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This is absurd. First, congrats! But it shouldn’t take 4 cycles for an applicant to get in with stellar stats just because they don’t “stand out”.


Bro I agree. I’ve aged 17 years in the past 5 years having to do this four times 😂


Well what matters is you’re in, and you got into some great schools. Best of luck with everything you do!


This takes incredible resilience-----congratulations!


Thank you :)


Congrats future physician!!


I’ve been waiting years for this. Thank you docto-mom!!!




This makes me extra happy! Edited spelling


Congrats! Why did you end up doing a post bacc when you already had a nearly perfect GPA? And what do you think prevented you from not scoring interviews the first 3 cycles? Your stats (even if you didn’t retake the MCAT) and EC are great.


I did the post bacc bc I’d basically done everything I could have done outside of additional school to improve my app (and besides retaking the mcat). I worked in new clinical jobs, did additional community service, and published several papers and posters. Beyond that, all I could really do to improve my app was additional schooling. As for why I wasn’t successful the previous times, I think a lot of it came down to messaging. My narrative wasn’t being portrayed well enough in my personal statement. This fourth time around, I think I had excellent cohesion between my ps and my experiences, and the flow of my narrative through these works was brought up in some interviews.


What is your advice on personal statement? Is there any resources you've used? 


I watched a few YouTube videos of people reviewing their apps and their personal statements, which helped for sure. I was also very lucky to have a roommate who is in med school who helped me with my ps. He also shared it with his friends, who helped edit it as well. I’d say getting others to review it is really important because the message you’re trying to convey may not always come across to another reader who doesn’t know your story.


Thank you for responding! Really struggling with my personal statement rn. I have read many examples but maybe I should look back for more on youtube


Why did you choose to do a post bacc vs a master’s degree?


First consideration was cost. When I started looking into post baccs and masters degrees, I’d already missed the deadlines for most masters programs. I was accepted into one masters program, but the tuition was $76k. A second consideration was what I felt the program could do for me. The post bacc is designed to get you into school, whereas with the masters, it felt like getting into med school would be a by-product. Post baccs are structured with a goal in mind and you get faculty/administrative support to reach this goal.


I assume you have some video of you running a puppy fighting scam or some other weird stuff?/s How in the heck did they not accept you the other cycles. I’m so confused.


This is a question adcoms couldn’t even fully answer for me when they gave me direct feedback.


Did you happen to find a 4 leaf clover during this cycle?


A bird actually pooped on me (wasn’t a direct hit though) last summer, which is good luck apparently.


Hmm my kid pooped on me does that count?


Close enough


Not trying to throw shade, but this screams “I’m dogshit at writing” my guy had everything you’re supposed to, only thing we can’t see is the personal statement. I would also venture to guess that’s why there were still so many pre-II R’s. If the PS doesn’t match how lofty the application is, it won’t get a second look. Source: I was an adcom reviewing apps for two cycles back when I was doing research for my school and getting my masters in PH practice. There’s 3 keys to success when reviewing an app, 1st is MCAT, 2nd is PS, 3rd is EC’s. If people only had 2/3 it wouldn’t get the pass. Happy to hear OP finally got it sorted! Congrats❤️


The previous times I applied, I got application feedback from a few schools. I specifically asked about my writing and the comments I got about my ps were that it was “good but not great.” As I’ve said in other comments, I think my previous apps fell short in that my ps couldn’t bring me over the hump to get an interview bc it didn’t make me stand out enough. I wouldn’t go so far as to call it dogshit lmao. In getting feedback for my apps, I was told by adcoms I had no red flags or any significantly debilitating sections in my app.


I'd be interested in reading the ps from one of the early times you applied and then the latest version if you're willing to share! All good if not, the important thing is that the hunt is finally over and you're in! Congrats again, show them what they missed the first couple of times and kick ass out there!


I’ve seen some really poorly written ps and some even outright heeeey I’m stat god might I grace you with my presence.


Totally agree. This type of " bad luck" can only be attributed to poor writing. There's only so many times you can " fall thru the cracks"


Yuh, especially if you have 7 pubs and got grant funding from the NIH. Certainly had nothing to do with ethnicity like another commenter was suggesting, not with a resume like that.


