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When I was a kid, I stopped watching around Wild Force because liking Power Rangers had stopped being "cool". Ironically, Wild Force has since become one of my favorite seasons.


As a child, I slowed down at lightspeed, time force pulled me back in, then I stopped at the end of Wild Force.


I was 5yo when MMPR aired. Saw both movies in theaters. I stuck with it all the way to the ending of “In Space”. Maybe it was the finality of the Space ending (kinda culminating all of what I’d watch up until that point) that made me stop being as invested when Lost Galaxy started. I can’t quite remember anything about Lost Galaxy, although I had the Megazord toy, and I vividly remember the “thumbs up” from the red ranger at the end when he’s in that damaged battleizer suit. Couldn’t tell you what actually happened in that show, so I guess I would count “In Space” as my final series when I stopped keeping up.


I felt similarly, but I'm a little younger than you. I stopped caring because Power Rangers went back on its continuity. Zordon should've destroyed all the evil in the universe. And then suddenly he didnt? I have vague landmarks of the LG series too. After that I got pissed because there was not continuous story elements, something they set up in every other season to this point.


I now have a 5yo, and introduced him to Power Rangers last year. Since a majority of the series are on the PR official YouTube channel, he has no loyalties and will pick up any season and just start watching. But he’ll throw his mom and dad a bone and watch a MMPR here and there since we talk about that the most.


Power Rangers now has set the precident of how their teams work per power set. So isolated teams and powers is expected. But when Lost Galaxy started, it was the first time they did that (and the Karone), and then Lightspeed was the first time that the previous season had nothing to do with the current. That was new


Wild force. After that I became a teenager so I got other interests.


I was a loyal watcher until Jungle Fury. I remember the day it happened too. I woke up one Saturday morning and went, “Actually I don’t want to watch Power Rangers today.” And then I just kinda gave up on it. Guess that’s the point I grew out of it. And then they moved over to ABC family for RPM, so even I I wanted to watch it, I wouldn’t know where to look.


Watched pretty obsessively from MMPR Season 1 up through the end of Zeo... then lost interest early on during Turbo. So I guess Turbo was the "stopping point" season for me. But... I did occasionally catch a few scattered episodes during the years Space, Lost Galaxy, and Lightspeed Rescue were airing but wasn't really actively watching at that point. Was sort of vaguely aware of Time Force but can't remember if I ever actually watched any of it back then. Definitely didn't see any of the seasons after that during their first run. Years later when Operation Overdrive was the most recent season, I stumbled across Dino Thunder reruns and got pretty into that series, and also saw scattered bits of SPD, Mystic Force, and Overdrive here and there. Then I just got too busy with other things and kinda forgot about the series until... around the start of this year, pretty much.


I watched up to Mystic Force. I was entering Jr. High and started hanging out with friends more than watching Saturday TV. I didn’t like how Operation Overseive looked, then I peeked in again when Jungle Fury began airing but the just wasn’t into it anymore.


Dino charge. I watched the first season in ninja steel, but never finished super ninja steel. It wasn’t a bad series, but I just wasn’t that invested in it. Now I just vicariously enjoy the show through Linkara’s history of power rangers videos on YouTube


Dino Charge. It was the best season since RPM.


The only Neo Saban era season that holds up to Disney Era.


I can't stand the suits.


Cosmic Fury


I honestly can’t really even remember. I think it was Dino Thunder.


Like, in terms of new episodes, or do rewatches count? If just new episodes, then Cosmic Fury.


Cosmic Fury is the most recent one I watched. Because it was the most recent one.


Probably Lost Galaxy. Was an ardent fan, but by the time Light speed Rescue came out, I was "aging out" and I didn't originally like the rangers/gimmick changing every season. I kept/keep a passing familiarity with it, but I don't watch full seasons like I used to.


Stop at Power Rangers RPM. Then caught up later in my early 20s with the rest.


Super Megaforce. Up until that point, I kept up regularly with every season of PR since the premier, but that stretch on Nick starting with Samurai is what finally broke me (I get how kids who were young when these seasons aired could have nostalgia for them tho). Aside from the 2017 movie, or bits/pieces I didn't really hop back on the franchise until Dino/Cosmic Fury.




I thought I was done with Power Rangers when Operation Overdrive came out because that was 2 stinker seasons in a row (didn’t really like Mystic Force much either), but I really enjoyed Jungle Fury. And when I could actually watch RPM (since the time slot was so abysmal) I loved it, but I didn’t see too much of it as it was airing sadly. When the MMPR Reversion came out I was kinda checked out and was probably past the age of watching Power Rangers, and then when Samurai came out I hated it and was pretty much done. I think I tuned in to Super Megaforce one time and thought it was incredibly stupid how they morphed twice and was done with the series for good by then. Didn’t watch Power Rangers again until Beast Morphers because the Twitch Marathon made me remember how much I loved the series.


