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Perhaps it's BECAUSE the activation is more complex. Suppose the two-part design allowed for a bit more power/stronger weaponry (the Brachio Staff destroyed giant-sized monsters from the ground, remember), but at the cost of requiring the user to develop a specific motor skill. So Tommy, not knowing in advance who'll end up with the three basic morphers, chose simplicity over that extra bit of power; OTOH for himself, given he's mastered the key-insertion method long before, he went for it. Doesn't hold much water given how fast the Turbo team learned the key-insertion motion, but eh, that's the best I can give.


I don't hate it! The Black Ranger powers were (depending on the episode) shown to be stronger than the core three, though not on the level of the White Ranger (again depending on the episode). On another note though, how trippy do you think it must have been for Tommy Oliver , both a former evil ranger AND a former white ranger to have to fight against an evil white ranger with a dagger like weapon AND a shield?


Because extra rangers usually get a special Morpher different from the main team , and if he wanted to use a different Morpher there's literally nothing stopping him


It’s likely he reconfigured it from his Turbo Morpher


The only problem I have with this as a theory is that the Red Turbo powers (and presumably morpher) were turned over to TJ.


Yeah youre probably right. Maybe he made it similar for the sake of Nostalgia. I dunno I’m just brainstorming here


He's was just feeling a little quirky, that's all.