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Best melee weapon is my own feet. Z POV: ![gif](giphy|IHCf4uKEDuZCq5XNhn)


Shoes ranking


A good ol stomper gets and S very reliable unless fractured leg


1. Boots 2. Strapped shoes 3. Shoes 4.sneakers


1: Flip-flops 2: any other shoes


This ⬆️


Isaac Clark, Kentucky edition


Is this gif from vox machina? I am not sure but its a dope show


Yep it is


Spear better get at least an a


Yeah the spear isn’t on the list.. I am a firm believer in spear supremacy but I have to slander it and give it a B :(


Shame on you:(


It’s a great weapon but it takes too long to get good


Garden fork


i swear this thing 1 taps way too often at 0 skills easy spear levels


Yeah but mass zombie killing easy to craft weapon :(


Sadly it only goes mass zomboid killing when your carp is level 4-5 and you have maintenance of 2-3 id love to have it higher but I have to be honest with everyone


you are missing the endgame for axes: stone axe is S tier for stamina management reasons. fire axe for early midgame, stone axe for lategame.


Yeah, one hand axes are broken at GOOD level. Even more with lumberjack traits.


Hunting knife in C is criminal.


Its a skills based weapon tho. You gotta get used to it. In my next playthrough I'm going to try to master it


I don't think we disagree, I think hunting knife belongs somewhere between S and A


Spear breaks too often to be really great. I had to download a mod to buff spears and I still don't really use them.


Where are my pipes? They should be top of the B tier.


Bars and Pipes. Need another one? Just look for a gate. They're fucking *everywhere* and they're just an all round solid weapon. Nothing fancy or flashy, but dependable, common and useful.


Out of all the weapons I've picked up, pipes are GOAT. Plentiful, meanwhile "I can't find an axe!" THERE'S PROBABLY A PIPE WITHIN 2 METERS!


The only bad thing is the count as a back slot as a short blunt


Pipes didn’t show but I will agree they are B tier


And my ultimate weapon grill pan


Yeah wtf?! Pipe wrenches, metal pipes, lead and metal bars are great short blunt weapons


A Tier in my books. They're like a baseball bat, but way more common.


Why pickaxe is in the D tier?


Slow and hard to come by


Machetes are even harder to come by and they are in s tier, pickaxes may be slow but the damage is INSANSE.


True, but pickaxe is like sledgehammer, it takes a lot of stamina just to swing.


Machetes are in abundance in dorm rooms in LV and in March ridge.


I mean there are places where every weapon can be found in abundance I don't think a lot of people ever visit March ridge.


I use firefighter job for my character and I don't find it very slow. It's still very OP when you have needed space between you and the zombies. It can kill a lot of zombies in one hit if they've gathered, as well. I don't remember using pickaxe without firefighter job chosen, so maybe you're right and it's not very good as it seems to me without the 40% speed boost.


Hits much harder though. And massive crit damage + higher chance. I like it at lower skill when you're typically not fighting huge hordes. But lousy choice for LJ since it doesn't get the speed boost. I'm not sure it's less common than the fire axe before that starts showing up in zeds.


I mean its not S tier but its better than a fucking guitar


Slow attack speed, incredibly high stamima cost. Suffers much like felling axe, great weapon to quickly dispatch a few stragglers, terrible if you need to clear a horde.


Have you even used it before? It's got the same stamina cost as a regular axe, ever so slightly slower attack speed but more damage making oneshots a lot more common. It's incredible at dealing with hordes.


I also consider regular axe to have high stamina costs personally. 🤷 Initial one shots become less appealing since all weapons begin to do them at higher levels. At axe 2-3 the regular fireaxe will oneshot almost all zombies if you can manage your panic properly. If you start as lumberjack or park ranger you'll likely hit that in your first few days of the run.


*You alerted the horde*


This must be rage bait


The weapons is not.. I cant exactly tell with the occupation cause even when I look at in now I get mad


Bro puts shovel, a direct upgrade of the baseball bat into F tier... wat?


Read the caption carefully. Some weapons got misplaced


How'd you misplace them before uploading this lmao, didn't you do a quick once over?


Wait... Fr?? Like are you joking or for real?? I love the baseball bat and I have a lot of shovels. Please tell me that it's true


Shovels have higher damage, lower weight, longer reach, and use less stamina than baseball bats Baseball bats last longer


Damn you're right. The long blunt skill will make the shovels last longer right? I'm a shovel knight from now on


Katana E?


OP obviously took too much of his prescription medicine right before this post. He doesn't mean what he says.


In terms of rarity, Yes. It’s good. But it’s too rare to get one anyway where other good options are easy to maintain and obtain.


But.. machete S?


