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I’m Native American. My ancestors went through SHTF and stayed. I don’t see myself going anywhere.


Best Reddit answer ever


I hope somehow y’all inherit the earth.


Native Americans were not peaceful harmonious people either lol. They’re no better “inheritors of the earth” than any other race of people Edit: As a dark skinned Mexican I'm telling you to go read a fucking book. Plenty of information about the brutal wars and oppression between the different tribes. Same with the Maya, Aztecs, and Incas. Humans are gonna human. Wasn't just western civilization. Yeah honestly I hoped those warmongering human-sacrificing Aztecs flourished even harder and inherited the earth too it's a shame they didn't


This is known. The United States hired my ancestors to track down Geronimo. In our tribal history books we refer to the Apaches as terrorists. My tribe was a group of farmers and it allowed us to have a much larger population base than them. From a prepping standpoint it’s good to learn tribal history/culture and war tactics because if SHTF the same tactics will come back. For example, women weren’t allowed to go out alone, boys had to learn self defense at an early age, and discipline was key.


Can you recommend some sources of this history you mention? I’m, like, starving for that knowledge. I would LOVE to read that kinda thing. Well that and to be honest a frank and full depiction of how they lived off the land bc the logistics of life without power, or historical methods of treating illness or ailments- just two as example are something I’m so curious about. But I digress


Start with ‘A Land So Strange’ about Cabeza de Vaca. Probably the best documented, fact-based account of south-western North America before the rest of Europe showed up.


I'd read a book by a fella named cow head any day


Yea I feel like humans don’t deserve the earth. Look what we’ve done.


i hate that to prove credibility you have to identify yourself like, “as a non-white person”


Democratic nations are being overtaken by a small minority of extreme leftists who think they can just rewrite biology, history, and demonize certain groups of people for history that they weren't even apart of and it's a fucking shame. They push the goalposts so far ahead that when they make concessions and pull the goalposts back, the point it was pulled back to which would've been INSANE before (since it's still farther ahead of where it originally started) actually sounds more reasonable because at least its not as far ahead as they would like it to be. Yes, the history of Western Civilization is written in blood and exploitation of other people there's no question about that, but to think that the democratic values of freedom of speech, expression, and enterprise that has arisen out of that should be cast away just because of history is a real fucking mistake. We've already seen how socialism/communism and authoritarianism/fascism turns out. We should be willing to look at history uncensored and be honest about what we learn.




It has historically been human, though hopefully that inclination eventually changes.


Wait till you find out Native American history is far from Disney stories. 


Why wait? Give them everything you own and all money you ever make and you can start making it up to them for all of us


It was easy to get citizenship in Germany, just a pile of paperwork and an hour and half in the General Consulate's office. I don't ever plan on leaving given that the USA has plenty of wide open space, away from people. Having an EU Passport does speed things up when returning, though.


Do you have family history there? My family has been in America since before the country existed. I don't qualify for citizenship anywhere else.


The population density of Europe makes it about the worst place to flee to, so yeah I wouldn't leave America for Europe in a SHTF situation. Funny enough, I remember hearing a story about German tourists who got lost in the Mojave or some desolate part of America, who assumed that America was like Germany, and that if they just kept trucking onward they would inevitably run into a town or other people before they could possibly die. Anyways, they died. America is way way bigger than most Europeans can comprehend.


The question is if you think the European social view will provide better options/ opportunities then staying state side. As with all of this what level Of SHTF provides context to the considerations. Personally if I could jump to German I would, but that is just me.


Something that comes to mind for me is the innate tribalism that rises to the surface when the lights won't stay on. Compassion, empathy, and altruism are extended most to those closest to you, from your family, to your town, state, race, nationality, etc. in descending order of allegiance. I think then that I would not want to be a stranger in the land if SHTF because the wellbeing of outsiders is not going to be high on the priority list for those in the midst of chaos. I'd reckon anyone's best bet is in their home turf, where they can depend to some extent on the goodwill of their neighbors by virtue of shared community. I might be wrong about that, but that's what comes to my mind. Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Appreciate ya.