Regular viewing, probably spd.


Mystic force was the last full season I watched


Dino Charge. I never really got into anything afterwards, and by the time I had watched it, I had binged all the rest on Netflix. Currently I’m in the mood for spandex and giant robots so I’m watching the Super Sentai that have not been or will not get adapted for whatever reason.




When I rewatched the series this last year, I was surprised to realize how many seasons I had seen. I grew up watching MMPR reruns during the Zeo season and watched religiously for years. I think the last season I saw in its entirety was Lightspeed Rescue. But I had seen parts of Wild Force, Ninja Storm, Dino Thunder, and SPD. Mystic Force was surprisingly the first season I had never seen or heard of all these years later.




Mystic force I tried to give the others a chance and it was embarrassing to watch I’ll stick the sentáis and the classic season everything after that are hot garbage especially megaforce/SMF


Ninja Steel - Because I felt like this series was way too bad for Power Rangers as a whole and I felt like the Neo-Saban era mostly Ninja Steel was losing the magic and interest, in which made me lost interest in the series. Except for MMPR - RPM. But luckily, it was Dino Fury that reinterested me into Power Rangers despite losing interest after Ninja Steel.


One thing that I learned is that, "if you are losing interest, then your audiences are going to lost interest too". I'm just saying.


Lost Galaxy was the last season I watched as a kid. I remember Lightspeed Rescue came out and for whatever reason it didn't win me over. Maybe I was just going through that phase where you stop watching your favorite kid shows.


Watched them all


I’ll let you know once I get to it. Thirty years in and I still haven’t lost interest.


Honestly, I don’t think that I even made it all the way through Zeo.


Got into ther series watching MMPR reruns when Turbo was new, hen wathced in Space and everything new as religiously as I could.I drifted off during Wild Force and wasn't even phased when it went off FOx (didn't know anything about the Disney buyout back then). 2006 I rediscovered the series and sentai. Started keeping up with the series starting with the tail end of Mystic Force. After Super Megaforce I slowly started drifting away from being interested. I stopped staying current after the first season of Beast Morphers and still havent caught up on anything past that.


Dino Charge and iirc the last episode of Dino Charge i remember watching was when the gold ranger was introduced


I think it was Time Force when I was still watching it on Saturday mornings. I went and watched RPM when the whole season was out just because the premise for it made me go ".....what?". It was definitely worth the binge. Watched some of Samurai but didn't make it to the finale, watched the ending on YouTube.


I still watch them. But I've slowed down. Going to rewatch them to current. My favorite ranger was the OG red ranger. I have never liked Tommy in any form. Just thought he was overrated.


Ooohh man it has been so long I hadn't watched power rangers for a long time since I got older I would probably have to say hmmmmm either Jungle Fury or S.P.D one the other


I stopped halfway through dino charge and then picked it up again with beast Morphers - cosmic fury


I first stopped watching partway through Zeo, because I hated the Machine Empire. Tried Turbo, hated it, didn’t watch most of it. Came back for Space and loved it. Stopped midway through Wild Force, came back for Jungle Fury, because I was impressed by clips of Gekiranger. I’ve gone back and watched most of the original series, but in order to complete it, I have to finish Beast Morphers and ugh…Super Ninja Steel. 🤮


Originally I stopped around Mystic Force. Didn't live up to the standards of SPD in my opinion, but I came back to the franchise in 2013.


I started with Samurai when I was 5, slowed down for Dino Super Charge then only saw a few episodes of Ninja Steel. Since then, I've rewatched Dino Charge and its still brilliant.


I watched up until Mystic Force, but tbh my interest in the franchise had declined massively with Ninja Storm and Dino Thunder kinda brought me back in because of Tommy and the Dinosaur theme but I wasn't as addicted to watching it as I was before. Though SPD brought me back in fully, then when they revealed Mystic Force was going to be magic themed I was so fully turned off that I left the franchise and didn't come back until Dino Fury


As a kid, I stopped after In Space because it felt like a clean breaking point and I had no attachment to the new group. Didn't come back until Ninja Storm.


As a kid I think part way through SPD was when I finally gave up and knew the show wasn't the same anymore. I have seen all of SPD though, I do remember watching Jungle Fury and RPM. I gave all the other seasons a chance after them. I think I've only seen Dino Charge, because I was sick and it was just on TV. I did enjoy Cosmic Fury though, but part of that might have been watching it with my friends. When it ended and we knew this was the end, we were all emotional. That was our childhoods ending.


I watched any reruns especially MMPR but shows that I watched every single week as they released were Light speed- Dino Thunder. Then randomly picked back up with samurai and did a rewatch of everything before LSR.