From what im guessing, this tier list is based on OVERALL Rarity, Damage, Durability & Range Considering Axe, Crowbar are a bit easy to find and does the job very well (and machete being a bit hard but yet has good durability and damage) Makes these weapons S Tier Also, is that the entry point guy‼️ Edit: and ofc this tier is preferenced based, would love to see a community tier


Thank you! Someone gets it this is very well just preference based and how long all these weapons are in long lasting play throughs


Stamina cost should be a much bigger factor than is represented here imo. From a performance standpoint crowbar is a terrible weapon, grinding maintenance and just having a reliable sturdy bonking stick give it it's place though.


I would disagree, Stamina is mostly situational It does play a big factor in Combat but however it can be managed


I play with sprinters on, so for me stamina is a matter of life or death. If I were to pickup a crowbar over an axe or knife at the start of the game it would be suicidal. Even for anyone playing with fast shamblers, endurace drain raises fatigue drain, meaning heavier weapons users will lose stamina faster, causing them to get sleepy faster, causing them to lose stamina even faster and so on. Being tired/sleepy is really the only time you can be kn danger vs shamblers anyway, so endurance/fatigue are king of what you can hope to accomplish in a day. The endurance/fatigue loop is why wakeful is one of my favorite perks, even a zero fitness character can do a lot with it because low fatigue endurance regen is so damn high.


I find Machete’s rarity is much more forgiving compared to Katana. But everyone have their own opinion so they do them


You’re not wrong there’s just a lot of disparity


Maybe I’m crazy but I feel like the machete lasts for a really long time, while the katana barely can kill a horde.


It's a very good weapon. Once you level up Long Blade to 2 you can one shot most zeds and one damaged machete is enough to get you to that level


You can repair machetes you can’t repair katanas


Once you find a machete you never need to replace it for now (B42 might fix this). Just attach it to a spear, and take it back off, then you can repair it again with no penalties. In total it costs like 5 duct tape units to bring it to 80% durability. You find one once, you never need to look again for any other weapon. As long as you don't care about clothes that zombies wear, you will have a melee weapon that will treat you right for your entire playthrough, from Level 0 Long Blade to level 10. Starting at like Long Blade Level 3, you being to two hit zombies on average with occasional one shots. Only melee weapons better than it in my opinion are short blade, specifically the Hunting Knife early on and later on the Hand Scythe. Lowest stamine drain rate means best potential at training zombies to get easy kills and clears.


Boy am I surprised to see you here! A fellow zomboid enjoyer!


Its really good but so rare that you dont want to use it


Where's the Meat Cleaver? One of my favorite weapons.


Great with miltihit


Even without multi-hit this is a decent weapon. It's fast, easy to find, fairly durable, and costs little stamina to use.


Hunting / Military knife uses almost no stamina, idk why its so low.


That is the good thing about it my issue is the lack of safety net you have with it being super up and personal isn’t a great thing when with hordes that the hunting knife forces you do to do also the chance of it getting stuck scares me From these reasons I just can’t say that it’s equal to other weapons above it


this is a pretty terrible tier list lol


Everyone is talking about the weapon list but my god look how bad the occupation one is


A lot of the occupations are very much a bit womped out I do agree I’d probably claim is at rage bait if I wasn’t someone else


Pickaxe is S tier if your character isn't a little bitch


Guitar above Katana because it can't be repaired? This is bait.


Katana and hunting knife deserve better :(


There's swords?


Yes there is very rare


where plunger?


Pipe wrench kinda op tho


Tbh it’s alright. It really only down there because the hammer is a tool that comes with a easy to level up skill thus why it’s there


I guess ur right. I have a plumbing mod so having a pipe wrench is nice too.


I mean plumbing exists in vanilla but it’s behind metalworking I believe so it’s not exactly the easiest thing to do. Of course a pipe wrench is taken with me whenever I base just in case


Katana and Woodaxe "E"?? Hunting knife "C"?!? OP has less than 500 hours in game.


Wood axe is like fighting with a sledgehammer. Wrecks stamina in no time.


If you specialize in axes and hit Fitness 7+ you should have no problem


It's still way worse than regular axes though.


True but if you go Axe spec the best tactic is to forage and make stone axes. imo.


True. I usually go blunt though.




Hunting knife is not that great decent quality but meh Katana is too rare and to feeble to be used reliably And wood just takes out too much stamina and compared to other high damage weapons I wouldn’t personally grab it has better purposes


Hunting knife is a 0-stamina weapon. People switch to it to actually recover stamina.


Not only is hunting knife a 0 stamina weapon but it has a 50% crit chance. It is hands down the best weapon in the game due to its utility, durability and pros. Katana is rare but worthless until you have at least 7 levels in long blade. Once you're there, Katana is a corpsemaker and possibly the strongest melee in the game, period. I suggest you play more before making these silly lists...


