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5'10" Chinese so typically we're smaller. I'm about 200lbs now, only because I'm prepping for a surgery so I want some extra weight. It's been difficult pushing myself to eat more TBH. I'm comfortable around 185lbs, so short term, 83kg, long term, try to get myself to 93kg comfortably.


I'm 5'11" and the highest I'm legally allowed to get is 197. I say this because I'm in the US Coast Guard and their weight standards require me to either be 197lbs or below a 27.5 bmi.... Link:bootcamp4me.com/coast-guard-weight-standards/


Right now I'm 81ish kg at 5'9", haven't done a meet yet. About 22% bodyfat. Cutting right down to low teens then slow bulk until I can't look at myself without crying. I'd like to compete at 93kg leanish, and would happily get super fluffy and compete at 105 (or even 120 if my body will allow it natty) if it means doing well enough to justify losing my ability to move well.


Ill do anything for a 2000 total. I dont care what weight class but ATM Im 242 110 kg with 1600 total.


I'm 5'11" but don't have a heavy bone structure. I wouldn't be willing to go above 105.


I'm 5'9 and walk around at 235lbs (a little over 105kg) and cut the week out to 105. I started powerlifting at like 90kg. I originally did not want to gain any weight, but once my squat starting inching closer to 227.5/500 I just said screw it, along with life happening and my work being so busy that I was always eating on the go. I have now hit 272.5/600 on squat and am looking to try to get back to 93 and work at hitting 600 there even though I know it'll take some time.


Man you must be jacked.


BRO NO LOL I AM A FREAKING [PUFFBALL](https://www.instagram.com/p/BfUIzwhDEb_/?taken-by=skwats4jesus)


Started out in 275 class after having to cut weight several times and doing poorly I stuck to 308 and did a hell of a lot better lol. Currently trying to eat my way to SHW bw is around 298 right now and I'm 6'2"-6'3"ish would like to be 325 bw.


SHW since that's where I'm at. I've been 300+ since I was 15 with the exception of a few years in my 20's where I was down around 275. Currently around 375 at 6'5". Long term I'd like to be a lighter shw,maybe 308. Have to stop being lazy,and clean up my diet for that to happen.


Aesthetics matter to me a lot so I’d probably top out at 220 or so? I’m 5’11”, so that should be enough to hit my lift goals. I’m not trying to be the strongest or whatever, so that matters I guess.


5'9, and weight classes have gone : 74kg -> 83kg ->93kg -> 83kg (heavy water cuts) ->93 kg . Wilks is still going up and I have never been lean at any of those classes. BF% probably 15% at lightest bodyweight and around 20-25% now . Long term I can see 105's but that's a good 3-4 years off. As long as I can do a 3XBW deadlift in a weight class then I'm happy :P


I'm 5'10" and competing in the 162lb class. I'm planning to fill out the 183lb class after my next meet in a month though. I probably won't go higher than that tbh. I've always been self-conscious of being fat, and too scared to move up a weight class.


5'4", currently trying to fill out 67.5 while staying reasonably lean. The gainz have been sloooow so it's hard to imagine getting bigger than that, though I guess I would if I could stay lean.


Also 5’4”, also competed at 60kg but am now trying to fill out 67.5kg for my next meet in August. At 60kg, I was at around 20% body fat and almost felt too lean. It’ll be interesting to see how this bulk goes.


Haha are you me? I was at the same body fat % at 60 (got a DEXA scan) and definitely felt like it was too lean for me.


Have you done a DEXA scan since you’ve gone up in weight? I’m curious to see how much my BF% will go up by the time I compete in August.


Yes, info in this post: https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/7ta1y3/program_review_jacked_street/ But it was after a pretty serious winter bulk and I've since trimmed down some excess fat. I completely lost my abs in that bulk and now they're visible again and I'm gaining more slowly.


Great write-up! I'm finally getting off a dirty bulk (don't even have winter to blame). I'm planning on just cooking more instead of eating out so much, and training more consistently and seeing how that goes.


I'm 5"9 currently 83.5~ kg and about 19.5% bf... Highest I'd be willing to go is maybe 198. Been PL'ing for almost 2 years. I used to be a gigantic fatty before I started lifting about 10 years ago. Was 290lb when I graduated HS. Over the past year I've allowed myself to gain roughly 15-18 lbs and it's been very hard, mentally. I put on weight easily otherwise. Currently trying to cut down to around 12-15% bf then I'll slow bulk back up to 183 and compete there for a bit and slowly move up as needed.


