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comment has been locked, as it seems very few folks are remembering one of the things a "vent" flair means. from the sticky on every vent flair: In most cases it is not appropriate to try to give the Submitter advice on their issue. In no circumstances is it appropriate to tell them “why they are wrong” or to criticize them, their decisions, values, or anything else.




Check to see if your local library offers free entry to museums and stuff if you have a library card! We have soemthing called a Culture Pass in my city where you can get into a bunch of different places for free. You just have to usually schedule it ahead of time to make sure you’ve got a spot!


I didn’t know about that. I will check that out thank you


Seriously ask them for anything, you'd be surprised. If you can't afford an instrument but want to learn you might be able to check them out there as well. Some have cookware, classes, design and 3d print shops, and more. The library is the single greatest community resource we have and it's the last one left. If we don't use them, we'll lose em. Mine even sometimes has passes to the amusement parks as well as botanical garden. The library is one of 5 favorite places outside the house.


I was chuckling at the fact that OP said “I don’t want to read a book” and the top comment was about the library, but actually these are all really cool things I had no idea the library had! Thanks for the info!


Library sometimes even has video games.


Haha 😄


Libraries are my favourite place too! Our local one has a workshop with 3D printers and sewing machines and a cnc machine and a laser cutter. A bunch of other wood working stuff too. All free, you just have to get a safety brief before you use something for the first time. So if you're wanting to do creative stuff definitely check your libraries nearby.


Also, if you like to read the library usually offers audiobooks and stuff on an app called Libby. Not sure if it’s the same all across the board but it’s also free. I think you can also rent movies and music through your phone for free


If you are in America and have an EBT card, you are eligible for free or greatly reduced entry fees at many museums and botanical gardens that charge a fee and the same at many fee requiring events they sponsor.


If you are an ebt recipient search museums for all, or free museum entry for ebt recipients. There’s a nationwide list of locations that offer discounted or free entry with your ebt card…


If you have SNAP then some states offer reduced admissions. In Colorado zoo is $1 and you can bring up to 10 people.


Libraries also have maker spaces and they are cool fun that would normally cost waay too much. I make cosplay out of cardboard because it's cheap.


The library may also offer free classes that you can take. Ours have had everything from gardening to different crafting to photography. They also sometimes offer just social groups for different interests like anime.


My family was shit too, I found my supports elsewhere, and so do many people. Volunteer, so you can socialize, learn things, and give something to the world. Libraries have lots more than just books - many have free events, seeds, sports equipment, skills training and much more. Check it out before you assume it's only books. Museum and gallery passes, craft kits, music - see what they offer. Also people - citizens and library staff to chat with. I like to get shows from other countries, for something interesting, as well as cookbooks to learn from, language learning resources, and more. Teach yourself personal finance, just for kicks. Find a MOOC (free online course) and learn something interesting. Consider it practice for when you go back to school. Keep your skills and interests current. These have got me through some very rough times in my life. Stay engaged, in short. In something. Anything. It takes effort, but it'll keep me going until things improve.


So the real question is based on your responses to others is the magical question- given money was no object what would you do?


Been feeling the same way as OP so thought I’d answer for myself. I guess I feel like I’d be happier anywhere other than where I am, and I know that’s a problem, because if I can’t enjoy these moments what makes me think my brain will understand the switch?. I think I am depressed. And I don’t want to get help. I just don’t care anymore. It won’t change or fix anything. I just need to be less so I can cruise through life because that’s all any of us can really afford to do. Go crazy or learn to mellow tf out. And by mellow out I mean not caring but in a healthy way, not depressed way.


nothing will change if you don't think it will. I hope you find what you're looking for friend


I’d travel the world. And finish college.


Look into WOOFing. It’s how I traveled to Canada for very little and was exposed to new people and ways to work. Look into scholarships and grants for college. I studied abroad on a scholarship. Are you at a community college? Don’t underestimate campus clubs and relationships with professors.


I'm actually a horticulture major myself. I will definitely look into WOOFing. Thank you for this.


https://wwoof.net/ It’s working on a farm in exchange for room and board.


For the College, check out Berea College in Kentucky. It is tuition free. All the students work 10 hours a week to keep the college running. It’s a good school academically and a great choice for someone without any money.


What would be your first destination?




Maybe try being a flight attendant. They make good money and travel the world for free.


There is plenty to do that doesn't cost alot of money, but it helps to have friends who enjoy free activities. If by chance you haven't had a chance to make friends in your area, maybe look into what goes on in your area that is cheap and offers you the chance to make friends. It sucks to be bored, hope you are able to find joy in something.