1000+ but thos list looks like it needs another 1000 hours. Knife c, pickaxe d and katana e? Gtfo this is trolling at best.


500+ not 1000+ this isn’t trolling pickaxes are way too slow to be even close to reliable katanas break too easily and a knife is alright at best


Pickaxe is slow? Try lumberjack and pickaxe combo and thank me later, you can chop trees with it, fix your garden, all in one weapon, S tier in my book for multiuse. Also reach is better than spear, more damage, more durability and knockback.


Takes more to swing and if you didn’t take lumberjack it’s useless


Durability? *crowbar*


Idk where you’re getting pickaxes being too slow from. With multi-hit and 5+ axe skill, plus pickaxe’s insane reach, you can mow down hordes with impunity.


Any weapon with multi hit is op, which is why no one scales weapons based on it


You cant base things on multi hit sorry. Multi hit isnt used by the vast majority of players and servers, and the game iant really balanced around it. No hate if you use multi hit, but basing a tier list on multi hit isnt what the majority of the community will do


The Katana also breaks very quickly, I see it as a temporary powerup when I find it, use in case of emergency (like if my base gets overrun)


Pick axe is a great weapon


Shovel is unironically in B tier. Has a ton of reach, and a big swing attack. There's better options, but out of all the trash picks, I pick it


Oh for sure I accidentally placed it down there


Why is katana and axe so low?


Katana has terrible life and wood axe has better usage like chopping trees instead. I just wouldn’t take it over a lighter and faster option the fire axe


Where is the garden fork?


Where pen ?


I am enraged (I just witnessed someone's opinion on the internet)


machete😻 i keep so many in stock just in case. never go anywhere without it


Gotta factor in point cost, security guard ain’t good but it’s cheap so maybe like C tier


fire fighter over lumberjack is a choice lol. Think the axe swinging boost, and an additional point in axe is far better than the sprinting and armor pants firefighter provides


I’ll be real with ya that occupation tier list is just shit looking at it now I regret it lmao


There’s no way the katana is that bad is there?


Unless you have high maintenance and long blade.. which takes years to get better for a fireplace piece then a zombie killing one


Shovel in F tier I don't need to read more, lock your doors OP it will be like that shining scene with a shovel tonight. Edit mb read the caption


Where plunger


I find your lack of Meat Cleavers disturbing.






Some crazy takes in this list


I whip the axe with lumberjack occupation and strong trait




Shovel... S tier


Personally I feel like the weapons move around a lot based on world and gamestage. Late stage when I can craft 1000 spears yeah definitely S tier but early on prolly B. Early game Katana S tier late game not so much. I personally always run Lumberjack for the Axe man perk. Which especially late game just gets insane. That being said the guitar is trash so expensive to use just basically a substitute for my foot when I have them pushed over swings slow and costs a lot of stamina.


It’s only up there because it’s good for a long blunt early game. This why you’re seeing a lot of low durable weapons being lower on the list


Yep, I'm in relentless rage right now, i guess it was your intention, so here take it: AAHHAHAHHRHHHHHFGGUUUUCHHHHRRRRRRR


That’s only on slide two slide one is legit.


I giggled seeing the golf club in A tier section.


It’s up there cause nothing is more fun the yelling “FOUR” as I crush a dead in


Frying pan better than katana... Right




Why didn't you include spears? They are infinite and really good once you level up your skill.


They weren’t on the tier list I had.. I love spears and I’m a spear supremacy supporter but I think it’s. Like solid B cause you have to grind it to be really really good not good for early but great for late


Wait, I thought the katana was supposed to be good (I'm new, so maybe I'm wrong?)


It is! Very good damage wise.. but the durability is really bad, and to get good with using a katana you need to grind maintenance and long blade two pretty difficult skills and even by the time they’re at good level the katanas sister (the machete) that you’ve needed to use to get there just out performs it


Gotcha. I just found my first machete yesterday. So far, it seems worse than the axe, and wears out faster. Maybe I just need a higher long blade level before it gets good.


Yep basically but once it’s there it’ll be good


Hmm i think your character's leg is a best weapon....


Nah, this is bait. Every single tier has something wrong in it, Katana way too low, and if you're arguing, rarity makes it so low, Machetes should be lower too. Hunting knives are pretty common and good at combat with utility, Wood Axes are great with enough levels, so at least one tier higher, all instruments go into F. Occupations are just plain wrong.


Personally I prefer the baseball bat to the crowbar It’s much lighter and I can repair it effectively without duct tape.


