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Keep a pot lid handy for small fires, folks.


My husband made me practice using an extinguisher. Like, he randomly came running up to me and stared shouting and stressing me out to see how I would go. It worked and I could now do that in my sleep.


That's very smart. Having automatic reactions to scary situations because you practiced can save you. My cat is even trained to come to me when the smoke alarm goes off. I'm overly prepared by some standards, but if you can wake up out of a dead sleep and grab an extinguisher and use it? Nah, that's just smart.


Iā€™m a nurse. We have a fake ward built with dummies in the beds. Itā€™s set up to fill with fake smoke and the lights go out and we have to get the bodies out in the dark. We also practice on real fires using extinguishers and blankets. Itā€™s pretty cool as it feels so real so you remember what to do


Excellent training!


Yes and keep the lid on it for a good while. People tend to peak, no peaking. Never wave a towel or apron at the fire, you are literally fanning the flames. (If it's a grease fire, never pour water on it. You will have an inferno in no time. Instead pour baking soda/salt on it). So lid, smother it and/or fire extinguisher. Just keep your cool and act fast.


Once, my little sister put a whole pot of oil on fire and called me to deal with it. Except she didn't actually let me do anything because she thought I was stupid lol so we ended up pouring water on it... šŸ™ƒ Anyway, I'm writing down the baking soda tip !


Itā€™s a pretty small fire, though. Hardly seems worth wasting the ingredients. More of a smother it or stomp it out situation, imo.


Salt is your best friend no matter if you have lids or not


Do you just pour it on? How much salt is needed?


Just salt to taste.


7/10 little spicy.


5/7 with rice


More than whatā€™s in the shaker. Youā€™re gonna want like one of the big Mortonā€™s salt bottles. Even then it really doesnā€™t take too much. Just pull the tab and pour and assuming you havenā€™t angered the kitchen gods youā€™re good.


Just pour it on, as much as you can to extinguish or lessen the flames until you can get something to fully put out the fire.


This was my exact thought! Why not suffocate the little fire instead of making a giant unnecessary mess with an actual extinguisher? I was expecting a big blaze based on the headlines about this šŸ’€


some of us donā€™t know weā€™re supposed to do that šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ had an oven fire a couple years ago and instead of just. closing the oven me and my mom freaked out and used a fire extinguisher and called 911 when NONEEEE of that was necessary lmao


I definitely get the panic that happens during a fire! Iā€™ve had a grease fire and then my husband accidentally lit our grill on fire by leaving the grill brush in there šŸ˜­ literally had flashbacks to playing the sims and was praying I didnā€™t see the grim reaper pop up šŸ’€ But thereā€™s def a combo of wanting to move immediately to fix the situation and being immobilized by not knowing what to do. Seeing things like this can be super informative to learn what to do (or not to do) next time though!


The grim šŸ’€


lol i didn't know that closing the oven would stop the fire until i saw a tiktok about it. it seems like such a logical thing once you think about it, but the sight of fire just makes people (me) lose all thinking skills. plus based on gracie's interview and caption, this was taken while they were drunk in between 2 - 6am so i guess fire extinguisher made sense šŸ˜­


Don't feel too bad, my mom and I did the same thing once, had to buy a new fucking oven and everything.


Yall are my sims šŸ˜­


I know! I thought early reports said things like a part of her house caught fire, rather than just a little countertop thing!


Yeah and I donā€™t think that cats (or humans) should be breathing in extinguisher clouds.


Because they don't need to clean it up.


But make sure someone is filming it first


This is what I canā€™t figure out. Who the fuck grabs a camera to film a fire inside a house. WTAF?!?! My first instinct would be to help put the damn thing out! šŸ˜³


This reminds me that I need to get one of those kitchen fire blankets because I donā€™t trust myself being able to quickly figure out the extinguisher that I have in a panic


My MIL got me one for Christmas and made sure I hung it up away from the stove. Itā€™s really cool! We have fire extinguishers too, but exactly, so messy and PANIC


LOL was this a MIL association gift? I got one too! It's awesome. Have never used it but it's so nice we have it! Prepared Hero is the website I believe.


I never heard of these. Thanks for sharing!


I've watched someone panic and throw an entire fire extinguisher *into* a fire. So yeah, get a blanket.


