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5 years, 11 months, and 13 days … you’re sick


damn she cut it *close* on hitting 6 years of being sick


RIP to my favourite Twitter meme


Restarting the timer for N2


the wait was so much fun lol


This made me realize she should’ve called the album IBUPROFEN


in the life of


Sorry she was in the shower


I like to think that if Covid hadn't happened and her parents hadn't gotten cancer we would ve had the album 2-3 years ago 😏


w\*y ar\* \*ou c\*\*\*\*ring ran\*\*\* word\*? edit: bullying works 🥰🥰


Alright, time for the million dollar question after all these years waiting for this album: Does it deliver?


I think if you loved Wildside then you will be satisfied with this album. It’s a cohesive project that stays in that lane sonically, vocally and production wise. 


Funnily enough, I tend to like Cardi and I like Normani’s voice, but I thought Wildside was one of the most boiler-plate boring pieces of trite pop-hiphop I’ve heard in a long time. Still, I really liked Candy Paint, and I’m 3 songs in now, and this is really good?! The beats go hard and she sounds great.


oh i love wildside


Short answer, "yes" with an "if." Long answer, "no" with a "but."


Short answer yes! It’s a solid album. But I don’t think this her key to pop super stardom like we expected of her originally


short answer yes Long answer no


I think people wanted her to be Beyoncé/Rihanna when she’s not because people are hungry for another black female pop star.  If anything, she is Janet’s daughter, and this album further proves that. I also got heavy Brandy and Aaliyah inspiration. 


Brandy actually worked on Insomnia! She has writing and backing vocals credits, you can hear her in the outro harmonies!


Janet wasn’t allergic to pop. Normani seems determined to disavow pop. So, not sure I’d fully label her a Janet daughter in that respect.


normani talks pretty often about how she doesn't want to be put in a box and loves/wants to do pop as well. i feel like this whole disavowing pop narrative solely stems from her not liking motivation lol


>Normani seems determined to disavow pop. lol no she doesn't. There's a couple of pop-y songs on the album.


I’m wondering if people even listened to the album while the album is more rnb, there were definitely popish songs


Janet’s got a slew of pop HITS!


Janet was definitely considered a bonafide pop star in her time. Only her R&B hits get recognition today, but she was neck and neck with Madonna from the late 80’s to early 2000’s with pop hits.


Well three way tie with Madonna and the *other* black pop superstar Whitney Houston. Between 1985-2001, these three women were trading off number ones and top tens like it was nothing. *What an era*!


Don’t forget about Mariah. That woman was a phenom, every single year of the 90’s.


Of course I just meant the 80s divas but yeah I probably should’ve added Mariah, you’re right.


Okay but Britney Spears was also a successor to Janet Jackson and she is THE pop girl.


I always say Britney is Janet’s daughter through and through


I think her passion has always been r&b— sexy Lo-fi


So if we go by popheads track record this is going to be AOTY Grammy sweeping radio crushing album


Sort of 😭 I was surprised


yes! I was expecting nothing and was very surprised Lol


As a fair truther I am living for the ambient r&b vibes. Victoria monet background vocals on lights on, love. It's probably not going to skyrocket her career, but it's solid and hopefully she'll produce more. Take my time is the dance song for the people looking for that.


Fair stans stand up!


I love fair so damn much 😭


I’m here 💔💔💔


I definitely agree with this! I think for the crowd that loves the sensual, slow burner R&B this is absolutely golden. It’s definitely one of my personal favorite flavors of music and I also walked away from my first listen thinking it was absolutely solid. It felt dynamic and I was surprised with a lot of the vocal layering and the quality of the production. Having the full album also helped prop up 1:59 for me, which I initially just found to be so-so. There are a few tracks that I think could cater to radio if given the proper push, but it will be interesting to see how much of a casual listener base it will pull. Not really knowing what to expect, but rooting from the sidelines over the years, I can say that I’m impressed. She did a solid job!


