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"Got my mind set on you" erasure.


And *Press to Play*, which is a good albeit flawed album


Oh I’m gonna have to strongly disagree with you there. Press to Play is the worst thing Paul ever did and is what everyone thinks about when they say Paul got washed in the 80s. The lyrics and music on that album are so incredibly dull and void that it’s shocking to believe it’s the same guy who spearheaded Sgt Pepper. The production is also god awful. There’s a couple good songs on it but I don’t think they can save a sinking ship. Talk More Talk could have been a hit based on the hook, but the gibberish lyrics and horrible production completely ruin it. Flowers in the Dirt is a much better example of a flawed but still good 80s album from Paul imo. He’s trying way harder there.


Yeah i think he started and ended the 80’s strong with Tug and Flowers but that middle period was rough, Press and Broadstreet, yikes.


Nah, *Press to Play* is good. I actually really like Hugh Padgham’s production. The song writing isn’t Paul’s best but it’s not terrible either. The CD version has some great tracks that bring up the album as well (especially Tough on a Tightrope). *Flowers in the Dirt* is also good, but the demos of just Paul and Costello are better. Also say what you want about *Press to Play*, at least there’s no “Motor of Love” on it.


I'm gonna be honest, when I read your comment I googled Got my mind set on you covered by the band Erasure until it clicked.




Paul definitely did this. We don’t have to imagine


I love Paul so much, but…..Temporary Secretary. 😬


No, that song is amazing. Do not speak ill of Temporary Secretary.


If anything, I remember that the Twin Freaks remix of it was played before his concerts some years back. So Paul isn’t embarrassed of this song, I guess? To be fair, the remixed version is better, IMO: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=03p9zBIBSHQ&pp=ygUZVGVtcG9yYXJ5IHNlY3JldHdyeSByZW1peA%3D%3D


This is amazing, thanks for sharing. I love the dichotomy of the attitudes in the comments lol. One side fucking hates the song, and the other loves it.


You should read the YT comments for the original song. Absolutely hilarious.


A hit, what about it? 


Never forget Ringo's disco album


Ringo made a what now




Always happy to see Todd on here 


The Beatles would have been featured in a DJ Khaled album


Yesterday… seemed like we the best music… but now they don’t want to see us win…


If you count the number 1 solo singles and albums they all individually had during the 1970s they would have gotten like 11 number 1 singles and 10 number 1 albums. I think they would have been fine… The Beatles were truly something else when all four were together, and filtered out a lot of their bad individual tendencies (besides Maxwell’s Silver Hammer and a couple songs on the White Album 💀) If John Lennon and Paul McCartney managed to keep a good working relationship, and gave George Harrison more creative freedom, they probably would have crafted some mind blowing stuff in the 70s and 80s. And I don’t think they would have gone too far with the synths. They used the Moogs pretty masterfully on Abbey Road, and McCartney also integrated them well on Band on the Run. Just listen to “Here Comes the Sun” and “Nineteen Hundred and Eighty Five”. These are the guys who changed their styles like four times in the span of five years. They would have adapted to the new metas in a way that they didn’t always accomplish in their solo careers. They were constantly looking for new sounds and styles to freshen things up, and along with their brilliant producer, George Martin, and engineers like Geoff Emerick, were innovators in the studio that pushed boundaries in pop music.


I will defend Maxwell’s Silver Hammer till the day i die.


Bang bang!


an optimistic but well written take, I like it!


It's the Hip Hop album in the 90s that troubles me.


Get Ringo on the mic.


Synthpop is absolutely great, but The Beatles wouldn't have gotten it. So in that sense he could be right. Besides, the idea that The Beatles are the best band ever is just one of many opinions.


He is 110% correct.


I always wonder what Jimi Hendrix would've done with synths if he didn't die in 1970.


I think it's kinda cool that the Beatles broke up and stayed broken up even when the members started getting along again Every artist and franchise these days is an endless stream of reunions and reboots and mythology! Take your 10 years on top and bounce so someone else has space!


The 70s weren't exactly a bright time for music...


tbh they did call it quits at their prime which a lot of acts don't do and then it backfires on them. Idk maybe they would have kept the creative juices going to make cool stuff throughout the latter half of the 70's and 80's or maybe they would have turned into dinosaurs and saturated themselves to remain relevant.


I just realised that if John was alive today he would have 100% gotten into a beef with Azealia ☠️


Well, more like the other way around... She would've had a point about a certain song of his tho.


... I actually low-key think she would have defended him for that one 😬


Oh... Right. Yep ,😐


It would’ve sounded amazing.


He's right. Left behind a great discography and didn't sully it with shit records like other acts of their time did by continuing too long.


I can imagine! thanks to the goats of synthpop who gave us a [synthpop rendition of a Beatles song](https://youtu.be/X6nXuVC2pIs?si=iRixJMGaac_93hA2). YMO my beloved


shut up paul, synthpop Beatles sounds great


Let’s all collectively forget the abomination that is McCartney’s “Temporary Secretary”


Nah that shit is hard


Yea, hard to listen to


That played at my work over the store radio once and no work got done the whole time. Everyone just staring up at the speakers like “what the fuck is this.”


What's wrong with it? It's a bop actually! It really slays, bestie yasss 😍


Paul + John > Paul - John. John > Paul + John


maybe then they’d have better music idk all i know is carly rae jepsen could sing about a yellow submarine but beatles could never record run away with me