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What purpose would this serve? Alienating her? Embarrassing her?


This is why I'm asking. I've never dealt with addiction. I don't know if its important for people to know to try and help support her? With us it's just denial and accusations. She's promised to quit many times, she lies and says she doesn't go anymore, but she's such a terrible liar. I know as a family we need to talk to her, and we do, but it hasn't done a thing. If she was only dragging herself down we'd let her, but we also have her horse who is too old to sell or give away, that costs us $400+/month to care for, that she promises to pay for but can't. I just don't know the right procedures with who to inform and who not to.


You can’t force gambling addicts to come out to their loved ones. It has to come from themselves entirely