is quoted as saying that the first thing he bought when they made it big was a sports car and his brother bought a watch “which was brilliant bc I can’t drive and he can’t read time” Best insult I’ve ever heard


I forget which said it about the other but this tops it: “he’s a man with a fork in a world full of soup”.


That was definitely Noel talking about Liam.


I don’t like Noel Gallagher much, but the man knows how to insult someone. He’s got some bangers lol.


"Zorro on Doughnuts" is such a good fucking insult.


+1 came here to say this. That’s quality gear.


The Gallagher brothers are the human equivalent of Statler and Waldorf (the old guys in the Muppet Show that bitched about everything for you younglings out there)


😂😂😂 they really are.


Liam on the other hand decided whether he hates or likes something based on if it will piss off Noel.


First I heard from the Gallagher brothers in years was when they were nominated for the rock and roll hall of fame, and Liam said: >I don’t need some wank award from a geriatric in a cowboy hat And my first thought was “Oh shit, old boy’s still got the piss and vinegar.” I miss heels in music who like, deliver. It seems like everyone who talks shit is objectively terrible now. Oasis were a great rock band and just the most obnoxious personalities. They were like 90’s Chris Jericho.


I have watched Noel’s commentary on Oasis videos many times. He is hilarious. https://youtu.be/rfNqyjZcleI?si=MmMmLeELo1mrzqa3


The Gallagher brothers come across as no 1 haters, but I don't think they mean half the shit they say, it's just their sense of humour. Being from the north of England myself, my mates say miles worse to each other.


It’s just bants Unless they’re talking about each other


Two working class brothers from Manchester cutting each other down at every opportunity is just par for the course


Definitely brings to mind that saying: "If you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. If you run into assholes all day, you're the asshole."


The one thing that Noel and Liam can agree on is that when they insult, they make it both an accurate and hilarious remark. And they're both right.


My favourite Noel Gallagher attack was when Jay-Z was announced as a headliner for Glastonbury in 2008. He said that the festival was [“built on a tradition of guitar music”](https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/music/news/gallagher-jayz-is-wrong-for-glastonbury-808962.html#) and that hip-hop at the festival was just wrong etc etc Jay-Z opened his set with a cover of [Wonderwall](https://youtu.be/I2UFyOmGpV8?si=SDHW9NmZzP9xp_UE), including him playing the guitar.


This is hilarious. Surprised that Trent was talking shit about Chris Cornell, though. I saw them on tour together in 2014.


Trent eventually apologized for this, so they were cool before they went on tour together. Trent eventually explained in an interview that around that time, EVERY record label was pushing their rock musicians to either incorporate rap into their lyrics or get a rap producer for their albums. He said that Chris was “one of the greatest vocalists of all time” and that it was a bummer that he gave in to it (or at least, that’s how it was perceived by Trent.) Trent eventually felt like it was too shitty and apologized to Chris in person, and Chris was exactly the kind of gentleman you think he would be.


Ya, I remember him apologising. Also, back then Trent was still in his pissy phase and for most part I think he has calmed down on calling out other musicians to that degree.


In fairness, he was right about that Cornell album, but I’m glad they eventually made up This was the lead single from that Cornell record. Like, what in the entire world?: https://youtu.be/grzZ3AchILM?si=08Z0tQcPXr3bOdkW


Just that one shitty album which did, in fact, blow.




Lmfaooooo I think of that tweet at least once a month. That and her telling Kendall Jenner not to come to her concert.


Haha! That one is one of my FAVOURITE comeback tweets.


8 minutes later at 4 am is crazy 😂


Lmao I’ve seen that so many times but never noticed the timestamp. Iconic.


Whoever took the screen shot is from the UK, it was actually 11pm EST https://x.com/ciara/status/41350276107616256?s=46&t=tyZvPoyJ4hSLrGN2Btrikw


Bad Girl Riri was an ERA. She was eating people up


She was savage and had time for everyone. Thankfully Fenty kept her busy then kids




Oooooh Rihanna gave me chills with that savage shit She took barely any minutes to deliver the most nonchalant and cutting comeback ever...AT 422AM 8 min after Ciara posted. Ooooof .


the moby one is taking me out


Somehow i always find eminem’s “nobody listen’s to techno!” In “without me” so hilarious, especially after moby said in an interview people will scream it at him in the street or from passing cars


To this day, I hear mention of Moby and I think of that line


I listened to Without Me last week for the first time in years, and that line still made me laugh to myself.


