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Okay. Seriously. I know everyone else is saying it too but you need an ER. Now. I work in an ER. I would be very alarmed to have you as my patient. You’d be shocked at how quickly patients can crash with these types of infections. You could literally lose your leg or worse if you play around with this. And especially now that the wound is open, you are at even higher risk of further infection. The Telehealth, if they’re worth their salt, will tell you to go to the ER. You will be saving money by going to the ER first, rather than having them refer you and then having to pay for both. Telehealth will not be able to do ANYTHING for you for this. ER. Please. Please go, now. Edit: I think it’s hilarious that I got an award for stating the obvious 😅, but thanks I guess.




Purulent is a great word for when you mean “full of pus” and not “snatch.” 🐈 Also glad you’re better.


I work in vet med. Whenever someone says "pussy" everyone loudly corrects "purulent." "How do you even spell pussy?" "You don't."


Lol. r/TIL


lol at first i was like "why are they talking about vagina"


I was thinking "r/popping is getting nsfw early this morning."


yeah this one was definitely pretty gnarly.


Lol, yeah quickly skimming the comments I thought it said, “I had an infection near my pussy like this.” Like I know people can voice whatever personal info they want on Reddit, but that’s a bit much lmao.


occasionally you will see pops near a pussy though here lol


Purulent is the word you're looking for. Or pus-filled.


I was just scrolling by and thinking this person just looks incredibly sick. I can't even imagine the pain. I hope OP took your advice.


People would rather die for the internet points.


Assuming this is America I’m going to assume that people would choose not to go to emergency because of the cost.


OP seems to be British based on recent comments. While the NHS is great (and free), there are a lot of issues with just getting to see a doctor in person at the moment, and the A&E waiting times can be very long due to staffing issues. OP is following the non-emergency process of phone triage, where an antibiotic can be prescribed for immediate collection at a local pharmacy to get the ball rolling, followed by an in-person GP appointment on the same day, or direction to go immediately to A&E, where the system will show that they have already received triage over the phone. It's not ideal, and OP does have the option to go straight to A&E, but it's a long wait, and you're strongly encouraged to call the 111 non-emergency line before going, in case the treatment you need can be found elsewhere


No they are in the UK based on comment history.


That’s good to know. No excuse then for not immediately seeking help.


the NHS is apparently terrible too, medical trauma is real and if the abscess is caused by something ✨illegal✨it can definitely be hard


In America, a quick death can be preferable to a lifetime of debt collections and the resulting homelessness and crushing poverty.


Posts seem to indicate UK




There seems to be a lot of old wounds too. Hope you get some assistance


Thankyou, yeah the wait to see a dr in person is long, all they will give me is a telephone appointment at the moment


You have an infection. Urgent care or emergency care is required. Don’t wait for an appointment with your general doctor.


Absolutely. And ffs use gloves. That looks infected as hell


Send them this video.


Walk in at an urgent care. You need a culture and some antibiotics. If significant fever, shortness of breath, or fatigue or other systemic symptoms, then go ER.


Are you diabetic op?


Yes! If diabetic healing is difficult. With all the other wounds?


Yeah, you need to be seen. Go to the ER, this is ridiculously bad.


Muscle shots my friend?


Yeeeeah I’m in recovery and this screams out to me but who knows


I’m a recovering addict and only legs I’ve seen like that are definitely from IV user’s.


This needs the ER. It could kill you or lose you a limb, that is not a joke, you have to go now.


It's been 17 hours since you last posted anything OP. Are you ok? Did you go to A&E?




Given the location it’s unlikely


HS sufferer here... how so? I thought you could flair up anywhere.


I thought so too but looks more like a wound. An infected wound.




Septic, and die.*




Even with medical intervention, if you're not already in the hospital bed when you go septic, you can die.


Hell if you go septic even while in a hospital bed I don't like your odds.


Babe this is not a one layer of paper towel situation.


i was thinking this the whole time


cup. or bucket maybe.


More like ER


I've seen worse. The real issue is the other scars. This is an ongoing thing for them.