Agreed. It’s very R&B which will bring mixed reviews in this sub. This wasn’t made for the masses, but will definitely spark interest in the black community. Especially with the nods it gives to late 90s/early 00s R&B.


can't believe i'm listening to this with my OWN EARS. i'm a big fan of RNB Normani so i'm very happy with this. anyone who was expecting pop bangers (idk why u would at this point), would be disappointed. on first listen, i'm enjoying the first half more than the second except for Distance which is amazing!! edit: ok i just got to Tantrums and omg Normani and James Blake are making MAGICCCCC edit 2: ok i have to take back what i said about the second half bc Little Secrets is also amazing my main question is why was 1:59 the pre release single??? did they think the gunna feat would carry?? i have questions. also why is this labelled as pop on apple music lmao pls


Gunna feature was why 1:59 was the pre release single


Honestly Insomnia or Distance then Candy Paint or even Candy Paint first would’ve made sense


It's been out in my timezone and I think it's quite good. I like the first half more than the second half and I've started to question the single choices even more than I already did but I think it's a solid debut. I'm begging her and her team to promote this with performances instead of just interviews cause there's definitely a hit album in here when it's promoted right


Question I've heard they re-did the mix to Candy Paint is that true lol?


I think so? I would have to hear them side by side cause it's not a huge change but I thought the mixing sounded more like a final mix (though I've also heard they redid the mix a day after the song came out so who really knows)


Ahhh okay! Thank you for responding! I am very interested to hear this later!


It's really solid, she should be very proud of it. It's not going to be a total smash and will likely get lost in the shuffle of all the big releases this year but I do think this is a fantastic first step in establishing her as a proper, album ready artist and can't wait to see where she goes from here.














This is the nicest way of saying "it's mid"


It’s definitely better than mid. They’re saying it’s a solid album but probably won’t be a commercial breakthrough especially 6 years after her hype died down. There are multiple tracks on here with high replay value for people who gravitate towards this sound. That’s not mid.


all yours, lights on, and take my time are begging to be hits 🙏🏾


I was preparing to be whelmed by this album but really enjoyed these 3 + insomnia! Great run of tracks there


THIS. I’m so mad this album is going to be slept on 😭


It was bound to happen, people put an extreme high expectation of her dropping a smashing hit pop album.


I mean after 5 years it better be damn good


I think the album will have legs and do well in the long run. There’s a bunch of potential hits or viral TikTok sounds on the album, we just need Normani to perform on stage and in video to blow the album up


Really love this but I’m also a fan of the glitchy/trap R&B that Starrah does so well The best thing about this album is that it feels like Normani can finally take a breath and move forward after everything she’s been through. It’s out, it’s good, it’s no masterpiece but it has a ton of replay value for people that like this sound. This album makes me excited to see where she could go with more confidence and sonic risks. It’s a fully formed introduction I think it’s perfectly fine if Normani’s career is more at the level of Tinashe/Kehlani. There was so much unnecessary pressure to be something bigger and I think the urban pop/R&B lane suits her so well and is a more sustainable path anyway. And it leaves room to have breakout hits every now and then without the burden of catering to that mindset “Little Secrets” (pop/rock/reggae banger?!) and “Distance” are already getting lost in the conversation…justice for them If RCA was smart they would send “All Yours” to r&b radio and “Take My Time” to pop radio Now bring on the music videos…


Kehlani’s name was on the tip of my tongue. Normani’s debut reminds me of Kehlani’s debut SweetSexySavage. They have very similar vibe, feel and sound. One major difference is Normani’s vocal delivery. I remember running that album to the ground and Kehlani abandoned that sound completely lol. I hope Normani continues with this lane


Lol I’d argue that Normani is bigger than Kehlani & Tinashe (and I say this as a fan of their music). Normani has bigger songs than both and better stats. Tinashe is doing well for being independent though, her music has always been good. Idk who you could compare to Normani honestly cause her situation is so “unique”. Despite having so many setbacks and delays, she’s still managed to get opportunities and to keep a fanbase and maintain hype from the industry, etc.