Probably 275. I'm about 255 at 6' right now, and I'm small ish at that size. I was emaciated at 240, 220 I look sickly. I have large bone structure I guess. My sleep goes to shit above 260, but fuck it. Live fat, die young, bad girls do it well.




I have competed from 229 to 297. Being skinny sucks just as bad as being fat.


5'5" and compete in 74kg/163lbs. Currently weigh between 162-166lbs. Might go up to 83kg once I lean out enough in 74kg. Still around 15% body fat.


5'9", ideally a filled out 93er. Currently cutting back down to 74 from 83 for a raw nats qualifier.


First meet was at 66 kgs (high school) my last comp was in the 93 kgs but I walk around 87. Once I'm done with the military and don't have to worry about running I plan on moving up to the 105's. Currently 5'9.


5’10” currently 275. Willing to go to 308+, but if I do that now I will be too fat. Trying to lean out at 275 and put up a big total before I consider 300+. If I can do it without my deadlift suffering much it will be super worth it.


I'm looking to compete in USPA, and when I looked up what records there are for my state there's a girl with my exact name in the exact weightclass and age I'm trying to compete in. Not only that, but my numbers are higher than hers and she took the state records in all 3 lifts and total, so before I move up I'm planning on taking her ranks lol. I'm a 52 KG but I would go up to 57 later.


6'2'' last competed at 103 kg for the 105/231 class, on a slow cut (~100/220.5 this morning) to 90/198 for a meet in July because I wanna look hot at my wedding in August. IDK if I'll actually make it there as I'm cutting way less aggressively than I did last time and I've never done a real water cut. But in some distant future I'd like to be a lean 105/231. I used to be a fat tragedy person north of 250 lb so looking and feeling soft and shitty is not something I'm really interested in, and I'm ok with being a very medium powerlifter as a consequence TBH. Big problems from then: getting tired throughout the day, winded going up stairs (like vision would constrict a little), couldn't do sports of any kind. I know I'd be a very different 250 these days if I did that again but still, not really my goal. Also I would like to have abs at some point even if it's just for a day or two. Never had them before. I have a long way to go getting to being lean and looking like I lift. I know it's an extreme comparison but Arnold is about my height and I think was something like 110kg when competing in BB and actually looked like he lifted. So I want to be bigger and leaner.


I have weight goals I would like to hit so Im eating at a surplus and don't plan to stop until I reach those goals. I weigh 87kg at 177 cm, so I will go up to 103 eventually.


If it would guarantee me to hit my goals I'd go 120+ tomorrow


I'm 5'9", currently competing at 198 but started at 181. I'd actually like to get back down to a lighter 198, but the heaviest I'd be willing opto get for health sake is ~215.


80 kg currently, but would probably go all the way to 105kg


5'10'' 181 186 at heaviest so far, but I walk around much more comfy at 175. Small frame and dainty joints. Whatcha gonna do?


I'm 5'10 1/2 and walk around at 217. The 220 class is perfect for me because I can stay mildly aesthetic and still enjoy good beer without worrying about weight gain. . I'm pretty sure I would be just as strong at 198, but I am not competitive enough to give up beer and eating out. After all, it's just a hobby. As far as jumping up a weight class, I would only consider that if it meant those extra 20 pounds were going to allow me to break some kind of record. You have to be some kind of freak to walk around at my height and weigh 242 and not be fat.


I would really like to get up to 105kg but I can't see me gaining that much muscle mass naturally as I wan't to stay lean. Will try to get shredded at 95kg and compete u90kg class


Im 5'10, usually 86kg lean, 82.5 for comps. Im only willing to gain weight that is muscle, so Id probably look to end up competing at a lean 90kg while I stay natty.


6'3" and 120kg/125kg max, above just feels terrible for me. Seems lots of guys my height are either sub 240 or 275+ on here. I like to play basketball and that shit feels terrible at heavier bodyweights


I wouldn't go higher than 120kg at 195cm.


What about us smoler athletes here? 5'4 (1.65m) and 77kg here. Slowly making my way to the 83kg. 74kg would be foine but haven't quite filled up my frame yet. Up to 93kg? Trenbologne sandwiches?


I'm in the process of filling out 148. I think the heaviest I can imagine myself going is 165, I'd like to not have to throw out my whole wardrobe in addition to not having to eat quite that much. Since I started bulking from 132, eating has gotten pretty easy. 5'5" here.


