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Unfortunately, that does happen. Prozac takes forever to fully work, so around the half way mark a lot of people experience a high followed by the pretty bad low. Just keep pushing forward and trying your best. It'll get better in a few more weeks.


Thanks for reply, have no choice but to keep pushing.


Okay I’m dealing with this a bit too. I’ve been on 20mg for about 15 weeks and I only started to feel good around week 13 for only about a week. Then my period came and I felt shitty again. It’s been over for a week now and I still have anxiety like I’m starting all over again! I thought I was getting over the worst!! I’m so frustrated. But you’re still early in the game so it’s normal for you at this time. For me…? Not sure what’s going on. I’m gonna try 10mg and see if I feel calmer.


That’s interesting. It seems when I started my period. The effectiveness of it went down. I’m going on week five on it.


Ty for the insight. Hope we get relief soon.


I think there are many other factors in our life, chemical, physical, emotional, that country our anxiety or various distresses. I’m not sure what you’re encountering but please try and power through.


Thank you for words. I have no choice. Have to keep going.


Happened to me around then as well. I hit week 8 today and I feel way different then I did even at week 7. Better. It’s getting better.


So glad to hear that.  


Not as bad but the feeling of joy when I first started on Prozac is dwindling down. I feel like I felt before I started. Which is weird. I thought it was supposed to keep going up from here. lol 🤦🏻‍♀️


Have to handle the core issue or you’ll never feel better.


this is true too… what if we can’t determine that core issue tho? I struggle with this.,,


Introspection 🍄🧘


So weird, I’ve been dealing with this last few days going from 10mg to 20mg after being sick and not having 20mg cold turkey for a few days.


I have felt a major increase in pre-panic anxiety. I’ve added 10mg on top of 20mg. Could be Prozac but my doc thinks it’s more likely caused by withdrawal from Effexor. Have you recently ended another med?


I have actually. Was on Zoloft for 5 weeks before Prozac. Weened from Z to Prozac for about a week, then completely stopped Z. Been on Prozac only for about 3 weeks. Maybe what I’m feeling is a little of the withdraw too? Idk this shit is frustrating. Hope we feel better soon.


Please stay in touch with us. Like you I coming off of two meds.  I was cold turkeyed off paxil by my gp and couldn't wait to get off prozac after I stabilized. I thought 3 months reducing the dose from 10mg to 5mg and then every other day was sufficient.  W/D 5 days after I stopped. I do know better now. But at the time, it never occurred to me that I should talk to my gp. What did HE know? Just thought I was being very careful. Psychiatrist I saw had no idea how to treat withdrawal symptoms. So, it's frustrating to read phrases like "if you are having trouble with your medication,  speak with your doctor." It's very lonely out here without others who know what it's like.   I hope we all recover soon and share our success stories for those who are struggling like we are today. 


Increase the dose to 40 mg?


Sorry no advice just solidarity, I'm doing ok on 20mg for the most part (about 7 weeks) but when I wake up on mornings anything slightly stressful might be on the books I also dry heave. It fkg sucks.


Dam. We’re all in this together. All just trying to feel better. Yea my mornings have been getting the best of me. Idk what else to do other than hang in there. I need this to work. Hope you keep improving.


you have the right mindset… I have been on 20 mg Prozac going on 10 months and it literally took 3 months to feel a solid “good” … there are many good and bad days it seems at least for me. One thing I’ll say is that it did seem to stop the heart racing- that I’m grateful for, but I’m kinda now unmotivated :/ so the psych tossed in another low dose med which I started this past Tuesday. I hate this shit. There - I said it. It feels like they don’t believe you, like they don’t take you seriously and like these dr’s have never experienced anxiety or depression a day in their life… it’s no fun trying these meds and randomly waiting 3 months for it to work, this is our mental health they are playing with and all we want are quiet minds and to feel a bit normal. Doesn’t seem like much to ask for. But - then I remind myself I have to have patience, trust the process and let the medication do its job . I talk to myself a lot . Let the medicine work. Show ourselves some grace. It’s not an overnight thing - I wish for all of our sakes it was . anyway warm hugs to all of you and just continue to have hope and stay on our get well journeys. We deserve to smile and feel normal too, I pray we all reach that point 🙃


Thank you so much for yours words. I really appreciate the time you took to reply. I feel a lot of the same ways you do, mostly all. Trying not to be so hard on myself. And I’m praying we all get to a place of peace as well.


we are here for each other to support each other, only we truly know how we feel right? I feel like our drs just prescribe meds but have they ever had anxiety? I think probably not… you’ll be ok.. what I started doing is advocating for myself. Saying no to my dr about meds I’m not comfortable trying .. not dosing up if I’m not comfortable. It’s my body and I’m doing the research and suggesting other meds to try. I feel like they bandaid shi* anyway (insert eye roll) so track your progress and speak up with your dr. you got this hunnie 🩷⭐️


Same to you. If only I could go back to the first-few-weeks of Lexapro before it pooped out, life was so good.


I'm also coming down from a higher dose and I'm on 20 mg, have a few weeks left - we've got this!


Keep going! I’ve been on Prozac long term and it’s done wonders.


i’m on 60mg and this happened to me as well,i was told by my psych that it takes around 6-12weeks to actually to affect and that low mood and stuff like that can happen in between because of the medication


You will be okay baby


Thank you ❤️


Hi. I was wondering how long you have been suffering from anxiety. I think you should speak to the psychiatrist about something that targets chronic vs acute anxiety. Have your doctor followup on your thyroid and cortisol levels. Also are you using any therapeutic adjuncts such as journaling, group therapy and talk therapy? Have your doctor walk through too to help you focus on your surroundings during an acute episode. What is your primary diagnosis?


I was on it for 4 weeks! I never ever want to feel like that again! I could not ride the wave!


What did you do instead? Did you switch to something else? Did you stop CT?  How are feeling now? 


good! I dont think I needed it as I had situational anxiety and not really depressed! My friend switched to cymbalta! Talk to your physician! my dr said to wean but I just wanted to get it out of my system! My sister though has been on prozac for years and it really helped


Im going on Prozac soon. This makes me nervous. I hope your symptoms get better! ❤️‍🩹


I hope you feel instant relief, it’s possible. Try not to be too nervous, there’s so many of us in the same boat. Ty for your kind words.


Don’t have to answer but are you a women by any chance ?


Lol cuz I cried? Lol im jk. Na I’m a man. I just couldn’t stop the tears, it was weird. I’m assuming they’ve been building up for a while.


Not at all love !!! I was only asking as a women we have menstrual cycles every 4 weeks so I was going to say there’s a big chance it could be a hormonal reason behind your spike Has anything else changed in life recently besides going on medication like extra stress due to family work relationships or financial ?


That’s crazy