That’s true, by that I just meant having a career in the R&B/pop space that allows for releasing music and touring without needing to try for #1 hits. I think because of the wait there was just so much pressure to be a big star and I think she could settle into her own lane without that pressure


Ah ok I see, I definitely am curious to see what she does for her tour. I wonder if she’ll have special guests, etc.


the album tracks are soooooo much better than the singles she was anti-edging us 😭 edit : normani because of what she's been through and she's still singing favorites : garage-housesque Take My Time + R&B-Normaninashesque Distance


Honestly I was scared for the production, the gunna song felt extremely generic and candy paint felt unfinished. The album tracks bang so hard


The Distance was so good!! You can definitely hear Sevyn Streeter on the track


They cleaned up the mix for Candy paint 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼


How did you feel about the Adlib at 2:11? every other addition to the mix sounds great, but that one low-toned Adlib feels like it was either mistakenly left in, or is maybe a touch too loud over the main vocal track I think the album mix is sooo much more dynamic overall, but that one detail hits my ear so strangely I might stick to the single mix 😅


I don't mind it, I feel like it's been put in to sonically switch it up a little bit if you get me? Doesn't sound completely wrong maybe just a tad loud 🤞🏼🤞🏼


Where is the love for little secrets??? such a banger


It’s my fave song on the album TBH, one of the most interesting songs I’ve heard in a long time We need to see Normani GO OFF on the choreo 😩


Take my time and insomnia are so good


Her voice sounds so great, also appreciate that majority of songs are 3 minutes


That and Distance are my number 1s lol I can’t pick a top 3 out of them


After listening to the Album I don't understand making the two weakest tracks the singles? Then again Normani wanted Fair to be a single for some reason. She's really bad at picking singles and should let someone else handle that.


I really really like it. But it feels very 2018 to me ? 😟 slightly out of trend. Like if this dropped in the queen era/ bood up. It would smash


Agree w the slightly dated production (still currently listening). Feels like summer walker, Meg(cognac queen), Travis Scott 2019 type beats. But I do like it and it’s vibey.


I like it. Every song doesn’t have to fit with the trend and type of music released now. If it were like that, it would be very boring!


Is there gonna be a single? Music video?


all yours is apparently being pushed as the next single


All Yours is a great choice. I feel like Take My Time probably would've been a better choice, but All Yours is a 10/10 song IMO.


I fully went into this album expecting not like it and wow... I'm SHOCKED at how wrong I was I'm more of a pop gay (obviously lol) but I thought almost every song was a smash. It was cohesive, it had a variance of tempos, and I was never bored! EDIT: Whoever pushed 1:59 to be the first single should be fired 💀 I personally think that's one of, if not the weakest track


Beat me to posting by seconds which shows how anticipated this has been. I can’t believe that finally after all this time we have a Normani album! I was very whelmed by 1:59 and Candy Paint but I think the album is really amazing and they work much better in context. I think the album is very sonically cohesive but each song still manages to stand on its own. It’s not upbeat pop like Motivation which means some fans will be disappointed. But I think this R&B influenced pop is really good and suits Normani’s voice and tone so well. Insomnia and Take My Time are two of my favourites so far but I’ll see how I feel after a few more listens. I don’t think Normani is going to breakout as a Main Pop Girlie after this album but it’s good to have a solid body of work to show how truly talented she is.


Normani they could never make me hate you, the album is great iktr!! Insomnia and All Yours are HITS, so happy for her


This is a solid debut album from Normani, I feel like it truly cements her further in the R&B field! ‘Tantrums’ is a beauty, haunted song, James Blake is wonderful on it.


cryingg typing this rn. it’s out!!


I feel relieved and vindicated as a Normani truther by the sidelines. Like, this is really fucking solid. She showed us up.


even the threads are messy. this rollout can't catch a break 💀 A decent debut and I think this does give Normani more of a clear artistic identity. The back half of the album is the best to me, the first half feels a little too on trend and generic imo. Normani to me is at her best in that slightly edgier and popier Brandy and Aaliyah-esque lane, I just wish she experimented a bit more in the delivery and production like Brandy and Aaliyah did. The electric guitar on *Insomnia* and production and electric guitar on *Little Secrets* edges into that rockier Aaliyah territory (the *Insomnia* guitar was very *I Can Be* and *Little Secrets* was reminding me a lot of *I Refuse*) and *1:59* gives some of that Brandy type vocal layering and so does *Insomnia* with the sample, I just wish there was a little more of that throughout the album. I think there is a huge amount of promise here for a second album (if one ever comes lol) and I would love for her to explore more of that rock/R&B fusion. An album that fully commits to those sounds could get her some acclaim, and that's all she can really strive for at this point because a hit will take a miracle without it.