If I was born in Germany, would that make acquiring citizenship easier? Had joint citizenship until 17 when my parents said I must choose and if I kept German citizenship told me I would have to go back to Germany immediately. Wish I had been encouraged to look into it. 


Anyone who is actually exposed to the daily effects of gun violence probably can’t afford to leave or else they would.


Excellent observation.


I'm Swedish living in Sweden. Can't really see a reason to leave. If there is war I'm obliged by law (and my own honour and pride in my job) to be at my job. If I survive I'll help rebuild.


Hej på dig!


I have lived in multiple states within the USA, in a country in Central America, a country in South America, a country in Asia, and a country in the Middle East, and have visited many, many other places. They all have their own beauty, their own hardships, their own biases, their own shames, their own languages and customs, and their own laws and ethics/morals. Only one of those places II have lived outside of the USA would be worth considering going to, but there is no guarantee that it would be any better, and could end up much worse. The rest of them will likely become war zones and extremely dangerous to be in if SHTF and the USA crumbles. Within the various states of the USA that I have lived in, some have been better than others, but it depends on what you’re looking for. I plan to bug in, stay and protect family, friends, and community, and if my time comes to a close, it will be here, with my loved ones, in the country that provided me opportunities I likely would not have gotten elsewhere.


Great answer from someone who’s actually lived elsewhere in many places. I admit, I fantasized about moving to Costa Rica or maybe Portugal if SHTF in the US. But you’re absolutely right. If the US crumbles it’s very likely that the rest of the world will as well. You also have to realize that if you migrate, you’re not necessarily going to be welcomed w open arms. Guess what, you’re literally an immigrant! Taking their jobs; buying their homes; using their healthcare. Be prepared to be looked down upon and discriminated against. I’m staying put. Chances for success are 1000% higher in a country where I speak the language, know the culture, and have a social network of friends and family.


Same. Traveled Africa, Europe, and small part of Asia. Actually lived in West Africa for a while. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than I am now. Midwest USA, my own well, and enough land to farm for my family. Add on our chickens and I'll think we've got a real chance. Not going anywhere.


Already in Australia, and pretty close to the "outback". Nowhere I can think of any better to move to.


What’s your water situation?


Probably the weakest link. Connected to town water, but also have 66k litres/15k gallons of rainwater stored, and a small river about 200 metres away. Would still be in trouble in a drought.


Thats interesting to me that you have so much rainwater stored. as an american im not even sure i would know how to do that. how do you store it? collect it? do you filter it if you need it? can you connect it to your plumbing? that raised a lot of questions for me lol.


He probably collects it from his roof, we all have pipes that go from our gutters to our rainwater tanks. We don’t have much pollution so it’s fine to drink. I see in his comment below he does not have a well (we call it a bore) but I have a bore and can pump water on demand. But where I live we have high rainfall so my water situation sounds way better then other old mate here, but I’m no where near the outback. Just depends on your location.


Correct. 3 tanks, each 5000 gallon. One off the house, and two off the shed roof. House tank plumbed into house plumbing via electric pump(with filters on the kitchen taps for drinking water). Can pump from shed tanks to refill the house tank. It's a semi off grid set up. If we were another 5 minutes out of town, there would be no other option, and bigger tanks would be needed. Some folk are lucky enough to have successful bores.


I too have questions lol. 15k gallons? Damn!! That’s awesome. That’s gotta be the size of a large pool at least. Would love to know how to get started on something like that. Water is for sure the weakest link in my prep, but our definitions of weakest link are clearly different. Like 14,980 gallons of water different 😂


Most pools are around 30,000 gallons. We had a larger and deeper than average one and that took 40k gallons.