Hon, that needs incision and packing to heal properly and a teledoc can’t do that for you. *PLEASE* go to the ER or urgent care to get it properly cleaned out and taken care of.


That needs antibiotics more than anything.


It does, but when a pocket of infection goes that deep it needs to be cleaned out and packed so it can keep draining as long as it needs to and heal from the inside out, otherwise you run the risk of it healing shut too soon and trapping some of that purulence and debris inside the muscle. If the healed scars around the wound are anything to go by, not getting it properly cleaned out and packed in addition to antibiotics may be why this appears to be a recurring infection for OP. When abscesses aren’t fully drained and cleaned out and pockets of purulence get left behind they can tunnel and create mazes of tracts and scar tissue connecting multiple pockets of pus that require a much more invasive and complex surgery to fully clean out so it stops coming back, and the multiple scars around the infection site make it seem like this may already be happening.




Learned a new word today. Thank you.


That the medical term bc it is frowned upon to put " wound is pussy" in the medical chart.


Did not read that as pus-sy




I always spell it pus-y to separate it from pussy lol


Lmao I did not read that right 😅😂 I know what you’re saying but initially I was a bit confused




If you can’t afford ER bills, don’t worry about that. All hospitals have resources to cover things like this. You may have to fill out more than a few documents, but you can get that bill covered!!


ER NOW. you're at risk for sepsis or losing a leg. A myriad of bad things like septic emboli causing heart, kidney, etc problems. It's for real. You need a incision/drainage and antibiotics.


I sincerely hope OP recovers from this.


OP screw waiting for a Tele visit. Goto the closest hospital ER you can get to, that lower limb is not looking healthy.


OP are these from injection sites? There appear to be multiple old wounds. I read you’re waiting to see a doctor but tbh this would be ER worthy. Be **very** aware of redness, increased swelling, or getting a fever; you are a prime candidate for sepsis or a necrotizing infection.


No they aren’t injection sites. I was a heavy IV user 6-8 shots a day two years and 1/2 ago and I can tell that this is not from IV drug use. Looks more like self harm/skin picking that got infected. But yes she should go to the hospital, that much I agree on.


I wasn’t thinking IV drug use, more like illegal steroid injection use which would be injected intramuscular (usually in the ass, but quads wouldn’t be unreasonable.)


Also just fyi after reading their comments on other posts; they use H they said it themselves so


Idk, I’m in recovery as well and used to shoot. I know tons of people who hit in these areas and myself included. It looks very possible to me


Im glad you got clean. I just want to say, this may not have been what yours looked like, but I’ve definitely seen similar come into my clinic. We have a heavy patient load of OUD and wound care happens a lot. Every body is different.


Go to the ER holy shit. they’ll actually do something unlike your primary care!


Please see a doctor asap


I’m gonna guess you’re a secret member of /r/opiates based on your previous posts. Go to your nearest hospital, give them a fake name and birthdate so it will not be on your NHS record and just go see a doctor holy shit you can lose your leg. I can attest that this works. Please.


These wounds gave me memories of things I had hoped to forget. I'm guessing OP doesn't feel the pain someone not on opiates would be experiencing, hence the lack of urgency in seeking medical help. I hope they survive this.


Actually their comment history points to a lot of health problems, so it might not be addiction.


Dude, you are melting like those nazis in the Raiders of the lost ark.


Lol I used to be terrified of that scene. When I first watched that movie my parents made me close my eyes and told me his face melted. Naturally I had nightmares and terrifying thoughts of a melting face. Then I actually watch the scene and realize it would’ve been less scary as a kid to just look at it lol


🤢 that color is SO wrong




Fresh pus has not much smell. If it stinks, you are in real trouble. Because you have bacteria growing in the puis. That's a whole new level of bad.


Oh. I'm not sure why I didn't know, “fresh pus has not much smell. If it stinks, you are in real trouble,” specifically. Would have been nice growing up. But better late than never since it still applies, I suppose.


Melted chocolate milkshake.


I hate you, you bastard.


Same. So much for chocolate shakes. Smdh.


I know. It’s my fucking birthday too. I had a coke.