This album sits somewhere between Tinashe's 333 and chloes debut. Alot of the sounds and production sound very similar to her counterparts. The album was a great listen, I cant help but think tho that two years ago this release would've felt a bit more timeless? im not sure, like "all yours" sounds like a mix between Tinashes 'uh huh' and Chloes "worried". I think sheel become more established once we get more music from her. Almost like her songs are an amalgamate of all her peers rather than a precise sound of her own despite how well crafted alot of the tracks are. I definitely don't think the single choices were smart as far as the roll out goes.


hey queen! girl you have done it again constantly raising the bar for us all and doing it flawlessly. i'd like to say im surprised but i know who you are i've seen it up close and personal. girl you make me so proud and i love you. Dopamine IS A BANGER, normani the talented star you are lights on the smash hit you are😫


I think Dopamine is the strongest debut album that I’ve seen from anyone - at least in the pop/r&b space - in a while. I’ve had the entire album on repeat pretty much all day, and the production value and vocal layering of almost every song seems to get better with each listen. As much as people have doubted or made fun of Normani throughout the process of making her first album, I’m glad she didn’t rush to put out something that didn’t live up to the high expectations people place on her. If she’s not a contender for the upcoming Grammys, it will be such a shame. A lot of the tracks on Dopamine easily outdoes releases from some of the bigger stars that have also put out albums this year. Side note: Starrah is absolutely amazing at what she does, which I could tell from when they worked together on Wild Side. Normani should keep her around for future projects.


I actually really enjoyed it! Insomnia is my favorite track, I loved hearing Brandy's background vocals and that guitar solo was so good. Lights On screams Janet Jackson and I can't stop replaying it. All Yours and Take My Time deserve to be the next singles and to have music videos, I know Normani will kill it visually too. I just wish she included Fair and the extended version of Wild Side instead, that bridge is so good and the song feels a bit empty without it.


Agreed on Wild Side extended! That bridge is dulcet af😮‍💨 Otherwise, like everyone on here is saying, the album is solid!


I’m not a fan of Normani, but I love music so I was curious to hear what her first album would be like. It’s not bad, there are some good songs on it, but the majority of it I don’t like it, and I’m not sure they will grow on me. But, I’m glad she finally put something out, hope this will do well for her.


The album is excellent, cohesive, fresh sounding and overall feels like a really strong body of work that has something for everyone There are some good pop/uptempo tracks (Little Secrets, Take My Time, the album version of Candy Paint) some great hip hop dance floor anthems, some baby making music, some experimental album tracks and more I think she’s really carving out a nice lane for herself and could see the album having some legs (vs getting great streams in week 1 and being forgotten about because it’s generic) The fact that 1:59 and the (demo version of) Candy Paint they released are some of the “worst” tracks on the album says a lot


As a fan of R&B, I love it. She ate down on "all yours" and "lights on"! Also so happy to see "insomnia" - it was my favorite amongst the many demo leaks!


I just want to say that there seems to be a huge lack of appreciation for r&b music in this sub to the point of it being disrespectful at times. Normanis choice to make r&b has been criticised so much on here, yes she is good at making pop music, maybe thats just not what shes interested in? Look at the artists she is influenced by, why is it so hard for some people to accept? R&B is only tolerable to some people on here when it is done by a white woman doing cosplay Anyways, great debut album <3


I'm compelled to agree. I LOVE pop but actually wasn't a big fan of "motivation." I much prefer her silky R&B sound.


I think it suites her voice more tbh. I love pop music the most out of any genre and I didn’t enjoy motivation.