Just remember PASS -pull pin, aim for base,squeeze, and sweep. RACE (rescue, alarm,containment, extinguish) is another but PASS is easiest in a kitchen


Oh yay another safety acronym to try and remember with the 5000 others šŸ˜­


You could write it down somewhere, like on a sticker and stick it to the fire extinguisher to remember it :)


LOL itā€™s honestly not that bad. Medical field here so I get being overwhelmed but it became second nature in my first couple years. I started at 21 and am 42 now. Damn it. I feel ancient.


I was just gonna say, we got a healthcare worker over here šŸ˜‚


and if it comes ziptied (some do) go ahead and cut that NOW. Don't be scrambling for scissors in the heat of the moment.


This comment just saved me, I never noticed it


Porque no los dos! Get a fire extinguisher anyway ![gif](giphy|DZyxZgmcbC264)


I bought 4 of them (Prepared Hero) for my house and 4 for my mom! Iā€™m hugely anxious about my house burning down, so buying these gave me a small form of security.


I watched this without sound because I am on a work callā€¦ it was giving some serious Sims 4 energy.


Rewatch it with audio, it's way better


Oh I did immediately after the call.


LMFAO šŸ’€ also love the multitasking šŸ˜‚




This whole scene is a work of art. David Hyde Pierce is such a great actor.


Literally one of the greatest physical comedy performances ever


This is my favorite scene in any show ever.


What's the scene from




Just an FYI for anyone seeing this for the first time, it's part of a seven minute long opening scene that was done in a single take.


King shit for real šŸ’…


And for those of us who don't know, this is from.... Frasier? I'm guessing? (Please don't kill me, I've never watched it butitsonmylistIswearIjuststartedCheeresforthefirsttimeandimlovingitsothisisnext). šŸ’•


Yup, Frasier. And that's exciting that you're loving Cheers! (They make a few tweaks to Frasier's backstory in Frasier, but nothing major, other than his dad being alive and him having a brother. Lol.)


I love you for posting this. DHP. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


Best sitcom cold open of all time.


Best sitcom of all time!


The cat šŸ˜‚


ā€œWhat happened here?ā€


And Gracie pointing at the cat like those streamers do when they play Lethal Company


Benji is such an icon.


If you can't smother it with a lid, pour baking soda over it - it will snuff it out. DO NOT USE FLOUR But good for her for at least having an extinguisher in the house. So many do not.


For people who donā€™t know why you donā€™t use flour, flour is combustible and will create what is known as dust fire which will spread everywhere very quickly


I used baking soda when I started a grease fire in my kitchen lol I bought a fire extinguisher the next day


You can also use salt. But as noted above, please do not use flour.


One time I hosted a friendā€™s dinner party at my house because it could fit more people. His friend somehow caught my oven on fire and came up to me asking ā€œDo you have a fire extinguisher??ā€ and my immediate response was ā€œBitch, do you???ā€ šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ My friend bought me a fire extinguisher as a thanks lmao. Also FYI if your oven catches on fire and is closed then the correct course of action is to wait for it to suffocate itself


Relatable ā€œbitchā€ when she was struggling.


Idk why but her saying that really surprised me, but I instantly related šŸ˜‚


Same. I do the same when something doesnā€™t work for me the way itā€™s supposed to


felt that in my soul


That frustrated "Bitch!" was the most human I've ever seen her in any form of media hahaha


she's been very ... selective ... with what she shares for a long time now. stuff like this makes her instantly more relatable, at least imo!


I replayed it to make sure I heard correctly. Love her for that.


And then unrelatable totally calm "our purses are ruined." Oh to be unfathomably wealthy lol.


genuinely, for a second youā€™re thinking theyā€™re just like us but then you remember thatā€™s taylor swift and the daughter of jj abrams talking about their many-thousand-dollar purses and shoes lol


if it helps; the shoes were $265 lol but the purse is $2,895


WHAT? Gracie Abrams is J.J. Abrams's daughter?!? I gaaasped


Taylor, girl, where is your smoke alarm though?


What's amazing about this comment is that I was watching the video-apparently, I have since learned- while a truck was backing up??? So for me, the first time, there was 100% a faint alarm beeping and so when I saw your comment I was so confused. But then I looked out the window. What are the effing odds? Anyway g2g, my Amazon order is here in COMPLETELY unrelated news.


