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Sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before climbing back up, so you will know just how bad it can get from experience. The memory of this will never fade, and can motivate more than just desire.


Honestly, I think more and more that you HAVE to hit rock bottom to get back up.


Some people need a harsh lesson to kick them into gear


connect future kiss squash voiceless vegetable boast slimy engine roll *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sorry to hear your story u can also look into joining Gamcare u can do this, i would advise u to get as much support possible, what u can do is become a better person for me its been 357 days since i last placed a bet it an awful addiction to have but with the right support u can do this too. Recently a guy just done 90 days after being similar situation as u, he lost his wife to this illness and now giving great advice to other people like yourself i couldnt imagine being in your situation and i my appsolute respect for anyone to come out the other side am am rooting for you dont let your past define you become a better version of yourself👍


Good for you man, coming clean with your loved ones is hard. I'm sorry that your spouse left you, maybe if you can really show you have changed in the future she will take you back. I just came clean with my wife 2 weeks ago and it was extremely difficult, but I gave her complete control of my finances as it is so hard for me to control my urges to gamble. As much as I think I can control myself it only takes a few minutes to fuck it all up.


Happy for you brother, and thanks for the update. I wish you the best in your healing. Only time will tell, and only time will heal. You got this. Good on you for not breaking this news on her birthday, it must have been hard. Goodluck with your family. Keep us updated.


I'm so happy for you for being truthful and I'm so sorry that your fiance reacted the way she did. Just know, the very best thing that you can do for yourself and your family is to leave gambling behind. Also, you don't really know how everything is going to settle yet and all hope is not lost. Just start repairing the wreckage that gambling addiction causes. You and your family will all be happier and healthier for it. Good luck brother, and please, please DM me if I can do anything for you.


Op i can relate and tour not alone. Im the same only diff, my wife didnt leave with the kid instead im left to deal with my problems myself. I guess thats fair. I know how you felt before telling, know how you feel after telling and know how shitty it is. Stay strong


G.A meeting tonight(Monday) 7pm eastern time on zoom Meeting ID 8627683586 Password : 1234 Chairperson: Ray R Topic : "Maintaining the Foundation.” How do you prioritize your recovery? Is your recovery still important to you? Anyone who has a desire to stop gambling is welcome


Very brave of you. You deserve kudos on taking a big step of being honest, vulnerable, and ready to rebuild your life.


Get to a GA meeting tonight. I've talked to a few people in the last week who lost their partners initially but gained them back. Put in the work. Do what you can do to save what's most important to you.