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Hey! I got these under my boobs lolol


Same!! 🤜🤛


Same (I'm a male btw)


Oh shit, that’s what those are?!? Wow wonders never cease.


The human body is chock full of fascinating stuff.


cock\* full. Im sorry, I couldnt help myself. Ill be leaving now.


When you say under your boobs do you mean under the folds of your breasts or on your areola under your nipples?


Under the folds of the breast, that's where all the sweat pools and causes issues lol. Though there are some videos of pops around the areola too.


I get them between my boobs where they are mashed together. It just recently started and I was worried I was odd.


Nope! You are completely normal!


Yes me too between my boobs in the cleavage sometimes it's from sweat and everything no matter how clean we are some stuff just can't be stopped ... but hey atleast we're not alone and have each other we can call ourselves 'boob sweat besties'😆💖


Try cleaning the area with rubbing alcohol as soon as you notice you’re sweating. I do that all the time and haven’t had any issues so far.


*SHUT 👏🏻UP 👏🏻* That works?!? I’m trying it out right now. Will update in a week.


Yup! And I sweat a lot and quickly. I swear I must be going through some sort of menopause because I have hot flashes from doing simple activities. Like I walk outside to take out the trash- bam I’m sweaty and it is always under the boobs. I go though rubbing alcohol a lot durning the summer. Always using a paper towel and wiping under there. Let me know how this works for you!


Oh lordy 😩for me it’s right after I’ve gotten out of the shower and finished putting on my moisturizer on my face and neck. It’s like my body decides it doesn’t *want* to be moisturized so the moment I walk out of the bathroom it starts and by the time I’ve gotten to the couch I’m drenched 🙃 I’ve tried putting a pillowcase in the freezer, putting my ice pack in that and holding it to the back of my neck or putting it on my chest, but the second I take it off, it’s like my body skyrockets even higher like it’s trying to get back to it’s original scorching temp as fast as possible. *AWWWFUL* lol I assume mines peri menopause too cuz I’ve never experienced anything like this until several months ago and it’s not unheard of at 42


Same! I thought about taking a video of them. Maybe.


Everybody here would love it.


The human body is fascinating I do too


i have them so bad and my skin is scarred. i wish my breast were smooth and normal like they used to be..


It is completely understandable to want the body you used to have. My hope for you is that you can still see yourself as normal. I have acne scars on my face but I accept them because they are within a very broad range of normal. Tons of people have skin imperfections that can result in pendant marks. Just because you and I do not have perfect skin does not make us abnormal. *EDIT* corrected “normal” to “abnormal”


That might be hydradenitis. I have bad access and scarring underarms. Boobs and genitals. Charming!


Me too! Sometimes I'll just take an hour to tweeze them


It really is cheap therapy.


My partner doesn't understand what I call "monkey time" he never wants to pop stuff and he has walked in on me dealing with mine and just gives me a confused look. Edit: monkey not money


I feel the same way. Thankfully for me, my wife loves to pop and pick at the acne on my back. As strange as it is, it is a very important bonding behavior for the both of us.


My mom used to ask me to pop her back pimples as a kid so I totally get that it's bonding.


Lol I call it “monkey time” where we sit and pop or tweeze each others pimples. It rly does feel like a monkey grooming line sometimes, bonding aspect and all 😂


I am 49 years old and until today I honestly figured I was the only person who did this. Been doing it since my 20's when these started becoming noticeable.


I call it monkey time, and it is so soothing lol... I do it also cause if I don't it turns into folliculitis


Me too


Me too!


i got them around my nips 🙃


Thank you and u/BiomedBabe1 as my sister gets these, and she's freaking out! Now we know.






My life is changed. I just thought I had awful skin!


Given the nature of what you’re filming, this is the least offputting way to do it. Credit where credit is due – this isn’t obscene. Not saying you would want to do this since the skin is so sensitive, but I wonder if a chemical exfoliant (like AHA/BHA) would clear out the spots and keep them clear.


I don't have a penis, but I do deal with ingrown hairs and these bumps in my public region and use a product called Tarte Knockout (the toner) and it's the only thing I've ever found to help. I use it on the whole area without issue. If I use it regularly it definitely gets rid of the bumps! I'd expect if it works on my female body it would be fine for a male as well.


Public region?lol


Haha autocorrect got me.