> R&B is only tolerable to some people on here when it is done by a white woman doing cosplay Yep. And then suddenly it’s so great! They love it! Best, deepest album yet! Mind you it’s the most watered down, lifeless album she’s ever made, but hey she’s white, so obviously it’s good R&B.


Pin this comment! Tea spilled.


* Starrah is like Normani’s Static Major. I hope they continue making more songs together. * This album is more sensual than I expected lol the album trailer was accurate with the overall vibe of this album. * I remember Insomnia’s demo and wow this is definitely my favorite off the album. Using Brandy as backing vocals is a cheat code because it is easily the prettiest vocal arrangement from the album. * Candy Paint’s album version actually sounds like a finished product with the extra vocals and ad-libs and production. Very bizarre. Still wish the bass hit a tad harder. * I love the sound. It feels so fresh but nostalgic at the same time. I know this will bump in the car. * She is awful at picking singles. * I’m glad how crisp and clean the production. Production is super clean. Her vocals on here are super clear, pretty and sultry. * I noticed she likes doing onomatopoeia like a lot lol. * With Insomnia I know feel like this song was made around 2018 (damn) because the producer uses that same raggedy vocal adlib in Khalid’s Better. * I was looking forward to the James Blake collab but tbh it could have been left off. Standouts: Insomnia, Lights On, Candy Paint (album version), Distance, All Yours Should Have Been Left in Vault: Tantrums, Little Secrets Major complaint: wish it was longer. Overall, it was an easy and breezy listen. Extremely cohesive and sonically fresh with her vocal delivery and adlibs.


You're the only one who mentioned 'onomatopoeia,' and I truly appreciate you for that. I've been so obsessed with how she blends this into the whole song without sounding annoying. It makes the tracks catchier and more upbeat, love it!!!


I noticed it first with Wild Side in her scrapped Tommy Hilfiger campaign there was a huge focus on the “doo doo”, “drip drip” & “oh” I was like wow this is so catchy and it makes it sound like she’s chirping at some points. I like how she continued with that throughout the whole album. I’m surprised no one else mentions it. Maybe the critics will




I think it’s good but expected. No surprises, no big moments, but no low points either. A solid 6.


I always had faith in her while 99% of people online trashed her, but now suddenly wanna Stan and forget what they said.


I really enjoyed Dopamine. The album artwork really elevated it for me, it felt like such a luxe album. I loved the production, everything felt so layered and lush and when I was listening to the songs it felt so perfect for choreo. The r&b slow jam sound really fits her and the James Blake feature in particular really solidified it for me, that one was my favorite. Lyrically nothing too crazy, I think I enjoyed it more for the production. I was excited to hear some Victoria on it as well. Take off wild side and it would be a 9/10 for me.


*Candy Paint* is my favorite at the moment. I love her more uptempo songs. I'm not as crazy over the lo-fi bedroom r&b segments. I think my problem is with Tommy Brown, because I love all the tracks where he's not the sole producer: *Distance*, *Insomnia*, *Tantrums*. Overall this was a pretty good debut. The 5 year wait time killed a lot of her momentum, but I don't think she's over like some of the users on this sub do. I hope Normani works out whatever is going on with her label. When her next album comes I want her career to really take off to sock it to all the haters who used her as a punching bag.


Ya know, my expectations weren’t super high but this was pretty good. Not my AOTY, but a good debut. Take My Time is amazing. Should’ve been the lead single. Putting a 3 year old single on an album is still a huge pet peeve of mine. That said, Wild Side is still a major bop but I wish she had put the extended on here. I think it’s soooo much better with that bridge.


Now I need for Big Boy and Take my Time to be singles.


Really solid debut and some good single choices. Probably would've hit a lot harder if she released this 3 years ago, but I hope she keeps this momentum now.


Ok, so after finally listening to the album,I can see why Normani doesn't really care for Motivation. Cuz this album is clearly rooted in R&B


All Yours deserves more attention. Such a sensual, euphoric song. The production is 10/10.