We’re in Tucson, just installed two cisterns, 724 gallons each I believe, all comes from the roof. We just plan on using it for the garden/trees etc for now. It would need to be filtered/treated for consumption, but it does give a little peace of mind to know it’s here (if it rains lol) Our city even has a rebate program for them, so some of the cost is reimbursed! A Tucsonan wrote a great book on rainwater harvesting if you’re interested in more info on the topic. “Rainwater harvesting for drylands and beyond second volume” by Brad Lancaster. He has a website and videos with quite a lot of free information as well. https://imgur.com/a/uQhxCSw


Is a well an option?


Not really. Very low chance of success.


Another in Oz here, just south-west of Sydney


All part of the cunning plan. I'm not expecting SHTF in any huge way (apart from our regular, everyday natural disasters, haha), but now that I've retired, and don't have to be in a city, it's very nice to get away from it all, and away from being so crowded in, and so reliant on others.


>Oz Best show on HBO.


Same, I live in a rural property, grow our own food and raise our own meat already so have no reason to leave. We will bug in.


You're just prepping for every breath out there.


That's a huge no from me dawg, Spiders there are way too big for my liking


I thought Australia had very strict immigration laws and didn’t want anyone moving in unless they brought $$$$$$$$ with them.


I've lived (not visited, but actually lived for a year or longer while working) in S. Korea, Nicaragua, Guatemala, China. I have spent significant time (longer than a month) in Costa Rica, Mexico, Japan, and parts of Europe. I will not be leaving the USA or my property. My oh, shit plan is not to ever bug out where I am vulnerable. My plan is to bug in and take care of my family and unify with my close community - where we all own acreage/land, live on a private lake, have a family first mentality, and will watch each others backs. Never leaving.


This is how you rebuild a society. Hell yes.


Yea, it’s like, where in the world would you go? The US is literally one of the most livable places on earth, and despite what pendants say, one of the most stable.


This! I know no one besides family friends and neighbors locally. It's th safest place for our family


I’m going to this guys house.


This is the answer. Despite how much the others say


Only if those around you are of that same mentality, god forbid YOU'RE the odd one out.


Someone said it right here, exactly what I think


Yeah, we want to put in with you folks! Older now but come with all the things.


This is exactly how I feel. I’m Not going anywhere. Ever.


I used to think I would always stay here....but shit has been hitting the fan. I don't feel like there's much community anymore and I feel it's getting increasingly difficult to not get fucked over.


America is a big country. Lots of places to live.


My wife has dual citizenship with the UK so that's nice. That said, if things got to the point where I'd want to flee the US, I'm not sure that's a viable plan. I'm preparing assuming that's not a possibility


If things get that bad, they definitely aren't going to be better anywhere else. Just get away from the big city and you'll be fine, no passport required


I can’t see me doing anything but relocating within the US. I’m an American. Anyway, from a practical perspective… well if America collapses enough to flee it then the rest of the world probably wouldn’t be in a place to have much to offer a random foreign guy like me


Why do people want to cut and run? I am prepping to stay and win. I will only leave if it is a must.


Same here.  The only way I won't be in the US one day is because it no longer exists, but I'll still be fighting and dying to defend this plot of land I expect to get buried on


I do recommend moving to the state or city in the USA that most closely aligns with your values.




I like the cut of your jib.


John Brown or bust!


I mean, itd be better to go to a swingstate. Being in deep red is the same as being in deep blue, your vote wont matter. But I get your sentiment.


Behind enemy lines is a very tactical place to be when it comes time to defend your country.


Not everyone has the resources or cardio to fight the good fight.


Both should align. Or you’ll end up in a situation like NC where it’s a “purple state” (near 50/50 political split among the population) but there’s a super majority in the state legislature that can do anything they want.


I pity basically everyone that lives in Florida.  Either you're one of the absolute whack jobs there or you're someone who can't move away from them for whatever reason.


Not leaving New Zealand. Have a network of friends, understand how to survive in the bush, growing conditions are good even despite climate change. I'd rather stay and build community here. 


Yeah. The elite are with you there.