That's one of the most dangerous autocorrects because it becomes almost literally the opposite meaning of the intended word. Pubic ≠ public


I am glad to hear that that routine works for you. I don’t see these spots as problematic nor does my wife so I am going to continue to be lazy and not do anything to treat them, lol. No reason for me to add yet another routine for something that does not bother me.


Yeah i probably wouldn't if I just had these, unfortunately I get like cystic ingrowns that hurt very badly.


I don’t blame you for seeking treatment, then.


Thank you! I am glad to hear that it is being received well. I have seen too many videos on this sub from men who are obviously being exhibitionist. No chance I am going to put any kind of chemical on myself to try to treat these. I firmly believe that they are completely normal. They have never caused any problems for me and my wife has never even commented on them.


Well, I do use chemical exfoliants on my face, so it’s not like I’m recommending you douse yourself in acid! But I agree, these are totally normal – was just more pondering. Thanks for sharing.


Plus, isn’t there exfoliating body washes out there?


You're right, my salicylic acid face wash helps with these when I get them under my boobs!


I get these! Most people do at some point. They're enlarged oil glands. They can happen anywhere, but they're easier to see/squeeze on hairless skin like the lips and genitals. I also get them on my breasts close to my nipples.


I should add the ones on my breasts are technically Montgomery tubercules, but they're still enlarged sebaceous glands.


So that's what's on mah boobies!!!! I've also seen spots like on his shaft on the inside lips of my down there, I can get some to pop but others are impossible. I only mess with anything if it gets irritated and painful 😣 these look painful to pop up take care!


These are completely painless to pop. I can occasionally get one on my upper lip. I have to be very careful with it as it can get seriously irritated if I mess with it too much.


I get them to on my boobs and occasionally on my girl bits too. I also have trouble with some popping while others will pop just fine. It’s always made me self conscious, but it’s nice to know it’s normal and I’m not alone!


You are far from alone! These are completely normal. There is no need to feel self conscious and don’t ever let anybody tell you otherwise.


Omg you have answered a question I have had for the last 20 or so years. I have these and have always wondered what they were.


I am so glad that we are learning things about our bodies, lol. It makes me very glad that I posted this.


I’ve never heard of these spots, so I found it educational, too.


You honestly are probably getting the best reception possible to posting your dick online! Even compared to real pornstars haha I also get these, I never knew what they were called. They're also pretty painless for me to squeeze out and they're very easy to spot because the skin is so flexible and thin


I have been overwhelmed by the positivity here. I expected this to fizzle out at best or crash and burn at worst. It gives me a little more hope for humanity, as dumb as that may sound.


Yep! Totally normal and harmless. I get one on my upper lip that fills up after a very long time.


My left breast is covered in one spot with these! It looks like polka dots lol.


Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing this! I never knew these existed, so this is fascinating. I guess I’m wondering if that’s considered an oily area, or if delays in cleaning after intercourse or even using lotion or lubricant during m@sterb@tion could cause these pores to clog? (I’m in no way putting OP down… I’m just wondering about these!)


I don’t even think of it as being vulnerable. I generally have very little shame about my body and I would hope that others could learn to feel the same way. The way I see it, we are all basically the same and generally have the same parts. These spots are enlarged sebaceous (oil) glands. As far as I know, hygiene has very little, if any effect on the appearance of these. It all comes down to genetics.


That's the attitude they have in parts of Scandinavia and changing rooms, beaches etc are just SO much more relaxed in vibe. When I use a change room in Australia, even though we're all regular everyday women, there's a sense of "hurry up, get dressed and never be nude- especially if you have a large or saggy body"


I am American so I feel like I was born in the wrong country. I am extremely envious of other nations that have more body accepting views. I have been brutally shamed by members of my own family for my own views regarding this.


Correct-I have these also and I used to FREAK out about them. Scrubbing as hard as I could to get them to go away and they never did. I went to the doctor and everything and he just kinda laughed and explained what they were and from then on I stopped worrying lol


Sincerely love how this sub is normalising the human body. It's almost refreshing.


We really are mostly the same under these clothes. None of us are perfect. We all fall along a very broad spectrum of normal.


yeah man. thought I was the only one (not really, but like the first time I found one and popped it I freaked out, turned around slapped my cock on the granite and fear turned to anger at the counter 😂) I realized I had to have had that initial one since I was like ten? Nice to know they're normal.


My best friend and brother has these too. They were scared that it was an STD or something and were freaking out lol I might be wrong but the bumps are related to hair follicles or something similar.