I’m such a skinny newbie I don’t need to be thinking about this question but I already thought about this a lot. Looks like most women my height compete around 67 kg (I’m 162 cm) so I want to get at least that big. I can imagine getting into the low 70’s eventually but past that would be outside of my ideal body composition.


At 6 foot I wanna say fuck it and go on Brandon Allen’s level eventually and be a 308, I walk around at 255 right now , then cut down to be a cut Larry wheels at 275


At a very limby 5'10, to hit the numbers I want to hit I know I'll have to be a 275 or 308. If you look at a guy like Joe Sullivan, who will go down as one of the greatest of all time, he's 5'5 or so and I believe has cut to 242 from 250ish. The punchline? Was 183 this morning. Errrr....yeah.


Had a 555 DL and 450 Squat at 5 foot 10, 265 pounds. Weigh 215 now, and I struggle with a 3 plate DL and 2 plate squat, but I can also run 8 miles. Feelings are pretty mixed, but I enjoy the broader athletic skillset.


That's a very drastic strength loss. I imagine that there are other things that have changed besides just your bodyweight?


It is, isn’t it? I’ve been doing a lot of relatively long distance running, which has cut quite a bit of time and focus out of the gym. I’ve been trying to find a better balance recently.


I'm so torn about this issue. I'm at 184# and 5'10" but I've been packing on muscle while losing fat nicely for the last year. Navy Method says I'm at 16% body fat. Right now all I care about is the three lifts and getting bigger. I'll start by filling out 198 and would be open to 220 if the conditions were right. 242 seems impossible but if I'm legit strong by then I might do it. But always in the back of my mind I feel kinda fat sometimes and in a moment of weakness I will thinking about cutting.


I'm 178cm. Going for 93kg weight by the end of the year. No plan to move into 105s. I don't feel comfortable being that heavy. Probably end up hovering around 95 going back to my mini cut mini bulk routine.


I'm 5'10" and compete at 220 lbs., I'm walking around at 230ish right now, the thing is if I get up to 235ish I become too bloated and constantly feel uncomfortable, as of right now. I'm able to get a little heavier every time I bulk up while being leaner than I ever have been at what ever weight I get to. Over time I can see myself getting up to 250 lbs. at the heaviest.


Holy fuck I'm new to powerlifting and have never been to a meet (I'm 16 and have been lifting for like 2 months.) i am an inch shorter and I weigh about 68kg (~150lbs.) I can definitely move up to the next class but I doubt I'll ever get up above 200 because I run Cross Country. My goal is mostly to stay super lean so I can get a really solid physique but still be actually strong. I would love for all of my lifts to be at least 2x and maybe even 3x BW if possible.


Currently 91kg/200lbs and 6’0, heaviest I’d ever compete is 93kg/205lbs. Biggest reason is body fat percentage. I’m exactly as lean as I want to be, right around 10-12%. I would never be happy with myself at a higher percentage and I’m near my genetic potential for muscle mass while staying lean. I also run and swim seriously and while I’ll probably never be a sub 3 hour marathoner at 200lbs, I can still run a solid pace on anything up to half marathon distance, which allows me to run whenever and however much I want. Swimming is less effected by bodyweight so I can still be competitive at 200 but lighter is always better. For my general lifestyle I would never be happy being heavier and the limits it would place on me everywhere aside from lifting.


I'm in the 72 kg and walk around between 70-73. As a 5'5+" woman, I have no desire to get heavier. If anything, I wish I could get down to 63 kg, but that would involve losing some muscle since my lean body mass is 118 lbs (53+ kg). I could probably do a cut to that weight for a bodybuilding/figure competition, but I can't imagine actually lifting serious weight at that class as I'd be like 15% bodyfat. I'd rather be at a healthy weight/bodyfat percentage than lift an extra few kgs. I gained some weight last winter and ended up at 75 kg and I didn't like how I looked OR felt. Down to 70 now and feeling much better, but would like to lose another 1-2 kg for esthetic reasons.


I feel like there’s this huge shift happening in powerlifting with everyone more focused on proper nutrition and their health.


I'm 5'4". When I started powerlifting it was the Elitefts SHW multiply era, so I figured bigger is better and tried so hard to hit 200lbs. I was drinking olive oil cut with orange juice in the morning to get an easy extra 600calories because food alone wasn't getting me there. Highest I got was 196. After a couple years I got sick and ended up around 180. So I competed there for several years. Then last year I was floating around 175 and realized I still had a good amount of bodyfat so I decided to test out how cutting to 163 would work. I noticed I would recover better and felt stronger as I lost weight. Currently my best total ever is at 159. But I sit around 170 now.


