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Damn didn't know I was labeled a junior lifter šŸ˜‚


I remember going into the gym one day and seeing this small Asian guy benching 315 for reps


I heard heaps about this. Far worse than whatā€™s in that link


From the Casual powerlifters I feel like the deadlift videos the most posted by far. And somehow their hip or back is always injured to where they can't squat.


SPOT on list. i lol'd.


Its crazy how huge this thread has gotten


I don't fit into any of the categories :(


How about the loser who only posts negative comments and is 100% sure to have a private account


The ones who insta a box of donuts at the gym every other week. Even though they only-kind of like donuts but just want to fit in


* Pulls sumo with straps in training and always pulls 100 lbs less at meets. * Lists gym lift PRs on IG profile.


wass good? edit: it was 50lbs




Be proud of being one of the death metal guys theyā€™re badass


The "Long" Femurs Powerlifter - Apparently there's an over abundance of human beings on my IG feed that have a weak squat due to their "long" femurs. I don't know how this would ever be statistically possible, but if they're throwing up #longfemurcrew in their post then it must be true.


aka the "excuses for my shitty technique and mobility" crew


What are SARMS


Should a sumo lifer NOT wear deadlift socks? Not sure I get the joke?


no one in any of these is doing anything wrong the joke was supposed to be how easily powerlifters can be grouped together


Here's one that encompasses a lot in the OP, but the infusion of boiiiiiizzzzzz. #63boiz #93boiz #submaxboiz


I'm one of those boizzz






Yes what the crap is this and why is it everywhere


The guy you only follow because they post moderately interesting lifting shit. The lifting posts become more sporadic and then they keep saying "BIG THINGS ARE COMING" and they follow Gary V. 2 months later the world is treated to yet another bullshit lifestyle brand.


I'm guilty of so many of these


The Gorgeous Girl Who Powerlifts; State Champion 50k followers Competed in less than 10 meets Offers online coaching and seminars Beautiful Booty shots and Duck Lips Not nearly as good as they think they are If you downvote this you probably fit this description to a T.


You forgot the "Self Aware" IG powerlifter where they constantly have sarcastic captions to throw shade at anything fitness because they are jaded individuals but still want to somehow remain relevant and included


Shit its me


Excuses guy - poor training regime, bombs out. Instead of looking at what he can change they blame phantom injuries, the judging or anything else that is not them and keep training the same way


I donā€™t fit in any... my IG is the occasional picture of a barbell with ā€œtough workoutā€ and no hashtags... the rest is pictures of cats..


me either, but i don't have IG


I don't either, mine is all photos of food and dogs. I'm the master lifter (real master none of that 1a bullshit) who's just happy to be here lifting.


Age: X years Y months BW: Z lbs


The "hiding his power level" guy - Looks like he's 3 months into Starting Strength. Has like 500 wilks


Has anyone posted about the Geardo/Gear Queer yet? That guy who has all sorts of gear: Inzer Belt, SBD Belt, 2 custom Pioneers, SBD Sleeves/Strong Sleeves/all sorts of Knee Wraps, etc. And EVERYTHING is in the loudest/most obnoxious color. (Bright Pink STrong sleeves, Brightass Adidas Wrestling shoes, "šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘" Pioneer Belt that they stole the design for, etc.) Bonus points if they Wilks ~300, but will bring a different belt for each day of the week.


> Brightass Adidas Wrestling shoes You can pry my neon green laces from my cold dead hands.


> bright ass-adidas wrestling *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


> bright ass-adidas wrestling *** ^(Bleep-bloop, I'm a bot. This comment was inspired by )^[xkcd#37](https://xkcd.com/37)


I'd say I'm *The Compensator* but I don't know anyone that does good morning squats, and my deadlift is far from lacking. So basically I just complain about sumo.


You deadlift 804?


>the guy who will fackign squat 550kg very fast moterfacker thanks allah


What about the teenage IPF champions that put "2016 and 2017 IPF weightclass champion," but don't clarify they are only champion in the teenage subdivision. This makes anyone that doesn't follow powerlifting confused because they see all the champions.


Itā€™s like saying they are an Olympic champion conveniently leaving out the word ā€œjuniorā€. I canā€™t stand those types.


Ya it's for that reputation and to sell their coaching. I don't mind people putting in the shit they won in their bio, but atleast be specific so there is some clarification.


I switched to sumo, was having lower back issues that seem to disappear with the sumo pull, just feel it so much more in the right places now, feels so clean, and is allowing my back injury to heal with no aggravation at all. Should I be embarrassed?


Nope. Keep doing you.


Hell no bro no one who actually has powerlifting knowledge hates on sumo people just like to joke around and then dumb people like to say itā€™s cheating. Do what you like and what works best for your body leverages. What I will say is that if you switch to sumo as your main technique, make sure you still train conventional pretty often as well. No one likes people who can *only* pull sumo.


