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At first I thought you had some super realistic rain effects mod here, just to then realize you just have a filthy screen. Jeeeeeeeez.


The dirty screen infected his character so he got one shot from a hit is the most logical conclusion from this


Sometimes the most immersive gaming experience is just a good wipe away!


On a laptop too, most of the dust is in the imprints of the keys




the q in the haha is a dead giveaway that you’re hurting inside


>Hahahahahhah OVER HERE!! ha


Who wouldnt be hurting inside after this my man




Me too




Bro has a laptop so the issue is the keyboard. Wash them hands mf


He got the spores mod but on RL


It looks like glare to me. Like I can see op just sitting there with the window behind them.


You should see my screen


Did you previously get bitten then infected and “God mode” the infection away?


most likely has to be this, happened to be once, i got bit really early and cheated it away (couldn’t be assed to start over) and got but again 2 months in from the front and got instantly killed, my reanimated time is 0-12 hours in sandbox and infection was about 3 days too


Oh wow


Yes i did after a week coz i didnt wanna restart :( What does it have to do with that?


Because this breaks the game. The game already considers you fully infected, and next time you get infected you insta turn into a zombie


Ok this is my answer then, thanks man!!!


Just play with infection off in sandbox settings, you can still die easily but at least it's not rng anymore


Im changing transmission to saliva only from now on


If you godmode out of it you might as well turn it off altogether imo but it's your game


It do be a video game though


I mean if I get bit really early on I'm gonna cheat it away because I don't feel like starting up a new world that early, after like day 4 tho I'll just die


Bite is fine to accept it for me sure, but this time i was one week in with a good start and i got infected with a laceration. I said fuck it, im not going through first week again :D


I may just be misreading what you said but what the heck, I'll say it anyway lol. Just remember the infected status on your wounds is completely and totally separate from your zombie virus infection status. Has zero impact on anything, think of that as a bacterial infection of the wound, the zombie virus is only identified by observing symptoms.


Yes yes i know ofcourse. When you get zombie infection you dont see it anywhere except from moodles.. and ofcourse when you enter debug mode it is checked. What i meant is i got lacerated and the moodles started coming. Thanks anyway :)


Yes, but with default settings, you can get zombification virus from a laceration i believe with a 25% chance. This is what he means.


Mods like They Knew could help, as far as I can tell the vials that cure you don’t cause this bug.


goat setting


I use the more traits mod with indefatigable or I use the skill book mod to get out of that stupid loop where the game likes to kill you in the first week. After that I can usually get a character going for 3-6 months


I made the mistake setting it to everyone is infected. So I could still find my zombme wandering around. For some reason I thought that I was still immune and only turned when I died... That was a short game... I want to just keep going this time and see how much of the world I can mess with. Really erriode everything, and break a lot of windows.


No probs ☺️


Godmode is the actual cure, you healed the wound individually with debug. I know for fact godmode 100% removes the Knox, but healing individual wounds puts the Knox on sleeper mode until the next active infection; then it instantly turns you.


If you already have debug mode on you can just go into your characters stats and turn the infection meter to 0




Wow, I didn't know that was a thing. I've been playing for a long, long time and I'm learning something new. I've never cheated away infection before but now I know not to even bother. The game will get you eventually anyway. This game, man.


I did one time because my mouse died on me mid-combat once, paused with my keyboard but not before the zombies took a chunk out of me. I just head-cannon it that my guy got away with grevious injuries.


Yeah I didn't learn about debug mode until I had been playing for like nine years. I kept seeing people mention "debug this, debug that"... So I was finally like "Hey what is this debug thing?" I just didn't have a clue. I also learned, after a decade of playing, that you can pickup curtains. Lol


You can also pick up windows with a crowbar :)


Well I learned that in my first couple playthroughs. I also learned that you can remove curtains and they become sheets, which you can use to cover windows or rip up and use for bandages or bind into sheet rope. After that, I either left curtains alone or removed them for sheets. It never occurred to me to try to pick them up. I forget what the post was about, but someone mentioned a mod that allowed you to take curtains from one window and put them on another. And someone else said, "You don't need a mod for that, you can just pick them up. They're moveable." I was like "What do you mean pick them up?" Lol But I tried it and it worked. My mind was kinda blown... It was the biggest revelation since the "Walk To" exploit and the "Pause while looting" exploit. Good times.