Lolol amazing!


Probably took the batteries out so people can smoke in doors like my friends do šŸ˜­


Iā€™m way too paranoid for that! Mine was malfunctioning and I bought a new one immediately. I was certain my house would spontaneously catch fire in the middle of the night as soon as I didnā€™t have one.


my fire alarm will beep nonstop if I take out the batteries, iā€™m not sure that itā€™s the culprit here. its a safety feature


Are your friends black? Black people cant hear the fire alarm beep, itā€™s a genetic thing I canā€™t explain it. But trust me šŸ˜­


This cut deep because it's too true


Omg. We had a pretty bad house fire when I was a teen, I could never. It was an electrical fire so the smoke alarms didnā€™t go off anyway (electricity got cut bc of the fire I guess) but still


Your smoke alarms didnā€™t run on batteries? šŸ˜®


Good point and I have no idea! I was 14 and my parents came home from a night out to the house filled with smoke and the attic on fire, I had gone to bed. It was a dramatic night


Oh gosh that sounds terrifying! šŸ˜­


Some smoke alarms are wired in, so don't have the normal batteries. Something in them still needs replaced every few years though. (They'll beep like normal battery ones to let you know.) Edit: some of them do have backup batteries


God I hope not. Stuff sticks onto the walls forever and the stink stays as well


I mean she probably has around the clock housekeeping services so I'm sure it's fine lol


There are people who specialize in cleaning after a fire.


They are so real for that (I took mine out coz my fire alarm beeps at the slightest open of the oven even at 350 šŸ˜­)


Snoozed lol


What caught on fire?


The candle fell over


Oh I know, Iā€™m just wondering what it set fire too


I was more disturbed by the shoes on the table. If those are already used and have been walking the grimy streets of the world, what are you doing setting them on the surface that you prepare your food on???


I mean they could be brand new shoes that she was showing her friend.


She was wearing them earlier that day while out with Gracie. [Post from Taylor Swift Styled on Instagram.](https://www.instagram.com/p/C8fAmc5JLLr/?igsh=cnc0b3E4MjRucHRu)


One of her cats knocked a candle over.


If it was just a candle that fell over, they could use water right? Itā€™s not a grease fire, is it? The candle fell on what exactly? I guess we donā€™t know the details


Water and hot wax donā€™t mix well either.


Thatā€™s a fire extinguisher not Gracie Abrams.




I really have no idea how to use a fire extinguisher


Remember **PASS** me the extinguisher! - **P**ull the pin - **A**im at the base of the fire - **S**queeze the handle - **S**weep from side to side while aiming at the base of the fire until it's out Time to check the instructions and practice accessing the one you have in your kitchen! If yours is expired or you don't have one you should get one today.


Remember to only hold it by the handle and stand back when firing, around 6 feet is recommended for a full size extinguisher.


So not like how Taylor did it? lol I think it recoiled a bit


Basically šŸ˜…


Always good to check the expiration date. My folks have one hanging on the wall near the kitchen and it's been there forever. Asked my dad when it expires and he said "They never expire. The indicate is still in "good" so it's good. Checked the expiration date and it expired 15 years ago.


i only have to know how to use a fire extinguisher for work. we get tested on our knowledge of what to do in a fire šŸ˜­


At my old job we had to actually practice every 6 months. Do they not do that at yours, just a quiz? Because that was a game changer for me and came in mighty handy when I later had a kitchen fire at my house!


nah no practice, i think thatā€™d require everyone to be in at the same time but we all do shift work, thereā€™s never more than 3 staff in at one time


Same. Theyā€™re also not the same kinds! Gotta know which ones to use for which fire or you might make it worse.


I actually learned a lot from these comments about how to deal with lil kitchen fires.