The only day I'm not a SHW is comp day.


M 6’6 245 currently, I think 275 at around 15% is as far as I’d go and still be comfortable in day to day life.


Im willing to go up to 220 theoretically. Aimong to compete in 198 first. Maybe in a few years. Aesthetics still matter to me


I am happy hovering around 100kg/105kg at 175cm. I am no where near what I could total at this weight with more work. I just need to swap out more of that none functional mass for muscle. Really, if I did go up a weight class, I would need to push my goals up too.


I'm 6'2" walking around at 115kg. I'm trying to keep it down for one more meet at 110, and then I think I'm going to go into the 125kg territory. Long-term, I think I'd like to try to get to 140 with quality mass while I'm still young(ish).


Currently 5'7.5" and compete 83kg, walk around at 190-193ish, would move to 93 once my bodyfat is under better control. I'd already be recomping, but my last collegiate meet is in 1 week and 4 days


will probably inch into the low 120s eventually


Currently 5’6”, walking around at 220-240...wouldn’t mind ballooning to 275-308 to move some bigass weights with the big boys. Goals would be a 2600+ multi-ply total (1000,800, 800) or some regional/national strongman titles


5'10 checking in. I'm 217. I compete in the 220's which is a perfect weight class because it allows me to still remain somewhat aesthetic and still have meat on the bones. I really couldn't justify moving up any more then I already am unless being heavier was the answer to maybe breaking some kind of record. By no means am I even close to record numbers so 220 is perfect. Even at 217 I feel fat lol.


I'm 5'9 and I'm willing to go up to around 230 lbs. I started at 130 lbs and have a pretty small frame and naturally low appetite so It's pretty challenging for me to be over 200 while staying lean. I've bulked to around 220 before but I was easily over 25% bf and not very strong for that weight class. I'm currently 190lbs and will do one last meet at this year at 183 and hopefully hit a 1500 total to lock in 450 wilks. Then starting this December I'll be bulking to 220 for about a year and will stay at that weight for a while to recomp.


I stared competing at 198, dropped down to 181 for a few years and now I’m hovering around 230. I am the strongest I have ever been. At 5’10 myself, my girlfriend and my family all fear for my future health. By weight alone my doctor called me morbidly obese and my family does have a bad history with heart disease and diabetes. I don’t want to fall down that hole but my numbers just keep going up as I get bigger. At 180 I was barely pressing 250 and squatting over 400. At 198 I was doing around the same numbers but i was just beginning so I try to move past that. But at 230 I hit 350 on the bench and am pushing 550 squat and dead. I know it’s barely enough to place but I don’t want to lose my strength.


What's your bf? Obesity is about fat.


I'm 5'4 currently at 83kg. Most of be willing to go is around 92kg. Since I'm kind of short fat tends to affect my image more. So honestly If it were muscle mass that moved me up to the 92kg then I wouldn't mind.


So I'm like 5'5 and some change. Competed at 148, 165, 181 and this next meet at 198. Sitting around 192 and likd 23% BF. After this meet and hopefully a 1450 total I'm cutting back down to like 175. I'm in the Air Force and being this heavy running sucks and my cholesterol is a little high. Partially I can clean that up with diet but I like being a little leaner


Im 197cm tall so I dont think i could ever leave +120kg and still have any strength.


Im 195 and currently 115, you assure me my way is right to just continue to slowly gain weight andnlift. Maybe one day I’ll be strong.


I was willing to get up to 335-345lbs...I was unable to do so w/o compromising my quality of life more than I was willing to endure.


Honestly? It'd be in my current class of 308lbs. I started as a 198er in high school, but now I normally ride the bottom of the class around 280lbs so there's ~25lbs to play with but I feel like absolute shit around 300 so I think if I could max out at a solid 305, I'd be good. I'm 6'1" if it helps to visualize.


I'm 5'7 170ish rn. I compete -84kg and can't make it north of 79k. If I thought I could be a super jacked not very fat shw I'd do it but in my case I figure one thing at a time.


I've gone twice at 120. It's simply too heavy for me at 5'10". Currently cutting down to 105.