I try making friends none of them stick. And I don’t have my own car to get around which you need where I live and again I literally have no money


Can you cycle? It's weirdly invigorating. Especially on quiet roads you don't know. Always something to bring awe back.


I don’t own a bike and I certainly don’t have the money to buy one


Do you have freebie pages on FB or anything where you are? I donated an extra bike of mine to a nurse who asked on one of those pages and now she can get to work. Makes us both feel good and I'm so glad she asked.


I didn’t know that was a thing I’ll have to see.


Yeah, look for a Buy Nothing FB group.


Keep me posted 😉


I second the recommendation for the Buy Nothing groups! They are local to you so therefore they will not all be the same, but the one I'm in is amazing!


Bro you can probably find a bike on Facebook marketplace near you for like $10 you can find that on the floor in the nearest city to you in like an hour if you look hard enough


My library rents them for free! Check out yours.


I struggle to make friends also. I don't even know where to go at a 30+ year old to find friends








Maybe he's depressed because he's poor?


I mean who wouldn't be?


Sounds like it


Maybe he’s poor because he’s depressed It’s a vicious cycle and I know nobody wants to hear what they already know but sleeping all day only will only hurt you more in the long run


Resources .... Like more money to get out of poverty?


Nailed it


are there? it doesnt matter how much therapy or drugs you take if you cant afford housing, transportation, food, entertainment... etc. especially housing. do we have programs that actually help with that? as someone who went through local mental health programs, i can tell you no, we dont. they have one main goal: getting you to work. doesnt matter if you have a job or not if the housing is too expensive for the jobs in your area. doesnt matter if theres high paying jobs if you cant afford a vehicle to go to them. none of that matters if your job requires you to spend all your time there and driving to and from there.




Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 2: Generally Unhelpful and / or Off-Topic Your comment has been removed for one or more of the following reasons: It was not primarily asking or discussing financial questions related to poverty. It was generally unhelpful or in poor taste. It was confusing or badly written. It failed to add to the discussion. Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.


I really hope this is sarcasm lol.


You’re not bored, you have depression.. lol Reddit never ceases to disappoint


I mean not everything is depression and the internet does love to be a hypochondriac and misdiagnose everything... but they are pretty spot on. Sleeping all day, lethargy, extreme boredom, (checking their post history) thoughts of suicide, these may be things that can affect anybody but multiple things can be a red flag. I'm not going to pretend that I have a magic solution because I clearly don't make healthcare money lol, but being aware of it and how to fight those mental battles can be a godsend. I never was able to afford help for my problems and I do have my parts that I do suffer for it, but I've taken control of what I can and it does help quite a bit in the day-to-day of things and I have found a noticeable improvement in my life for it. OP if you're reading this, what do you want out of life? I read the flair so I'm not going to press it any further, but if you change your mind and want some genuine suggestions or just an ear to lend, let me know :)


Dissatisfaction or disinterest with things that usually bring joy or some sort of response is one of the more common and consistant demarcators of a depressive episode.




The library also has free classes in all sorts of stuff. I’m a librarian and do everything from book clubs and painting to talks about historic foods and making a carnivorous plant terrarium.


Okay so I took a quick glance at your profile and previous posts and I am not a professional, take what I say with a grain of salt, and also you tend to be super vague but you’re very desperate so I’m gonna try to help you. 1. You’re not working right now or attending school. Of course you’re bored. You’re 23, it’s hard to be inside all the time with no mental or emotional stimulation or contact with others. I see you’ve tried some things but you could also look into trying to join subreddits for your city or area and seek out friendships from there. I know you left college due to bad grades, but I don’t know if you know you can do an academic standing appeal and basically be on academic watch/probation for a semester or two and keep your gpa above a 2.0. You could also look into a trade school. I know this requires money but honestly it’s hard to make any kind of decent wage without some kind of technical or otherwise training without some kind of nepotism or specific skill set that is in demand. 2. Baby girl, I’m worried about you. You are really obsessed about “trash” food, “bad” food, being “sick”. I don’t know much about you, like I said you tend to be vague and the way you text is very fervent, and emotional. I’m not saying this is a bad thing but I can tell that you are very distressed. You need to check in with someone, a professional, especially while you still have health insurance, because you can’t say you are not depressed and then go posting on suicide watch forms, or other forms with red flags to disordered eating. You need help. Like, yesterday. Full stop. No amount of money or distraction that money is going to provide is going to magically change your mental health if you don’t get help.