Lol yep! But they chose near Queenstown (the mountains) mostly so good luck with that. 


Just pour some cement into their underground bunker air ducts to collect all of their hoarded goods they got by stealing from the rest of the world.


German here, so in case of short notice shtf, I'm fucked. If I get more time (e.g. our AFD gets over 50% votes ...), I think my best plan would be to go to Scandinavia, assuming I finished my engineering degree by then




Not leaving. Every thing you love about a country was brought about by people who stayed and fought. Civil liberties, suffrage, etc. Personally I think it's horrendously parasitic to just go from nation to nation riding the coattails of others who put the work in. Martin Luther King would have had an easier life, and probably not been assassinated, if he moved to Europe. But he stayed, because he was fucking boss.


I like the start of this sentiment but it veers into really dangerous territory. Immigrants bring a lot of wonderful things with them and fight for what you’re talking about (civil liberties, suffrage, etc.) and describing them as parasites is awful. I also wouldn’t judge anyone fleeing something like a genocide. That’s not “riding the coattails of others,” it’s doing what you need to survive. Then you can pay it back by improving the place you moved to. But sometimes you have to leave!


To each their own. I do think it is, or can be, parasitical in that people with means can move from place to place that offers them a good environment. Once the host nation is no longer beneficial for them, they keep moving. Nationalism and patriotism might seem outmoded, but call me old fashioned, it's where I land.


It certainly *can* be parasitical but most people who describe immigrants as parasites aren’t talking about “people with means” who move wherever they can make the most money or whatever, they’re talking about refugees and working class folks who move either because they have to or to make a better life for themselves. And my sense of patriotism makes plenty of allowance for bringing new people in.


For sure. I'm not dog whistling about immigrants, at all. Some poor family coming up from El Salvador seeking a better life is a whole different bag of potatoes than a middle-upper class American couple with ample resources. I don't have a super detailed theory here nor am I really spending a lot of time judging people for their actions.


>people with means The vast majority of people on earth do not (and have never) fit this definition, my guy. You're trying to apply broad, complex socio-political motives to people whose primary concern is their next meal or a safe place for their kids to sleep. You talk a big game, but your argument is so divorced from reality it's impossible to take seriously.


Tell that to the Jews who couldn't flee Germany.


Those are my ancestors. My family didn't run then, and I wouldn't run now. I'm not trying to be a tough guy about it, but to me a big part of not being a victim is not being able to be one. Bullies go after people they can dominate. None of us are going to live forever and to me there are lines worth holding.




I hear you. I think in my mind, and as a reality, there's always been people that would want to kill you, me, and our families. It's just on the surface now and it gave me a chance to see more people for who they are.


What if the shtf situation is an incoming meteor strike to the US? Are you still staying then? It's just a thought experiment, it's not that serious. I would go to the bread basket of Brazil. Mato Grosso.


It would be an odd meteor that could destroy the US but not the rest of the world. But sure, if it's something like that.


the movie "Greenland" goes into this exact scenario, and some characters in the movie have this exact discussion.


Erm...I mean if a meteor was big enough to screw over the us but not big enough to immolate the sky or flood the atmosphere with enough dust to block out the sun... You'd probably want a country that's not directly upended by a sudden implosion of global monetary influence


That’s good advice to give to other people, but for me and my family, I want us to be alive and happy. Life is short. I’d rather be alive and happy somewhere else, than fighting here. In case it came to that.


You do you man.


Leaving the country is not a part of my plans. Because why


My wife and I moved from the US to her home country in eastern Europe a few years ago. We're fairly well prepped here, but we do also have plans for leaving the country on short notice if necessary. We take a lot of short family vacations by car to places that don't get much tourism. Each trip is an opportunity to check out lesser used border crossings, familiarize the kids and ourselves with places we could bug out to, and get direct contact info for accommodation in those places. The frequent trips mean we accumulate stamps in our passports, which I hope works in our favor in case we come under any scrutiny at borders-- i.e. we travel often and always leave on time, no need to worry about us.