My goals are to get strong and be healthy, so I wouldn't be willing to go up any weight just for the strength part as I'd be worried about that affecting my health.


6'. I'd like to be somewhere between 240-250 at maybe 15-18% BF?


Probably 93kg/205lbs. I'm about 176cm/5'8. Don't expect to be able to get a lot bigger without getting fat. Maybe 105kg/230lbs actually. But that's gonna take a loooong time. Currently around 75kg/165lbs.


I'm 5'1" and in 60kg class right now. I still have a high bf%, but eventually I would like to move up to the 67kg class. Right now that class is way beyond my level.


6'1 180. I will gain weight for a indefinite amount of time. I know that less than 220 is too little. I will just stfu and eat now...


This is really making me think I should forgo the idea of cutting. I currently feel like I’m carrying too much body fat at 206lbs at 6ft1, and my thinking was to get my fat lower to bulk in a more controlled way as I heard the partitioning of muscle to fat as you bulk is better when you’re at a lower bf%. My issue is I’ve spent most of my life being obese and I’m in shape for the first time in my life. So I really don’t want to just get big for the sake of being big. That said, competing in the 105kg class seems to more appealing the more I think about it. And then at the same time when I film my sets I think I look skinny.


I'm definitely more for the long, slow bulk. I tried to go too fast and just got fat. Now I'm whittling away the fat to a certain point then flipping it back around


I'm 5'10" 180lbs currently, I don't think I would ever want to be over 200 again, even if it was mostly muscle, I used to bounce between 220-240 when I was fat and mentally I just don't even want to be in the 200s again.


I'm 6ft so I realize i cant be competitive unless I reach 275. I'm at 240 rn but starting to pack on a bit too much fat. Sadly I don't think i'll ever reach a decent 275 without roids so I think i'll focus on maximizing my strength at 242.


93kg (205lbs) at 5'9.


I'm 5'6.5 and am upper 170s. I'm in the 20s bodyfat and would prefer to be ~15 bodyfat. I'd probably weigh upper 160s if I did.


Slowly trying to work my way up from 190 after some digestive issues tanked my bodyweight from just over 200. I'm trying to get to 220 @ 5'11-ish. If I get there and I'm not super doughy, 242 tops- and I'd be gaining into the meet. I'd have a very hard time eating enough to get any higher than that without constantly puking.


I'm seemingly out of the norm here. But at 173cm (5'8") the 83kg class is probably the heaviest I'd go to. I only weigh around 72kg at the moment and people always assume I'm like 80kg already. Just how I'm built I guess. Plus I like being able to run still without feeling like dogshit.


If I’m the strongest 120+ in the world so be it but I wish I could stay in 93/105, probably not gonna happen since when I get down to that weight I don’t feel I’ve filled out my frame


5'9; I think I could go for > 90kg (I'm currently in > 75kg), but only once I "fall" from the category. nowadays I'm in the low 20s regarding bf%, so lots of work to do before even thinking about changing categories.


Whatever class I happen to fit into at the time (without carrying excess bf). I originally wanted to compete in 72kg when I started, but with gaining muscle over the course of my training, I'd need to be super lean to compete in that class and there's no way I'd be able to stay there if I kept gaining. I sit at about 80kg now, 5'5, and for now I have some room to recomp and a good 4kg above me before I'd need to move up a class. I'll be staying in 84kg for a while but if I ever gained enough muscle to have to be an 84kg+ then so be it. Unlikely, but I'm happy to be heavy provided I'm not fat. :)


I weigh 80kg, just gonna jump on tren and stay in the same weight class then the time comes lol


I am 5'11, compete at 120kg normally, and sometimes as an ultra light 120+. The issue with the IPF is I can't be competitive as a 120+ unless I fully commit to being a solid 350lbs


So long as I dont just get fat I'd be willing to mass up to the 60kgs. Im pretty set on being able to hit a 1k total moving back up to the 56s though because Im doubtful I'll get it while im in the 52s


Jesus these all make me feel insane! I’m 5’5”, competing 130lbs, going up to 145 after my next meet. So maybe 163? Maybe. I’m also 21 though.


I started at 165 went down to 148 and now I'm a 198 at 5'5. Mind you im at like 20%ish BF. I love the strength but I have elevated cholesterol (i eat way too much rice and fried food).


See I can’t even imagine that. Like, if I eat normally I sit around 135. I can imagine being 145, let alone 198.