Cycle, I’ve never paid for a bike. Hike, I cycle to the hike spot. Volunteering, need I say more. Community groups, check what’s near you.


I'm sorry that reading books gets boring to you. It's my favorite hobby. Literally hundreds of thousands of stories out there, all of them free at your local library or online if they are public domain.


Public libraries also offer DVDs, music CDs, online streaming of video, courses by Lynda.com and other sites, and all kinds of other things. The one where I live even has makerspace type stuff like 3d printers. There’s no reason to be bored if you have access to a library


some libraries have hobby oriented things like cameras, telescopes, vlogging equipment, musical instruments and whatnot that you can check out too.


I honestly wish I had the attention span to sit and read books.


This. I loved reading books as a kid but my ADHD has gotten so severe as an adult. It took me like 6 months to get through a 300 page book last year. It was non-fiction, but still. Audiobooks are even worse, I constantly zone out.


Find a handicraft to do during. The only way I can. That or chores/cleaning.


Try audiobooks - through Libby you can download them straight to your phone!


Same. Im well financially but most of the time I enjoy reading this sub or other intersting articles on Reddit for hours, especially while at work.


I can't wait to be well financially so I can read this sub "for enjoyment" to see how far I've come 🙏 One day at a time..


Learn a skill libraries provide free access to udemy coursera. Libraries provide access to movies audiobooks for free.


What would you do if you had money? Day to day is mostly boring


Agreed. I'd go for a walk if I was on vacation. I'd read if it was in a special place like a hotel balcony or a lobby somewhere late at night. But it's just my fucking apartment and the same four walls. Lame.


You can try an adult coed spots league, like softball or soccer. It's not expensive to sign up, and it's fun.


If you are in food stamps look into the museums for all program


i can relate. after work i just go to sleep


Look up with ppl do while in jail to entertain themselves. Sounds weird but that's how i got into origami, extremely entertaining and only takes paper and colored pencils if you wanna color your pieces.




I don’t know why it’s so hard for people to comprehend that some people are solely depressed because they’re poor. If I had money I could finally move out of this hellhole I’ve been living in all my life and I’d be pretty happy


Well, if you're bored, then you have free time to fill. Maybe fill it doing something that will improve your finances? Babysitting, pet-sitting/dog walking, housecleaning, yard work, elder care/companionship, dumpster diving for things you can either use yourself or sell/barter, batch cooking...


Poverty and depression are completely different things. I grew up poor, in a poor area, but I had all kinds of interests, and found the world fascinating. I wanted to know how everything worked; spent plenty of my free time at the library. Having no interests and being bored are symptoms of depression, not poverty.




I'm *really* poor and yet I have a roof over my head, and some material possessions--and I have to go to the food bank this month. But I'm not bored most of the time, because I can knit, go for walks, exercise, see family, clean, listen to music--etc. I read self-help books to stay optimistic.


I don’t need treatment I need money




Because I’ve been poor since I was a child




Money isn’t the end all of solutions. I am currently poor right now but I feel myself, just as you, bored and mentally unstimulated when I am not studying or watching YouTube docuseries, or taking classes. Even rich people get depressed and kill thenselves. They get addicted and overdose too. Poor isn’t a diagnosis, it’s a fact of life for some. If you can’t see yourself beyond your own wallet, maybe you do need treatment.




There are challenges and struggles, but not everyone living in poverty is depressed. Poor people can be happy and find joy in things. The old saying "money doesn't buy happiness" is very relevant here. Money makes life easier, but it doesn't cure depression. There are very wealthy public figures who have mental health struggles, despite their material wealth.


The library is fun and you can check out movies and comics too. Try hiking? If you don’t live alone, board games or table-top games?






I will amend your comment to say *exercising rather than going to the gym. Even walking will genuinely lower stress hormones. I hate going to the gym but I love doing new roads I don't know on a bike, particularly early in the morning in summer. I like skinny dipping where I might get caught. I like nearly drowning in waves twice as high as me. Immersing yourself in freezing water does a cocaine hit to your dopamine receptors in your brain. Find someone who will jump about manically in waves with you. Good luck.


Cooking is fun! Museums are free. Some people enjoy playing video games. What would you have done if you weren’t broke? Even travelling gets boring after sometime.