I've been into electronic music for a long time and I've heard so many great remixes of that vocal clip. When it comes on at a show people get so hype lol. It's so damn ironic because just a few years after that, electronic began its massive rise in the US


The most ironic part is that techno originates from Detroit


Also how em sampled a legendary techno track years later.


I always laugh at the line “bitch!” That’s screamed in the second verse.


So funny because I actually never knew what he said that made Eminem rap about him. It wasn't that bad but of course Eminem in his twenties would not let that go unanswered


My memory is fuzzy. I don’t remember Moby specifically calling out Eminem but I do remember him calling out violence and misogyny in lyrics at the time. I don’t think he was singling out hip-hop either.


Yeah the Moby one legit made me laugh out loud. The dude sings about murdering his mom on every album and Moby's like "damn dude lighten up"


I also find the Moby one hilarious because Moby’s biggest hit is *so depressing* I love Porcelain but the singer of it telling someone else to lighten up is great


https://preview.redd.it/crnopjd0a86d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=891028f7b92f14881c7314061e0451d6f766ba42 Always thinking of this one of Noel on Liam


He’s a man with a fork in a world of champagne?


Your flare is taking me out


I just made it! I didn’t know we could do them ourselves


The Gallaghers will always be legendary over their fights with each other and insults they hurtle at everyone. I like the time one of them, I think it was Liam, called Paul McCartney a nipple 😂😂 ETA: I should have cross checked google since it was George Harrison who was called a nipple. Still hysterical.


It was George that he called that


I need to know what he thinks the spoon does in the milk


Keeps it fresh


Damn Etta taking out Bey like that


Yeah, I wonder what the backstory is on that one! I'd die if Etta James was pissed I was singing her song. (Not that I sing anything.)


Beyonce sang At Last at the Obama inauguration, ~~literally dressed as Etta to promote a movie she was doing.~~ Etta James was still touring, and we all know that's her signature song, and she's an American legend. I'm a Beyonce fan, but I didn't like it either. They should have let Etta sing it or have Beyonce do her own song.


She played her in the Chess records movie too: and I love Beyonce. I really love her. But she didn’t really even try to sound like Etta. It just sounded like Beyonce singing her song.


I don’t know the details, but I think it had to do with Beyoncé performing at Obama’s (second?) inauguration.


I’m gonna guess the backstory is that Etta James was still alive, and so thought that if anyone was gonna sing At Last at the presidential inauguration it shoulda been her


I found this Etta James told the New York Daily News: 'I didn't really mean anything. Even as a little child, I've always had that comedian kind of attitude. That's probably what went into it. 'I was feeling left out of something that was basically mine, that I had done every time you look around.' While James admitted she liked Beyonce's performance, she admitted she thought she could have performed it better herself.


Etta is the relatable, somewhat petty queen we need! This is very similar to the feeling when a man steals one's work in the office!


Seriously I don't think I would ever get over being dissed by an icon like Etta James in regards to singing her song. 🥵 What's worse is that considering the circumstances, I agree with her. Beyonce never should've been the one singing At Last at the inauguration.


Ah The Gallagher bros. I knew they would be here. Damn, at the Lily Allen quote! That was brutal.


“MySpace blog 2007”


Ever seen a phrase that is an artifact? This phrase is an artifact. 😩 Best of luck to all those internet archeologists of the distant future lol 🙃


My favorite insults are the ones the Gallagher brothers throw at each other. "He's like a man with a fork, in a world of soup. (about his brother Liam)" - Noel Gallagher Lives in my head rent free.


I'm not even an Oasis fan, but I watched their documentary on a long flight several years ago and let me just say, it explained a lot! I highly recommend it.


I've listened to a few podcast episodes on their relationship, and Noel has hated Liam since he was born. It's amazing they managed to survive as a band as long as they did.


