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What if, they both die? Like right before the elections in line October? Quite honestly what happens then?


Cool, then we'd have 2 other idiots they picked as VPs that nobody likes


Nope. Each party nominates a candidate for the general election. It would be up to the party to choose a replacement, based on that party's rules for itself. "Democrats – The Democratic National Committee is empowered to fill a vacancy on the national ticket after the convention under party rules, after the party chair consults with Democratic governors and congressional leadership. Republicans – If a vacancy occurs on the Republican side, the Republican National Committee can either reconvene the national convention or select a new candidate itself." Source: https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/12/politics/presidential-candidate-race-drop-what-matters/index.html


The democrats and republicans would pick another husk they can control from a back room, a Diane Feinstein situation where it’s a position controlled by unelected bureaucrats


Their vps would jsut run? That’s a lot less interesting than I thought


I'm all for them both kicking the bucket but yeah sadly we're screwed no matter what


Dont even know who Trumps vp would be yet, but pretty sure he would suck worse than Harris.


Lol that would be an interesting race. We've got an AI generated lawyer, a tech chick who got married in a druid ceremony, and possibly a dog killing mannequin.


The fun scenario would be if the VPs and Presidents bit the dust. But that’s a fever dream


Then you would have that sycophantic idiot, Mike Johnson, until January 20 at least. He might be elected president because of the crisis nature of the quadruple demise.


Of course one of the most upvoted comments here is completely wrong about how our government and elections work. Par for the course in this nation.


It would be very anti-climactic. Everyone thinks this is like "Rocky 2", or "2020 part 2", or "The Final Fight For The Fate of Democracy", the big re-match. It would be so weird of they both werent there.


That be amazing. It would be an amazing thing in our history to live though.


First and foremost Kamala becomes president and she chooses a VP. Trump hasn't chosen a VP candidate yet so it would likely come down to prior republican presidential candidates.


Voters should understand that you aren't voting for just the president this time but the vice president as well. WiIth either of these morons the VP will most likely be assuming the presidency at some point in the 4 year term.


You're also potentially voting for who's going to be on SCOTUS for decades.


Extremely good point, I didn't think of that


Most voters don't think about that when voting which is part of why we are in this mess unfortunately.


Agreed. Do you think part of that comes from the SCOTUS being a lifetime appointment? We don't know when one will retire or when one will die. The retire part could be coordinated by party, dem justice retires when dem pres and rep justice retires when rep pres, I don't care for that coordination since SCOTUS is supposed to be non-partisan.


I wish I didn't have to think about it but I have a uterus so...


Another good point. I don't understand how Roe V Wade stood for so long without concrete legislation behind it to make it an inalienable constitutional right, not subjective to a rehashing before the Supreme Court.


Because the common thinking was that the republicans just used the issue of abortion to scare up donations and votes, that they really didnt have a desire to make it happen. Common thinking was wrong, obv.




i have another theory, which might also be true-democrats were so over confident that abortion couldnt be outlawed again that they didnt want to wake the republican sleeping dog by bringing up new legislation to codify it-democrats dont like to start trouble and take stands if they dont have to. Like, why make trouble over something that probably wasnt going to happen? Except that it did happen.


Good point. I think the dem's could have done something to codify it back in the 1990, Clinton admin, when the had control of the house, president and I think senate for a perod of time. I don't know that the dem's can agree on what to do or how either.


it could be the age i was at at the time-clintons terms seemed like a golden age, but objectively, yeah he couldve done a lot better.


The supreme court impacts far more than just abortion, although yes that's a hugely important aspect.


yeah, neither did the "what do we have to lose" people, during trumps first run, lol


And im fine with that as long as it isnt the republican vp. We dont even know who itll be yet, but GUARANTEED he's gonna be a huge piece of shit.


Given who is running for the presidency, do you thing the VP will be worse? If so, that is saying something.


trumps vp? Probably not worse than him, but worse than everyone else, lol


Project 2025 makes Trump worse. Having a dotard as president is preferable to having a dictator.


project 2025 is fear porn.


That exact standpoint is what they’re counting on. They’ve tried their shit once already. Why give them more opportunities?


No, its one of their goals. People also used to say "theyll never outlaw abortion again, thats a scare tactic."


Then why did the Heritage Foundation publish it and promote it?


Only one of them is a traitor lol. Only one of them is a con man. Only one of them betrayed our allies, and their own country. Only one of them supports Putin. Only one of them tried to overthrow the country during a peaceful transition of power. I could go on...