Learn new skills. Like maybe the drums or take a sport like hockey


Start applying to be a barback at the fanciest restaurants around you. Being a barback sucks. You'll mostly be washing and polishing glasses. But turn it into an avenue to start learning bartending. Whenever you have a free second, ask the bartenders for tips, or how to make a specific drink. Study classic drink recipes and history when you aren't working. You'll learn a fun, new skill, and when that restaurant needs a bartender next, you'll have a chance to get a huge raise.


Seeeee! Wonderful ideas!❤️ wishing you all the best!




How am I supposed to find joy when 1. I’m sick and diseased 2. I have no friends 3. I have NO MONEY 4. My family is shit Tell me how am I supposed to be happy. And living in California with no money isn’t that great. I don’t even live in a fun interesting part of the state




Your post has been removed for the following reason(s): Rule 12: Rant/Vent Advice or Judgment Unlike most of the content on this subreddit, Vents should not be considered advice threads. In most cases it is not appropriate to try to give the Submitter advice on their issue. In no circumstances is it appropriate to tell them “why they are wrong” or to criticise them, their decisions, values, or anything else. If there are aspects of their situation that they are able to directly address themselves, the submitter can always make a new thread with a different flair asking for help once they are ready to tackle the issue. Vents are an emotional outlet, not an academic conversation. Appropriate replies in these threads are offering support, sharing similar experiences/grievances, offering condolences, or simply letting the submitter know that they were heard. Please read our [subreddit rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/povertyfinance/wiki/rules). The rules may also be found on the sidebar if the link is broken. If after doing so, you feel this was in error, [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fpovertyfinance). Do not reach out to a moderator personally, and do not reply to this message as a comment.


I can guarantee you if I had money literally 80% of my problems would go away and I’d be a bell of a lot happier


I mean, sure. But that doesn't mean this isn't depression. Depression can be situational. You're a lot more likely to find metal health help than you are to come into a large sum of money so you might as well try it.




Cool. So since money will solve all your life's problems you should be putting all your energy into figuring out how to make more of it. So what are you doing to increase your income?




I’d say it’s a combination of my stupidity and my genetic lottery my health conditions are all hereditary my family has been poor since I was a child most of my life so I’ve struggled since I was young. Then when I was a teenager I never really thought ahead so I did shit in school and I could never get even a retail job till I was 20. My life fell even more apart during the pandemic so my grades at college are horrible so I pretty much dropped out and no one will hire me for better paying jobs because I have no little experience.


aye busta sounds like ur stuck in a rut. now you cant change the past. just own the day. realistically speaking, what is there that you can do? what abilities do you have? how bad are your health conditions plagueing you?


I can’t eat normally without wanting to die but I’m not disable like I can walk around fine. I don’t have many talents I’m pretty useless. I’m only trying to go back to college to get a better job I don’t like school that’s why I did bad in high school. I actually tried when I was in college the first time but again a lot of shit happened and everything kinda went tits up.


is the eating a physical or psychological thing (or is the food just shit)? that said doesnt sound too bad just real fucking boring so i understand you to some degree at least. have you considered doing an intermittent year or two of part time or full time work before studying just to sort and figure things out for yourself? the freedom might help you progress things while you figure yourself out without suffocating you. certs like drivers license will also help tremendously


Psychological I have to watch what I eat or I’ll die. It makes eating unpleasant putting it lightly. I don’t like talking about it you can look at my post history. At this rate I need a full time job more then I need to go to school because I have no money. I don’t know how I’ll manage school and working if I have to I won’t pursue an education right now because I need money now. Also I have a license just no car


Ok, honestly, try to work full time for 1-3 years and get a mid tier 2nd hand car like a prius or whatever before going back to studies. Then you can take out a loan or drive lyft or whatever. To succeed in academia, you need a stable foundation you can rely on more often than not. Not to be pendantic, but from what i just read, it's physiological. Theres no sugar coating it, it fucking sucks when what you see others do without second thought would obliterate you from this plane of existence. There is no upside to it. You have to continue dealing with it. So far, you're doing a good job at life, I'd say. Keep going, and don't despair. If you need a friend to vent to, im always there to lend an ear. You sound like a real g so consider that earned.




