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Make sure to check prerequisites for schools you are interested in applying to, some schools may need more math like calc/stats, some want more bio classes, some want classes like psych and sociology, so just make sure you cover everything you need. You can check requirements from MSAR here https://students-residents.aamc.org/system/files/2024-04/MSAR_Premed_Course_Requirements_04.26.24.pdf


Thanks :)


I like this template. Any way you'd be willing to share it? (Incoming M1 but still think it's cute and want to share w friends)


totally can! I did it on notability. I will send you guys a blank one.


I use notability too! Any chance you could send, or publish it as a template on notability? Thanks so much!


https://notability.com/n/2T2fAqK1407eDuOfPDqBz4 Edit: new link. Im not sure if there is another way to share template but this is the only way I know how lol. Just create duplicate template because this link is just a shared note.


Yes. Please share. It kinda reminds me of those ATI templates in the back of the review books, lol!


Very small thing. You might not have to do o chem 2 lab, just the lecture. I thought I would have to but my degree doesn’t require it AND a bunch of the med schools I plan on applying to want 8 credits of o chem. Two lecture and a lab (3 + 3 + 2 = 8, yes the lab counts as two, some do). I might be wrong tho.


Thank you! Someone else mentioned this as well. My concern was not being able to take biochem until I took ochem 2. But I guess I will have to look into what other schools require. One specific school I am interested in, if I am allowed to say here (I think I am lol) is Ohio State University, which seems to require 2 semesters and a ful year of lab, but maybe they are an outlier? Who knows if I'd even have a chance of getting accepted there anyways haha. But thank you I will keep this in mind! Maybe be able to shave off a semester or so of prereqs.


NO WAY, ME TOO! Im also a nursing student! I’m so glad to see someone like me on this page. Please dm if you get the chance 💕


Good for you! If I could do it all over, I'd probably do it this way. Your clinicals alone will be far above and beyond what most applicants will get in terms of clinical experiences. Everyone wants to poopoo on nurses, but they're smart and probably more prepared in comparison by the end of undergrad—be happy the nursing students aren't coming for our gig!


Thank you. I imagine my nursing degree may not help much in the classroom but the clinical experience is about as good as it gets. I am just so excited and wish I had the guts to pursue medicine sooner! Seems like such a long road before I can even take the mcat.


i would add inorganic chem lecture and 2 semesters of physics, when i researched schools these seemed like commonly required prerequisites. of course idk what schools your looking at but just a thought. good luck!


Super cool you are interested in pursuing med school! From one premed to another, I highly recommend journaling as you go through your clubs and activities and recording meaningful encounters/thought processes and reflections. Makes your life a lot easier when you eventually write your application and helps ground the reasons you want to do medicine. Good luck!


what is this app


I use notability. You can create your own templates or use other peoples. Not completely free but not expensive. like $12/year.


Can you take a prereq this summer? Might save you from taking that extra class in fall 2028


If I had half a brain to do it sooner I would have reviewed content in my prev math course and taken the trig prereq (needed for physics) this summer. Only was just able to get an advising appointment set up a week ago. It is only offered in a 5 week course and I just accepted a 2nd job. And I don't want to do poorly :'). I guess I could try it and if I don't think I will do well pull myself out and just do it in the fall. Do withdrawals look bad on apps though? I have a couple from my first year or so in college.


I know the feeling I wish I would’ve started way earlier. Yeah definitely don’t do the 5 week course. I’m a nurse and decided to do precalc while working full time and BARELY got a B. I was worried for a hot sec. I don’t know how you feel about this but I’ve done pretty much all of my prereqs online but they’re from UNE. I’ll admit that online classes aren’t usually the best option but I chose to do them since I was traveling and didn’t have a consistent schedule where I could be in a physical class every day. I knew the risks that some schools don’t accept online classes but a good amount do and I was okay with that. The Phys 1 class at UNE doesn’t require any prereqs and is completely self taught so it can be tough but if you watch AK lectures and do enough studying on your own time you’d be fine.


Yes the time it takes for the prereqs alone is frustrating! And as much as I want to get through them, I really need good grades to bring my gpa up and a competitive mcat score to negate the lack of research and volunteering come application time due to working full time and doing these courses lol. But glad you said don't do it because I almost registered just to see if I could even though I know I shouldn't! I just gotta keep telling myself if 27 isn't too old than neither is 28 or 29 if that is when my best chance will be.


No one’s really going to care if you don’t have research unless it’s one for the research heavy schools probably so I wouldn’t worry about that. Start now on your volunteer hours! You’ve got plenty of time, get a couple hours in each month and you’ll have plenty by the time you apply.


No general bio? Like others have said, check the requirements at the school you want to attend. General biology was required at 8/9 places I applied. The 9th place accepted advanced bio course like anatomy and physiology if you took AP Bio in high school and took more advanced bio in college.


I have already taken human biology, biological diversity (but received a D+ due to poor life choices at the time, so may retake), and both A&P 1 and 2. As well as human genetics. Only bio course I still technically need is biological foundations I believe, unless I am mistaking.


You’re likely fine then. Again, just double check the requirements is the schools to which you are planning to apply. An SDN acquaintance applied to a state school this year that specified general biology and got emailed by admissions to see if they were currently taking general biology as it didn’t appear on her transcript. I think some of the higher tier schools seem to be more progressive about requirements but at some of state schools where they spend a massive amount of time filtering otherwise competitive and similar looking applicants down, an admissions coordinator/administrator could mark your application as not meeting requirements and the admissions committee never sees it (Pre-II R). This happened to me at a school in the Midwest *coughs.*


good to know thanks! my advisor did recommend further bio courses after foundations, I guess that just depends if I can fit it in my schedule. Just feel so rushed!