Trump put 3 conservative justices on SCOTUS that led to the overturning of Roe vs Wade and 64,000 pregnancies caused by raped in states with abortion bans. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/64-000-pregnancies-caused-by-rape-have-occurred-in-states-with-a-total-abortion-ban-new-study-estimates/


Biden should get a free additional one because McConnell unethically blocked Obama’s.


Biden may not be the best or perfect president, but I wouldn't say he is a piece of shit.


Trump is a double piece of shit. Biden’s a normal person.


I would. His warmongering for 50 years makes him a piece of shit.


Cool story


Give me a single military action Biden has not supported in 50 years?


Do you want me to share the litany of blatantly racist things he’s said throughout the course of multi-decade tenure? Or does it even make it a difference lol. I have a feeling you’ll bury your head in the sand (or up your own ass) either way


Cool. He's an old man with a long career, don't doubt things he said during his career could be perceived as racist with our standards today.


He and his administration has continued to support Israel with weapons and billions of our tax dollars helping in the forced removal and extermination of the Palestinian people. So yeah he's a piece of shit.


Congress. Not "the president and his administration". Congress controlls the purse.


Biden tried stopping the weapons but wasn't legally able to. I would also suggest you look up what branch is responsible for taxation and spending money. Perhaps start with Article 1.


But we like that.


Cool, sounds like you have 2 great options for november


Biden Harris 2024


I have to disagree with you. I don't think Biden is a piece of shit...


He's not a terrible person but he's also not the right kind of leader this nation needs. Both of them are older than any of the founding fathers were when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Not to mention both have dragged their feet on promises. The only reason why Biden is even acceptable isn't because he's any good, but because Trump is so much worse.


Those are all true statements, I just don't think as a human he is a piece of shit. I could never be a politician because I would not be willing to do the things that our current politicians are.


Biden has actually been a decent president


He has been great! Definitely not enough credit given. He’s old that’s all.


That's not a excuse he should not be in charge of the most powerful country in the world and be using a excuse of old age.


Actually, it is an excuse


Sure love the fact that he dragged his feat on student loans, allowed thousands of dollars to fund Israel/Ukraine, gave out reduced stimulus checks, let Roe v Wade be overturned, etc. Why has he been decent? Obviously it's not entirely his fault but this shit would cause outrage if Trump was in office and let it happen.


Dragged his feet on student loans? Dude the TRUMP SUPREME COURT killed.his student loan plan! Since then he's been furiously forgiving loans thru other mechanisms. He just forgave 170,000 more borrowers TODAY. And what the EFF was he supposed to do about Roe?? That's also the TRUMP SUPREME COURT.


Just another wildly uninformed voter. No point arguing with them, they run off ignorance and emotion not facts.


Dude Roe v Wade ain’t on him


This better be rage bait, because if not holy shit you are misinformed my dude.


I bet you haven't even kept track of 1/5th if Bidens presidential and legislative accomplishments. Student loans? Do you know how much he has accomplished on that?? Or are you stuck back 2 years ago. Half the feet dragging was because he was trying to avoid getting it undone or stuck in court forever. Roe vs Wade and the loans were both hampered by the trump boosted supreme court, he literally had no power against that he us not a dictator. Did you fall asleep in civics class? You have no clue how our government works and don't pay attention most of the time do you?


It can never be his fault can it? Whatever the case is it's clear Americans are satisfied with the bare minimum. How far we've fallen. We can do better.


Did you purposely say something so idiotic?


Is anything I said untrue? Like that shit happened, I'm not accusing him of anything.


Biden doesnt get ANY credit for what hes actually done, just blame for what he hasnt.


Good doesn't wash out the bad. Sometimes bad stuff just weighs more. Mao Zedong doesn't get credit for good stuff either.


Biden doesnt have ANY bad stuff that outweighs all the good.


I bet you haven't even kept track of 1/5th if Bidens presidential and legislative accomplishments.


Really? He is a documented liar going back to at least 1988.


Yeah, he’s melted shit 🤢💀


Biden isn’t ideal, but he will chip away at the worst excesses of Capitalism and we’ll get some more decent social policy, social programs will be funded and maybe expanded, the drug war will slow down, unions and workers will continue to be empowered, and though it’s not enough, it is something. Best of all, we’ll get to argue about who to vote for again in 4 years. Trump, on the other hand, will “unleash the American economy”, which in practice means exploiting workers for the benefit of shareholders, the drug war will ramp back up in full form, and a strange mix of Neoconservatives, Libertarians, and Christian Nationalists will be writing the laws. Social programs will be defunded, and social policy will be absolutely awful. Also, he may decide not to leave office this time. We’ll get our own weird version of Argentinian Peronism with Trump, full of contradictions in the laws that will eventually result in a completely non functional government. TLDR: The false equivalency is dumb, Biden is a 1000% better than Trump.


