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El Ninja- Mitsuhisha Nishio, is a celebrity chef. He opened up the restaurant, ran it for a couple of years ( you could see him personally making your sushi rolls) then left. That's his MO. He now has a new spot in Florida. After he left, the quality of the restaurant suffered and the novelty wore out. 


Oh wow, had no idea. Their food was p good but this is a bummer of a model. 


He did much more than other celebrity chefs who lend their name and bail. He actually cooked or ran the kitchen almost every day for a couple years. 


Ohh thank you for the inside info!!


It’s Spanish for “The Ninja.”




I was just reminded of Chris Farley...... https://youtu.be/H0-pHnykC9s I am El Nino. Yo soy El Nino. For those of you who don't habla espanol, El Nino is Spanish for: The Nino.




Never heard of them.


Have lived in Providence for 14 years. Didn’t know this place existed.


I worked over in that part of s.providence and never heard of it. So I guess it couldn’t have been all too popular


Good. I got the worst food poisoning from them, literally puking for days.


I hope you went to the hospital and had them pay the bill for you. Restaurants have insurance for this reason.


Why are you getting downvoted??


Lol it’s Reddit. Who knows? I guess someone doesn’t like general liability insurance? 😆


I did not. I didn’t even know this was an option.


Did you let the restaurant know? I managed a restaurant in prov and when ppl would call about food poisoning I always told them to go to the hospital if they need to and let us know cause our insurance will handle it. No one actually did tho. Not sure if they just weren’t as sick as you were. However there was more than one person who chipped their tooth while eating at the restaurant (the nature of the food had bones) and we always took care of the dentist bill. One customer was a tourist visiting the US and didn’t know what dentist to go to so the restaurant owner took them to their dentist lol


I have bad faith in anything to actually foot the bill with something as expensive as a hospital visit


It was mid


I liked the two times I got takeout, but it seemed a bit expensive for what you ended up getting and didn't go back.


Damn, kept wanting to go but never got around to it




Nooooooo Their food was so unique and I loved it.


Weird! I walked by today and there was a sign up that said they were closed for renovations from 03/05 to 06/05.


It’s been sold. Looks like the new place will be called El Nido


I wonder if they will just take off the last 3 letters off the old sign and then replace it with a D and a O.


That’s a bummer, their food was awesome. Hope the new place is decent!


Omg whyyyy???? I thought it was doing well!!


the founder chef left


another spot bites the dust... I wish we could genuinely have some great local food spots and not just high end fluffery (which I enjoy) but we need more spots like Pan-A-Day. Fresh ingredients, mom and pop, delicious. Having an Oberlin on every corner isnt going to do shit for anyone.


He was an amazing host as well. We went there many times and he was always super warm and welcoming. He would come say hi and remember us from prior visits. He would also take photos and be himself. Amazing dude.


Didn’t even know this play existed and I’m glad I didn’t. Japanese Latin fusion doesn’t sound appealing to me whatsoever.


You should try it. The guy is from a Japanese family but was born and raised in DR, so he’s taking dishes from the Japanese-Dominican community (yes, that’s a real thing in DR) not just pulling it out of thin air


It was so good it closed after 3 years. Yeah. Again. Not appealing to me.


This one, yeah. He has other locations in NYC and I think 5 in Florida. and there’s a similar restaurant in Lawrence, Mass that’s completely different ownership. But hey, to each their own.


Oh cool. Thank you for allowing me to have an opinion. I’ll be sure to clear things by you first next time to ensure it’s allowed.


> But to each their own Literally the last sentence I wrote… but nah, selective outrage is a much better discourse than reading and comprehending the entire message. Edit: also, if you don’t want a discourse, don’t post on *literal* public forum and then block me when you don’t like the answer lol. But nah man. Keep being mad instead of going outside and talking to people. The epitome of a redditor.


Dude I didn’t need or want a fucking discourse. I said it didn’t appeal and then got replies “you should try it”. No I don’t need to. FFS why can’t people like you just NOT comment. I don’t care about your opinion.