They are very common, from what I understand. I have read that they are basically enlarged sebaceous (oil) glands. Another feature that can catch people out are pearly penile papules. They are very small little skin growths along the corona (ridge) of the glans. I can see how people might think either of these could be an STI. They are rather strange looking if you don’t know what they are. Hell, they are strange regardless.


Fwiw, the degree of detail that’s shown is vague enough to not be specifically genitalia, you did a respectful job filming the pops without OMG D***. And there have been scrotal cyst posts/ labial pops using the nsfw filtering and warnings. I think the crowd in this subreddit, posters and readers, tend to treat genitalia respectfully. Thank you for the pops.


I never knew what these were! I have some on my beanbag, had them checked for STD and was clear, Dr said it was completely normal.


Yep, totally normal! Our bodies are all a very broad spectrum of normal. I have them over the entirety of my scrotum as well. I can’t pop those so no popping content opportunity.


Lol, I tried popping some... won't make that mistake again.


I get these on my boobs (I’m female) I wondered what they were! Thanks for showing me I’m not alone!


You are very welcome! We are almost never alone with any of this stuff. We have just been indoctrinated to believe that a state of perfection is actually the norm and something that we should all be striving for it. Indoctrinated to feel shame and hide everything about ourselves that does not meet that impossible and destructive standard. You are not alone and you are normal, just like me and everybody else here.


I hate what we’ve become with the stereotype. I use to be a curvy confident women, now I’m a shell of my former self and have caused myself physical harm over not being “perfect”. Every bump, lump, stretch mark etc is a reminder of what I’m suppose to be. I really really appreciate the kind words, I needed to hear them. You’re right, you are normal and perfect as you are, and so am I.


This might sound weird coming from a complete stranger but it hurts my heart to hear that you feel and think that way about yourself and that it has caused you so much pain. I hope that, given time, you are able to accept yourself and love yourself for who you are now. I struggle with accepting my body as well. I don’t like my fluffy hips and belly, the stretch marks on my hips, my lack of big muscles relative to my peers despite years of hard work. But this is the only body I have, the only body you have, so we should give ourselves the chance to love them for what they are. Don’t let the lies of marketing and social media influencers steal your happiness. Like I have said elsewhere in this thread, we are all basically the same under these clothes. We really have nothing to be ashamed of.


I wonder if this is what is on my labias


Very possibly. Women have them too. It's normal and healthy, I say, not giving medical advice. When I was younger I had tons of them. I was only ever able to pop one. Hard to get leverage. Usually I'm grateful I don't have external genitalia, but it would have been nice for that. As I aged they just disappeared.


According to Google, 80% of adukts have them and they're most conmon in areas of skin that don't have hair (such as genitals).


Most likely! They can appear on many different parts of the body, but they seem to be most common on the lips and genitals (male and female). Even better, they are completely normal and totally harmless.


Yes. I thought these were so normal everyone has them. You can see them on your mouth lips too if you look closely and stretch the skin a little.


Almost certainly. Highest numbers of them, and the biggest ones, are at the tippy top of the labia minora if you look closely


It took me a many awkward google searches to be able to find the official word for these to tell my patients it was normal. Whew.


Thank you for being diligent enough to educate yourself on the matter.


Not trying to be an asshole, but as someone who is already scared of doctors, isn't a medical textbook a better way to diagnose as opposed to Google?


Google is an incredibly powerful search tool. Oftentimes better than a textbook. If you can find what you are looking for from a reputable site and then cross reference with the textbook, I would argue that you can be extremely confident in your assessment. I am not a doctor but I am a paramedic so I do this often with conditions or presentations that I am not familiar with.


Thank you for your response.


Very valid question! Google image search with my description/words leads me to find the correct medical term with examples. Medical books are helpful when you already know the word/condition you’re looking for. I’m a public health nurse and people often think these are a symptom of STIs.


Thanks for the follow up!


I'm loving all the body positivity in this post! THANK YOU for sharing!


You are very welcome! I have been very happy with the amount of positivity here as well. I was worried at first but now I am very glad that I put myself out there. I am happy to see so many people learning about this.


I get similar under my breast. My doctor recommended hibiclense. You can find it on Amazon and I've seen it at Publix. It's making a big difference for me.


I am glad to hear that treatment has worked for you. These spots have never given me or my wife any trouble functionally or cosmetically so I see no need to do anything about them other than enjoy the occasional popping session.


Oh look, a spotted dick! You handled it well.


At least the dessert is more appealing than this, lol. No pain with popping these so not really something to handle. Just popping bliss.