"Both sides are the same* is Russian propaganda designed to discourage Americans from voting. Both sides are most certainly not the same. Demanding perfection is juvenile.


Yeah, no. Biden is fine. Not perfect, but Trump is orders of magnitude worse.


Agreed. It's like a choice between eating a plain slice of bread or a piece of shit.


LOL totally spot on! It’s like “Hey, I know you want sushi, BECAUSE I WANT SUSHI, but if you don’t pick stale bread we’re going to all be eating shit.”


This is such stupid bullshit. 1. They're not equally awful because Biden is actually pretty damned good by any objective measure, and were he not hamstrung by undoing the huge damage that had been done by the preceding piece of S then he might have already been able to become spectacular. 2. At his core level: Trump is worse than terrible. He is utterly treasonous. Say something you think he's done and there's a multitude of massively meaty factual evidentiary reasons to realize that he did no such thing. Identify any individual area he did not do something wrong and you'll come up empty-handed. 3. Make no mistake. If there's a failure to prevent Trump from returning to the Oval Office then the United States will become the brutal failure that has been so long been feared to be. The only faint hope of this country becoming something good for itself or it's planet or the people that are it's citizens will be lost in the event that we fail to elect Joe Biden to the Presidency. PLEASE DO NOT FAIL TO UNDERSTAND THE STARKNESS OF THE CHOICE AT HAND AFTER TRUMP'S CAMPAIGN ACTUALLY USED THE TERM "UNIFIED REICH" TO REFER TO WHAT SHOUID BE EXPECTED OF HIS ADMINISTRATION IF HE IS REELECTED IN THE FALL.


If republicans take power they will never leave peacefully. If Trump wins he doesn’t plan on leaving after 4 years. The choice is pretty clear to me.


Objectively unpopular opinion


Unless you happen to live in one of the half dozen battleground states your choice of president doesn’t count for much of anything


I've been making this argument for years as to why I don't bother voting and I still have family members that are mad at me. I live in a DEEP red state. If I were going to vote, I'd be more likely to vote blue. But whether I vote red or blue, it makes absolutely zero impact on any election.


the only reason you're vote might not matter is because the other progressive voters in your area have the same apathetic mindset about voting as you.


Maybe a lot more women might vote Democratic silently. They are the main targets of Project 2025. Women will be sent back to the dark ages. If you love a woman or girl, you might want to think twice about voting R or sitting this one out. If you don’t understand what I mean, there is a free copy of Project 2025 on the internet. For those saying it’s a conspiracy, I assume you are not paying attention since most of the south is already implementing laws that directly support it. Trump is embracing it!


Trust me, the odds of me voting R is next to nothing, but in my state, voting D is basically pointless. I live in Arkansas. The only time Arkansas ever went blue was for Bill Clinton, because Arkansans do have a sense of loyalty for their own apparently, but that's it. All other elections? So deeply red that convincing entire counties to flip blue wouldn't make a dent. And even if you could convince the entirety of my state to flip blue, we don't have any pull. Not enough electoral votes to change the outcome of any election. Arkansas is the poster child for "my blue vote counts for nothing." In part just because a blue vote can't swing the state, but also because swinging this state just isn't statistically worth anything.


I’d say still vote. Smart women may catch on. Despite having Christian values and hating all that isn’t white and heterosexual, they are just as much in danger. I suppose many can’t even imagine what it’s like to not be able to make autonomous decisions or to be told what they can and can’t do. They should consider it. Even if your state will never flip, the number of votes is important for other reasons. Please vote.


What other reasons? What will my one vote actually change? Because it's a very literal waste of my time. Also, be really careful specifying "smart women" may catch on. Coming from a man in a state that tends to be pretty backwards, you're starting to sound a little misogynistic yourself.


I think you can change the courts. The emissions thing is a way more complex issue than it's reported on


Biden is far from a good choice, but do y’all honestly putting him in a same bucket as the dude that got his MAGA minions to storm the capitol?!? Not voting for Biden is voting for a dictatorship.


Oh God. Biden is not actively destroying Democracy and taking away women's bodily autonomy. Get a fucking perspective   


I agree, but one is a bigger piece of shit than the other.