Right now I'm 190-192 but i had the same issue. I didn't put on weight until 2-3 yrs into PLing. I've always put on weight super easy. Though I'm recomping now and going to cut back to 175 for health reasons


It’s hard for me to put on weight, the heaviest I’ve ever been was 141, and that was with a fuckton of salt in me


I've personally have been 205 with water, carbs and sodium. I just didn't like how I felt or looked. My face looked really full and my powerbelly (which I cant seem to lose even when I cut down to 143 at like 12% BF) was way too big. Clothes didnt fit right and my belt barely fit me. Though I'm very lower body dominant so I never look my weight, which is a blessing and a curse


Ahh, yeah I feel big around 140, although I never properly bulk which could be why. I’m upperbody dominant and get asked if I’m 160. Though I’m lean, probably around 14% BF when I cut down to 130


I'm 5'7" on a tall day with new boots. I'm 205 right now and before I die I will compete at 242


220lb. Im 5'6". Currently 205lb ish and cut for the 198s.


I 6'2 and currently weigh about 223(Highest I've been is 238). I've competed 4 times total all off them being in the 232lbs(I compete in my local IPF affiliate) weightclass. The highest I'd ever be willing to go was the 264lbs class with 264 actually being my walking around weight. Reason being is i like to stay lean cause you know I wanna look good. I also just like being able to do other stuff like kayaking and rockclimbing. For the future I'll likely keep competing in the 232 class or maybe a really light 264 till I feel like I can make the jump but with my current total I don't feel like that's necessary as I think I can still get way stronger while staying in the 232 class and again I don't like being fat. Also these might be relevant: https://www.reddit.com/r/weightroom/comments/6itsmj/boris_sheiko_optimal_powerlifting_weight_for/ https://www.strongerbyscience.com/which-weight-class-is-best-for-you/


I'm 5'9 and I think right around 115-120kg will be good. I'd like to squat 325kg raw and 1000lbs+ in multi-ply Probably overly ambitious but w/e


https://i.imgur.com/n2x7mql.gif You can have 20 of my kgs


It's like talking to a mirror. Fuck anyone saying it's over ambitious. 8/5/8 + are my raw goals and my multi goals are equally ambitious


I train mainly for fun, my criterion at the moment is to still be able to see abs in favourable lighting. I'm tall (around 6'4-6'5) and at the moment sitting around 103kg, if I every want to be more competitive I'd bulk up temporarily, but otherwise doubt I'd be able to stay lean at anything too much heavier. It's really shallow, but I never want to be the guy about which bro gym rats say "yeah he's strong, but he doesn't look good". Having said all this, this is only because I don't have ambitious lifting goals, and treat it as much more of a hobby, I fully understand why more competitive people wouldn't care about physique.


Better strong but doesn't look good than the reverse.


5’8” I’d be a light 275 if I could be a truck. But 242 is the ultimate goal. Currently in 198 and might make the jump to 220 this fall. I was a 265lb slob before I started any of this and my first meet was at 165, I’ll let my body dictate where it wants to be until I can get the money to sustain growth and progress at 242ish.


As an SHW I find myself floating around 330, I'm 6'3. 350 is the heaviest I'd feel comfortable getting to and in a few years I really want to cut down and maintain at 300. One of the reasons being that I like to hike and it really fucks my knees and ankles when I do harder trails. Also trying hard to not lose what little physique I have to look athletic, but that's just a personal/vain preference.


I'm just here to downvote people above 6'0" who think 105kgs is heavy.




Well no...Its a powerlifting thing cause, ya know, this is a powerlifting forum. My entire American family doesn't understand why i want to be 264 pounds.


Replace American with powerlifting and the same can be said Beginners really use this hobby as an excuse to be sloppy with their diet and health I really can’t understand people becoming overweight or obese when they can’t even break a 400 wilks I personally would never get fat unless I was in serious contention for an important competition


I mean... it is heavy. I’m 6’3” and 110kg and would ideally like to settle about 105kg. I have done 310/195/270 in the gym and have a 110kg OHP for a double. I don’t see myself getting much bigger than this, and I’m not natty.


I'm 187cm and ~87kg. Reading this thread I feel tiny as fuck...


Can we have pics attached?


I'm 95kg at 5'9.5 and i feel small as hell


You must be fat as hell dude Edit: Damn you’re not. Where the hell do you hold all that weight?