Taylor Swift saying bitch when the fire extinguisher wouldnā€™t work was not on my bingo card but is so relatable lmfao


Honestly this is good PR, it's very humanizing haha


Does she usually post footage from inside her house? Just wondering


gracie posted this, not taylor. and taylor, she used to many years ago but she doesnā€™t make personal posts on social media anymore so not much ig


Oh okay, thank you. Itā€™s weird to me sheā€™d allow Gracie to post it when sheā€™s so private generally. No hate, just an opinion


Clearly they planned this fire elaborately /s


This reminds me that I actually have no clue how to use a fire extinguisher


When I was in grad school, our department had a ton of about to expire fire extinguishers to dispose of so they made all us spray a propane flame. Even though Iā€™ve used a fire extinguisher, Iā€™m not sure I could actually do it well in an emergency. I think Iā€™d probably be like Taylor. Also itā€™s actually kind of hard to actually spray one and there is kick back!


They are both WAY more casual about that huge flame than I would be if that were happening in my kitchen ![gif](giphy|JSHQhCbHSUyeAUPskX|downsized)


Some people turn surprisingly calm. My friend started a grease fire during a girls night and was screaming. I came out of the living room to see two foot flames shooting out the pan towards my cabinets and microwave and my normal constant anxiety just like...shut off and put me into autopilot? And I walked over, turned off the burner, pulled the pan forward so it wasn't under the cabinets anymore and put a lid on the pan and bam, the fire went out. And I have PTSD from a housefire as a kid. I was surprised at how my brain just shut off and autopiloted through the crisis while my normally calm friend flipped her shit behind me.


The brain is weird like that. When I was a teen, I was cooking on a gas stove top and my dumb ass used paper towel to try to wipe up something I spilled directly next to the flame. Of course it lit up - before I even got near the liquid - in exactly the way you would expect dry paper towel to catch fire. I thought 'shit', stared for a few seconds at the flaming paper towel in my hand, then walked calmly over to the sink, dropped it and turned the water on. Total auto-pilot. I'm so grateful I didn't panic and drop/throw it. (Also grateful that my mother never found out.)


Right it really is like a deep part of your brain says Iā€™m in charge now come back in 5.Ā 


they were drunk and it was well past midnight so i dont think they clocked it to be a huge threat if it was me i'd cry on the spot


This reminds me when I hosted a BBQ and nearly burned my eyebrows off


when you're filthy rich you just buy a new house if you burn the old one down


im sure rich people care about lives and bodily harm too, there's only so much money can replace haha


Incidentally, this coincides with an article released today about celebrities insuring their body parts and Taylor Swift's legs is in the headline


yes, i believe its 40m or so? i think this news broke out like a decade ago? idk the point of insuring body parts tho but oh well


J.Lo had her butt insured in the late 1990s. Basically celebrities know what's bringing the money


itā€™s called *homeowners insurance*


Great unintentionally informative PSA about fire extinguishers. However, the last thing I would do would be pulling out my phone to record (or continue to record) near an open flameā€¦


Not unexpected for Gracieā€™s age unfortunately. Everything needs to be videod!


as gen z, i can sadly confirm lol


Yeah weā€™re like that. Itā€™s a double edged sword tho. Traumatized ppl filming events (well this is a very chill example but ykwim) can be rlly informative


Seriously šŸ˜­ r/whyweretheyfilming material


Same energy as every Mission Impossible director filming Tom Cruise's most dangerous stunt first... just in case the camera captures his demise


Have you considered that maybe she was filming before it happened? you know, to film the celebration.


Hence why I said "or continue to record". I'm even more alarmed that you may think it's okay to continue to film in the event an emergency situation arises. What if the fire suddenly grew or the flames jumped on her? I'm not trying to be rude, but I do want to emphasize to anyone reading this that unless you are calling 911 from a safe distance, there really is no reason to be distracted by your phone (and recording nonetheless) when you are in a dangerous and/or uncertain situation.


Using a fire extinguisher is a one person jobā€¦ Gracie was keeping an eye on the fire and staying out of Taylorā€™s way. What exactly would you prefer she be doing instead of recording? If the flames had jumped or spread she would then react exactly the same way she wouldā€™ve if she hadnā€™t been holding the phone. (Ofc ideally they wouldā€™ve quickly smothered it or used baking soda, but they didnā€™t seem to realize that so they went with the fire extinguisher option). I def agree that gen z is too addicted to recording everything, and I definitely wouldnā€™t personally think to record it, but Gracie wasnā€™t harming anyone by just holding her phone and pointing it at the thing she was looking at. If the situation had escalated and she needed to call 911 the phone would already be in her hand.


the flames could jump on her? did you see that video? there was no danger of any kind like that. You're overblowing this by a lot.