What's up with taking things with you, is it the best Idea to pack and store things or try to take as much as you can? I've never checked, but I'm sure it's not ok to get in a plane with like, all your fancy stuff


This is where I was born and this where I’ll die.


I'm in Texas. I'm not leaving.


This has got to be a joke post If it is truly that bad do you believe that Carvana will buy your car or a moving company will store your belongings as you try to move 1/3 away around the world?  How fast do you believe this kind of thing works?  I'd say you already years behind in your plan to leave 


I have travelled most everywhere, there is nowhere better than here. You worry too much.


I'll never run. Don't take that the way it sounds, I know that others have different priorities and those with children might need to bug out to a safer environment. I get that. But I worked so hard to get my place where and how I want it, on my terms, that I could stand to leave it. And I know that in most scenarios I would probably lose, but I wouldn't make it easy for them. But on the other hand, I'm so remote already I'd like to think I might get lucky and a lot of that strife will pass me by.


My family has owns property on an island. Sometimes, when we visit, we see hear small boats in the middle of the night crossing into the neighboring country. No lights. No signal.


To be honest if the US gets screwed everyonelse is probably going down with them or will also be in a shite situation so im just gonna prepare at my home rather than go through the lengthy emigration process.


tbh i hate how our government is, but i’d never wanna live anywhere else than america. i love our country, i just want it to be better. if our ship sinks, i’m drowning with it


Scan your books to digital and buy a kindle reader. You’ll never be without.


My wife has a house in her hometown in rural Mexico


What makes you think other countries will want a wave of American refugees ? What makes you think you can get a visa to move to Europe ? Unless you find a job before moving, you will get a 90 day Schengen tourist visa, and then you have to leave. What makes you think the situation will be better in Europe than in the US ? If the US collapses, the entire world economy collapses with it. There will be no greener grass.


I wouldn't leave. My dream is to stay behind and help those in need.


That in all honesty is an “oh shucks” plan. All components of that depend on many functioning components of society. Travel, business, governments operating, facilities functioning, etc. An “Oh Shit” plan is for none of the above functioning in a fair capacity whatsoever IMO. Your definition and mine are entirely different.


Very good question, but it depends on your location. Our main concern is war. If hostilities break out, we pile into whatever car we have available and go west. I don't want to be around for military ocupation, a near certainty given our geographical location - according to my countries defence plan, they will defend further back. So hit the road, no looking back. I know the geography, I don't need functioning gps - it will probably stop working anyway. There are 2 main routes out of the region and another one though some mountain passes. We chose the least congested. We stop in the western part of our country, or we go further west, depending on the available housing/jobs. I speak english and my SO french, I hope we can manage. My great grandparents were refugees the last time the country was invaded. They came back and rebuilt their lives.


If you hightail and run then you can no longer be an agent of change. This is my home and I'm not going anywhere.


where had a had a back up plan was just destroyed by floods. back to square one


I don't have a plan to leave the United States. I'd rather be here than anywhere else for the Zombie Apocalypse.


I’m goin down with the ship. If something so cataclysmic happens that I would have to leave my area to potentially survive, it’s all over for everyone.


Which country? The United States? Why would I leave? This country is so vast it’s like its own little planet. If I’m gonna be displaced, I’d rather go somewhere where I’m still a citizen and I speak the lingo. And this country is so dang big there’s pretty much always going to be someplace to go if it comes to that.


If there’s political unrest and violence, you won’t be leaving the country. Air travel will be one of the first things that stops. Think Covid, but on a much greater scale.


Go where? To a free country like pre-communism Australia, if I had the opportunity to flee I would go to Israel and help them take the enemy head on.


If the USA falls I bet other countries will not want USA immigrants . Who want a bunch of liberals ??