Yeah that's what I was thinking, 95kg is huge for 5'9 but he doesn't look that huge




Look me up on Insta


link please, I don't use instagram


You can google my username


I'm your height and you really don't look like you're 95kg man, do you have a shirtless pic? no homo


At 6'2" and 115kg, I'm a tad husky at my commercial gym, but I still look quite slim when I go to powerlifting meets.


At 5'11" I'm bang on 100kgs and don't find it comfortable. I wouldn't want to go over 105. This is only a hobby for me and feeling healthy is more important.




I'm 5'9" and 78kg and I'm starting to feel obese yet not really "big". Guess I can just bulk till 90kg lol


Shit, I'm 6'0(183cm) and compete under 75 hahah


How bad is it that I'm 6'0" and weigh about 80kgs :/


do you have abs?


Yes, I'm 20, have been powerlifting for about 2 years. My lifts are 275, 375, and 475. All unofficial keep in mind. I'd say I'm at 9-10 percent body fat right now


so why are you unhappy? take it from someone who made a mistake of staying higher bf% just to get higher lifts, girls on the beach dont give a fuck how much you bench.


I still feel like the "skinny" guy and have also fell in love with getting stronger and breaking PRs


tough choice then man, getting bigger and staying lean is tons of work :)


yup just takes a hell of a long time to fill out frame as a tall dude


Pretty normal (perhaps not for a powerlifter). I'm 6' and used to compete around 91 to 92kg. Now down to 76kg, now that I've retired from the sport.


Pretty bad but it could be worse. Remember this is a hobby and personal satisfaction is important otherwise why even bother doing it ?But it's all in your control to do something about it. If this time next year you are still around the same mark the only person you can blame is yourself


not bad. just keeping eating man. i am 6'3" and was 71kg when i started!


Same boat here, started at around 74kgs two years ago. The best thing I ever did for my physique was eat. I was shredded that lean but was far smaller than people who didn't even lift lol


At 6’2 105kg currently I feel skinny, don’t know how some people can think it’s big




Yep, I'm 6'2 and 125kg, and I sometimes feel slim (not really skinny so much), but when I see myself in pictures near normal people I realize I'm pretty huge.


Im 5’10 ~100kg but Im also like 94% bodyfat so take that for whatever it’s worth


I think it depends on how lean you are. If you're 105kg and 10-15% body fat, then you'll still be pretty big.


idk when that 105 is pretty lean that's pretty damn big. I mean my end goal is to be like 240 lean. But walking around at 220 fairly lean 10-12%bf. I'm by far bigger than anybody I run into and constantly get told how much bigger I am than everyone else.


I get the same thing but I’m also highly pudgy. Though after a few years like this it constant surprises me how much weaker they are than you. They almost seem too small


yeah i tend to forget that lots of people can't bench 135


I saw in r/fitness Saturday people congratulating each other over getting to 135. I'm a weak af bencher but even I started around 155. Baffles me that an adult man could struggle with 135 but I figure some people are tiny.


when I first stepped foot into a gym, I think I was struggling to rep about 30 kg bench weighing about 60kg also remember trying to machine preacher curl like 10kg and it would not budge lmao


I started lifting when I was 6'3" and 140lbs. I remember struggling with 85lbs on the bar the first few times I tried to bench. There was a scrawny asian guy that once asked me for a spot when he was benching 135 and to me, that guy was like a god for putting up one plate. Now with almost a 3 plate bench it seems almost comical to think of, but everyone starts somewhere.


This is crazy to me. I do not have much upper body mass and had even less a year ago. I'm trying to imagine what your arms had to look like to struggle with 85.


https://i.imgur.com/dLTrLBe.jpg This progress pic is about a year old at this point, but I was probably around 145-150 in the left pic and 230 on the right. I was an absolute twig when I started out.


How many years between?


Lol a friend asked me how many squats I do in a workout. I told her it depends but if I'm doing high volume maybe ~50 reps spread across 5 or 6 sets. She's like, "That's not very much, how do your legs get so big?". She didn't realize there was even a barbell involved lmao.


Yah people at work will often laugh when I say I do singles. "what you only do one rep... whats the point!?"


I guess that really depends on bf% as well. If you're around 10% you'll be pretty damn big at that weight.


Approaching 20% crew checking in


yeah i'm skinny as shit. I'm 6'3" and still am at sub 16" arms. I am making my journey to 120kg as we speak. We will see if i stop there :).






Misread and thought you were saying 105kg. If you were 6'3" 105kg with 19" arms you'd either be imbalanced as fuck or awfully hungry.