Thanks. I want to include conventional in my training, even if it has to be lighter weight higher rep, itā€™s just not feeling good for my back right now and honestly never did. But when I do sumo I just feel it all in my but and the right parts of my back so perfectly , I just canā€™t get that feel with conventional, and with my injury , conventional actually causes me unhealthy levels of discomfort at this point.


Yeah for sure being injured is the only exception for only sumo pulling imo


Link me some death metal power lifters, I need some motivation and metal.


I hate when people complain about their training in every post.


Surprised I even made it to the gym today bc these 42 muscles are severely injured. Either you're not hurt that bad or you need to go get fixed instead of pushing with no progress


Or every week it's a new problem holding them back on squat, bench and/or dead


The Asian Ivy League College Student - Sub 1000lb total, $200+ squat shoes/Inzer Belt/SBD Knee sleeves despite squatting 300lbs, needs to put a yoga mat on the bench and wears a belt/mark bell wrist wraps/Strong elbow sleeves to bench 135, needlessly complicated reverse undulating FOR conjugate program that they explain every post, excuse why their bench is stalling, Makes fun of the guys who are bigger and stronger than them for doing curls, pictures of Ramen, and a Princeton or UPenn gym bag. Edit Also extreme ROM on squats, 2 inch ROM on bench, glasses, membership at 4 different gyms, needs to video every lift and hyperanalyze slight variations in technique, USAPL sweatshirt in 80 degree weather so everyone knows you lift, pictures of sushi.


You mad?


So Alexander Kang?


Was waiting to see his name in here lol




That was an excellent gif


It's so fucking stupid, but it gives me a solid chuckle each time I look at it.


How it feels when your knees start shaking during a deadlift and it starts hitching and you panic about red lights mid-lift




>uses Duffalo bar to boards to bench a lot Say what now?


not even a joke. I don't understand it either


This made me think of a guy I met who trains conjugate, Westside shirts, Westside stickers "I don't think someone's strength is impressive if they're on steroids" Fucking WHAT




why do you have to hurt me like this


this is my ex to a T HAHAHAHAHA


I'm dead


I havenā€™t seen anyone comment about this, but IG lifters that always write a novel and a half on what happened each rep for each set on each post, then have a shitload of hashtags that want them to be seen as ā€œv cuteā€ or ā€œLUL WILKS XDā€... Also, Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™m that Asian guy but with a shit wilks. Lmao


This thread has me cracking up.


I fit several of the stereotypes mentioned about the Asian people but Iā€™m 5ā€™5ā€ hope thatā€™s okay coach!


What about the guy who has mediocre lifts and buys a ton of fake followers and uses a bot to follow and unfollow people to get more real followers?


so you're finally coming clean about your instagram habits


Man if I was going to ever buy followers of buy a helluva lot more than what I have haha


that's what you say now but what if you actually only buy a small number of followers just to throw us off! i'm on to you, buddy....


LOL that like cheating on monopoly by stealing a couple ones from the bank haha


every bit helps and no body watches the small bills ;)


Ooo imma have to watch you if we ever play boardgames


if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying


Did you play O line in football? I knew some dirty holding o lineman I went up against that would say that. Haha


I'm not implying that I was, but I would hold the shit out of you


Wait the rest of you guys don't do This?


I'm still shocked people pay for insta followers.


Everyone i know who squats less than double bw but has 10k subs




The Phantom - the random guy who follows you despite you having zero posts, trains for powerlifting and swears he's gonna compete soon.


The junior one kills me!!! Coming from a bodybuilding background idk how they don't wanna at least look like they lift. Gym shark crew checking in


The USAPL Headband Lifter: Puts more thought into their outfit than understanding the reasoning for their "coach" putting in certain exercises. Complains about "poverty bench" but literally trains no prime movers for the bench. Buys every lifestyle slogan gear they can find. Talks about how hard it is to be a competitive lifter while living at home with mom and dad, going to school a couple days a week, and not working a full time job. Constantly complains about non-natty lifters because cheating. Jumps from program to program because science.


Is...is this one me?


Old man Brandon Campbell lol


Do we know know the same guy


The HamburgerTrain - He'd be a borderline alcoholic if he believed in moderation. He can't tell the difference between his actual informed opinions on things and his deliberate monkey-shit-fight-at-the-zoo instigating smarmy posts. Even his compliments leave you feeling terrible about yourself. He is most likely recovering from a new surgery and sobs violently with every keystroke.


Seeing his posts curse your upcoming workout. Youā€™ll either fail your warmups or get injured during your next session. Try to avoid direct eye contact


There is true hate in this comment lmao


Is there an extremely average category? Because thats def me.