Happy Birthday hun. Mines coming up as well (February 11th). Hopefully it will be better than last year (Was hospitalized with 2 large blood clots in my lungs while still fighting Hodgkin's Lymphoma). Anyways excuse my rambling. I hope you have a great Birthday. 🎉🎉🎉🥳🥳🥳🎂🎂🎂


Oh my god. I am so sorry. I hope it’s a much better birthday this year. What age? I’m 37 and hating it. Though so far the day has been amazing. Done a Yorkshire dungeon, pub, pizzas soon, then beers. Haha. Happy early birthday. Xoxo


I'm turning 37 as well. And so far this new treatment is better than chemotherapy with less side effects. Unfortunately immune system is in the shitter but as long as it's helping kick cancers as I'm all for it. Hopefully I can get a decent portable charger for my oxygen concentrator. That thing dies too quickly. Than I can at the very least go see a movie with my husband. And a small cake. Just even going for car rides are a nice change of scenery than my house. Anyways, have a great birthday hun.


Thanks for sharing, but we are worried about you. Please go to an ER or A&E as soon as you can. Maybe you could email your dr this video? Wishing you the best health, OP, and please update us!


Like most people have said, don’t wait. Bring yourself to the ER. Sepsis can happen in the blink of an eye and you’ll be in a way worse spot. It looks like that part of your leg may already be infected and you don’t want that spreading.


Never without gloves you can spread icky things to other places. Please make a trip to the ER before someone is carrying that leg in a bucket to an incinerator and you have to build arm strength to wheel around


hey op i know you may not get around to reading this asap but if you are uk based you DO NOT have to wait for your gp appointment to get a referral, call 111 and tell them you need to get to A&E/urgent care as soon as you can. absesses aren't anything to mess with and need looking at and treating asap


Hey everyone, I'd just like to say I extremely appreciate all your concern and I'm really sorry I've worried people by going AWOL, I don't have energy for individual responses atm or too much detail but I am infection free and it was empty mostly totally 2 days later (I have had ones in the past that needed surgery and took a couple weeks) although it is very stiff and sore I have some lesions internally but old ones. Another bit of explanation as some people were speculating, for my abscence is my depression is very bad atm mainly because of chronic kidney/ureter problems which I'm awaiting surgery for but waiting lists where I am are insane right now (I am referred to an even more specialist hospital as my local one is now at their limit of their ability and i need a more multidisclipnary approach right now, i have 2 stents that are giving me endless grief the last year and I'll need some reconstructive surgery) scans are pointing to something called retroperitoneal fibrosis and I have a few autoimmune things going on. I couldn't face going to hospital immediately as I have quite a bit of trauma (I know that sounds dramatic but it's how it is) from the last decade from some of my stays and I'm in so much pain atm with the kidney and pancreas issues(also cos of chronic dental problems I've been having I've visited a dentist pretty much monthly for 18 months) and last time it took them days from me going to emergency for them to actually operate, I have autism and find hospital a very unbearable experience. The last 2 admissions i caught covid within a day or so of admission and got put om a covid quarantine ward with 8 to a room for 10 days. I appreciate I personally have free healthcare and don't mean to be ungrateful for that I can't imagine the added stress of not Sorry I Don't think I am currently up to individual responses but just to let everyone know I'm alive and ok and not losing my leg or anything! This got longer than I meant I find it a bit hard to be concise and ive had almost no sleep lately, and apologies i ended up having a bit(a lot!) of a pity party rant Thankyou again :)


Please, take your time, heal and be safe. Immune disorders are the worst, and you don’t owe anyone here any follow up info about your condition. That being said, thank you for letting us know you’re alive and safe! What you’re facing is really difficult to heal and super painful (I had two of these infections in my armpit, running along a crease and ending just before my back). Here’s to you getting well and healing fast💖