I think the only reason they did survive as a band so long was because of the drugs. 😂


The dump trucks full of money probably didn't hurt either


they’re both like the azealia banks of britpop


Noel and Azealia need to meet for one hour of banter, and it needs to be thoroughly documented. For science of course.


That one honestly just sounded like jealousy. It was needlessly mean.


Thankfully at least in her book she said she regretted saying that to Cheryl.


She definitely was. She wrote a song about wanting to look like her. It’s also pretty unfair, Cheryl was working class and had to do whatever her record label said, Lily came from an upper class background and was roleplaying as working class because she wanted too.


Her Mockney accent was really obnoxious at that time


Great point, Lily is a major nepo baby!


And she goes on Thatcherite tirades if anyone points it out


That's why it stood out to me. Most of the other rants were about how the music sucks, hers was so personal.


I mean Tyler did say he wants to stab someone 🤣 I’d take that a little personal


internalised misogyny was one helluva drug in the early oughts


It's like a high school where everyone would think Cheryl Cole is the mean girl, but it's actually Lily. (But also Cheryl, for abusing that bathroom attendant.)


They're all bad people


I knew the Gallaghers would appear…several times 💀💀


The one about Radiohead did make me laugh, I have to admit.


This post could have just been the Gallagher's and no one else.


Can I get “A thousand year old tree?? Go fuck yourself!!!” as my new flair please I’m crying 😭


Only if I can be Zorro on Donuts




Noel really is the king of insults


“Zorro on donuts” got me


My favorite is when Freddie Mercury called Syd Vicious “Simon Ferocious”


hahahaha, that's fantastic) on purpose or he just couldn't remember?)


He retells the story in an interview and with a good amount of sass. [A real treat if you haven't seen it yet.](https://youtu.be/Sfu-oko0Fl8?si=X-9dupiZKH_mE9EV)


idk which Gallagher brother it was but they said that real mean thing about Michael Hutchence after he presented an award to them! Something like has beens shouldnt present awards to gonna be's. And then Michael's face just falls :(


That was awful. It was Noel, and it's kind of ironic he called Michael a "has been" when Noel hasn't written anything decent since the 1990s.


I usually find his comments on others funny, but that was just mean. He’s written some great tunes in the last few years though.


"My career would be over tomorrow if I spray-painted myself brown and hopped on the cover of Vogue magazine and just started shitting on my ex." ![gif](giphy|TIevmoCQMitaEpFlHG)


This fucking killed me! He then talked about how she fucked him for life by telling everyone he had a big dick. I don’t remember the exact quote, I’m paraphrasing. Something like “Now every woman I get with for the rest of my life is going to be so excited…and not get what they expect.”


“She’s a fucking genius. Now every girl I ever get naked with is disappointed.”


Is that what Pete said about Ariana?? 😭


God I love that whole Pete Davidson bit


I had an enormous crush on Jack White when Noel made the “Zorro on donuts” comment and I *shook with rage*


You know what I've done in 13 years?! .....a lot.


He has as well. I’m sure he does some heroic voluntary stuff. Source: my vague memory of a photo of him washing up in a catering kitchen.


I've never been a fan of his music, but as a resident of New Jersey I'm enormously proud of JBJ and his efforts to fight hunger here. He actually owns and operates several soup kitchens (he calls them "Soul Kitchens") in needy communities around the state.


As much as Noel Gallagher is a total dick, "he looks like Zorro on doughnuts" is fucking hilarious.


my absolute fav is "he's like a man with a fork in a world full of soup" about his brother


I like Jack white but that was too good lmao


I’m a huge jack white fan but that one truly made me laugh aloud


This was strangely amusing


I enjoyed it quite a bit as well


It was such a big deal when James Blunt said that!


Pip pip bruv


Hippies are totally full of shit and Etta James knows what’s up.


Oh yeah here they are Gallagher brothers. Basically if you are british musician and there is Gallagher brother insulting you It means you are doing good. It’s like welcome message from british rock music secret society.


We could have a post dedicated entirely to the Gallagher brothers 


There are whole threads on Liam Gallagher just insulting Arctic Monkeys.


Seriously. If they’re not talking shit about you you might want to rethink having a musical career


TIL musicians are very witty when insulting other musicians.




