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Dude when I hit 7-8 weeks I hit a wall of exhaustion. I went from working out for 1hr in the am 6 days a week with lots of energy on 8 hrs of sleep, to working out no days a week and sleeping 12 hours on workdays and up to 16 hours on weekends. It also took me an hour to eat breakfast because I had to eat slow so I wouldn’t puke. Nausea was gone by week 12, and now I’m slightly more energetic sleeping 9-10 hrs a night still, but less dependent upon naps now. Hang in there!




This is our life now 😆 Fatigue is what gave away my now second pregnancy. When I felt so exhausted the way I was during my first, I just knew. Haha


Me. I haven’t felt awake since 6W. I’m 8W tmr. Are you on progesterone?


First trimester fatigue is the most exhausted I have ever been in my life. Honestly worse than the newborn stage even for me. I’d literally be ready for a nap within 10 minutes of waking up. It did let up a bit in second trimester though, so there may be hope!


Girl yes!!! Im bout to be 13 weeks and all i wanna do is sleep since i was like 3 weeks pregnant. Yesterday i slept from 11am-10:20pm and its currently 3:25 am and im getting sleepy already 😅


Girl yes!!! Im bout to be 13 weeks and all i wanna do is sleep since i was like 3 weeks pregnant. Yesterday i slept from 11am-10:20pm and its currently 3:25 am and im getting sleepy already 😅


6 weeks and like 3 days and I'm so exhausted all the time. Crazy dreams. Lately my lower back and hips have also been hurting. And as of today I couldn't take a nap because I randomly got super emotional. I'll try again after lunch 🥲


The past two days random bouts of crying have set in for me 🥴 cried to my husband because I felt bad that I’m boring lately because all I want to do is sleep, I was literally laying down looking up at him just crying and he literally just gave me a sad smile and said “baby, those hormones have to be horrible right now..” and I just cried more and nodded. This is gonna be a fun ride 😭😂


Let's hear it for the husbands that just let us cry our hearts out and don't make us feel crazy 😂 bless them!


First trimester was super weird and I was having at least 2 naps per day.


Just gearing up for my mid-afternoon snooze right now. I had a 4 hour nap last Friday, I think that's my record so far.


Just woke up from my first nap of the day 😂 I’m trying to sleep whenever my body says it needs to, as I work all week and cannot nap until 5:30-6 after working in a warehouse. So if my body says it needs sleep rn, it’s getting it.


Tbh I’m just happy I’m finally past the “I can’t sleep” stage of waking up every two hours even tho I’m exhausted