Neither are good but Trump is straight up dangerous to the democratic process and the safety of millions of migrants, lgbt people, and political opponents- not only him but his cronies using him as a conduit for legislating their manifesto “Project 2025”.


Yeah, this is my problem with both sides being equal stuff. I agree that Biden is terrible and can go right to hell but I'll take the party that doesn't want to start a theocratic dictatorship over the one that does. This goes for whoever they are trying to force on us.


I'll take the party that doesn't want to force little girls to carry rape babies and prosecute doctors for doing their job.


Biden is not a POS. And when did it become necessary for politicians to come to you personally, specifically and beg for your vote? The real pieces of shit are people that don’t vote.


This is a false equivalence for the ages


Nope. Trump is a piece of shit. Biden is guilty of being a career politician.


Biden is mostly fine. Trump is a traitor, scam artist and explicitly wants to be a dictator.


The amount of legislation passed compared to trump is almost astronomical. The Biden White House actually did their job so there is that.


And they're both racist geriatric pedophiles


I don’t think anyone’s really happy with the choices but Biden is way better than trump. Stop pretending they are equivalent. One has a competent administration, the other is a narcissist surrounded by incompetent yea men. Get real.


No. Absolutely not.


Biden is fine. Trump is a piece of fucking shit


Totally. The pretend ass 2 party system is absolute bullshit


We weren't supposed to form parties, George Washington told us it would be our downfall, and it is.


But one doesn’t want to do away with democracy obviously dumbass.


I’ll take sleepy joe over orange Mussolini and project 2025 any day.


Lazy "both sides" from OP.


Theyre not even remotely comparable. People are so stupid with this shit, i have no idea how that "theyre both the same" bullshit gets any traction. Its insane.


Feel like this sub has finally succumbed to left-wing bias.


I don't think it's bias to claim that Trump is a worse human being than Biden. Just looking at all the lawsuits Trump has lost is a good clue as to the moral reprobate Trump is.


Yeah, but when 3rd Party Candidates exist, there's no just-logic in voting for Biden because he's not Trump. So, I'm more calling out the "Anyone/Any breathing human over Trump" logic, which is beyond illogical. Or actually, better put, if one thinks Trump should not be near the White House, they should think the same of that towards Biden. Let's entertain, Trump/Project2025, whatever....or Biden, mentally declining and it's obvious. It's embarrassing and a liability. Then vote for someone else.


No 3rd party candidate has even the slightest chance of winning.


That’s because people keep thinking that and not voting them. If people went oh they’d have a chance if we all actually vote for them, they would. But people who like the third party are safety voting for the extreme that most closely aligns to their beliefs rather than picking someone they actually like. If we eliminate the safety voting it’s a lot more even.


Its amazing how many people wont grow up and accept that.


Neither of them are making all the decisions. Theres a bunch of people to sway their minds and help them make decisions. It barely matters who the president is. If it really mattered we would have better people running


It matters who the President is in part because they appoint staff.


Yeah but those are all temporary positions. Even the president is a temporary position. Theres definitely people who's position is permanent that have equal or maybe more power than the president does.


Of course they are temporary positions, but they can do long lasting good or harm that far outlasts their terms of office. 


>It barely matters who the president is. Tell that to women with ectopic pregnancies or missed miscarriages who can't get abortions unless they're actively dying


Do you really think only the president had a say it that ? Only biden decided and everyone else was like yes biden this is right. That's ridiculous


SCOTUS appointments, dude. Do you not know how this works? If Clinton had won in 2016 we wouldn't be here.


Do you really think one person that got elected could be our downfall as an empire ?


The heritage foundation has been progressing their agenda for over 50 years. Reagan accomplished 60% of their agenda during his presidency. That is one reason many people think he is one of the worst presidents ever. However the heritage foundation has continued to revise its agenda. Trump is owned by them at this point. It is clear they are helping him financially. His inner circle is all on board with this agenda and are salivating to get started. TX, FL, SC, MS, TN, AL, NC and more are already signing parts of Project 2025 into their state laws. Women, LGBTQ, and trans people need to vote and prepare. Women of all faiths and political parties will be targeted. You are not safe just because you support trump. I don’t emphasize LGBTQ and trans people to vote for Biden because they know what’s at stake. Many women haven’t experienced the kind of ostracism and hate as the other groups have. They can’t imagine how extremely their lives will change. Ask yourself how will the government know your pregnant? How will they know if your traveling isn’t for abortion services? Why do they want to remove the descriptor “women’s healthcare” from all forms and hospitals? Why are some supporters talking about repealing the 19th amendment which allows a woman to vote? There’s more.