Azalea Banks would need her own dedicated page. She has come at almost every single musician except Taylor Swift.


She just gives Taylor unsolicited advice on her sex life. Lol.


"The nerve of these crackheads to think I would put my fully human lips on them. Absolutely atrocious." is probably my favourite


I say something about Malanga leaf albino iggy azalea at least once a week


I wanna see an Azealia Banks compilation of insults


“You don’t even have bone marrow” and “Ok you brittleboned methhead” lmao


The no bone marrow one lives in my head rent free, I can't see Grimes without it popping up in my brain.


Apartheid Clyde is an all-timer.




This one takes my breath away with its genius ETA: there should be the equivalent of a Pulitzer awarded each year for the best celebrity insult, between Azaelia and the Gallaghers there is some truly creative artistry here that deserves recognition


That’s what I think of every time Elon Musk is in the news. The perfect nickname/insult.


I think we need a PowerPoint of Azalia Banks beefs like tge lorde/lena dunham/jack antonoff one. I love that thing so fucking much and I feel like an Azalia Banks one would be even more hilarious


You smell like a roll of pennies.


Nickels IIRC


"A fat clown with makeup weeping over a guitar" was my bio across all social media platforms for a very, very long time.


The source for the Mike Patton quote is the Onion?


I think sometimes old AV Club articles are credited to “The Onion” especially when it was an insert in the printed edition of The Onion.


Definitely a weird source but the quote is accurate lol


Hell, you could do a whole slideshow just of the Gallagher brothers dunking on each other 😂


Liam tweeting a picture of Noel with the caption "potato" lives rent free in my head lol


The Gallaghers just prove to me that all I really care about in a man is if he’s funny. I can ignore some crazy asshole behavior for a cackle.


I know they’re both a bit shit but then I remember Liam has beautiful eyes. I think, oh he’d definitely come up with some zingers when I tell him about Carolyn at my work.


I love Slipknot, and I love Coldplay but dear God, that description of Viva la Vida is just epic You can wipe your ass with that song Dead


Robert Smith is the most honorable man. He's kind. He's been decent for decades. He's my all time hero. Nobody gets to insult our Goth fairymother. And of all people not that racist asshole. Sorry. I feel better now.


I’m not the biggest fan of The Cure, but they jumped up in my rankings during last fall. they actually did a better job fighting Ticketmaster compared to Pearl Jam. I was able to get decent seats for their show for under $100 and actually purchase two or three items of merchandise since their shirts were under $30 compared to most legacy acts that are charging $50 plus.


I’m not the biggest fan either, but I’ve got total respect for them. Not only are their prices reasonable, but you’re getting huge bang for your buck. They’ve been asked why they still do shows that are 2-3 hours long and it’s because they know people travel for hours, make accommodations, and seeing their favorite band is a huge event in their lives. So they want to leave it all out on stage for them and make it special, not phone in some 50 minute headlining set. So much respect for that kind of attitude, especially from such an influential band that’s been at it as long as they have.


Robert taking on Ticketmaster and winning was one of the highlights of my life.


fairy gothmother. come on, it was right there.


It's important to note Robert Smith's retort to this insult. 'If Morrissey says not to eat meat, then I'll eat meat...that's how much I hate Morrissey."


Don't forget when Morrissey said "cows are our friends", and The Cure account responded with "name one cow you're friends with"


And the reply 'your mother' has been a meme for a while.


Talking about beef!


Omg 💀


Robert Smith hasn't aged into a Little Britain fantasist either. Right now, the best thing about Morrissey is that he used to hang out with Johnny Marr.


I agree but Moz was probably jealous ![gif](giphy|Lr9XliH6WdKAFfmxdj)


Morrisey is a twat


Right, as if I needed any more reasons to despise Morissey. Rob Smith is father. Saw The Cure in concert once and it was like a dream.


Was it just like heaven?


Everyone knows Morrisey is a prick.


Never apologise for berating that utter bowl of arse water. Fuck Morrissey.