I think they'd welcome us for the money we'd spend to support their economies. Many of these countries, where people are the happiest in the world, are pretty liberal. Yeah, taxes are higher, but you're paying that tax implicitly every time you get a huge health care bill that could bankrupt you, among other things.


Don’t wait! Go now!


In case of war (invasion) I would voluntary join the resistance (we don’t have army in my country). 


I’m not telling Reddit.


what's the point of leaving? if the US falls, the rest of the world isn't going to be safer


Mexico, less than hour away.


I lol’d at fleeing the country for gun violence on r/prepper. That’s like going to a strip club and saying “yeah I came to get away from titties”


I live in Canada, and am a retired airline pilot. I've been pretty much everywhere except Antarctica (Last continent to visit; next year, by ship) The most expedient (and realistic) would be the USA. Unless you got out well before a major catastrophe, there is No Way the average person is getting out by air. Even with 40 years in the industry, and a LOT of contacts to expedite/pull strings to get us on an airplane, the likelyhood of sucessfully gettig from North America to anywhere in contnental Europe for my wife and I are in the single digits, and I have a lot of inside channels. Getting beyond Europe is not even worth considering, and going to the USA is the last place I would consider (sorry, America) We'd bug in until the initial craziness began to drop off at least. Worst case scenario, we would head to our daughters family farm; within 50 miles, isolated, no communities beyond village size for miles. Both our home & their farm are fairly defensable, and I'm equipped and trained to do that if necessary


Saying the USA is the last place you’d consider is absolutely insane lol




I would just like to posit the idea that fascists abuse people’s trust in institutions to manipulate and control them, so it’s unkind to prefix fascism with an institution that’s been hijacked. The way of Christ is objectively not fascist and anyone claiming to be Christian without following the teachings of Christ is deluded or a liar. It’s like claiming the Buddha is fascist or dividing by zero. It doesn’t work. Certainly the U.S. is overrun by false Christians so I do understand your point. But please keep in mind there are those who profess to be Christian’s who are equally appalled by the loud hateful and intolerant groups claiming to follow Christ while glorifying greed and spreading intolerance and hate.


The real Christian’s, I feel, haven’t existed in America for quite some time now. I wish they were the majority of Christian’s I really do. But there numbers are so minuscule


Last time I was in church the priest was telling everyone Jesus would carry a gun.




This was in response to a recent mass shooting arguing why gun laws are perfectly fine right now and kids being shot up in school is not a issue.


There are not many of us, that is true. I do everything I can but I am only one person.


Basically, they're wrapping fascism in Christianity. It's a merger of church and state.


A big reason why I moved from Texas to NJ. I'm gay.


Leave the country? No. I’m not a fucking coward.


I live in Mn and have relatives in Canada.


Family in Roatan! But I would love to have something or someone in Canada lol


My plan is to head to India, have a property there with land in a village in the middle of nowhere.


We do not live in my or my wife's home country so either of our homelands could be some place we ditch off to. We seem to habitually move every few years so hard to say


Why netherlands?


I am a US ex pat in Canada. First you still have to pay ( or report) taxes every year so it means doing two sets of taxes. You'll need some help with that learn it before you leave so you don't burn bridges you might want later. ( like social security in old age) If you are a citizen make sure your paper work is in order before you leave so that you don't have issues getting a job on landing. Families can be forcibly separated so make sure all that is in order. Travel light. Sell everything go with a couple bags. You get charged tariffs on everything. They charge for brand new items regardless of what condition it's in. Food is a problem and they can impound food at a whim. I would suggest using a backpack kit sleeping bag and inflatable mattrass. Sell everything else and use the money to get new stuff on landing. Immigration is very expensive always. It always costs more than you think it will. If something happens to my hubby I will probably go back. I've done both the store all and shelter in home prep and nomadic. I think nomadic is better. Keep it light and keep it mobile. Junk just weighs you down. The 1984 scenario isn't what the real SHTF is. It's an idea, a fantasy and not a bad book.. The real thing is hurricanes, tornados, flash floods, wildfire, and stupidity.