Sadly, I feel you on the sick and diseased part- plus the no money, of course.. I have a very select few friends (who I'm not even close enough with to say how bad off I am), and my family struggles with money too, so we hardly see each other anymore.. all of this at near 50 years of age, so starting over feels nearly impossible lol.. I'm drowning in bills, debt collector calls, medical expenses for weird rashes everywhere, blah blah.. life kicks ass sometimes, and sometimes, you just get your ass kicked.. I try to stay prayerful and hopeful.. an increase in my pay would be life-changing, or the lottery of course, but I can't even afford to play lol.. not sure what karma hell I'm caught in, but I'm over it.. there HAS to be more to life than this.. hang in there 💗


Hi I'm sorry that you got so much advice and criticism after posting a labeled rant, and I'm also sorry that you feel so very bad. I have had times in my life when i felt this way and i hope you can pull through. I believe you can although it is hard! Everything on your list sucks and i know you didn't ask for advice but honestly I'm feeling like maybe fixing the friend problem first might be something to consider? This could help with boredom if your friends are also poor as you can play cards and hang out, but also maybe some networking could help open up new job possibilities ...


People judging you do not understand that having more than one of these things makes life very difficult on top of being poor and bored.


Pi is an AI that's designed to be a good listener. Sometimes I feel like I just need a space to be relentlessly negative and complain. You can tell it you don't want advice and to just let you vent.




Eventbrite. There's free things going on nearly everywhere all the time. App is also free, and they'll send you emails too.


I feel you. I got courthouse married a couple years ago and we couldn't afford a honeymoon. Literally got married, had a long weekend, went back to work Tuesday. We still can't afford to travel and haven't left the state we live in even to visit family for the entire time we've been married. But we make up for it by doing mini adventures, which, yeah, includes a lot of free or cheap entertainment. Some of our go-tos are thrifting art supplies (can't recommend picking up a hobby where you make something with your hands highly enough for staving off the horrors. You can probably get a crochet hook and a skein of yarn for under $3 at thrift stores, under $5 new at a craft store. Lessons on YouTube are free), libraries/parks/museums/local walking trails, Pokemon Go (genuinely a weirdly good free way to gamify stuff that improves your mental health like finding a community and getting outside more), COOKING and trying new recipes even if it's something stupid like a chickle, making room in the budget for one streaming service a month and switching up which service we're paying for regularly so we always have something new to watch. Libraries are a huge resource for you, even if you're not feeling the reading vibe right now. Ours locally has state park passes that you can check out for a day and use. They host classes and events and job fairs and they always have information on free stuff happening in the community.


You could volunteer at a dog shelter to take those poor babies on walks and make their lives a little better. Can be very rewarding and can give a new sense of purpose. Just saying.


It's just work work work for me, can't affort to do anything and I am incredibly tired of walking down the same alleys every day. It's the same day every day, over and over, it's groundhog day!!!


Are you depressed ? I enjoy being poor. I have very few responsibilities. I take care of me , my pets, and home. I've discovered that I enjoy feeding my birds and squirrels. I like doing yard work. I listen to free Audible books. There are a million great shows you can stream. My favorite hobby is dumpster diving. Today I brought in strawberries and a cantelope. Several bags of frozen shrimp. Yesterday I filled my freezer full of frozen Stouffers. I also donated 4 huge black trashbags to other individuals who are having a hard time. Do something for someone else. It makes the world a better place.


If you have a YMCA near you, they have scholarships for memberships! I got one.




I feel this so much 🤣🤣




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It's hard because it's summer. You like to be doing normal thing's but things are hard and not normal.


Get books from library about botany, mushroom identification, birding... Whatever appeals to you in nature. Go to nature with book. Learn and grow about and with our ancestors. Free and the most worthwhile hobbies imo


Ugh i feel this!!!!! Going outside cost money! I try to go to the park and read bookstores too. I recently brought a book to the park that was so boring i didn’t even enjoy my time! I guess my advice is to love yourself and have fun with whatever you want to do. Even if its alone.


Going to some city festivals are free. For example, I’m going to a strawberry festival this weekend with my family instead of paying hundreds of dollars to visit SeaWorld


Agreed. It be great to go on a vacation or stay somewhere for a few days or even go out to a expensive dinner but that all comes down to finances.




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Do you think maybe you’re depressed rather than just bored?


No I’m bored




Why does it suck? Obviously lack of money is the biggest and having no security


I'm saying walks and books are not making you life boring but seems like you just have little opportunitiesto do anything. If you live in a densely populated area, walks will suck. Entertainment is nice but too much can get dull. I get you in a way but you need to find something else like a new hobby.


Go jerk off




I don’t have a job right now I’m looking


For me, fitness is a relatively cheap hobby that keeps me excited about life.


I already work out all the time




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Being overworked and busy is not the opposite of boredom.


When I say I have no money I’m down to my last 50 dollars I am truly in financial strains I’m going to have to get rid of my health insurance next month because I just can’t afford it anymore. My life is awful just because yours sucks doesn’t mean other people don’t have it bad




How? Do you think I’m not trying to improve myself? Like I’m not applying to jobs every single day?