Take My Time gives me Kylie Minogue vibes for some reason 🤔


Yes! Reminds me of Body Language.


can't listen yet but yesss!! the memes were some of this comm and social media's low points for me, especially considering the personal issues she was going through. it was like kicking someone who's already down, and maybe now the memes will die a bit. so happy for her to have finally gotten this out and i hope this means a new start for her! edit: damn, immediately 'big boy' has me shaking ass 😭


the damn album is here


I think it’s a solid debut! As a true fan, i think some songs are “ok” nothing too special but not bad either. But there are also definitely some gems 💎on here! (Insomnia, Lights on, Little Secrets, Tantrums, Candy Paint, All yours)


I agree with some other commenters that the first half is a lot better than the second. I was really digging the late night drive R&B sound and now that I only have a couple tracks to go it is starting to drag on a little. A little disappointed that the Motivation sound was totally dropped (though I understand, it being 5 years old), but this is a really good R&B album! Edit: After listening in the headphones, I take back my comment about it dragging on! It is solid from front to back. Little Secrets, 2nd to last track is actually my favorite! The instrumentation is so dramatic, love it.


Maybe it’s just because I’m a complete slut for James Blake, but Tantrums is sooo good.


And I'm glad the lame and tired jokes are coming to a stop. Most of it wasn't funny 😵‍💫 There, I said it.


Call me a "Karen" or unable to take a joke, I don't care. Most of it was unnecessarily cruel anyways.


The internet has always been weird when it comes to Normani, it’s been tired.


It’s so tired. Like they’re not funny anymore. They are run in the ground. Before the album was released, I saw people in here already saying they can’t wait for the memes which is so pathetic to me.


It’s fine but wasn’t worth the wait. A lot of the tracks feel very dated (which I’m sure they are if they were made years ago). Only tracks that caught my attention were Lights On, Insomnia, Candy Paint and Tantrums. I am happy she got the album out though and I hope everything goes well for her. 💕


It feels 2018 😭


just started the listen, Big Boy is a good opener. I think between the time period of Motivation (23) to now (28), she grew more confident in going for the sound she wanted and lowkey, I think the wait was good for her growth as an artist.


I really like it. A very cohesive album sonically (some might say a little repetitive) but there are a lot of earworm sensual rnb tracks. I'm glad she didn't try to pander to the GP with forward pop music. Lights On is that nasty in the bed sheets sensual BOP!


Personally it’s a decent enough album it follows what Normani wants and is what she wants however after waiting six yrs it felt underwhelming mostly bc it didn’t feel as “perfect” and polished as it seemed. The singles felt like wrong choices imo and felt way more outlier like. Another major one was the choice to include The Wild Side which I believe needed to not be on the album. My favourite songs were Insomnia, Candy Paint (it’s a great album track but shouldn’t have been a single) and Distance overall, a decent album I’d give it a three out of five stars..


i honestly love this album. as a 5H stan from 9 years back, i’m so proud of how far she’s come. Lights On is the IMMEDIATE standout for me. like Lights On is THAT song, you don’t understand


After all this time and it’s giving…. Also you can see that this is the lane Chloe wants to run in but Normani is still way ahead in.


she delivered imo. it’s nothing spectacular but I like the alternate approach to some r&b songs. If you listen and love Janet Jackson, Brandy, and Victoria Monet. This is the album for you. she gave modern mid-tempo r&b/pop songs. solid debut.


The album is solid, but I feel like the visuals and live performances will really sell it!


All yours and lights on are my faves 🥹😭😭. It’s a solid debut album. I’m just mad we didn’t get a darn video for candy paint…


oohh I really like tantrums


well insomnia is fantastic


Haven’t heard the album yet but just wanted to say CONGRATS NORMANI ON THE RELEASE she proved everyone wrong and got the project out and persevered through all that crap with her parents’ cancer to get to this point… I know the promotion hasn’t been great or anything but I hope things go as well as possible with this record!