I don’t think I’ve suggested at any point my results were due to ethnicity. I do not think my ethnicity is responsible for my situation.


Ahh you’re right, that was another commenter, I’ll amend my previous statement to reflect that. My bad.


Congratulations that’s amazing. But this terrifies me.


Be not afraid ✋ if you look at aamc admission stats, I am a severe statistical anomaly. I am not a good representation of what anyone can expect from this process.


Then why did it take 4 times 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


As I said, I’m a statistical anomaly. My outcome was highly improbable, but not impossible. A bell curve has its extremes, and unfortunately I occupy the unfavorable end of it.


Not an anomaly. I’m about to start my 4th cycle now. Over 520 MCAT over 3.8 gpa, over 7k hours research w/ over 7 pubs. Hundreds of hours of clinical work and volunteering. This is going to be controversial, but I’ll tell you exactly what was wrong with your and my apps. We’re Asian/ORM males. Edit: I edited my numbers so I don’t accidentally dox myself. Can’t be too careful.


CA resident was also likely to be very detrimental to op.


Delusion to think you being Asian is holding you out of Medical school when the second largest majority in medical school are Asians. Please look at that personal statement bby and pray that none of that energy is in there abeg.


Welcome to let you read it. Try to find what dozens of hired professional premed advisors, Ivy League med school professors, and countless MD friends could not find wrong. Dm me your email.


I’ll bite, just drop it in the DM👍🏼


maybe like you, he’s just unlikeable. and you can tell by the writing just like i could tell by yours


You both rushed to snap judgements of someone’s character based on two comments of (clearly justified from the upvotes) frustration at a process which unfairly disadvantages an entire ethnicity. Wasn’t even criticism aimed at anyone. My god, I hope your future practice of medicine doesn’t reflect this.


Are you assuming all that from a comment?


Sent my email :)




Ok weirdo


Idk why this is getting so many downvotes it’s true, black people literally make up 10% of med students


Congrats either way 👏🏽🥳


I don’t even know who I am anymore, I’m gettin’ too many acceptances…. 100% Himalayan


These schools must have amnesia they forgot that I’m Him


Popped a perc30 and got straight to prewritin’


see u in NYC brotha


We out to the concrete jungle wet dream tomato


So glad I'm not the only person who says this. Also: Did Mayo provide any specific feedback as to why you weren't accepted?


Mayo did not provide any feedback in their rejection of me, nor did I reach out to them to get any feedback. Just a regular rejection email.


Gotcha, thank you. Just wanted to ask because Mayo is my dream and you have a similar research and GPA profile as me. Congratulations and best of luck to you




That right there is the million dollar question. I recall in my interview for my post bacc program, i sent them a copy of my third primary app. My interviewer asked me, “how are you not getting in? I don’t get it.” Like bro SAME why do you think I’m here 😂


Why did it take you 4 times...


I got feedback on my app from a few schools the previous times I applied, and they didn’t give me any concrete reasons as to why I didn’t get an interview. They said there were no red flags and that I had a good app, but my app didn’t necessarily “stand out” enough to warrant further action.


Did you change ur writing style / secondaries / experiences writing ?


For my experiences I changed my writing to better tie in the narrative I put forward in my personal statement. It made my experiences seem more meaningful and deliberate, instead of activities I did to check boxes.


Congrats on your success!! This was the exact feedback I got during my first cycle. It’s so frustrating and I applaud your good attitude toward the process still. I’m reapplying this cycle so I hope I stand out a little more this time 🥲


Best of luck to you!


I was wondering why you did a post bacc until I read ur story. One thing I’ve learned from every Sankey here is that you really have to put in the work and get at it, if it doesn’t work, just do more work and keep going at it. Congrats OP, you deserve all the success. Stories like yours inspire me to keep working at this goal.


It ain’t over till you🫵 say it’s over


Congratulations!! You really deserve it. Did the schools/number/type of schools you applied to change throughout your cycles?


