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Pvz1 šŸ¤ Project zomboid Having garden forks as powerful weapons against zombies


peak weapon


I like how the mop is actually in the background


Is it the only spear weapon that isn't crafted? Bc its the only spear weapon I ever use


Umbrella also count as spears, i am fairly certain.


Closed umbrellas can be used as spears as well.


It is, though crafted spears are great too, the fork is a lot more convenient until it lasts


yeah I can never be bothered to craft spears, there's just no incentive, especially with how little they last. Ill use them if some dead guy wanders up to me with one in his stomach though


I mean they last fine enough, being spears youll quickly start oneshotting very consistently, and with like 4/4 in spear/maintenance theyll last for on average 40 swings. Which for such a cheap weapon that can nevertheless probably kill like 20-30 zombies in those 40 swings is pretty damn respectable. You dont even need to always carry a bunch of them. Go anywhere with any way to get planks or tree branches and you can craft 10 of them with a 0.3 weight kitchen knife. Really wanna be a fancy pancy survival type and you can walk around with nothing and still be able to craft spears whenever by finding a chipped stone, tree branch, making a stone knife and then finding more branches or cutting down bushes for them with the knife. I prefer to carry a garden fork on my back and craft spears whenever possible. Or craft a bunch and put them in my car trunk if I know im gonna be going to clear out some area.


idk, to me that just sounds like so much effort when you can just take an axe or a good machete, which will last you twice as long


Big difference between the spear and axe is that the spear weighs half as much as the axe (3.0 for axe vs 1.7 for crafted spear). This means you get way less tired swinging a spear 100 times vs swinging an axe the same amount. So at the end of the day, once you have either skill leveled a bit, they both will basically one shot most zombies, the spear just makes you less tired overall. That alone makes it worth it (for me) to just have a stockpile of spears. Theyā€™re easy enough to make


Yeah like the other guy said, spears weigh less and as such cost less endurance allowing you to fight at least twice as long with similar killing rates with some spear skill and at least half the endurance cost if not even less due to how the moodles work off eachother. One advantage of spears not mentioned is that a spear crit will always oneshot, no matter your damage, this means that even when you have almost no damage due to tiredness and fatigue you will still oneshot on crits. And I believe ontop of that endurance costs of hits is based on damage dealt, which means that when you deal half damage due to being drowsy you will lose half as much endurance as well, but still be able to kill at basically the same rate due to spear crits and the fact that tiredness does not reduce attack speed. This means that spears can keep going much longer than other weapons without putting yourself in as much danger. And that makes them very good emergency weapons as well. Ontop of all that with the exception of the pickaxe spears have greater reach than most other options. The drawbacks are pretty obvious though being that there is no spear skill traits, so it will always be slower to level than most alternatives. As well as the low condition of crafted spears, though this is mitigated by good maintenance and spear skill making their condition much more viable though obviously never as good as alternatives, but at a point that becomes a pretty small issue. Average condition of 50 vs 500 is less debilitating than 10 vs 300-400. All in all I would recommend trying spears out, they obviously arent some be all end all option with how obvious the drawbacks are and with how easy it is to kill a lot of zombies really, but theyre a solid and consistent choice and can be that be all end all option in some scenarios. Their biggest advantage is the fact that they will never be a terrible choice, you will never fight with a spear and feel like youre putting yourself in huge danger or a sucky situation, i.e theyre consistent.


I didnā€™t know that about the crit chances and drowsiness levels. Ill definitely start using spears more. But they will never replace my beloved hunting knifes


With level 8+ in spears, maintenance, and 6 in carpentry the last for quite a while.


Spear durability depends on your carpentry and maintenance iirc. Currently on a run with 10 carpentry and crafted spears with a hunting knife are serious business. So, early levels crap. Higher they are horde killers.


Yeah thats prolly why i give up on them so quick


You only need 3 levels in Carpentry to get max level spears, past that it doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s your maintenance that is the focus.


TIL Thank you kind stranger


If you build a bunch you will end up with a lotta sticks for spears. Kitchen and stone knifes are easy to obtain and create spears with. They have very good crit potential at the right range to the point that exhaustion/tiredness doesn't matter much for clearing hordes especially with multi hit. And also well considering how easy they are to craft en masse they are great for leveling so you can make more use out of more potent spears you can find in the world or on zomboids. You basically exchange weight from carrying multiple spears for kill potential that ignores moodles and dump the broken ones in corpses as you fight.


God fork


I have yet to see one


They're pretty common in my experience, and I play on insanely rare loot. Just check the industrial/farming buildings (the black ones on the map), it has a greater spawn chance in those




ok? Can't someone enjoy a weapon they like, I'm tired of brainless "no this is better" comments




My brother in Christ, that's a spear


even better! itā€™s a spear.. with four smaller spears on the pokey end! thatā€™s quadruple spear action. not only making the garden fork the best spear on the game but also the best weapon overall