Thankyou :) my leg is actually good now, it is stiff and I have permanent lesion underneath from past infection but the abscess in the video is just a tiny scab now and not infected at all, i feel i had a lucky escape with how immediately it was improved after. I am dealing with a kidney infection and throat/gut yeast infection right now though so I appreciate your well wishes (I'm taking antibiotics and antifungals and they seem to be starting to help). You're right though it can be so long and painful to heal, I actually have had this before much worse in my leg! And it was agony, it didn't burst by itself and my thigh was twice the size it should be, I got a massive fever and I had to get it cut open under anaesthetic and so much pus came out I needed a blood transfusion, and it had to be packed so it would stay open to drain for a few weeks, and ive had much smaller ones in other places that have actually taken way longer. Really horrible and I had to use a stick for a few weeks to get about with that worst one. I hope you can stay free of any more similar infections! That sounds a pretty unpleasant location for them. Oh and thankyou for the award too :)


You poor soul! You could be related to me lmao if it’s not one thing, it’s another. Also JESUS, a blood transfusion? That’s terrifying alone, if the blood you’ve lost is enough for a transfusion, that goes into exsanguination territory. Have they ever cultured it and tried figure out what exact bactiera(s) are causing these? Because again, as a fellow person with awful immune issues (heyyyy, mitochondrial disease *does the Macarena*),I’ve been told to be extremely careful with antibiotics because if I end up with something gram negative, it can go down hill extraordinarily fast. KPS doesn’t mess about at alllllll. Not to mention I am legit allergic to the big 4: Sulfa, cillins, cipro and azithromycin. I sincerely hope since you’ve had repeat infections, you don’t end up becoming resistant. (Ps. Hi lesion buddy!! I have one in my mid back, inside the muscle! It’s a special kind of… weird feeling. Like tugging a little.)


Do you work at Princeton Plainsboro hospital? Have a friend named Wilson?


Don’t forget Cuddy


He can't answer because he is too busy hiding amongst the comatose patients, eating and avoiding clinic hours.


It’s a shame how many people won’t get your reference


I expect most people will get it. House is one of the most popular TV series that have ever aired.


I lie about not getting it, because everybody lies.


Any update from OP?


!remindme in 2 weeks


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I love how it is pink, brown, grey, and green all at the same time.


That looks really infected. :( I hope it feels better at least but hope you get an appointment. Probably a good idea for a ER or Urgent care visit asap.


Hospital and ER ASAP. Do not wait on this any longer than you already have.


Pop that chunk out!! POP IT OUT I SAY!


...with gloves though. After you get to the ER.


Yes! That!


That looks incredibly painful


Wow. See a doctor. If not go straight to ER.


Just ER. Even a primary care or GP would refer this to the ER.


You're gonna need a bigger towel


Poor baby! I bet that was so sore. Hope you’re better and thanks for sharing.


This is what anti-drug commercials should be.


u/Impossible_Command23 are you okay? Looks like you haven’t commented anything since around when you made this post and I’m worried…


Wondering this too 😬. Hope you are okay OP!


I'm ok thankyou for asking and I'm sorry you were worried, I replied in the main thread, I appreciate all your concern really I isolate myself in real life and I forget people actually do care


Me with my chocolate shake: Interesting


https://preview.redd.it/no0ouqxw8kea1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceef64ec5b2c5c088d8ad17d03fdb25b1f70f1e4 My brain the moment I saw your comment


That’s what I was picturing


Oh god I hate you for typing that


Then you’ll hate me even more for finishing it.


I see scars in multiple places on your legs with the holes being ∼ the same distance apart. I'm guessing you've had multiple surgeries on your legs/hips over time. The specifics are certainly none of my business and I only bring up the subject to note that you likely have an extensive medical history and are fully aware of the dangers of possibly having MRSA/sepsis. I hope you make the right choice.


This reminds me of the tattoo and nail clippers video. That person did not survive. Please go to the ER. Immediately.


That was a epically screwed up video that I could t stop watching. It really sucks the person didn’t make it.


Hey 👋 harm reduction medic. I'm sure going to the doctor is super shit for you. If this turns into a whole body infection, you will have to stay in hospital for a decent stint with iv antibiotics and all that. I have seen many people lose limbs by not going to urgent care when they really needed to, it can go bad really fast. I hope you have access to clean stuff and are treated well when all these comments convince you to go get it taken care of


Jesus christ OP I hope you're on antibiotics. That seriously does not look good.


Sending healing thoughts your way dude. Take care of yourself.