What's he actually saying? That's how i read it as well.


I just scrolled through his post history and saw a recent pic/comment at 244lbs. He's a big boy.


I have a flat stomach and a phat ass. Lower body in general is pretty thicc. I would say I am lacking in upper body lean mass which makes me feel skinny. Trump is also our exact weight and height so clearly there are lots of shapes you can be lol.


Are you by chance american? I'm the same height and around the same weight and seriously do not know anyone heavier than me and most people consider me huge(which I'm not). Thing is though that here in the Netherlands obesity rates are quite low so my perspective is way different compared to someone over in the USA.


Doesn't the Netherlands have one of the tallest average populations? Obesity or not, a bunch of 6'+, sub_100kg dudes is a bad look, fam.


Yeah we do but at 6' or 183cm anything over 84kg is a BMI over 25 which would be overweight and considering that 99.9% of people literally do not lift it's pretty normal. You guys are just to accustomed to fat people that you consider anything under 100kg/220lbs bad when it's totally not, it's actually very normal and healthy. I have one guy at work who is way taller(probably 6'6''/6'7'') than I am also weighs around 105kg and even at that height he's overweight cause like 99.9% of people he doesn't lift(not even some other form of exercise)


I agree that it's normal, Brotholemeu. But the BMI is also a terrible indicator of health in outliers, i.e. muscular people. America has shitloads of fat, worthless sacks of dog shit. But, we also have a bunch of country fed, wide set motherfuckers. My brother in law in Dutch; an amazing, well educated man. He's 6'5", but skinny fat and he doesn't even have physical fitness on his radar. Which I think might be cultural.


Wide set is just polite for fat.


Bmi however is good at comparing populations. The fact that USA has 2/3 of it's population overweight is a big problem, and you can't think it's because you have a bunch of "country fed, wide set motherfuckers".


I tend to get along with other big people for whatever reason so i am actually the smallest of my friend group at 107kg 6'3". the biggest is 145ish and 6'8".


What the actual fuck man that's a squad of Vikings.


I am. I’m enormous compared to 99% of people I see, but then again 99% of people don’t want to move huge weights


Yeah, lifters get unrealistic views of bodies. Most of the people I know don't lift and look small and weak to me. But really they're just normal.


normal is still small and weak.


105kg at 6' for most sports is heavy though. It doesn't make sense from a pure powerlifting point of view, but I think it's quite easy to see why recreational lifters wouldn't want to get that heavy. It's very hard to be able to do that with a low body fat natural.


Im 6'1 and was by FAR much much more athletic at 220lbs. 240 is ok and heavier than that I am a slug.


Man, if I was 6' 0" or taller I would be every bit of 275+


I managed to work up to( 6') at 266 and fuuuuuuuuuck . sleeping and breathing are a bitch


People think it’s so easy to get that big. “Just keep eating bro” and I mean, they aren’t wrong, but fuck at some point if you aren’t taking anything to increase your appetite, the amount of food required to get to and hold on to the 260’s and beyond (assuming teens bodyfat) is just insane. Even with drugs that amount of mass is just uncomfortable to live in. Feels GREAT to lift in though.


Today weight in a 257 this morning and its a night and day difference compared to 266. But your right my maintenance diet right now is 3200 calories a day and eat that remotely clean sucks balls. At least I work from home so its all hot lol.


what about the sweating and snoring as you get bigger too


Sweating ehh always since I was a kid and same with snoring. Just finished up my second sleep study today.


I've been on both spectrums as a skinny 180 dude playing basketball never had issues with either. At my heaviest though sweats got terrible and so did the snoring. Every time I get past a certain point I started snoring. Hopefully you get some good results from the study


Yeah I am getting a CPap, just needed to figure out what pressure to run it at. That was what last night was for. The worst part for me being over 255 is the heart burn. 2lbs under no hear burn 2 lbs over and bam every freaking night . No thanks.


CPap will definitely help, but I hear sleep apnea has to do with neck width as well? That true? I never got heart burn even at my heaviest at 300+ which i will never do again.


20" meh. Measured my forearms yesterday for the first time for the Spud forearm wraps and found out 15.5" .... well then. You really dont notice yourself growing at all. Still feel like Im about the same size when I was early 20s at 220...




https://imgur.com/3rmNNMN Sitting around 255/260 at this photo. Ill have to check to see what I had at 265/267 I have a video of almost bench 500 and incline of 405 on here.