Utter bowl of arse water 💀💀💀 I am deceased This entire thread and its comments are absolutely killing me.


i’ve seen the cure and morrissey both in concert twice. the difference is the two cure shows were more than 10 years apart because they hadn’t been touring and were beautiful, transcendent experiences, and the morrissey shows were 12 hours apart because during the first show he was late, drunk, and didn’t play a single song anyone really wanted to hear so we found resell tickets for 1/2 the price and hoped for better the second night. i’ve never heard fans boo a concert they’ve paid to see before, but i did with morrissey, that dickhead. the second night, he played a few of the songs we wanted to hear. the one we wanted most—how soon is now—he played whilst rolling his eyes.


Interesting that all of these are from the 00s. I miss celebrities being themselves.


stan twitter culture killed the catty celeb :(


Another really good one is in one of Aphex Twin’s rare interviews, he’s told that Radiohead is very influenced by his music. His reply was something along the lines of “wow that’s surprising because their music is bad and I don’t like them” lmao


It reminds me of RATM's bass player learning they inspired Limp Bizkit: "I do apologize for Limp Bizkit," Commerford says. "I really do. I feel really bad that we inspired such bullshit. " hahaha


Surprised to hear Corey shit on Coldplay. He isn't like your typical, gatekeeping metalheads, and has expressed fondness for pop in the past. That being said, after he worked with the Nostalgia Critic to make that God awful The Wall parody, he's gonna have to shut up about musical opinions for a bit.


Gallagher brothers are the best shit talkers of all time. End of story


Moby? You could get stomped by Obie


It's over, nobody listens to technooooo ![gif](giphy|3ohs82LiUFYq5QaqME)




Wait someone explain to me the Bono beef with Chris Martin?? Lol


I don’t think it’s a beef, I think he just doesn’t like Chris Martin lmao


All I want is for Noel Gallagher and Azealia Banks to have a Twitter duel before Elon musk puts the final nail in that website’s coffin. 


mark everett's about john lennon is so good.


Yeah, tbh hippies *are* full of shit


someone said that metalheads are nice people pretending to be mean and hippies are mean people pretending to be nice and now that’s perma-stuck in my brain.


https://preview.redd.it/ks68sx6i1b6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=69e85c4570703b12cb811e74977e82cf0a2cf664 Can’t have a Morrissey diss without the other side!


Yikes Lilly Allen!!


Whatever you say on MySpace, stays on MySpace


This was around the time Laroux made a horrible statement about Tulisa too saying something “she’s only more famous than me because she’s pretty and I’m a better singer” but in a much more vulgar way. And just like Lily Allen she’s also a nepo baby where as Cheryl and Tulisa were both young girls who came up from council estates and did well. Seems like the elite nepo girls don’t like the rough working class girls doing well for themselves. Proper mean girl energy.


Working class femininity is always disparaged in its contemporary form. Then, fifteen years after it was derided as vain, slutty and trashy by the media and tastemakers, it returns rebranded as retro/vintage for posh girlies exactly like Lily Allen to purchase from Urban Outfitters and Zara.


The only time I ever saw Chris Cornell or Trent Reznor live was when I saw Soundgarden open for Nine Inch Nails in like 2014, so I think they may have squashed any beef.


The moby one took me out 😂


Lily Allen is an asshole, but new flair unlocked 🤷‍♀️


Bono's quote about Chris Martin isn't that bad tbh. It's like "I hate you but I respect your work." Also, as much as I love The Beatles, sadly that is the correct take on Lennon.


I love this post, thanks OP!! I could read these kinds of things for hours


I haven’t had time to research, but I recently fell into Lars Ulrich hate TikTok, and I’m certain there are some clever insults from other celebs or former band mates about him.


I love how many of these are Brits shitting on each other


this is only like 9% of noel gallagher’s complaints about other musicians.


I just realised that Mark from the eels is my mum's age and I feel weird because I have such a crush on him


Etta James is right and she should say it.


I love James Blunt. “An orchard full of plums in his mouth & a silver spoon stuck up his arse” is hilarious. I don’t even know who Damon Albarn is but now I’ll have to find out.


Gorillaz and Blur.


Y’all should look up the exchange between Azealia Banks and Lily Allen, which resulted in lily painting her then partner’s dick in black face to get back at Azealia