The deviate from program daily. Max out on non comp specific lifts to "feel in control of the weight" and "build confidence" while saying rpe 8 with seriousness. Roll in the Instagram likes. Get injured. Disappear.


The PR master: Everything is a PR. Pulled 500? Well it was fasted on a Monday only at rpe6.13 so that's a new "no food no fucking clue" pr. Benched 160? Yeah but I held my breath for sixteen seconds during the lift and didn't take a shit today so it's a new "held breath no shit" pr. Pull 135? Well I didn't get laid today or yesterday or the past 18 years of my life so this is a "no nut" pr.


>didn't take a shit today so it's a new "held breath no shit" pr TIL I hit a new PR every time I squat.




Bust out those calipers to see just how narrow that bench grip really is. 340.6mm grip width bench pr


I think Mark Bell caused that. He has some rants on how everything can be a PR...


For motivational purposes I agree on the prospect of taking a bad day and making it better by finding a thing you've never done and doing it, thereby technically setting a pr in whatever it is. I am all for salvaging a shit session. However I think it's silly at the same time because you get lifters who blow this out of proportion and do it every workout instead of how it's intended to be. See: Bart Kwan.


maybe every session is a shit session that they need to salvage lol


I never watch Bart Kwan. Read some stuff by people who went to the gym and how they were being treated kinda shit and just thought, fuck him, lmao




You forgot beltless volume pr, no arch pr, conventional pr, Deficit, beltless hookgrip conventional pr. Ive actually seen that last one before did i mention im 16 and 59.4kg bw


Sounds like one of my friends


You have no idea how hard you're triggering me right now, ahhhhh. There are lifters I respect that are way stronger than I'll ever be that I won't follow for a million dollars because I don't want to hear about their bodyweight high bar unwrapped 4 rep squat PR every other Tuesday.


The best is chalkless PR, chalk doesn't add lbs to your lift hahaha




Imagine what powdered orals could do for your grip strength by that standard !


The novice with a 200 Wilks who posts every single set thanking God and their coach. I think that I've posted 5 or 6 lifting-related Instagrams ever, which is appropriate for someone with my sub-400 Wilks.


All I use my Instagram for is posting lifting videos. Mainly because all I use Instagram for is looking at lifting videos.


wait till you discover bootypages my friend


>The novice with a 200 Wilks who posts every single set thanking God and their coach. I know one of these guys, he's got the biggest ego I've ever seen and he talked shit about me pulling sumo every chance he got. These guys exist and you just gotta laugh and move on


You have to pull conventional 10lbs above his PR and tag it as #RPE7 #assistancework.


My conventional is 155lbs heavier than his 220 pull and I never train it. Its not like Im itching to prove him wrong lol


surely no one who is actually trying exists with a 200 wilks


Well he benches 135x2, which is a big deal btw, because he'll tell you about his 135x2 bench if you so much as notice that his arms are bigger than 13", which he'll also tell you because "it was hard work man you dont get it your genetics are better than mine". All that while he's downing his 4th protein shake of the day to "keep the muscle protein ~~synthos~~ ~~sinthesos~~ ~~synteshis~~ thing up bro" Also "hurr durr pull sumo eat butt" That meme died a long time ago


Holy shit i would never stop farting if i drank 4 shakes a day. He must be terrible to be around


Mhm, I avoid him, especially in the gym. Dont need that shit in my life


I mostly post lifting videos but I also don't do anything else and typically make fun of myself


Where does "teehee I can't count and accidentally hit this totally accidental impressive rep PR!! I'm such a disaster" or women referring to themselves as potatoes fit?


The girls who have "Chunky yet Funky" in their bio... pls stop


Do they realize they're quoting a drag queen?


DEAD AGAIN hahahaha


omg vom. People actually say this?




Long posts about how she learned to "embrace her curves" and going on about how fat she [thinks she] is but that's okay because powerlifting taught her to accept her body. Is 5'3 and 115 lbs


Bonus points for posting a picture sitting down with a 4-pack next to a picture standing straight with a 6-pack and a caption about how hard it was to post "an unflattering, unedited photo" but how committed she was to letting her 138 followers see "the real her."


THIS is the post that made me lulz! Take my upvote, friend.


Lmao too much truth


Omg the instagram preachers. Not every post needs to be an abstract, intro, data, discussion and conclusion about why you love yourself


Like that's the crap I tell my therapist, not my unsuspecting IG followers only there to see #peachgang lol Also sure to be followed by a post about how they have "anxiety" but not like the kind you need medicine for


> "anxiety" but not like the kind you need medicine for " I was depressed but then I had some food so I'm not depressed, guys just be happy and it'll happen" No that was hunger you described hunger, and no that isn't how mental illness works.