Yes, there was. Fire is insanely unpredictable, particularly an oil based on like that one. The flames could absolutely have jumped or spread and the situation could have changed very quickly.


Ikr. How was she so calm I would be freaking out all over the place


Well, at least she kept her cool lol


This is so chaotic lmao


Taylor's dress is really cute.


[itā€™s, like, a totally important designer](https://www.cettire.com/products/alaa-curved-seam-detailed-skater-mini-dress-932755158/cmVhY3Rpb24vcHJvZHVjdDpkUkdaRnYzdEhXenFiS003eA%3D%3D?app_clickref=1101lyDRRCPc&utm_source=ShopstyleUSA&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=ShopstyleUSA&clickref=1101lyDRRCPc) (this is a clueless quote iā€™m not being snarky) https://preview.redd.it/lud5w5rhlz7d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63dfebde2bb9b5687cceb10d652189fa90a68311


This is an ALAIA ![gif](giphy|3ofT5J5ESXh8NTDcpG|downsized)


Ahh to be rich and able to just pick that up!


I thought it was a robe, for that relaxed hanging-out-at-home-with-friends vibe


Oh snap it might be!! lol I'm too poor to recognize a fancy robe.


Taylor Swift Style on Instagram has a link. $$$$ tho


Benjamin!! šŸ˜


My smoke detectors would have deafened me. She needs to change these batteries.


We need to train fire extinguishing in school. We need to do it every single year in school.


she'd rather burn her whole life down, than listen to one more second of all this griping and moaning.


Itā€™s funny that Gracie Abrams, who was possibly raised in more of a bubble than Taylor Swift, knows not to throw water on an electric fire *and* how to use a fire extinguisher. At least her parents - or their assistants - taught her some life skills.


Gracie only knows because she [previously](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/PpmmNxUBags) tried throwing water on a fire


Oh Jesus Christ


Well, sometimes mistakes are the best teacher šŸ˜…


The video is private and I missed it): can I get a summary?


https://www.tiktok.com/@idkwhatimdoing454/video/7276340816002485546 I found a version here šŸ™‚


Thank you so much!!!šŸ’œ ETA:oh my god someone keep this girl away from any flame ever, what's with her luck?šŸ˜­


I see your point, but safety is (or at least *should* beā€”you know who Iā€™m talking about) one of the top considerations on a film/TV set, so it wouldnā€™t surprise me if she had seen (or at least heard about) basic fire safety in a film set context. Or maybe if she was in the Girl Scouts or something (this seems like the sort of thing the Girl Scouts would cover). Or even in a First Aid/CPR class.


Nobody's going over how to use a fire extinguisher on a film set (source: me who's spent lots of time on set).


I'm not suggesting she got some sort of in-depth safety training when tagging along to a set with her parents, I'm just saying it's within the realm of possibility that at some point in her life, she might have been present at the filming of some sort of fire-related stunt where she saw someone use a fire extinguisher, or she overheard a conversation about one, or she got bored one day and read the instructions on the side of one.


Great point about a film set!


Correct me if I'm wrong, but that appears to be a white marble countertop


I should probably get a fire extinguisher for my kitchen. What was it that caught fire? I can't see what it is.


Fire extinguisher- small bursts at the base of the fire


Who puts their shoes on a kitchen counter? šŸ¤Ø ![gif](giphy|bd24dtB2d4vHs2Eubu|downsized)


Someone who pays people to clean their counter up


Someone who doesnā€™t use their kitchen. Lol


if this happened to me I would not release the footage


Yikes, that's not one of the food safe extinguishers. That's gonna be a nightmare to deal with in the kitchen to avoid contamination.


Brave woman


a wet tea towel couldā€™ve put that out, because her struggling to use the fire extinguisher while the other just recorded it made me anxious.


It's a candle that is not recommended to put it out with water as it's dangerous was just reading, didn't know that either.


Pouring water on a candle wax fire is dangerous because the wax can splash out, but smothering it with a wet towel should be fine in most cases if you donā€™t have other options. Ideally though youā€™d use a metal pan or lid


I totally would have been that person panicking dumping a whole pot of cold water on it without prior knowledge but thank you for the tip.