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I mean I've smoked weed every day for about 18 years and started Prozac in January. (Have been on other mental health meds for the last 2 years as well) and I've never had an issue with it. Seeing as how you never have though, I would start incredibly slow. Like take 1 or 2 hits of it, and Wait an hour to see how you feel. Don't go crazy, or you will get way too high and think you're dying lol but that's not an interaction.


this exactly^


I smoke tons a day with prozac, I actually don't get as high if I don't take my prozac before smoking idk why.


I've personally been a weed user while simultaneously being on prozac, I smoked before being prescribed it so I have had experience with weed a fair amount and know what to expect while smoking. Although I personally mainly use it to counteract my lack of appetite, as the munchies come in fairly handy to get me to eat something and not lose weight drastically, I think you'll be okay, just put yourself in a good environment and don't smoke too much, even if you're peer pressured, as that's when you'll start to get worse effects. Just a mild high is enough


The two combined turned me straight years back. Been chiefin since like 15 and been on Prozac since 25


wait it turned you straight?


Indeed I was on the brink of being kicked out of my house by my parents as a teen to a now young adult with child.


You're literally fine...


I smoke regularly and use cannabis as another form of medication. I smoke everyday and I take 60mg of Prozac and have been on it for going on 9 months now. I’m a seasoned smoker, so maybe I don’t notice anything, but for me personally I have never experienced a negative reaction or adverse interaction. Since you have never smoked before, I would start slow — only take like a hint or two, give it maybe 30 minutes to an hour before having anymore. You won’t have a tolerance so you really don’t need a lot to feel good, I think take it easy the first few times just so you don’t get too baked.


I smoked weed all day everyday for 10 years while on 40mg of Prozac. You’ll be fine for the field trip. Having said that, I would try not to get in the habit of smoking everyday while on it, it just makes you vulnerable to other mental health problems. Also, I think alcohol is what really messed with me while on Prozac. Psychedelics have way less of an effect, you need more to trip while on Prozac. I used to combine all sorts of stuff with Prozac and never had a problem except when I got off of it, the “prozac dreams” never went away and it was really difficult to quit weed.