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It's so easy to avoid the nightmare and make them go away even without the satellite. It helps immensely that they can't chase you in many areas If you want an enemy who'll relentlessly chase you through levels and really scare you, one you can't even kill but only delay for short amounts of time, then play Resident Evil 2 remake. It'll make you realise the nightmare in Prey's almost nothing


What is this whole satellite thing? I think I've missed it


There is a mission (mixed signals) where you need to attach something to a satellite. The satellite is orbiting outside Talos I. Did you never saw a blue light pulsing? Once you finish the mission you can use it to invoke or dispell the nightmare. Not sure but I think that mission pop up when you are roaming in Hardware and have unlocked (at least) 1 human skill and 1 Typhon skill + have a encounter with the nightmare.


I think I have a good idea what triggers it, because I avoided it completely on my first preythrough. Basically you either complete the copy protection objective, or you install Typhon neuromods. If you reset the licenses too early, or don't do it at all, AND avoid Typhon mods completely, January never offers this objective. Even if you fix the satellite anyway, January only offers to "look into it."


Nope. The fact is that only January offers you the mission. I am sure you need to encounter the nightmare first but, I am unsure where because it always did the offer when I was in Hardware with 1-2 Typhon skills. The 2 times I didn't have any Typhon skills it never gave me the mission. Luck or coincidence? Could be. I just told you my facts


I've never unlocked any Typhon skill. But I've stumbled across the satellite wondering what it was. Sadly I couldn't interact with it in any way


Then, you have a reason for another run. I think Typhon skills are very fun. Try them all.


I’m pretty sure that’s 100% the intention. You’ve learned not to be scared of mimics any more, so they throw the nightmare at you. Then by the time you’ve learned not to be scared of that, daddy shows up.


1. What do you mean by daddy? The Apex? 2. I understand your point. Thing is they ruined the plot for me. I couldn't read any mail without the terror. I love horror games, alien isolation, dead space, etc. But this feature is too much imo. I repeat, they could have simply put the save spot, instead of the start menu.


How did you play alien isolation and the nightmare is a problem for you?


In this game I didn't see it coming. I was paying attention to read all of emails and subquests, trying to learn from the game the lore. In alien isolation that aspect was less relevant. And there are way less enemies


Well I don’t know if it’ll help you but when I play horror games I like to know how the enemy ai works. When I found out how the alien isolation ai worked, I noped out of it. I hate unkillable enemies, and certain aspects of its algorithm are too much for me. The nightmare though can only spawn every twenty minutes, but it doesn’t actually spawn every twenty minutes on the dot so once you see him you’re safe. It’s also really easy to hide in a closet or something until its timer runs out. Or if you’re like me, you’ve done a ton of neuromods and have a ton of typhon abilities to spam it with and kill it outright.


Plus, killing it means it won't respawn for 30 minutes instead of 20 minutes.


Save spot? There is a quick save if that’s what you mean. The nightmare is also on 20 minute cooldown and only spawns after level transitions, so once you’ve seen it you’re safe for a while. Similar deal if you repair the satellite.


The satellite? What do you mean? Save slot like specific place where u can save. In prey is too easy because u can save wherever and whenever u want. I was saying that a great way to improve immersion (instead of the nightmare thing) could have been using save spot like in dead space


Install the "Prey for death 2" mod then, it has that save system where you can only save on certain spots like your office and security outposts, your office is not safe anymore, you need turrets to defend it... january got almost killed when my office doors opened after the mirror video. There are the typical mimicks and phantoms but also solar phantoms, that inflict radiation damage, blood phantoms that inflict hemorrage and even chameleon phantoms... some paths are randomized and blocked so you need to reach that locations by other routes, keycards may not spawn on the vanilla locations... enemies can move betwheen zones and the magnetosphere fails ocasionally when a solar flare reach the station and every light goes out (or you are exposed to radiation if near a window or on the outside) There are new weapons, and all items need licenses to be crafted, you will find schematics everywhere but every found schematic only gives you 1 item fabrication license. That is the real nightmare mode, even on easy it's hard as fuck... and when nightmares appear, better run, as these things are overpowered. The only way I found to kill them is throwing a lot of recycler grenades, or with the gauss rifle, but ammo for that weapon is very scarce.


Eh, I just learned to hide and took a break when the Nightmare showed up. It goes away on its own eventually. Later on, you're so OP, you can kill it easily.


Nightmare = hide and go on my phone for 3min. Unless I have near maxed shotgun and more health


Next run, max out combat focus and fully upgrade your shotgun. Use the satellite to summon the Nightmare, and harvest those sweet exotics without even having to reload.


nah nightmare was a good addition except its really a little too weak


Get the sweet dreams mod