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Met him at a warped tour over a decade ago and he spent 20 minutes talking to my 17 year old depressed ass after a whole day of playing and being busy and it meant the world to me. Good. Dude.


That feels like a weird show to be stage diving at. People are weird.


“This ones call Grapefruit, open up the fucking pit”


“Wildflower Honey, I don’t want to see anyone standing fucking still”


Lol side to side.


You got me good with this one


Yea it was strange. The stage is small with stairs are on the side and he just raced up the stairs, took 2 steps and dove. No one was ready for it. He awkwardly left the show right after.


People were stage diving and crowd killing at an Emo Night DJ event. I'm all for enjoying yourself in your own way but just not the place, and most of the crowd did not seem to be expecting that kind of physicality.


Dan's always been this dude which is awesome. I saw TWY on the Glamor kills tour in 2012 in Detroit. I was up front and some drunk guy decided to crowd surf and no one supported him. He ended up landing almost his entire body on my head and I was being crushed under him when no one removed him and he was too drunk to realize what was happening. Dan stopped singing, made the crowd push the guy off and then pulled me up to sit side stage for the rest of the show. One of my favorite show memories and I've always been thankful for him doing that for me.


That glamour kills your might’ve been one of the best pop punk lineups ever.


…I can’t believe that was 2012 😅😅


When I was 19 and seeing TWY play for the very first time, a big fella stage dove during the opening band and kicked me in the head. While I was outside the venue, mildly concussed and waiting for EMTs to come and clear me to go back inside to watch the rest of the show, Soupy came out and sat and chatted with me for like ten minutes. Thankfully I was all right and able to go back in by the time TWY went on stage *and* managed to make it to the front of the crowd. Soupy made eye contact with me mid-song, pointed at his head then did a thumbs-up, and then grabbed me by the arm and pulled me onto the stage so I could stage dive. I don’t remember much else from that night (probably from the head trauma), but I’ll remember his kindness during one of the most mortifying moments of my life forever!


this sounds almost identical to what happened to a friend of a friend about 10 years ago at a wonder years show. dan’s just a stand up dude


Did your friend of a friend by any chance bonk her head and meet Dan in the spring of 2013 in Jacksonville FL at the tour with Fireworks, Hostage Calm, and Misser?


Yeah, that sounds about spot on for Dan. Not very many bad things about him at all are said. Only met him once at AW20 show in a damn church basement, but he was very friendly and warm.


That church basement ironically gets hot as hell too.


first unitarian?


Indeed. I remember when they didn't actually follow fire code there.


Haha what a place. I remember I saw Title Fight & Four Year strong there in 2010 (?) and the fire alarms went off because the place was so humid from dude sweat. Then Four Year Strong finished their set with an acoustic guitar at the park down the street.


Oh damn I'm jealous. Watched that FYS acoustic sesh on YouTube back in the day and wished I could have gone, but yeah they didn't care at all about code back then lol. I remember going for Joyce Manor and it was packed all the way to the back.


The absolute dad of the pop punk scene. Love the man!


He is such a good dude. I saw him at warped tour years ago and he was carrying a bunch of equipment. He has been my favorite singer and I wanted to rush up to meet him. His hands were full and he looked a little stressed so I just smiled at him. He saw me smile and walked over to me with a big smile on his face and said “Can I get an elbow bump?”. We bumped elbows and he went on his way. It’s such a little thing but is an awesome memory to me. He didn’t have to acknowledge me but he went out of his way for a quick interaction. I think he is genuinely a great person.


This is how Dan is. He's always looking out for the fans, whether it's their physical health at the show, or their mental health in their lives. Hell of a guy right there.


Also changed all of the bathrooms at our venue to gender neutral.


I saw very similar happen at Warped Tour. He stopped the show for like 10 minutes after someone got hurt. He then said he is being told they have to start playing again, but he kept an eye on the person receiving medical treatment.


anyone got that video from like 15 years ago of him going off on some dickhead starting fights in the audience?


Could've been a different time but...Think it was at warped and someone threw a full water bottle? Dan and Josh immediately stopped the show.


He's always been great. He complicated my Chewbacca hoodie at an AW20 shirt, and when I asked to buy a toboggan he didn't know what I meant until I rephrased it as "beanie" lol He also turned people away from his table while the supporting bands were playing saying something like "I'll be here all night, go watch how good the other bands are and you can buy something from me later" Which I thought was one of the coolest things I've ever seen an artist do at a show


TWY ended the Providence date of TGG tour after someone had a seizure during the intro of I Just Wanna Sell Out My Funeral. Out of respect for the crowd member needing medical attention, Soupy just cut the song and said thank you get home safe. Baller move on their part to keep their fans safety #1


For a second I thought you were talking about Dan Lambton


That wasn’t Dan. That was Aaron.


I wonder if he was a little extra on edge because of the Trophy Eyes incident. But I've seen him do similar things during shows before. Absolutely great guy.