Echoing others' sentiments: please, man, go to the emergency room. ASAP.


As a microbiologist I am horrified. This needs cultured ASAP


As a mechanic I too am concerned. Had one on my arm before. Drained same way. Kept it clean and it went away.


I hope you’re doing alright, OP. I’m no expert, by any means, but that kind of worries me a little. 🙃


The secret source of Tubby Custard.




This may not be my place to say but I think you have an infection


OP will probably die if they aren't seen at the ER today


You're in the UK - GO TO A&E!!!!


As a septic shock survivor I’ll tell you it can go from bad to life threatening in a pinch. ER, now please.


Go to the ER immediately. You have a nasty infection and looks like some old wounds as well. Plus you’re not using gloves and getting your bare hands all over it. You need to be put on antibiotics asap. You could end up losing your leg.


Is OP ok????


I don't know, but I'm worried. No posts or comments in the last week.


Hi I commented on the main thread, I'm sorry you were worried and I appreciate your concern truly


I'm ok well my leg is ok anyway, thankyou for asking I'm sorry if I worried you, I commented a bit of update


So great to hear you’re ok! Take care!


Gross. I love it


Go to the ER asap..don’t fuck with this shit…not worth losing a leg over…


i know im 9 hours late to this post but i seriously fucking hope you went to the er


I would be concerned of hidradenitis suppurativa with so many old healed lesions.


Came here to see if OP went to the hospital or died of sepsis


You is infected mf get some iodine and antibiotics


Oh dear god, why are you leaking calamine lotion?


I hope you're on antibiotics


Go to emergency please. That needs immediate medical treatment!


Go. To. The. Hospital.


Just like everyone else is saying, go get medical attention. I enjoy a good pop, but I'd rather have the op stay alive and healthy, than keep it going for our entertainment. After you go (because I really hope you do) can you please give us an update? Sending well wishes your way!


Now, I'm assuming you're an american, but this page would not be the same if the US didnt have this kind of "health care" and at the same time good quality cellphones and internet connection.


My 9 year old daughter loved this, and said it looks like pale chocolate milk. Thanks for sharing!


Please check back with us when you get that examined so we know you're going to be okay.


OP, you might actually die.


OP are you alright???


Any update ? Is OP ok ?


No posts or comments the last couple of days. Hoping OP is just busy getting treatment and recovering.


Ok, I hope too ! Thank you for the answer :-)


Bro please get help


Please keep us updated. Would hate for you to lose your leg over this. Even if it’s expensive where you live, go to urgent care instead.




Oh God, Kelly! I thought of her, too. Her wounds looked just like this in the beginning.


That looks painful and infected. I would have popped it pretty damn early.


Did you feel instantly a little better?


I can smell this video


ER right now. Like don’t reply to any of these comments. Leave and save your own life.


Is that under a healed surgical incision?


How did those wounds happen OP?


Gives me Kelly leg picker vibes.


One of us! The unlucky ones...


Look at all the sores on the leg. it looks like burns or something.


Only using one paper towel is fuckin bonkers


usually i get that really excited feeling coming across one of these videos, i immediately saw this and felt kind of nauseous. ER


Take thee to a hospital… Also I bet it smelt grand. Please describe.


good thing he put down one paper towel first. downy! the quicker picker-upper! EDIT: BOUNTY! not downy


I don’t know what it is about these sorts of videos, but they just make me want to grab a vacuum cleaner and stick the hose over the leaking hole


Pull that plug out with some tweezers or rusty pliers and then drain it out as much as you can. Pour hydrogen peroxide over it, get to a hospital before you go septic.


It looks like a bottle of liquid foundation is pouring out


Fam it's been said but you need emergency medical care immediately


Thank God the Strawberry milkshake machine isn't broken this time


This sub either pleases me or disgusts me


Bet that smells lovely.


I've been sober for over 5 years! Please reach out if you need help. Recovery is possible


Forbidden choccie milk




i’m begging you to go to a hospital op


Time to go to the hospital. IV ATB and a trip to the OR before you get DEAD.


OP has been radio silent for a week now. He might actually be dead.