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Investment banking, consulting, real estate, engineering, tech, list goes on and on. If you haven't found anything else, you honestly cant be looking.


The only ways I have seen online for investment banking, consulting, and real estate to make the same amount are if you go to an ivy which I don’t. From what I’ve seen engineering tops out at like 100-200k.


If you are into software engineering you can go much higher. But like what the other commenter mentioned healthcare’s job stability is pretty unparalleled


I personally know a few people from my college who went into both investment banking and consulting. I went to a BIG10 party school. Real estate doesn't even require a degree. If you put a medical school work ethic into pretty much anything business and network aggressively, you'll do just fine.


i know people who didn’t go to an ivy and have consulting etc jobs starting at 100k+ out of college, and will only go up from there. and once you have a job i think people care a lot less about where you went to school. i think it’ll be near impossible to have the same job security as medicine, but its a really high bar. dont do medicine if you only care about the money, put the energy you would put into med school apps (and then med school, residency apps, residency, etc) into getting a job in finance or tech or consulting and you’ll probably be much happier and maybe richer


Tech, Finance, anything really, the job security of healthcare is kind of unmatched though.




You won’t fine same stability, but investment banking, consulting, tech all have a much higher upside (and more risk). Yes going to an Ivy can help but it’s not necessary. Also entrepreneurship, etc. there are functions and then industries. But also figure out what you’re optimizing for and why? Bunch of money for what reason? Figure out something you enjoy and structure your life around something more concrete instead. Money is a bad north star. 500K a year but hating your life is a horrible, horrible deal.


Im not looking for pity or help but I kinda hate my life already, why not hate it from a penthouse apartment or from the inside of a bently?


Why do you hate your life? Not trying to give unwarranted advice, but the goal should be to maybe try and change that. Like the path you pick depends more on what you want and should be deliberately crafted. Not blindly chasing money imo


I don’t like life because I’m not the best, best looking, smartest, most athletic, whatever. In highschool I really didn’t think it mattered all that much I just thought if you were a good person then you could have just as good of a life as the talented/naturally smart/athletic people. Then I get into college and realize that isn’t true. Most of them weren’t good people and have amazing lives. I don’t, so if I cant have the same things as them, the attention and adoration and scholarships and whatnot well then at the very least I’m going to end up with just as much if not more money than all of those people and anyone like them. Like I said, if I’m going to hate my life why not do it in a penthouse apartment or a bentley or whatever.


Wow that’s a lot that honestly you have to work on. Internally. I mean that in the best way possible. It’s a world view change that you need. No one is the smartest or best or whatever. Most people are quite literally not that. That’s not the point. Also life is indeed unfair. But why are you upset at it? It’s life. Also it means you can not be the smartest and still win. Growth mindset over fixed mindset. I was socially awkward, worst at a ton of things, got my shit together over a few years and life’s very different now. Everything is fixable and growable. Anyway. Ramblings and unasked for advice, but hopefully it plants a seed. The goal is to be happy and fulfilled, not miserable in a Ferrari. And that happy part is up to you.


Who knows. With the advent of new technology/AI, it's probably hard to predict how tech or finance (especially IB) will hold up or evolve.