FUCK! That explains why I lost my 2 month old character to a single bite


I've sadly had to do that to my boy, because just like OP, my guy didn't hit the zombie i clearly should've hit, and i'd create a big hatred for the game if my guy had to go out like that, but good to know i'll die instantly next time


Next time you can download a mod called "They Knew", it adds a super rare type of scientist zombie that drops ampules that cure the zombie plague. Never had any problems with that mod and if it's somehow too easy you can change the spawn rate of these special zombies in the sandbox options.


you have to use the dev mode or whatever to remove the infected status as well. I can confirm it works


Don't use god mode for that. Just use the health cheat, body full health, and then uncheck the "isinfected" box in moodles and body. No more instadeath


I think ive done all that and then god mode hahaha Thanks!


Theres a bug that if you heal yourself from the knox virus via debug the next chance you get the knox virus you'll just die instantly, perhaps it's that, perhaps it's not, you didn't give enough information and "instant dead??? pls help" this seems to be the most common answer. PS. Y'all new sprouts need to learn how to take screenshots in-game and not via phones jeez...


There’s a built in screenshot tool in windows too there’s literally no excuse guys 🤣🤣


That’s a really dirty screen.


F12, shift+windows+s, printscreen




OP got dabbed on


Hey buddy, do you need help finding your screenshot button? Screenshots look infinitely better than shitty quality cell phone pictures of computer monitors. [Learn more here](https://www.take-a-screenshot.org/windows.html)


You are doing sandbox and don't explain your settings. My first thought was that you got grabbed/bit from behind with some serious rng infection time. It can happen, one bite from behind and you instantly turn. Have had it happen to me, but not after surviving this long.


I even think that it wasnt from behind. I told you, no sandbox settings changed besides zombie count to 1.5x and multi hit


You’re more vulnerable when attacked from behind, so if this is indeed what happened, that would explain it. *edit - it’s called rear vulnerability and zombies have increased chance to bite, by a lot - even when set to low, you probably got extremely unlucky and ended up with serious gushing wound leading to your quick demise*


Have you previously healed your character through debug mode? I've heard of the same happening to another guy and the consensus was that healing your character through debug can cause you to get 1 shot afterwards.


Yeah it seems like the most likely culprit here.


Yes, i got it answered in another comment, thanks!


Did it bite you on your neck?


I dont know coz it was insta, but ive got my answer in another comment, check it out


horde of zombies... no prob. Single zombie ... death. I died way to many times by a single zombie


Me too man.. me too. Much more than with a horde


Just yesterday i died from a single zombie while i was puting loot into car trunk. Sadly it was bite wound


I died once like that too, while fast forwarding. RIP man


You don't, not instantly. Despite rumours, neck bites can't kill you like that, you'll just bleed out rapidly.


So its a bug?


A bug, an issue caused by a mod, a result of getting infected after debugging away a previous infection are possible reasons.


Ehh I need more information


I died in an instant on my previous playthrough too. Just one shotted. Im starting to think its some kinda bug


Yea it might be, not sure how though


Wanna play?


Im playing offline right now sry :(


I've heard about this happening from time to time. I've never seen it and it's never happened to me. But it's a thing. I don't know why.


I got it answered in amother comment, its because you removed it earlier by debugging


Yep, I read. Cool 👍


Mom came in my room, forgot to pause the game while taking to her, a single zombie came, he bit my neck, died in a few seconds.


Same my man, same.. i had do many unlucky deaths


He was a good sniper 🤠


When both of your hands are occupied with non weapon itens, like umbrellas and torches, the shove thing just not hapand, and it's learned the worst way possible haahhaha


You always learn something new.. when you die XD


You don't


Sandbox? Yikes




Bad luck


You get bit, all that stands between life and death is a secomd.


Not sure about you, but i always play with instant infection time


I play 1min - 12 hours. I "love" the moment of not knowing


then thats how you got one shot lol


I believe neck bites have a chance to be instant death


I believe neck bites have a chance to be instant death


game is in early access\*


The smith of times I’ve died to that camera rotation thing where you swing and push and your dude completely missed the zombie… gotten me killed so many times I lost count


Cause they have a gun duh


Neck bite from behind has a chance to instakill you. Im surprised by how many people dont know this. I discovered it for the first time playing against sprinters, specially those that when see you approaching suddenly run in a circle and grab your back before you have time to turn.