Caribbean islands for sure


In the US you would be better served changing states before trying to go to another country. We live in a large nation that is mich more diverse than people give it credit for. Changing socioeconomic classes is also a big way to alter your life without having to jump through a ton of hoops to be an expat. If you had to leave the country, you could hop around to other countries on tourist visas, or to countries with no visa requirements, and go from there. It really depends on how exigency the circumstances are that caused you to need to leave. If someone is fleeing the US due to "gun violence" I would recommend they wither move out of one of the areas in the country with actual gang related gun issues, or that they get off of social media and go take a medical class to temper some of that fear with training and education.


Just wait till the aliens get here and it dosent matter what country it is.


I live in Wales, so jump on a ferry to Ireland is my plan. My wife's grandad is Irish so I think she could get citizenship.


This is a solution looking for a problem. This will always be the best country to be in.


We tried this back in ‘16 and we would have had to leave one of our kids because nowhere with modern medicine would allow him in. So we moved hours away from our HOA. We’ll be bugging in.


Unfortunately, my only even remotely possible option would be to sneak into Mexico or Canada. I just don’t have the resources to go anywhere else.


Right, the whole fantasy of leaving the US is built on a strong dollar and JBW.




Stay in Aroostook County ME. QC is a quick hop skip & a jump from there. From there, catch a cheap flight Montreal-Amsterdam. Ive camped all over Europe: its amazing: wonderful. Especially in the Low Countries, Scandinavia, and Corsica/Sardinia




I’m staying in the U.S. and strong families ties here (and they would be support). Also have pretty favorable growing conditions that I’m familiar with and established gardens/perennials. Not yet on my ideal property but working on it.


I’m going nowhere. We’ll live and die on our little Appalachian homestead.


I'm planning on moving to the Republic of Texas. Don't even have to go anywhere. Honestly, most Americans have no idea how hard it is to move internationally. Sure, we can go vacation almost anywhere because everyone wants US dollars, but very few countries will just let a foreigner walk in and become a resident. I could become a Filipino. My wife was born there and even though she's a naturalized US citizen, she can reclaim her Filipino citizenship which would make it possible for us to move there and buy land. That requires flying half way around the globe though, so anything that would necessitate that kind of move would probably also make that kind of move impossible.


My plan is for me to know and for you( anyone but me and my family ) to never find out!


You can run, but you can't hide.


Depends on the country. Am I home, in the USA? I’m right where I need to be. If I’m in Europe, shit, I don’t live there so I don’t know


Nothing. The US is the place if you play it right :)


No serious plan now, although getting a 2nd passport would be useful for travel if other countries sanction the US. I think the US is the last bastion of freedom, so we're kind of like the alamo where a last stand could occur. I don't see any serious alternative. That said, there are sparks of freedom around the world, in places like Argentina and El Salvador. And some European nations are bucking the trend of globalist control. If they continue to prosper while the US declines, maybe someday there would be a greener pasture, or at least a serious alternative.


I live on Californias coast… would potentially move to Ohio to be closer to family.


There won’t be a point to leaving the country we’re all f’d.


Leaving is not realistic. The only time it may have appeared to work is when Jewish people fled from Russian ethnic cleansing only to be cause up in Nazi Germans bull shit. Only a fraction of Jewish people were able to flee and met with extreme prejudice wherever they fled to.




Not leaving US. OP you stated your issue is with gun violence, do you mean American's owning lots of guns? Or areas in inner cities with gun violence? I am in New Orleans we def have had our share but most NOT ALL was targeted and intentional. I assumed anyone who preps is armed.


I would never run from my country.


Are guns violent?


I dont plan on leaving my country. If it ceases to exist then ill go with it.


If something that bad happens to America, it’s not gonna be better anywhere else. I would never flee anyway. Stay on the home turf, there’s a reason Napoleon lost against the Russians. I love it here too much, I know it.


