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So many little filaments with hair in it…


This poor person…


That one at 1:38 made me stop talking mid-sentence. Wow.


I needed to see the hair plucked. ![gif](giphy|jqwzq0LoZOfLqqJZ0b)


A lot of pores not emptied properly. Infuriating.


I agree.


Is there a reason why that’s a common theme among these types of videos?


Keeps the customers coming back for more videos


It’s videos like this that make me think I’m long past due for a career change. Bellissima!


Thanks man! This made my evening!


For my two cents, I wonder if it helps more or harms more to pick open the skin, especially what appear to be spots that are healing. The general consensus is to not pick our faces and to simply keep our facial skin clean, to avoid anything overly drying, to keep it lightly moisturized, and to use only topical treatments like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, retinol, or another prescription medication. These videos show the opposite of that, yet I realize we are not seeing any steam treatments or aftercare in these, which could exist. I understand extraction but is it good in this case? I'm genuinely asking.


They’re not even cleaning the scalpel and sometimes poke a hole with the gunk from the previous spot still on it. Some of these spots look so inflamed that this can’t be good. Then there the partially clear pores too, so frustrating to watch!


This definitely isn’t helping this person. They have horrendously inflamed skin that looks like it has only just started to try and heal from the last session. Getting inflammation to calm down takes time and medication. He needs Trimovate cream, not endless extractions.


This particular channel has a few series where they show how this technique works over time on people with serious inflamed acne - if you look up “Hung” or “GY” on their channel you can see how their acne improves over multiple sessions. I don’t know what exactly they do in conjunction with the extractions, but they do have them on some sort of medicine based on the translations I’ve seen. I think this is a “we’re doing the best we can given the resources” situation.


I am blessed with good skin for the most part and I am unfamiliar with the latest treatments for acne. Also, I lean toward natural preparations for just about everything. With the apparent prevalence of severe acne in Vietnam one might see trial-and-error based advances. Yet, it just looks like more and more examples of severe cases. Of course, this is based upon the profusion of videos, perhaps, or maybe not. Still, I personally believe this session did harm, not good.


Using a blade means literally cutting the skin for every blemish, so almost all of the pores are getting opened up to infection Not even sterilizing the blade between pops means introducing pus and whatever grime is inside of the already infected pores Not cleaning the gloves means smearing all of the gunk around the face Squeezing every blemish to the point of bleeding means introducing even more germs into the area Yeah this is basically tailor-made to destroy someone's skin quality


This tech has the systematic approach of a fruit fly


So much beneath!!


Love this! Thx


This whole procedure is a disgrace. the last thing this person needs some idiot squeezing around blindly aggravating their condition


I can’t stand those nasty gloves.


This poor person.


Can't stand the dirty bastards who wipe it on their gloves. Gets turned off straight away. Disgusting.


This is the norm in that region. It's the fastest way to work. I can understand not liking it, but calling them "dirty bastards" is a step too far.