Childhood? from MMPR to Time Force... Highschool years? Ninja Storm & SPD only... My aging brain can't enjoy anything after SPD... ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


My stop point in childhood was SPD. Tried Mystic Force but never got into it. Picked up watching PR again when I started also watching Sentai around Samurai/Gokaiger. Haven’t stopped since on the PR side, skipped a few Sentais over the years though.


Turbo. It wasn't bad, but I was starting to age out of the series at the time. When the mid-season switch happened, I viewed that as the end for me. I've since picked it back up and really enjoyed the latter half of Turbo though.


I think I stopped at time force cause after that it stopped coming on a tv channel I had. I started back by randomly finding Jungle Fury on tv on sat morning


I turned on the Wold Force premiere, I had forgotten it was on and I was alienated by the jungle stuff, so I turned it off and, being 13 at the time, went and did something else instead. I rediscovered the show mid-Ninja Storm, got a laugh out of Sensei being a guinea pig but then got real into the online fandom and all of that.


Cosmic fury


Power Rangers S.P.D.


As Teenager, my last Season was Lost Galaxy. I don't had the possibilities to watch any other season, so my re-entry came with Dino Thunder. And after Megaforce, my interest was so low, that i stopped watching any other season


As a kid, I don't think I ever watched a single episode of Lightspeed Rescue cuz I kinda hated their designs. Generic body suit, didn't care for the shield-shaped visors. Still don't, honestly. I know, it's heresy to not give Carter Grayson a chance.


SPD was the last season I watched in full. I dropped Mystic Force about five episodes in and would only watch it if there was nothing else.


SPD,at that point I was in high school and other things like hanging out with friends and my shitty part time job took over, but being the “Godzilla guy” in my small little social circle of nerds I fell back into watching/catching up, especially since my wife (she’s as bigger power rangers fan than I am) and I started buying the Shout Factory dvds


Watched from the beginning and around the time In Space started is when I started missing episodes and eventually just stopped altogether...




I was apart of the original gen that started in ‘93, I watched all of that even through season 2 albeit begrudgingly because Jason, Zach and Trini left my favorite rangers. I stopped after MMPR and when I heard Jason came back in Zeo picked it back up, the stopped a little after turbo until the team was replaced which I feel like it was long over due. In Space and Lost Galaxy was amazing and that’s where I stopped.


I stopped after dino charge


Watched MMPR as a kid, and a little bit of Zeo. I didn’t really take to the replacement Rangers as a kid, so I was already petering out during MMPR season 3. Didn’t watch Alien Rangers at all. Then didn’t really get into Zeo because it was just the new Rangers and Tommy. I subsequently decided to watch the entire franchise in my 30’s and was blown away by how interesting and varied are the variations on the basic theme of “henshin heroes with gigantic mechs fighting a monster-of-the-week”.


Aside from the 2017 movie and Once & Always I haven't watched anything PR related that came after RPM.


That's... complicated. I had two older siblings who were prime time MMPR age. So I got into MMPR, with really only seeing a handful of episodes, and stringing a very loose story of how MMPR happened. I learned of Zeo, never watched it. I knew of their helmets (would draw them all the time on MS Paint). I was formative enough to remember getting the Turbo movie as a birthday present. However, we didn't have Basic, so we still didn't get to watch power rangers as it premiered. UNTIL Space aired. Space was my jam, and prime time Power Ranger demographic age. I got quite upset at the thought of Lost Galaxy. Mainly because Zordon's destruction implied no more evil in the universe, yet there was another evil that existed. If they had chosen the Lightspeed Villain discovery motif, then I would've been a little more understanding. I only watched Lost Galaxy because of the obvious tie to the original story. But I only half watched it because I was still annoyed. I say here. But internet and Linkara and Sentai/Gokaiger, and Netflix just kept me on board.


Power Rangers Cosmic Fury I came in late (when the 2017 film hit theaters during Power Rangers Ninja Steel), but I caught up and then kept going.


Time Force. We didn't have cable for a while, and I wasn't about to start watching the Disney Channel.


The Turbo swap was the end of childhood watching. I stuck my head in for the Turtles Crossover I watched the first episode of time force during crash tv and watched the entire series. I came down for something work related and saw Forever Red I watched Tommy get kidnapped during crash tv and watched Dino Thunder starting with the clip show. Watched the first episode of Hyper Force for Jen but watched all 70+ hours. The D&D game succeeded where Super Megafirce failed


I think it was Galaxy after they had the series finale with villains from all previous seasons


End of MMPR Season 2 / The Movie. They got rid of the characters that I liked, the suits that I liked, and the Zords that I liked. MMPR Season One IS Power Rangers to me.