I could get Irish citizenship since my grandmother was born in Ireland but I'm not going anywhere. I live out in the middle of the swamp and I love it out here.


I don’t have one. There is nowhere else like America flaws and all. My grandfathers fought in WW2 for this country as I’m sure many of yours did. If things were ever to get as you describe this is going to be where I make my stand.


Gun violence lmao


Consider this. You know how countries treat foreigners, let alone immigrants? That will be you. While everyone is struggling even harder.


If the US ever had a "oh shit" moment that led to a apocalyptic scenario, there's a fat chance the rest of the world is. The US is vast and resource rich. I'd rather be in the countryside here than anywhere else. Also... your reasons for leaving are vague and relatively unfounded.


Where would you go? Nowhere is ever completely safe. Stand your ground and work harder to make things better.


Do any of you consider that the grass likely won’t be any better elsewhere?


I don’t think I’d change my country, perhaps move away from the coast. It’d be difficult to invade but not impossible ( the colonising obviously). The weather reaches both extremes in different regions . Population is low, gun violence is extremely low


Row row row ya boat...


our is: we sold all our crap, bought a pickup and smallish (30') RV travel trailer. Minimalism. We live in it full-time, so we are flexible. Impending weather or other local issue? We hook up and go. Immediate GTF out of here this second issue (aside from if roads blocked, in that case perhaps off-road): We have our bins of essential prepper gear ready, put in the bed of the pickup, leave RV and all else behind. We can live off-grid, dual fuel generator, tanks for fresh water, grey, black. Have lifestraws, portable solar blankets, and so forth but need to up our solar and rainwater collection game. Aside from that, we're scrambling hard for dual citizenship as we're eligible, as yet another option. We're also looking at land to build a cabin on if we decide to go the stay off-grid, bug in, and fight route.


No need to flee the whole country. There will be bastions liberty here long after the rest of the world has collapsed.


I’ll dig in till the end if I need to I’ll dig deeper


I can see Canada from our house, it's a short boat ride. But I really don't see things going to hell so bad that I'd want to leave. Despite the current political climate I've actually grown pretty fond of my house and neighbors.


country? jeez, I'm not fleeing my house.


Why would you leave? Find your corner, stay and fight. Moving to someplace like the Netherlands when SHTF would be a bad idea. The Netherlands already has a high population density of 424 per km. The USA has a population density of 37 per Km. The Netherlands is mostly dependent on food imports, the USA is not.


That and most of it will be underwater soon or unlivable as the sea approaches from above and below. Also, look at the history of europe, thousands of years of internal war and strife. I mean ya it’s been peaceful for the last 80 years. But lol not hard to see where things are headed in europe. Netherlands is a horrible choice


Is the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island being subjected to rising seas? Are the wealthy buying sea front properties at an alarming rate; no and yes. But I do agree with you about the history of Europe.


I have no idea what you are trying to say. The only part of your comment that makes sense is the last sentence


Leaving? What do you think all the guns are for?


All-purpose war, got the Rottweilers by the door


I have absolutely no plans to leave the country for any reason unless my country was going to blow up totally lol


Not leaving.


If shit hits the fan, I'm going to the moon.


Mexico, wife can get citizenship through her mom and it’s Durango so cartel run, zero government basically.


A libertarian paradise!   ;-)


Yep, leave me be lol. 😂 idk I do armed security in Dallas along with bodyguard and teach Muay Thai. Shit had gotten bad, I’m more concerned with the growing civil unrest with younger inner city living. The gang violence is nuts and makes no sense. So we are planning for a more rural area or small town. Gonna be an interesting count down to election.


I would never leave this county that I love(United States of America). If it goes down in flames I will be standing in the flames. People act like other countries are immune to chaos but it’s like a plague that slowly trickles into all countries. Your country and others like it may seem peaceful now but if America Falls I promise you that most countries will not be far behind. The United States is far from perfect and I know a lot of people hate us and that is okay. But I love my country and will never give up on it.