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No, it takes more time to write these sheets than to actually find what I need


That’s why I do it on the map I don’t see why keeping separate sheets of paper


And even longer than using pen and paper.


Not if you run out of space in a page, it is usefull since you have more space Still, not like I do it since I don't make it that long, I just go with the flow


I used to keep track of my ammo and food supplies, then I got so much food and ammo it became either pointless or impossible to keep track of everything. I'd do it more often if I had like a group of NPCs to take care of, especially since they have to eat, drink and have supplies of their own. But it's still a good way to kill time in game


If too much loot is a problem, try using the ridiculously rare loot mod. I used to be swimming in food, guns, etc. by end of week 1. Now, with more specified loot %s, I could loot an entire Gigamart and come away with maybe a dozen food items at most. Usually I don't play on day 1 of outbreak so this makes more sense to me and it actually makes it a challenge to keep food supplies high.


do you know how it compares to insanely rare? i put literally all loot to insanely rare for a 10 years later run and i still walk out of a police station with way more ammo than i should lol


It is much more rarer. I think they change the vanilla rarity percentages for the preset levels, and even if not, you can further modify the rarity. Insanely rare with the mod is 5%. Then, by more granular categories, you can further modify the percentage with a multiplier, say 50%, which would make it 2.5%. You can also change the number of maximum items to spawn in a container too, which reduces overall loot quantity. I have guns and ammo set to insanely rare/extremely rare respectively, with further modifiers of 0.8 each. I looted the supply store in Louisville and came out with a pistol, a rifle, and about a dozen boxes of ammo. Since I use Firearms B41, the ammo I got was very varied, so for the pistol, I only had one box of ammo. With these settings I actively mark down things like police car wrecks since any chance at ammo and weapons is one I’ll take 😂


I don’t! Can an eraser erase the ink or just pencil?


It can erase both :)


The 90's had some crazy erasers then.




Gillete making pens... So it was Payback when BIC started doing razors...


Happy cake day mate, also pz needs to totally add this as a feature already


I use the todo list mod. Does pretty much the same thing, but you can keep it on your hud.


Its crazy how thats how much supplies it takes to supply a single person lol


Op tries to have ressources for at least 2 1/2 months, so yeah, its a lot


Its just very interesting, puts a lot into perspective ya know


Oh yeah for sure, THAT amount of ammo, guns and food is absolutely ginormous


No I'd get too tired of updating it every loot day.


I'm a pretty organized player who keeps an in-game journal of what I did every day, but not even I keep a written stock of my loot. I keep certain items in certain containers with like items, and if I'm low on something I'll definitely know.


Too depressing to make your map organized af just to die later


I just respawn on the same map and bury my previous self in the makeshift graveyard.


Basically this lol kinda pointless


I write things down on paper with pencil because I like erasing things. I also like to smoke when I play, so I have to write down what my goal is/what I'm doing because I forget. I usually keep track of what I need, not what I have, because I'm a hoarder ingame. Too much to keep track of. Right now, the slip of paper I keep on my desk says, "WHERE ARE THE GENERATORS? Need clean water storage. BURPEES 24/7. PLANTS. Kill count too low! Play with fire." Then "bombs bombs bombs" for a line.


You're smoking some good shit.


That seems like more work than actually remembering what you need


Have you ever gone into a grocery store knowing exactly what you need, yet walk out without grabbing 1 of those things you needed?


Not in zomboid I haven't


I s'pose if I could walk into a store and grab *everything* I wouldn't forget something. Lists are important, though.


No, i use the notepad in steam overlay instead. Text always changes size on the map and that doesnt jive with me.


Oh yeah if you need fertilizer go to south of rosewood. All the farm houses HAS TONS OF GOD DAMN FERTILIZER BUT NOTHING BUT A PACK OF CARROTS AND BROCCOLI.


Yes, kinda. I keep a Todo list on my phone, but no list of supplies, only what I need.


I unironically do this IRL but not in game. Like another person said too depressing to spend that much time doing that to die not long after.


Your missing the most important thing. Books magazines and videos.


I used a real pen and paper but ill be doing this now for immersion


I got bit in an RP server this one time so I went around leaving "diary entry" notes around this house that detailed my slow dying and zombification and thoughts on my own mortality. "This military quarantine was never a simple lockdown. It was an execution. A culling. There is no escape. Soon I will be dead. They will get their execution. I will get my freedom..." Never found out if anyone found the notes.