Yes it did. First two cycles I applied to about 25 schools. Third cycle I applied to 46.


you went from no acceptances to having OPTIONS to choose from, and many are amazing schools. congrats on your persistence, it really has paid off!


Yeah, I had amazing success this time around that I truly could not have dreamed of. I’m beyond thankful.


prouda you gang ❤️‍🔥 time to eat


We gon’ be eatin’ like Diane Keaton


Anyone show you the schmoney?


Let me just say that Cornell has excellent need-based aid. They don’t give merit scholarships as far as I’m aware, only need-based. As a disadvantaged student, I got an excellent package from them.


That’s awesome! Congrats!


Congrats! If you don’t mind me asking, when did you graduate and did your post baccs require you to be in person/move? Or were they online?


I graduated in 2018 and I did my post bacc over the 2022-2023 academic year. The post bacc classes were held in-person, so I had to move across the country for it.


Holy fuck dude. You are a beast. Congratulations and well deserved!


Thank you king


I recognize your major! I know your undergrad institution. They don’t have committee letters as far as I recall?


I think they do through the pre health advising service, but I’m honestly not sure because I never did it.


No waaaaay cus I never did that and I’m just applying LMFAO Edit: I just checked the prehealth advising website. It’s confirmed that they do not offer committee letters. Perhaps yours was from a post bacc?


My committee letter was from my post bacc, yes. Not my undergraduate institution.


goodness you absolutely earned this!! congrats!!!


What an absolute stud


Takes one to know one


“-Built different” Congrats, future doc!


Congratulations! This is terrifying though as a current undergrad - did you also apply super broadly the first three cycles? Super disheartening to see that the process is so random. Wishing you the best of luck in med school!


My third cycle I applied broadly to 46 schools. My first cycle was top heavy. My second one definitely had a better spread, but considering my results it surely wasn’t good enough 😂


huge congrats! i had to apply 3 times and the relief when i got accepted was unreal so I can imagine the weight off your shoulders. well deserved! you got some great schools to decided between


Thank you! It’s certainly validating to hear about others who are multiple time reapplicants.


How do you go from no IIs to 14IIs without stats or extracurriculars changing? I guess writing means a lot?…


I’d say also my new mcat and post bacc were major contributors. I think the committee letter I got from my post bacc held a lot of weight.


That’s very interesting, I did miss the MCAT increase but your first score was great too. Yeah post bacc might have been smart and that letter could have held a lot of weight? It’s interesting to try to crack what these schools value most lol. CONGRATS!


Are you me??? 4x high stat applicant here too!! We did it!


I am so sorry for what you’ve gone through but here we are!! That hard work is paying off. Congrats!


It is! Things happen for a reason!


I'm doomed. Congrats!


I’m fucked


congrats but now im scared


I'm fucked. I'm so fucked lmao




I absolutely agree


did you make completely different secondary responses each time or would you find yourself using stuff from previous cycles?


I redid them. It was a lot of work, but recycling responses from last year probably wouldn’t look good from the school’s perspective.


Whaaaa? That’s crazy! Congrats future Doc!




How do you think your writing changed from this cycle as compared to previous cycles? Going from no acceptances to multiple is super impressive.


As I said in a couple other comments, I’d say that portrayal of a cohesive longitudinal narrative through my ps and experiences are what set my fourth app apart from the other three in terms of written materials. An excellent post bacc gpa and a very good mcat score certainly helped though.


lol I’m already screwed and I’m not even applying until next year. Congrats OP well deserved, you can be my doctor any day


Congrats future physician, I wanna be like you when I grow up


Thank you. I hope your path is not riddled with hardships like mine.


Wow. Built different is so right. Congrats!!!


There is definitely something bad about your precious 3 cycles that is not shown here. Whether that be writing, interviews, IA, crime, or something bro. You are an amazing applicant on paper, so I just can’t believe it took 4 cycles.


I have a very clean academic record and was in good academic standing with my undergrad institution. I have no criminal record (I passed my aamc background check and have passed background checks for jobs too). I haven’t even gotten a speeding ticket. As I said in a different comment, schools that gave me feedback said I had no red flags. My app just didn’t stand out enough to get me an interview, likely bc my narrative wasn’t very cohesive.


