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try a sleave to make the holder arm thicker, so that the spool has less room to move.




I have a few different spool holders for different sizes. This is the fap.


Thank you.


Trymakikng a new spool holder with integrated bearings, that fixes the spool onto the shaft. The simplified plastic bearings available on printables should work great


https://www.printables.com/model/532057-original-prusa-spool-holder-remix This will thicken the spool and if you have the spare PFTE tubing , it will also reduce the rotational friction of the spool.


That's a nice looking solution, should also cut down on cardboard dust.


Yeah, I get zero cardboard dust with this setup.


Thank you. I'm giving this a try. If the spool holder arm extended one cm into the enclosure, it would also solve the problem. I think.


Awesome! Let me know how it goes.


It's running now, but I haven't gotten to the end of a spool yet. That's where the problem happens. The sleeve seems to not fit as snug as possible on holder, so it rotated a bit. I need to see if this is a problem and how to fix it. Maybe a dab of some glue.




I read it some time ago: > Specifically, the identified products can fail to properly disperse fire suppressing chemicals and fail to extinguish a fire. That is true for all fire extinguishers that I have in my house. They may not be able to put out the fire. My seatbelt may also not prevent me from hitting my face on something. This statement is meaningless. A statement like "99.98% of the cases in which they discharged they didn't put out the fire" would have meaning. >In addition, the products do not have a pressure gauge or pressure indicator, True, but how is that a problem? >a locking device to reduce the risk of unintentional discharge, Wouldn't this be true for all explosive fire extinguishers? Like the one Prusa sells with the enclosure if you are in the EU. > a self-closing valve for intermittent discharge, A feature that isn't needed. This fire extinguisher goes in one single puff to cover the area without human intervention. There's no human to chose to close a valve. > or a nozzle to direct the discharge. Also not needed, it's purposely designed to cover an area, not to be directed, and it's discharged automatically, there's no human to direct it. > These products fail to meet the requirements of UL 299 Dry Chemical Fire Extinguishers, UL 711 Rating and Fire Testing of Fire Extinguishers, and NFPA 10 Standard for Portable Fire Extinguishers which are voluntary safety standards. I started going going down that rabbit hole, but I didn't go too deep, because it seemed like someone attempted to apply the certification of a regular fire extinguisher, the ones with a bottle, a hose, a nozzle, to a fire extinguisher that works in an entirely different way and completely failed. It almost feels like someone saying "Airbags should stop being used because they are a really bad seat belts, there's no buckle to fasten it, you can't cut the straps to free yourself, and you can't choose when to wear it and when not to wear it". The most reasonable objection I heard are: \* They can go off with less heat/flame than they say in the packaging. This worries me a bit, but I didn't see any proper testing to confirm one way or another. \* They can disperse a fire by pushing things on fire away from an area, without failing to put them off. This is not a problem for me because it's in an enclosure. I think these devices tend to work better in enclosures.


I moved the spools to the top of enclosure. That spool holder is nice, but I find it to be not very practical


Do you mind sharing how you did so? I'm looking to expand my setup soon, and specifically I'm interested in printing from the closed cereal bins. Where did you route the ptfe tubing and how does it work? Thank you!


On top of the enclosure is where I store a lot of my filament. I have a small space.


It doesn't? You're pulling towards the front, of course it's gonna come forward. The mount is pulling it upwards, so it shouldn't get stuck.


Yeah I’ve printed plenty of cardboard spools and never had any issues.


I'm showing what has happened several times. I found the spools wedged and the prints ruined. I'm not wondering if this is going to happen. I'm replicating the effect the best way I can so you can see it.


Read image description


I don't know why you are being down voted here.


https://www.printables.com/model/544193-ice-fishing-mk4-filament-guide-for-prusa-enclosure Mount your filament on a spool holder above and feed it though this. Worked great for me.


There is a Remix to move the spool to the bottom right of the enclosure. This puts less of a bend radius on the filament and I haven’t had the same issues as you since moving it down.


I have a spool holder mounted on top of the enclosure and feed it through a guide in the top middle hole (there are files for both available on Printables).


I recently bought an MK4 with the enclosure and it looks exactly like what you have here. I'm new to the printing world so I don't know what machine you have. My spool gets mounted in the same spot yours does but the filament feeds the opposite direction. My spool rotates clockwise, opposite of yours, when material is feeding off of it. Material pulls from the bottom and goes to the rear right of the enclosure and then through a plastic tube to the extruder head.


Why is there a basketball mounted above your printer?


Looks like a fire suppression device but a knockoff. The original is Elidefire.


Add me to those who put their spools on top, outside the enclosure. (I use the usual Rubbermaid storage container setup.) Having the spool inside just seems cramped and uncontrolled.


A few things come to mind: 1) Clean the spool holder arm from the accumulated paper dust so it regains some slipperiness. 2) Print one of the bajillion holder arms that use ball bearings, or design your own. 3) The easiest is to stop buying filament on shitty paper spools. They leave dust everywhere & get bent in shipping. Why would you do this to yourself?


Thank you. Regarding your last point, I believe they are much more recyclable than the plastic ones.


Nobody's recycling paper spools though. They might break down quickly in a landfill but they'll have cost orders of magnitude more energy to manufacture and transport than plastic spools that can be made right where the filament is produced. They might make naive people feel better about a hobby that's about turning plastic from one shape into another, but that's about it.


Nobody is recycling cardboard? I'd like a citation on that.


Not going to prove a negative, doubly so when it's a goalpost that wasn't there before.


You can print the lower spool holder for the enclosure and place the elegoo spool there. I use this setup and it works flawlessly. https://www.printables.com/de/model/413891-extra-spool-holder-for-prusa-enclosure-extended-le


Well duh… the spindle is too small and there’s no mechanical advantage (leverage) when the spool get down near the center of the spool


Print a bigger diameter spindle is an option


This is the beauty of the 3d realm. You can literally create anything to make sure that Muther fu@%$@! Doesn't stick to anything. 😀


Lol dude - what are you doing?


Rotate spool...


No idea why that's down voted, this is the quick fix that word while printing and fixes it 100%. sure, problem is a too large spool for the pace, but this fixed the symptom.