More like a lose/ epic fucking fail situation. Trump is a greater piece of shit.


Ok comrade


How is Biden a piece of shit? I don’t like him as the president and I’m pissed he’s our option, but he doesn’t seem morally reprehensible…


Biden is far from perfect. You can even say he is NOT a good President. Trump is a "piece of shit" on a completely different level. They are not just equally "pieces of shit". One if far worse than the other.


Please vote Biden. There is only one candidate who is going to increase climate change spending. If you don't there will be torrential rain and millions of people with no electricity every week.


Biden just appears senile and out of touch but at least he listens and is tolerable. A second unhinged revengeful Trump presidency would hypothetically be the end of US democracy and possible free speech. He'll try to turn the USA into a monarchy if he wins but it'll be de ja vu of 2020 election and Biden will win again in November.


Biden is just inept ( in some ways) Trump is a piece of shit filled with corn and peanuts and more importantly, he's a traitor BIG DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THEM TWO


This is a popular opinion In real life, not Reddit


It’s that “*two party, one candidate takes*” all system that is a lose lose situation. As a European, I think that you should have had a system that lets Bernie Sanders represent the Democrats in 2016. Had he won, you wouldn’t have had to elect Biden just to avoid another Trump mandate.


There is no way Sanders wouldve won. Maybe as a european you dont realize that. Trump wouldve said "we cant elect a socialist jew for president, he'll raise your taxes and take your guns" (not in those words, of course, in coded language) and his crazy supporters wouldve came out IN EVEN BIGGER NUMBERS. Sanders wouldve got squashed like a bug, Biden was the best choice.


We’re not in a lose lose situation people just keep telling themselves they HAVE TO vote for one of those two options. There’s three other candidates in the running still. If people just explored other options when they hate the ones they think they have to chose from, we might not actually be in this constant cycle of “picking the lesser evil.” I will be voting third party because there’s a candidate I mostly agree with. Don’t vote for someone you don’t like because you think you “have to.”




This happens every four years. It’s always “hey I’m less shitty than that guy”


But who's the worse piece of shit?


Kamala/ Hillary 2024 🙏🏿❤️❤️


True story




The Biden hate is just Internet banter and bot influence.


Vote RFK. Even if you don’t agree with him on everything. The impact of a third party winning the election would threaten the grip the other two parties have on this system and force them to try and actually improve the country instead of selling out the American middle class to lobbyists.


That’s what you get when you trust the peaceful process


Well at least Bidet has some morals and isn’t a rapist con my but yeah not much good Bon either Trumps going to have Haley for barring mate


3 of the last 4 GOP presidents proudly cut taxes for rich people. One way to continue to get Republicans elected -- and continue the tax cuts, is to make the argument that both sides are bad and voting has no point. They are good at this. The rich often get their way. Or you could be right. They could be both pieces of shit. I mean one guy mourns the loss of one of his kids, the other one gets a hard-on for his.


This is the part where the normies pretend “Biden isn’t so bad” and act like things weren’t infinitely better under Trump


Do not ever vote for a Socialist fraud, Socialism is a total fraud and a big fat lie.


Biden’s a wise and good person. Trump is a lying crook. Fixed it for you.


We know.








Well this thread went exactly as expected.


they are both not good people by any means but they are so not the same thing it's not even close


But I'm guessing you think RFK Jr also isn't worth your time?


It's pretty sad that two best American choices are a cucumber and tomato. I thought you could be better. Now the whole USA seems like Alabama family heritage.