Oh I have the same (?) under my boobs! Really like to squeeze them


It is so relaxing. Meditative, almost.


Now I know what I get on my balls. Great pops btw!


I never knew what these were called. I get them near some of my scarring, where my skin now folds over, and where my pants waist sit. I have to be careful with popping them because that sometimes makes them red and angry. Do you get the same issue after popping them?


Now you know! I personally have never had an issue with these getting inflamed or infected, even after popping. If I did I would (probably) not do it.


Didn't expect to see dick today, nice cock dude 👍


Thank you, I appreciate it!


For popping lovers…. This is a whole new meaning to “playing with yourself”


Thought I was watching Dune for a second


lol, I can see the resemblance. It is a bit worm-ish in appearance.


In all seriousness, I never knew what those were called. I get 4 of them around my circumcision scar. Always the same 4 spots


Can the happen on the testicles?


Yes, I have these same spots all over my scrotum. For whatever reason, none of those can be popped.


Hmmm maybe I’ve had the same thing. They were smaller and hard to pop. Thank you for answering.


Man, I had no idea this was even a thing. I've had a few pimples on my scrotum, but to have what you go through on a constant basis, must be worrying, to say the least. I feel for you, man. Thanks for sharing and getting the info out there.


Popping them is completely voluntary on my part. I just get an immense satisfaction out of popping things, wherever they are on my body. It is just very convenient that I have a concentrated number of renewable pops on my penis. They are painless and have never caused me any functional or cosmetic concerns. They are not a burden at all for me. I know some males are very negatively affected by them. Thankfully for them, there are cosmetic treatments available.


Thanks! That's relieving to know.




lol, mine is minuscule compared to that slab of meat.


I get these on my breasts and I can't imagine how painful this must be to have on more sensitive parts. You have the pain tolerance of some sort of demigod


lol, I wish I could take credit for having a high pain tolerance but they are actually completely painless!


They literally make condoms with bumps like these on them. They add to sexual stimulation. Popping them is worse than leaving them health wise.


No worries, there are many, many, remaining. Even after I pop one, there is still a nodule left under the skin, just not quite as prominent.


I get these sometimes too. Question - do you think it would be better or worse if someone popped them for you?


I have this on my boobs :(


No need for a sad face. You are perfectly normal! No shame!


Post pops!


It would be pretty hard to film, I fear


It is not the easiest thing to film. Maybe you could place your phone on a raised shelf and stand in front of it? A tripod would be the easiest thing, though. Or a partner.


Popped some of mine today! Maybe a few times a year I do it when bored. Wife is happy with my lad and puts me at ease with appreciation fortunately; I don’t even think twice about them now:)


Spotted dick


Too bad mine isn’t as nice as the dessert.


Looks like chicken skin where the feathers were. Lol I get these under my boobs as well.


I never thought of that but now that you mention it I can see the resemblance as well.


THAT’S what those things are called?!?


The more you know!




I get these as well, looks almost exactly the same and I pop them all the time


I have that, never knew it was a thing like that wtf


Bro, you're living my dream. I have those but most won't pop. I've learned to leave them alone.


OP, you just answered a question that had been bothering me for ages. I get these things all around my mouth but I couldn't understand what they were until now. Thank you so much for teaching me something new!


You are very welcome! It makes me so happy to hear that so many are learning something brand new or learning that we can put a definition to what is a normal part of our bodies.


Indeed! Again, thank you for sharing 💗


Oh my goodness, this just answered my question about what the bumps I get under my boobs are. I couldn't figure out how to google it to get an answer.


I am glad that you finally got an answer! I am an intensely curious person and am a serial Googler as a result.


i have these too and for the longest time i was worried i got an std. once i did research on it i found out it wasn't , you can imagine my relief. i have a rather large one that resembles an ingrown hair and i find it annoying af.


I wish we were all better educated about our bodies so we didn’t have to experience the fear and worry that you did. I hope that your spot does not cause you any problems or pain. If it does not, I hope that you learn to accept it as a perfectly normal part of your body.


that looks incredibly painful.


Actually no pain! The shakiness is just from an abundance of caffeine.


really? it looked like you were pinching your penis skin a bit.


Ribbed for pleasure


Going to ask a stupid question potentially since I don’t have a penis but is it painful to pop these??