PMSL man šŸ˜‚


> "anxiety" but not like the kind you need medicine for dead again


i was just going through a profile like this last night... except she's like 5'8" and 166lbs. multiple posts like it. pretty pics tho


An acquaintance of mine kind of inspired this and I'm 99% sure you just described her profile. hahaha.


I'm done LOL


3 posts later... "thinking of going down a weight class to be more competitive"


This is me... But then I learned I like food too much and now it's a recomp.


fuck me...... the cringe


I for one do not appreciate the bad reputation that has been given of late to the noble potato.


Idk why potatos ae getting shoved into this bracket of lifters. Potatoes are a gold gift from the earth


*Yukon gold gift


What about those who come to gym in packs, only hang around the bench and even when they try to do something else you notice a horrible technique and posture? They usually have sneakers which almost look like semi high heels plus their thin calves.


These are gym bros, not powerlifters. Or are we all gym bros with an ego?


[we made a sport out of going to the gym.](https://images.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fi0.kym-cdn.com%2Fentries%2Ficons%2Fmobile%2F000%2F023%2F397%2FC-658VsXoAo3ovC.jpg&f=1)


No, as far as I'm concerned, powerlifters (not gym bros) are one of the most humble people I know. Always ready to help and give an advice with a true love and passion for that sport. I can tell even for myself, that it's a true ego check. No matter how much I lift and progress and can even start thinking "oh, I am way stronger than an average female who doesn't lift" it's just enough that I see some other dude lifting twice than I'll probably even be able to for warming up (I'm a woman, it's natural), so that kinda puts my mind in a perspective.


This is true, on the other hand most of us hold the so called gym bros in disregard. I'm not proud of it, but it happens to me sometimes. Or am i the only asshole?


Lol, no, you're not.


Do you mean squat shoes? And also canā€™t hate on a manā€™s calves, weā€™re trying our best!


Yup, those (personally I lift in socks or converse, but that's not the discussion now). It's not that I hate man's calves, I just dislike when the dude is only doing bench and bicep curls. In other words, when he never even attempted to do a leg day, because - ego.


The excited newbie - posts every training session, every week is a PB, has an online coach, considering becoming a coach too.




Can we add referring to themselves as a warrior or mentioning samurai to this as well


There's no weight classes on the battlefield, bro!


No warm ups in the jungle!


You're forgetting the supposedly woke feminist female lifter who shits on fit chicks but just so happens to include the weekly thong shot and calls out any dude who comments on it


That Swedish chick with a large following is the worst at this. Takes the piss out of IG fit chicks then does the same and talks about empowerment.


Marlinde Gras?




Whoā€™s this?


Says Pioneer Fit is a company that promotes sexual violence because they posted a picture of a belt that said ā€œGrab America By The Pussyā€


I thought that was pretty gross and classless and I'm glad they removed the post... but I didn't toss my Pioneer belt in the trash because of it.


I cringed hard but figured someone was going to a belt like that sooner rather than later.


I agree, but itā€™s as they said, they didnā€™t come up with the idea. Customer created the design themselves, so they made it. I donā€™t think they shouldā€™ve posted it, but theyā€™ve posted other belts with some less than classy themes before.


Fuck. Yes. Krissy Mae comes to mind immediately.


I like DNDL, but KMC has a lot of things I am...leery about, to put it mildly. (see: plagiarism)


I do appreciate and respect her openness about her addiction and willingness to help those struggling. I also appreciate her outreach to the LGBTQ community, but her hate on thirst shots only to post a ton herself, her constant attempts at bragging about her starting her own companies, it comes off like every time she talks about someone she says something to the effect of ā€œthey work for meā€ instead of just talking about the person.


Yeah, agreed entirely.


OMG this....




Who is this about, i saw Kissmyarch talking about it as well


https://www.instagram.com/charity_witt/ I think, correct me if /u/ostrich-scalp


I need this answer to replenish my salt levels


LET THE SALT RISE who is this? (Actually I can think of a handful lol)


Sounds like Ilyssa to me...


No it's not her.


All that I know is we'll see the mushroom cloud from the roasting.


Tell us more lol...


The Kirk - uses his/her strength as justification for being an absolute cunt, and is proud of it. Feels more entitled to equipment than other gym goers. May or may not use phrases like "5 minutes".


When people refer to equipment as "theirs"


Subcategory of The Kirk is people who post on IG about how they have a pet peeve of other gym goers walking in front of their camera as if all activity must stop for their set.


This is the WORST. How dare you walk freely through a space you pay to use!!!!


The passive aggressive *eyeroll* comments make me cringe


Iā€™ve seen a couple of videos that got ā€˜aggressive aggressiveā€™ and made me want to vomit. Confronting someone for walking in front of your camera like itā€™s a fucking home invasion...good fucking lord.




Guilty as charged.


Or the fuck who isn't strong and gets gassed on a set of 8 and rests for 5 minutes despite the fact " they do cardio and run alot"