The ENTIRE U.S government is garbage and they all need to go


No. That's complete horseshit. They are not the same Yes, Biden is an old school politician. Yes, Biden should be acting faster and stronger about Israel, but absolutely no president we've ever had since WWII would have reacted better and several, notably Trump, would have reacted in far worse ways Biden has done many of the things he promised and has been blocked by the Republican house, the most dysfunctional and ineffective house in history (no BS... a measurable failure). And if you're talking about inflation, the US inflation rate is the lowest of any of the industrialized western nations. And, here's a shock, inflation isn't under control of the government. It's principally set by supply and demand and if we are willing and able to pay for a product the pricing will be set to what we can bear. That's how a free market works and it's also the problem with a free market. It's also set by collusion between large companies to price set (which appears to be what's occurring in things like fast food and groceries). But Biden does not control that and if he attempted to he'd be accused of enacting communist style policies comparable to China's direct control over their market place and monetary valuation. Trump is pushing the Project 2025 agenda which is, pure and simply, the deployment of totalitarian rule. Trump and the republicans routinely attack marginalized groups like LGBTQ, attack librarians FFS, are actively anti-science (climate, vaccine, basic physics,)and anti-education (defunding in every republican state), anti-women (attacking female leadership and healthcare), and pro-Christian-Nationalism. They are also anti-history, attempting repeatedly to frame the USA as a "Christian State" per the founders which is utter crap and a complete lie. And don't even talk about ethics and morals. In the toilet. And then there is the 'big lie' about the election that they still propagate and have already begun to state in regard to the 2024 election... it's rigged!!! Not one small ounce of proof, ever (aside from the occasional individual republican convicted of small scale voter fraud). They believe in hate and emotional game-playing, not realism, enablement of rights and solving problems. Who the hell cares about Trans people using the bathroom when the economic conditions in Louisiana are plummeting downwards... apparently the republicans put it at the top of their list. Good grief. They are NOT the same and you are either a liar yourself, trying to promote apathy in voting, or uneducated in the issues you're talking about


They’re both Zionists so it’s lose-lose for USAians


Nice try, grandpa. Everybody I know is doing great. If Everybody over 70yrs old stopped voting, there would be no republican party. Anybody with less than 1mil in cash and voting republican is a fool.


Out of touch if you think a majority of people fuck with either of these clowns It's grim, I haven't seen this low amount of enthusiasm for a presidential election in my lifetime


Nothing controversial abt this, seems like the general opinion in America I've voted in every election for decades and will continue but fuck if I'm voting for either of those lying assclowns


The day I give a vote to the Democratic or Republican party is the day those parties actually represent the interests of the American people


Now we’ll see the bias in here! Well done.


Well what's your pick over these 2 pos? Can we actually find an honest candidate. One that's not corrupted or soon be corrupted by the power of the almighty buck?


100% agree with you


What if you support student loan forgiveness, lower prescription drug prices, women’s rights, Israel, tax credits to help homebuyers, and Biden’s infrastructure act? What POS things is Biden doing?


One of those things is not like the others.....


Well if you support the government of Israel your clearly deranged so have fun voting


I support Israel existing.


Personally not a fan of weirdo fascist ethno states but you do you


Biden’s doing a good job.


At helping kill Palestinian children


There’s a war on. Hamas started it with a gross medieval massacre. Many Israeli children died.


14,000 Palestinian children have been murdered by Israel it's not even close Pretty sure Israel is the ones with the endless supply of aircrafts, bombs, and money from the US


Don’t like the war you started? Don’t start one. Still don’t like it? Surrender.


I guess Hamas should stop


Trump is playing with political fire putting down judges from Columbia….the country Columbia. I think it’s Cannon and Merchan. He needs to be advised.


Americans: “We hate both our candidates!” Also Americans: **votes for candidates they hate, makes one of them president** You Americans realize you can … oh I don’t know … vote for other candidates, right?


Biden drained the strategic oil reserves in an attempt to lower fuel costs and has no plans to fill them up anytime soon because he says it to expensive to do. He has given so much of our artillery, rockets and small arms ammunition away that our military barely has enough to practice with. He also received money from Chinese businessmen aka the Chinese government that the FBI won’t release the documents proving this because they say it will be damaging to national security. Allowing illegal immigration with his open border policy while ignoring the cartels and the insane amount of fentanyl and human trafficking, Chinese and Middle East and North African terrorist entry into the country most of whom they lost track of. Biden is playing a popularity contest with coddling the few but loud leftist in hopes he can get elected again because he is making the taxpayers pay for student loans. If the media gave Biden the same 24 hour coverage as the did Trump we would have a much better idea of how fucked our country actually is and how shitty of a president Biden really is.


thats all bullshit. like most attacks on biden, its either not true, or greatly exxagerated/taken out of context. go sell that bullshit to Fox.


None of it is bullshit though, I’m guessing the bots are alive and well on subjects about Biden. Downvote any negative comments and upvote all positive ones, I don’t know what you do or where you get your information from but do look in more than one place and take it for truth.


i get it everywhere but Fox news.


Go watch some congressional hearings, if you are only looking at US media then you have to read at least four articles from across the country to even begin to get a clear picture. Watching CNN or MSN is not informed and just as biased if not more than Fox News.