There's your mistake. My life does not suck in the least. I'm very happy and content. I'm truly sorry you cannot find the same peace and purpose. Yes id love to nap...most people would but over all I'm very happy in my life because I choose to be happy. Life is not easy for most people. You can make the choice to be miserable and ask for help then complain about the comments or you can use your phone for something better. Or better yet put it down and go meet real actual humans. If you choose to be unhappy there is clearly nothing anyone can say that will change that. You have set your mind to be unhappy. You have 50 more than most. You have to give up health insurance most never had. FYI you can qualify for free health insurance. It's half empty or half full and that's your choice. No one ever said you do not have it bad. I don't know your story. I only know what you share. Good luck.


I’m not asking for help I literally made it a vent post because I’m not looking for help I just want to complain since I have no one to talk with


mighty shocking sheet workable work quack punch faulty safe knee *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Pretty much. I roll my eyes at people giving "advice" multiple times a week.


I agree being poor sucks, but I don’t think I was ever bored. I was stressed and sad. But I guess I was also always employed? I guess I can see being bored if you don’t have a job that sucks up most of your time.


You have to find a way to make yourself enjoy those things. Gain perspective.


Ha I went to visit my mom and her boyfriend and Florida and pretty much all I wanted to do while I was there was go places and walk around. At the end of my trip they said I wanted to do very different things while I was there than anyone else did. I LOVE wandering around. When you’re visiting with people it’s so perfect because you’re looking at changing scenery and things going on around you, and endorphins keep you happy. I LOVE hanging out with people and walking.


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I always tell people to look at their local colleges! Many student showcases are free. You could see artwork, a dance performance, musical, play, etc possibly for free


Have you checked your library? Ours gives our passes to local museums and attractions for free! Check your museum free days and you can look up "things to do for free in (location)". Sometimes they'll offer free transit to the location as well. 


Everything I love costs little to no money. Hiking/fishing/camping/running/foraging/etc. The outdoors is way more fun than any of the expensive bullshit a city has to offer.


Offer services to your neighbours and local communities. Something that occupies time and effort, gets you out of the house but also pays in return. There are plenty of jobs/services I provided for my elderly neighbours, all of which have paid well considering my complete lack of expertise/qualifications in those areas.




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I'm starting to get back into the sleeping more path too. Not like there's much else I can do. Budget is bad due to greedflation so my hobbies have mostly been put on hold. And sure the prices are finally starting to rollback at Walmart but that won't translate into much because the bulk of the "savings" that come from it just will get put back into the food budget so we can start buying stuff we had to drop due to greedflation.




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Sorry… you’re not going to like the answer. Being poor is one thing, yes it sucks. But that’s unrelated to your problem. Contentedness and happiness (fleeting) come from within. Not external stimulus no matter how flashy or awesome. People have been having fun and enjoying life since the hunter gatherer days. In nature, in caves, in cabins, in bed. Your imagination, creativity, endless possibilities. Money won’t stop your boredom or depression. Plenty of rich people doing crazy things that complain about similar feelings. What does this realization do for you? Frees you. Right now you can’t be happy till you’re rich which may not ever happen. Or if it did, not for a long time. In the meantime this excuse will keep you miserable. I was in jail for a couple weeks long ago and I realized even with all taken away there was simple beauty and entertainment to be found if one frees the mind to find it


I don’t need to be rich I just need to not be struggling financially every single day!




I need a first job first. And I have been applying I’m not just complaining about having no money and not looking for employment




I don’t have the type of family where you can have healthy discussions


I don't either but when my older cousin died and I outed my dad for never calling me for like 8 years on FB that all changed and we have a pretty good call relationship. We call each other Sunday and sometimes it's short at this point because we've been doing it so long but I can honestly say it probably makes both of us healthier every time. Also, things are pretty bleak societally right now and if you can show you have some kind of healthy relationship in your life with the people who should be highest priority (blood family) that is never a bad thing from outside perspectives.


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Go learn something new




When I had more money and was healthy I was able to do things freely and was overall happy I’m not depressed because of unbalanced hormones I’m depressed because literally if I went in depth about my life and living situation it’s quite literally IMPOSSIBLE for someone to be happy. I’m solely miserable (besides my health) because of my situation not because of an imbalance besides the one in the world that lets people live this way.


Broke not poor! Vocabulary expansion on the way!


What's wrong with reading?




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