No stupid questions here! The ones on my penis that I can pop are completely painless. The ones that cannot be popped can be painful if I squeeze them hard. I have learned over time how to differentiate between the two at a glance. The poppable ones tend to be slightly more prominent and more white in appearance than the others. I also have these over all of my scrotum and none of those can be popped, either. It seems a number of people have interpreted my shaky hands as a sign of pain. The shakiness is just caffeine jitters, though.


Did these start after puberty or later in life?


That is a really good question. I am sure I played with my penis plenty as a young child but I was not that focused on it at the time so I really don’t remember. I definitely had them during adolescence, right around the time I started puberty. I would guess that the puberty changes such as increased sebum production that causes acne is what caused these to develop.


Pickle dick


dude are you okay you’re shaking 😭


Just caffeine jitters. Was a little hopped up on coffee.


ah okay i was worried it was from pain or something, glad that’s not it lmao


Had a girl freak out on me while giving me mouth hugs. Explained what they were and she was so paranoid until I got checked.


Alright everybody, I am headed to bed now. I appreciate all the grace and positivity you all have shown me. I will post again in a few weeks after these have regenerated. I will try to do better with filming. Hopefully more focused and less shaking.


I’ve gotten large ones of these they fucking hurt when they exist and hurt so much to pop, mad respect


Hats off to you, I have these but they're too painful to pop


I am lucky that mine are not painful to pop.


Wait so these are like small acne on the penis?


Basically, yes. They are a little different from pimples as they are not infected. They are enlarged sebaceous (oil) glands.


I had no idea these had a name!


Fucking ow?


Nope! Actually no pain whatsoever!


Huh, interesting. I’ve got some of these, never thought to try that


i popped a couple on mine when i was a teenager and it hurt like hell. since then they just live there.


Yeah, if it hurts you then it is probably best to leave them alone. Many of the ones I have cannot be popped and can be painful if I try to. Only a fraction of the total that I have can be popped.


Are you okay, why are you shaking so much? I can only imagine how much popping those must suck!


Probably too much caffeine. No pain with popping these, so it is a relatively relaxing activity.


I hope you’re not shaking because that hurts! :(


No pain, just too much caffeine.


Gotta get juiced up before a good popping session haha!


QUESTION: Is this being filmed whilst seated upon a washing machine on its spin cycle?! If so, why?


Sorry for the shakiness. I was just hopped up on caffeine. I will try to have steadier hands in the future.


Haha that’s some tremor! Hope you got to sleep that night!




I agree. Penises are pretty comical things. They are incredibly bizarre.


I heard that popping these is kinda dangerous, as the wound can infect very easily. That's why I just live with it.


I used to get similar bumps under my boobs until I started using black soap, they’re mostly gone now


Damn that must hurt


Nice cock


I got a lot less of them since I use Happy Nuts or Monkey Butt powder on my crotch. There's a female version too, my GF loves it!


I got these when I was about 15, and I thought something was wrong with me, and I was too scared to ask. We didn't have the Internet back then, but I knew it wasn't an STD because I hadn't had sex by that point. I know though I was terribly afraid of what some girl would think, so I consistently cock blocked myself. They are somewhat satisfying to pop, but not all of them do so. The ones that don't pop almost feel like tiny little calcified nuggets of something.


I didn't realize they were pop-able. \*rapid blinking\*


Perfect little poppin spots


I didn't know you could squeeze them, I shall be doing inspection later.


I’d like to remove them all but I don’t think that’s allowed


hey, my penis twin! i've got a bunch of these too, just have super oily skin i guess


Yep, I am fairly certain that genetics play a fairly heavy role in the development of these. I have fairly oily skin and have had acne over various parts of my body throughout adolescence and now adulthood.


Jesus CHRIST! I just freaking ate. And now I'm hungry again 😋 Why pop them? Dotted for her pleasure!


I imagine these hurt like the little pimples around the mouth


ouch! i know that hurt🫢 do they need to be popped or could you just not resist? i know i wouldn’t be able to!


That’s ppp don’t pop them


No need to apologise, you provided sufficient warning. But it is appreciated.


My BF had these for some time, and then it disapeared. I think it's something to do with moisture and underware not breathable or some like that.


I used to get these a lot!! I only stopped getting them so much when I stopped shaving down there (even though I was using the gentlest shaving cream I possibly could, literally made for shaving the bikini area, and a razor also made for that) so I only get recurrences around summertime. I remember the worst one I had turned into a straight up boil, ingrown hairs and all, it was not fun 😅 popping it was, tho. Tweezed that little fucker and got it all out in one pop, it never came back. Wish I had a video for it!