It’s gotta be something bro. people do fall through the cracks, but only for 1 cycle. The odds you fall through the cracks unnoticed 3 cycles means it’s 99999x more likely you had something wrong with your app you didn’t know about


I appreciate your desire to find a silver bullet, believe me I looked for one too. As I’ve said, multiple adcoms told me I had no red flags or any aspects of my app that caused any serious issues. It’s a crapshoot and a small amount of people in the pool of tens of thousands of applicants do unfortunately have really terrible outcomes.


Maybe you are that 1 in a million unlucky person. But I highly suspect either your school list, writing, bad LOR, or interviews are to blame for your precious cycles. If you had anything visible to point too it would be easy. But with great stats pointing towards the things we can’t see is the only thing that makes sense


Just want to add my 2 cents that it isn’t as unlikely as a “1 in a million” for this to happen (ik you probably meant this as a euphemism/saying). In the AMCAS table A-23, OP falls under the 17% with that MCAT/GPA who wasn’t accepted. If you take (0.17)^4 (probability of getting in nowhere in four cycles using that chart for reference), you roughly will find that it’s 8/10,000 applicants (with those stats) who end up in this situation. Of course, this is just crude math so feel free to double check it! It’s a very unlikely scenario, but I believe OP when they say that they did everything they could and probably just unfortunately fell through the cracks.


This is what grit looks like, bravo! Where will you be attending? If you don't want to write it here, you can DM (or I DM you). I know it will depend on multiple factors, but which school I would choose from those 7 is pretty easy ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|laughing)


Hint: I’m walkin’ here


What’s even funnier is that people actually say that shit😂 My first time in NY a cab almost smacked a dude in a cross walk and he slammed both hands on the hood and yelled that out.






What does ghosted mean


Did not hear back after submission of the primary. No secondary, no rejection, nothing.


Congrats! Did you do your post bacc at UPenn?


Yurrrr you know I’m in this jawn


Me too


What do you mean by “built different?”


Built different indeed


Bro this is insane😭😭😭 happy for you




Holy cow, congratulations!!


Congrats! Are you from the Inland Empire?


No I’m from Northern California


Interesting. Thank you.


Do you think the fact that you applied 4 times kinda explain why you got so many pre II rejections like a stigma? Feel like that could be a big red flag. Could you give more insight into how many pre II rejections u got in your past 4 cycles besides this one?


I do think reapplicant stigma had a negative effect on my app. My stats are above median for every UC, but I got no interviews from California schools besides UC Davis. So much for California Love. Then again, the process is complex and there are probably other parts of my app that don’t make me palatable for those schools. Who knows? This process is very enigmatic.


What is some advice you would give to yourself when you were applying for the first time?


I’d definitely tell myself to redo my ps to what I have now, and to rewrite my experience descriptions to better connect to my ps/overall narrative. I don’t know if my undergrad does a committee letter or letter packet (I got a committee letter through my post bacc), but if they do, I’d tell myself to get one instead of doing individual letters.


My undergrad says they do a letter packet compilation service (Letters of evaluation service), but Pre-health advisors do not write letters of evaluation or committee letters


Better than nothing. Some schools on MSAR say they prefer a committee letter or a letter packet over individual ones. Some secondaries even ask you to explain why you did individual letters if you didn’t get a packet or committee letter.


What is the benefit of a letter compilation service, I’m trying to understand because in my head they’re basically just merging letters what exactly is the benefit/ point of it


Words cannot describe how terrified I am right now ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


I don’t think I’ve ever been prouder of a stranger in my life. Your resilience and determination are astounding. Congrats on your acceptance, future physician! This is so well-deserved 🫶


Thank you so much!! That is so kind.


Congrats future physician 🥳🎉




What did you learn from changes in your writing? Anything you're willing to share?


How the fuck did you apply 4 times with those stats? Is this year completely different than the last stats wise?


As I said in my post, this year I retook the mcat and got a 518. My previous three cycles I applied with a 514. My gpa was already extremely high and hardly budged as a result of doing a post bacc