Veteran should be S-tier, without question. Desensitized is AMAZINGLY GOATED. To never panic is SO helpful and saved me in so many situations.


isnt the wood axe just a better fire axe tho


I think the hammer and the wrench should be in A tier, both are very common finds and can be used very well with short blunt and have pretty good durability to boot, they both even have uses outside of combat that opens up several avenues for base building like carpentry and restoring water to your base


It is the fact that they are tools is why they’re lower. They are common to find for sure. But rather than having to grab these things again and again because I keep breaking them I’d rather hold onto them dearly only using them if a zomboid comes up to me to try to kill me. I could see them being raised a tier


But the glory of them being common is the fact that you can have a set that you use purely for tool tasks and anything else can be used as a weapon, and sometimes they are necessary to be used as weapons when you cant carry a large weapon if you need a shotgun, the only reason why either arnt in S tier is because of the damage and durability. Even if only one or the other of those aspects were improved id easily put them in S tier


I was boutta say “Shovel? In F? Really?” Then I saw the captions


Lumberjack S IMHO


ive never seen a golf club before also you forgot the breadknife


Whats wrong with the wood axe is it because its slow?


Yes-ish? Though it’s the best damage axe in the game it is slower to start with and rarer than the fire axe in my book it’s more of a tool than a weapon.


id save move katana up one


It’s down there because I find it has many failing qualities than the rest of the weapons. Being super rare to deal high damage for about 3-5 zomboids really gets it down there then with its counter part the machete that does the same thing but closer it can kill more dead. I could see how it could be D tier but as of now it’s E


i say d tier cuz of its damage, and its fun and kinda exciting when you find one


uhhh tf is the golf club doing in A tier???


Golfing is fun in this game I couldn’t just leave him in the dumps


Also, that occupation tier list is shit


Don’t worry I also think it’s shit. I forgot half of them when making it


Lumberjack is S tier.


Leaving the best profession off the occupation list.


Wasn't this exactly tierlist posted here like ten times already?




Yeah, my bad. First thing I saw is lack of spears and I made a wrong assumption. 😅


Occupations are wrong I do agree. But the weapon tier list takes a lot into account rarity stamina usage. Damage. Practicality. Effectiveness and durability All of things are into account thus why a heavy hitter like the sledge hammer is so low it’s not effective or practical and it rare uses a lot of stamina but it has great durability While the katana is effective good damage good on stamina but it’s not practical to use nor does it have good durability while the machete has great durability good damage good stamina usage it’s effective it’s practical and has good range and it’s not too rare to find. Many factors have gone into this I get why it’s deemed as bait. Without a full understanding how these are truthfully made it looks like a mediocre tier list at best




No garden fork. You're a troll


The metal pipe is my favorite because I usually die before i find anything better lmao


Night guard F.... My life is ruined


Golf clubs?


Just one question. Why meta highest dps is A tier?


This is undeniably facts


This is ball peen hammer and wrench erasure…


Everyone always forgets the metal bar, best weapon in the game.


profession list is all kinds of wrong. All medical professions should be F


put the pitchfork in S where it belongs


This tier list is a joke


The occupation is


So is the weapons portion, you’re “tier-ing” weapons based on, I’m assuming a combo of both abundance and damage with like 80% of the weighted tier coming from abundance. Katana is obviously S-tier, yeah it rare but that’s the point for a weapon that can one-two shot zeds. Sorry but this tier list did nothing but make me blow some air out my nose and chuckle for a sec, it’s a joke!


It’s the weapons durability practicality effectiveness rarity stamina usage and range (Besides the golf ball I just like yelling four before hitting a zomboid)


You are ranking weapons, not the sad aftermath of the weapon breaking. Put katana where it belongs


Sledgehammer where


Damn what did the pickaxe do to you? That shit goes hard id easily put it in B maybe even A


wtf did security guard do to you? That shit goes hard in a survival sneaky build


Bro the pickaxe is almost as good as the fireaxe


We can all agree maintainence skill is the important skill here. It makes any weapon last way longer.


Where's the God Fork? that's the best spear.


I think frying pan is so high cuz its one of the first weapons you get. So based on what you receive, its the best you can get. Though I don't think that's how a tier ranking should be based on, that's how some people do it.


Bat is S tier 😤


“WhY iS tHe KaTaNa So LoW” I will answer for you. Without mods it cannot be repaired / then explain crowbar


Crowbar Pickaxe Hunting knife Nightstick Spear all S+++ tier now get lost with that list. Haha


Besides crowbar I would quite rather use anything else for late game.


Why do people not realize the value in katanas being a fallback weapon? You train with machetes to level and keep an unused katana on your backpack while you use a hand axe or crowbar as your main weapon. If suddenly there’s a big horde or you didn’t notice and your endurance is a bit low then things might get dicey. A katana is the most reliable melee weapon at reasonable endurance cost to get yourself through that horde.


"muh catana can't be repaired therefore E" Yet you put crowbar in S. So, yeah, looks like rage-bait.