I do! It’s one of my favourite things to do in the game!!! Though I’m much less organized about it, and my scribbles are ALL OVER the map instead of so neat. I much prefer writing it on my map to on a notebook because it looks like an actual person wrote it, and it takes longer which forces me to stay in focus a little longer, and it’s also much harder to forget when it pops up every time I open my map!


Bro is a hoarder and a bureaucrat all at once


Let myself get down to only two months of food? Absolutely not, I'm not a barbarian.


Yo SevenEleven , your store manager escaped. =] Jk but fr get a job like this.


in needs section i legit read "rope" as "rape" ngl


Me too


Man, things like this really make me want to play.. until i fire it up and just feel a whole load of "what to do..., im bored"


I do it for what books I’ve and what I need. And for what weapons I’ve and what Ammo I’m looking for


If I have free time I like to do this


I don't typically live long enough for a checklist like this to be meaningful. Like in general I'm sitting at somewhere around 8-10 days when I'm playing smart. But then I just start getting overconfident or hasty, and I die to my own stupid. I DO keep notes every run though. The emergency frequency, maybe incidental ideas, but thats basically on scratch paper instead of in-game. Its not a terrible idea tho. I dont think I'd ever get as detailed as this, but just quick notes on the map is a solid idea.


Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. My autism has been soothed. Excellent organization.


I do not do that but I do now


that’s some nerd stuff i need to do


No. But that’s intense.


What mod/loot rarity are you using to get that much ammo?


Everything is on rare, but there are about 7 places like gun stores, police stations, and army surplus stores between river side, to rose wood and to West Point to get guns and ammo plus all of the home raiding


No i scream and hide when i play this game plus i have nobody to play with currently so def will be hiding 😭


Damn man. The only way I keep track of stuff is to have like a metal shelf that's only for canned food. So I just look at it and see how much is on it. Then I have a separate shelf for stuff that I make that are preserves.


Similar, not as in depth as you. I’ll usually take sheets of paper and write out “To-do lists” on them, like I’m giving myself little side quests, as well as keep a journal and update it roughly once a week. Anything I do keep stock of I do it in notebooks or paper, scrolling around the map irritates me. Oh, and radio frequencies will also go on sheets of paper.


Thats a lot of time spent doing that


Nope, I just organize well and look at my storage containers.


Nope I just have the simple measurements of more than enough, enough, I'll be fine, I should probably find some more soon, starting to run quite low and holy shit there's nothing left. It's worked like a charm so far so I don't see the point in changing it


Are you actually an accountant IRL or something? I struggle to see the use of this, as noted it's a lot of work taking notes, not like I'm running an army or needing to quartermaster a group -- certifying and tracking who has what. My longest saves just has too much incoming loot to track like this. It just isn't tenable for one person to track. Practically a job in of itself.


I usually do this to pass time or if I’m bored


Fair enough. Mostly I'm full-clearing the map.


i did, once. opening a map every time you wanna see your to do list is a pain, you can have a notebook in your inventory, open it up while driving a car or checking what books you have


I usually use an ingame notebook to keep track of supplies but the map works just as well


If you are roleplaying, I applaud you. If you arent, I loathe you


I do IRL but not in Zomboid. I redo so many games I never get to this stage.


I do pretty basic marks on the map. I X out houses that have no more useful loot. Circle for places of interest. And every once in a while will bother to put a little note somewhere if it's especially interesting. I think the default symbols work fine for my brain.


No. The time it takes to write all this is time you could spend doing more useful stuff like clearing out zeds and looting


But why?


If I have garden far away, I make note of the date it last rained. I've also made notes of the location of heavy stuff or cars that have fuel. Basically anything I have to come back to. I'm pretty new to the game though.


No?? I would try if I didn't broke my game :(


I still use paper sheets to write my current mission/to-do. Maps are marked and lists the remaining books I'm looking for. But I love how everyone has their own way of marking their map. I love what you did.


No, I just get a car with a large trunk space and just almost everything that might be useful until my base is full. Brute forcing that loot system xd


No inventory logbooks but I love doodling on my maps to remember what to do or where stuff are at.


Ain’t nobody got time for dat


I don't use guns ever so I don't keep track of ammo. And I have never ran out of canned food, so I don't track it either.


Man this is too much just take everything besides the junk


Shove it all in a pantry and only look at it when you need to eat.


I usually die from something dumb before any of that affects me haha


You're not the only one






I don't like the way my skin feels on my body. Do you like the way your skin feels on your body? You don't? Why don't you pull it off? Pull off your skin. I bet it'll feel good.


Wait until OP realize there’s a thing is called Long-Term Memory


Waste of time