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I have no idea what I'm looking at, I thought it was a weird shader or something but people keep saying it's a dirty screen. My eyes just refuse to focus


If you got Insta-killed, you 99% of the time used console commands to heal a prior bite (or other zombie virus transmission event). This is because the game uses two in-game values to calculate the current lethality of the virus: 1. If you have the virus currently(true/false) 2. The amount of time that has passed since the initial transmission (will only start counting down if you have gotten the virus) The problem with simply “godmoding” away the infection is that it will remove the virus, but will not reset the infection timer. The infection timer is directly related to calculating the amount of infection damage over-time, and it continues to tick, even if you cure the virus. This is why when you get re-infected you instantly die, as it is an exponential increase in damage over time.


Press "Q" in game to take a screenshot


Clean your nasty ass screen


Sometimes it happens to me that the character does not hit a zombie or perform some other action and they bite me, but if you instantly predict, it could be a problem with the game, or some mod that you have installed, but that has never happened to me.


It sounds like a lag spike, especially if your character failed to push. You were likely walking around but in reality you were probably standing there getting mucked by the zombie for a while


Man Im very sorry for you


Ive seen this happen to charecters that have been fucking with debug mode to save your charecters life and using no infection settings. essentially I believe it's a clever "bug" that causes instant death to stop people from abusing debug mode with settings to avoid death. Just my opinion based on what I've seen from posts like this before.


If you have bite infection and instant turn.


Three Words: Neck Bleeds Fast


I was gonna ask if its ur first time but that's not even how I usually get one shot. Sometimes for no reason my charecter do the drag down animation and dies while one single biter gets me


all i know is that when u get infected u can turn the zombie virus effect to „immediately“ so that u instantly die and turn into a zombie after a bite or a scratch (thats what i have on)


Nevermind the question. WTF happened to your screen?


If your health was already low or you had a cold, were wet, or over encumbered mixed with any of those others you can get 1 shot pretty easy.. the negative debuff from being “soaked” gives you an insanely high chance to get sick mix that with a bite and yeah you can drop pretty damn quick I once had my character drop in about as fast as u can blink cause I slept in the cold while wet and when I woke up it took all of 0.5 of a seconds and he dropped dead, felt pretty instant


Did you ever godmode yourself after getting scratched/lacerated or bit by a zombie previously? If you had and were going to get infected “zombie infection” then the next time you get scratched/lacerated or bit by a zombie you will instantly fall victim to the aforementioned infection


This has been happening ALOT recently in my mp server. People are raging lol






He cut your neck open


Don't think that's likely. If he had died from bleeding due to a neck wound, he would be fully dead, not a zombie. Others here said it's likely a debugging zombification away and then getting infected a second time that caused instant zombification, which sounds like it's probably what happened. Can't really think of anything else that makes sense but that. Instant zombification doesn't really happen in normal ways, I don't think.


Yep 💯


So it was super bad luck??


ye open neck can kill you super rapidly you just bleed out if you dont like bandage it super immidiatly


I alrdy survived an neck wound in this playthrough and before, i know how fast the hp starts to drop. I survived it because of fast bandage. But this was not "fast drop". It was instant.


I thought we already established that you were infected earlier but you debugged it away. So this time, the game just turned you instantly. These other explanations are valid but less likely. I've been bitten from behind plenty of times and didn't turn instantly. I didn't even die instantly. It happened fast, but not instantaneous.


you can also get unluck where the zombie infection incubation period just picks now \^\^ and you instant zombify instead of heaving the symtoms first


I just hope it wasnt a bug and wont happen again


TL;DR here is OP cheated, then got their just desserts in the end.




Clean ur screen 🤮






it’s a single player sandbox game, who cares how someone plays lol. this is like getting mad someone cheating money in the sims. it ain’t like he’s playing competitively


You gotta die sometimes eh?








Pretty sure it was front


Oh yeah thats a bug. It only happens if you got infected anyway (either by bite laceration, or scratch), so it's not a big loss. At least you didn't need to wait to find out.


you might have transmission(if its called that) on instant. or maybe some mods


nvm i havent read the post fully haha