> she proved everyone wrong by taking 6 yrs to put out 13 album tracks? now sis i can appreciate stanning but this is a bit far even for me


I don't get why people clown on Normani for that though, it's obvious that a lot of things were out of her control. Record labels are notorious for refusing to let their artists release albums unless it's preceded by a hit 


also her mom was diagnosed with cancer in 2020 and then her dad was diagnosed in 2021. the memes are funny, but i’m not going to legit drag her for taking a while


And COVID happened in between and Normani isn’t wrong to claim that what she had in 2019 wasn’t a complete record, I rly don’t think she was properly ready until 2022 but she still needed to actually complete the album then.


exactly, the memes are one thing but some of the comments seem straight up malicious and entitled.


By putting the album out, specially being under RCA. It's a miracle tbh.


Bro who cares??? Like it’s not that serious. Jesus, you guys are miserable with the whole. It took forever to release the debut album like how does this impact your life??? It’s out now so move the hell on


I enjoyed it, but nothing too wow Take My Time and Candy Paint are hits tho, had me moving a bit ngl


so happy for her! pretty decent album. i love take my time and insomnia. distance is also very nice


Lights On hits hard omg


I wish her voice wasn't so autotuned or had so many effects on it, she has a great voice. It fits on some songs like the opener but it's on practically every song. Some crisper vocal production like eternal sunshine would have been so good esp. on Candy Paint.


About half way through currently and this album is HITTING. I’m determined to single-handedly not let this album flop.


Share it with people! Word of mouth is the best marketing there is


I fucking love it


I'm glad Normani took her time with this album. Big Boy, Still, Lights On, Tantrums & Insomnia take the cake for me. I love the album as a whole actually. I could see why people are gravitating to Take My Time since its digestible to those that love pop/ her motivation "era". I applaud her for not wanting to stay in the boxes that people wanted her in, it shows in this album clearly and it works. I love her nod to dirty south/ black southern culture, I know that was something she stated in the beginning of her career she wanted to do. This is a solid debut, I can't wait to see the visual storytelling she'll be telling with the videos (hopefully).


I noticed how well she incorporated the dirty south specifically Houston sound with how much she used slowed/chopped vocals like on Lights Off & Still (I love the sample on it too)


Given the blind stanning, the haters, this subs inability to engage with music critically, and the huge number of users here who seem to like anything and everything any given artist release…I will be waiting until I’m able to hear it for myself PST.


I'm surprised to read this because I've always found r/popheads incredibly negative about every album release unless it's like a masterpiece that changes the musical landscape




I don't want to stay up much longer so I only gave Insomnia a listen (because I saw you guys talk about it) and it is SO GOOD!! Looking forward to listen to the entire thing in the morning! Also, here's my obligatory, Normani has one of the best voices out there, comment.


I think it’s mostly a decent collection of songs with occasional glimpses of what could have been a strong album - standouts being Take My Time and the last three new tracks, which are well placed to provide a coda which unfortunately doesn’t quite feel earned. Overall, it’s a solid debut but there isn’t much that demands to be replayed.


I I think to be honest, it would’ve been next to impossible to fulfil everyone’s expectations of this album. I think there’s some good enough tracks on it that if she really pushes it on social media and can perform it live to gain more buzz. She should definitely push at least two as singles with videos rollout, et cetera. The obvious candidates being  Take My Time and Candy Paint. A late song of the summer release could be just what the doctor ordered to bring more traction onto the album. I think it would do well, and I think it sets up Normani as a great R&B artist.


tantrums… one of her best songs omg.


This is a solid and cohesive R&B album, I really enjoyed it since I’m a fan of the genre anyway. Production is great and she sounds beautiful too. I’d say it’s a strong debut but it’s just a shame it won’t get as much attention or hype as it could’ve if it was released a couple years ago, but Normani’s been through many times the reason why, so not gonna dwell on that. we do need visuals now!!! candy paint first if they want to push it. take my time could be single material too, can picture a remix with someone like sza or victoria monet.


lights on and insomnia top 2. and both written by victoria monet yup yup


insomnia is SO GOOD and my favorite of the album ugh. i also really like take my time and little secrets!!


