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The belly strong channel on YouTube šŸ˜Ž


Following. I am in the same exact boat. How far PP are you? Iā€™m 5 weeks.


Iā€™m 9 weeks! Apparently your not supposed to start ā€œworking outā€ until 6-8 weeks so your quite early! But I do know how you feel. I was eager at like 4 weeks. Ahaha


I was cleared to start at 3 weeks PP and have had zero issues. Itā€™s highly dependent on the individual. That said, for both postpartum periods, I did pelvic floor PT, with DR focused work, in addition to traditional strength training. My PT actually encouraged full body work, but had very specific limits on core/ab work. I used Expecting and Empowered and followed their program. OP, definitely worth a check with your PT about returning to full body exercise while healing DR.


Absolutely. Everything should be ran by a doctor. Iā€™m sure full body workouts are still a good idea with little emphasis on the core (other than my physio taught exercises). I was just curious which were the best exercises to do (full body) to lose fat while taking my core slow.


I did pelvic floor pt and we did a lot of core work. It seems like the idea is to work on deep core not traditional ab exercises. Look up core exercises.


Sorry- you havenā€™t mentioned how far postpartum you are? I had DR (3 finger separation) and mostly closed it at 6 months and fully 100% closed it at 10 months postpartum. Walking and Pilates are great to do with your physical therapy. You may be able to weight lift (but not super heavy yet) but ask your physio for clearance. I would not recommend running. Avoid all traditional core exercises like sit ups. Hope that helps!


Iā€™m 2 month post partum. Thank you! Why not running?


Weight my PT recommended sit ups. We never discussed the severity of separation by my request though.


Peloton has a good series of postnatal classes that are DR friendly