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This is going to seem self-promoting but it's not meant to be that, it's just a lot to retype! [https://www.intentionalmobility.com/blog/postpartum-hormones-simplified](https://www.intentionalmobility.com/blog/postpartum-hormones-simplified) HORMONES girl. You have no control until you're done nursing. And research is starting to show that we're not truly back until close to 2 years postpartum. But you'll feel more normal soon! And remember weight isn't the best reflection, it's insightful of you to notice that it's your body composition that makes the difference. In the meantime the best thing you can do for yourself is be consistent. If the only thing you can manage consistency with is walking, then walk every day. Slowly add things one at a time that will help your deep core and your glutes. Lots of protein intake. You'll get there :)


Thanks, I do focus on eating protein. I think I need to do some sort of strength training daily even if it's just small. It's hard to restart when I was in such a good groove until the regression.


SO HARD! Just start slow add one exercise at a time or habit stack... I used to do like 15 squats before I went to the bathroom every time, some people habit stack with washing dishes or bedtime or whatever. Happy to help!


Read your article, thanks for that. I have been trying to understand what the return of my period means for my hormones. My baby still nurses probably 10 times a day. Question for you, prior to pregnancy I seemed to store fat primarily in the beta estrogen locations. I seem to have more fat than I'm used to along my stomach and back/hips now. I've been assuming I'll return to storing fat how I'm used to when I'm done nursing and return to a more normal daily return. Does this sound right, or will the alpha estrogen receptors increase permanently with age/pregnancy?


Thank you for this super insightful article! I was hearing about the intense hormone drop post partum but was wondering what all these hormones actually did once baby was here. Now I’m a bit more knowledgeable and (slightly) less freaked out - at 5 weeks pp I’m 20 pounds over my pre pregnancy weight and still looking kinda pregnant - and, like OP, I was very active before pregnancy. These times are psychologically tough and it’s hard to believe things are going to be better when recovery takes many months.


I felt like I finally had control over my body and liked the way it looked around 18 months - you might need to do some weight training to rebuild some of your muscle (like your posterior chain) but that should help with shifting your body composition. I'm also back to a low weight after having my second baby and am literally only flab, so I know I need to make time to do some strength work too.


The biggest thing for me was realizing that my hunger cravings was actually me being very dehydrated. I was over eating because I felt hungry, but I learned when breastfeeding, sometimes thirsty cues can feel like hunger. Once I figured that out, I stopped packing on weight


Definitely get strength training even if just 15 minutes, it will help! But, I'm 18 months PP and still weigh 5 extra pounds so sounds like you are doing great!


I think with the loss of muscle mass I'm still 5-10 pounds over my weight, if that helps


Have you been strength training? I bet you'll feel a lot more like yourself if you start working on that to gain muscle back.


I was daily for a while, but then sleep got bad at 4 months. I'm trying to start again


You’re doing amazing. I’m 7 months postpartum, breastfeeding and 4 pounds away from weighing as much as I did full term pregnant. My weight gain continues. I’m in a horrible mental space about it but working on accepting where I am in present moment. Best thing I’ve done for myself is buying new clothes