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this will keep happening until you make a change.


Wow did you graduate common sense school?


Idk why you are getting downvoted. I laughed.


Some people take Reddit too seriously 😅


It happens with a gambling addiction. Go to ga. Get serious about your problem.


You’re still working right? Open an online bank account and send your pay there. Dont get a debit card for the account. Takes 2-3 days to access the money will help.


Just gotta put it behind you and push thru. Set up some more barriers for yourself


No one in this sub will think of you as a clown. We have all F up over and over. You’re compulsive as am I, you will gamble over again until something will flick inside you where you will start to realise self worth and this will make you want to kick them where it hurts. It’s a journey we are all on, someone of are further along. Myself? I was in Las Vegas two weeks ago after six months off gambling and blew a load of money but I get back on the ladder and try again as you will do. Every relapse is an essential component to eventually being off this sick merry-go-round. View it as an investment into your future.


Telling on yourself and being willing to admit what is going on helps you to be a stronger person in the long run. Far too many people are out there gambling compulsively and living in the shadows, sick and suffering, unwilling to admit they have a problem. One thing that might help is to take some funds each month that you have not spent by being gamble-free and purchase something you want or need that can also serve as a reminder of how much better your finances are by not gambling. It doesn't' need to be something extravagant like a car or trip somewhere exotic, maybe it is a piece of clothing, jewelry, or memento that is a physical reminder of what not blowing the money can do for you. Let that item(s) be tangible positive reinforcement that a change for the better is underway. You've got this. We are all in this battle together - one day at a time.


You're not a clown. You're a gambling addict. Time to act accordingly and set yourself up for some help.


First of all, you aren't a clown. Gambling addiction, any addiction for that matter is hard to beat but the beauty is, it is possible. If you are serious about stopping you need a plan to overcome it. Do you have a trusted friend or family member who you can open up to? Give access to your finances to for a short while? In the early stages of recovery, having access to money is a recipe for disaster because the urges feel extremely overwhelming. Like the saying goes, keep an alcoholic in a bar long enough and he will drink. You got this.


You’re in a group that understands exactly what this is like. Gambling is not a behavior you can just will out of your life - it is like saying “I will no longer have cancer.” One of the first steps of GA is to recognize that your will power is not enough. You need community support, restrictions in place and to discover the root of your gambling so you can heal.


This won’t change until you go to GA. You’re a compulsive gambler and you aren’t able to fix this by will power alone


Once you receive your salary, try to hide it in a way you won't be able to withdraw it