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#Please remember to follow our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/popping/about/rules/) Posts: * **Don’t ask for medical advice** * **No stolen content** - just post a link to the original video * **Properly flair/mark/title your posts** * **Wacky Wednesday content is only for Wednesdays** * **No food, even on Wednesday** Comments: * **No commenting on hygiene or appearances.** * **Absolutely no sexual comments or sexual harassment.** This is an instant, permanent ban. * **Don’t be rude, and observe reddiquette.** #This comment is made automatically on all posts. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/popping) if you have any questions or concerns.*


In all my years of reddit, this is a first for me. Thank you


It was like teeth coming out of the head. I’m very uncomfortable but I need more


Calcium deposits


I'm so confused about what I'm looking at. All I see is a big gaper, with fat cells in the bottom, and he is trimming out some kind of flesh. Where are the pebbles?


If you click the link shared by OP, the video loads half way through after all the pebbles have been removed. Take it back to the start


Ooh they're like cyst-y tonsil stones! What fun :D




Bless you, thanks!




Oops I was tired last night and accidentally posted my own comment rather than reply to yours: it's just below but I'll copy & paste it. *Neat vid of a fairly rare condition, he said it was previously identified as a pilomatrixoma / pilomatricoma (same thing but spelling & pronunciation varies amongst countries), which is actually a benign tumour arising from the hair follicle.* Some further info for anyone who's interested in medicine: The "pebbles" are calcifications which are frequently seen with this tumour & are the result of abnormal degenerating tumour tissue triggering local foreign-body giant cell reactions. They're most frequently found in children & the elderly, and sometimes the result of an inherited genetic condition. In a strict sense, pilomatricomas are not r/popping material as they're benign tumours. They're typically asymptomatic and therefore often left alone (so-called medical "benign neglect"), although if bothersome or for cosmetic wishes, simple surgical removal is usually curative (they can recur, as is the case with the patient in OP's video). *However*... whilst pilomatricomas on their own are fairly harmless, they can be clues to an underlying disease, as they're seen with higher prevalence in several serious (and even fatal) genetic conditions. One specifically of interest to r/popping is familial adenomatous polyposis (Gardner syndrome), in which patients can get "hybrid cysts" composed of pilomatricoma tumour & plain old inclusion cysts.


I didn't see it either. I'm imagining pebbles from the beach.


I didn’t have sound on - what made this person have tonsil stones in their eyebrow??


Calcification of whatever was in there. If the body is unable to eject/rid itself of something it considers “foreign”, sometimes it will coat it in layers of calcium to prevent it from causing what it thinks may be harm. There are women who have, upon death/autopsy, been found to have calcified fetuses in their uteruses— for whatever reason, the pregnancy was not viable, and instead of expelling the fetus in a miscarriage, the body covers it in calcium so the products of decay don’t harm the mother. It can happen in other parts of the body as well.


Neat vid of a fairly rare condition, he said it was previously identified as a pilomatrixoma / pilomatricoma (same thing but spelling & pronunciation varies amongst countries), which is actually a benign tumour arising from the hair follicle.


We hope you enjoyed Pebbles in the Eyebrows. Next week, join us again for the season finale - Sand in the Testes.


Anyone else think, "Get the other one further down!!!"


>Anyone else think, "Get the other one further down!!!" Every time I thought he'd gotten the last one out, he'd find another!


This is amazing. If anyone had any links to anymore like this please share them!! Thank you!!!


My man got tonsil stones in his eye brow


This is one of my favourite videos of Mr PopZit’s!


this is what i expect everytime i pick at a spot


I really wanted them to just squeeze it and watch them all spurt out


This has always been a favorite of mine


This video edit doesn’t even show the best parts of the video


For some reason the link starts after the extractions, rewind to the start to see the whole thing from the initial incision.


And he just like, DIGS around in there??? Doesn’t that hurt?


One of the best popping videos I’ve seen. He actually got everything out. Whoever the assistant is is wiping so violently though lol