Pretty solid


really like it. saw a comment saying first half is stronger but i prefer second half, distance, the james blake song and little secrets are sooo good


Very solid work after years of wait. I hope Normani is happy and proud of it. Personal stand outs for me are Lights On and Insomnia. Congratulations girl!


take my time is a freaking BANGERRR


I’m not sure I’m gonna have the full album on heavy rotation, but there are definitely a couple tracks I’ll be putting on repeat! Overall, I think the album does a really good job of establishing Normani’s artistic direction and vibe as a solo artist. Even though I’m not totally in love with the whole thing, it’s more than enough to make me want to hear her future stuff. I’d love to hear her sound develop in the direction of Lights On and Insomnia, they’re sooooo good. Also, I am desperate for a choreo-heavy mv (or honestly even just a dance video…) for Candy Paint 😩


Had some expectation for this album, initially expected a generic rnb album but was happy that my expectation was wrong. Besides the gunna single which I still hate, I realized I thought of candy paint too negatively. Solid track after listening to it. The first half is easily the best, the standout tracks to me are Lights on, Take my time, and insomnia. I’m sad that I couldn’t get into tantrums. I loved the vocals of James’ when before he started, but idk how to explain it the moment he started I didn’t like it anymore.


The day is finally here! Loving it so far


I’ve never gotten the hype for Normani, always felt underwhelmed by her. However, I’ve heard this album 3 times in a row, so good.


Big Boy is a banger wow


Her voice sounds gorgeous on Lights On, I want her to sing that way more often


Big Boy as the opener is \*\*chef's kiss\*\* Insomnia instantly reminded me a lot of Tinashe's track 333, super dreamy vocalizing. All Yours & Take My Time have STRONG radioplay energy, the rollout was messy so I hope the album promo now will have more effort (side eyeing RCA rn)


RCA been screwing over artists for YEARS. The only artist they haven’t fumbled a release for is Doja cat.


This is a way better album than what I was expecting, it's a shame she didn't give it the right promo it deserved. Insomnia, all yours and tantrums are my instant fav.


It's technically a good album and well produced. I'm sad because I find it boring. I really wanted to Like it because I liked Candy Paint and I thought it would have more upbeat Songs (hence the title). But everythings kinda downtempo and sounds more or less the Same. But I guess thats her sound and she sounds amazing on it.


Maybe I'm missing something but I don't feel like the meme's were that justified. She announced the album precovid, then went through some personal stuff. Then reannounced a couple months ago and stayed on schedule. She didn't tease us that much. On the album rollout scale 0 being sky Ferreira and 10 being Lana she's probably a 3.


Really great album, I’m so proud of Normani!


This album is so fucking good


Listening to the album rn and im still not convinced it’s going to be released anytime soon


this is a *very* solid album. i'm going to be sad when it debuts with 1.5k sales because her team decided to not do promo and not even release it on physical media


The whole thing sounds like it was recorded between 2017 - late 2019 and shelved since. “Still”, “All Yours” and “Lights On” are the biggest offenders and the most obviously passé sounds on here. I don’t know but I can’t point out a hit off this album… maybe Take My Time? Not betting any money though


I don't mean to be rude because I actually like a song or two, but it feels like her heart isn't really in it. which you can get away with for pop but I think you really gotta care for R&B. In my head summer walker and SZA are the biggest recent r&b talents, and last day of summer and ctrl are OVERFLOWING with emotion and vulnerability .. feels like Normani is already checked out for her debut album


This is kinda goodd


Initial listen: Take My Time, Insomnia and Distance are my top 3.


I like every song on this album! My only note is that she needs music videos and live performances to prop up this album. Go outside, Normani!


this is so good !!!! i have always been a normani fan and ive always rooted for her and i feel like its really paid off in this album. it combines all the elements i liked from previous singles. would prob give it a 7.5-8 overall. im super proud of her favorite tracks: Big Boy, Still, Take My Time, Insomnia, Tantrums, Little Secrets


right out the gate…i’m OBSESSED


i knew she’d deliver when she finally put music out. i love it. lights on, take my time, grip, and little secrets were the first ones to stand out to me but it’s a really great complete listening experience. i was expecting slow vibey r&b but there are actually a few more bops than i expected so im pleasantly surprised. her voice sounds gorgeous on this album, i can’t wait to see the choreo she has for these songs.