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I think what you mean is "the worst of the best" because, oh boy there are  far worse games than DMC 2.


Dee Em Cee Too! Baest gaem!


No Booty plz!


Naaah worst of the best is too mild a description for it man. It's not THE worst game, but it's pretty bad. IDK who programmed the AI for DMC2 but literally ALL the enemies are braindead in DMC2: https://youtu.be/lcvw1E0Mcac?t=103 You can literally stand around all day long and not take damage nor hits on certain levels as that guy demonstrates. Even dynasty warriors wasn't this mindless. I guess the developers fired the guy who programmed the AI and made the amazing banger DMC3 afterwards


The director came in during the last few months of development after the previous one (not the director of DMC1, he was busy with something else and i dont think he knew about DMC2) pretty much sabotaged the whole thing. The game was literally barebones when he came in. It's a damn miracle it's only as bad as it is. Then, he didn't want to be remembered as "dude who directed DMC2" (the japanese hate failure) so he went on and made DMC3 the best game of its kind on the PS2. I know the character action genre went pretty hard back in the day with stuff like God of War, Ninja Gaiden, God Hand etc but DMC3 was just amazing.


From what I've heard, the original director of dmc2 really disliked the original dmc and didn't like Dante so he wanted to make a totally different game just to avoid making a dmc game because he didn't like the first game for various reasons. He wanted to make a completely new character with a green coat instead of red. This is all from memory, so it might not be 100% correct.


Gets filed under 'Most Disappointing' which is quite different


Wouldn't call it the *worst*, just overly easy - it does its job as something to play when you just want to kill things


Fight Club or Beverly Hills Cop. Such garbage.


fuccccckk, Fight Club. Felt like a game that was still in the early dev stages lol I remember getting that and Fight For NY for xmas and played this first. Then popped in FFNY and never played Fight Club again lol


I worked at Gamestop in my teens and you could "rent" a game for a few days. I brought Fight Club to a friends house and we laughed our azzes off.


that’s in my top 3 favorite games ever


Beverly Hills Cop was what came to mind for me. If anyone hasn't seen it, enjoy White Axel Foley: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeYZI-24Fc8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QeYZI-24Fc8)


If DMC2 is the worst game on PS2 you've ever played, you haven't really played any bad games. Hundreds are far, FAR worse. Army Men: Green Rogue, Driven, and Riding Star (an equestrian game) are probably my top 3. They were each basically broken in more ways than one.


You keep army men green rouge out of your swarth mouth!


> Army Men: Green Rogue Didn't know the game so I checked it, man the Italian dub is amazing "HANNO SBURRATO ALCUNE STRADE"


There are plenty of good Army Men games (like Sarge's Heroes on PS1) but man, this was a total mess. Virtually unplayable.


Broken doesn’t mean bad. Kinda agree with OP on this one.


Feel free to check the reviews. It's garbage.




DMC2 is bad sure compared to the rest of the series but damn it's not that bad. PS2 literally had a huge library of shovelware crap. DMC2 ain't that level.


Virtually anything released by Phoenix Games, pick your poison from any of their titles


I personally wouldn't classify them as games myself. More along the lines of congealed failure.


OP you've barely even dipped your toes into the kiddie pool if DMC2 is the worst PS2 game you've ever played. Cherish the ignorance, there's hoards of PS2 games that make DMC2 look like a GOTY contender.


The Simpsons Skateboarding


Dragon’s Lair 3D is a crime. It’s like some higher power is bullying you


DMC2 and Spawn are both pretty decent games in the big picture. At least I think so.


same Spawn: Armageddon is good


Flinstones bedrock racing


(I havent played this for myself but plan to soon,) Tomb Raider VI: Angel of Darkness often holds this title due to being unfinished and having awful development circumstances.


Oh haha there's one glitch where she keeps moaning repetitively when she falls off a height, I noticed at 3am and I couldn't look my neighbors in the eye Great game though!


lollll! but yeah for some reason i really want to play it! im making my way through the whole franchise i love the artstyle/dark aesthetic of Angel of Darkness!


Oh man right. I sadly feel like a lot of the tomb raider games were crappy. The only reason I’ve ver played them is because I wanted to be Lara when I was a young gal. Angel of darkness has really insensitive gameplay. Lots of things go wrong if you’re not over exaggerating control input. But if you go to far then she jumps off a cliff. Good graphics tho.


Tomb Raider is a great franchise! theres 12 mainline games and only two (Chronicles & Angel of Darkness) weren’t well-received. I recommend giving the games another go!


Oh damn lol those are the only two I’ve really played aside from the new Xbox ones.


Son of The Lion King


Worst I ever bought was Jaws


Free running is the worst ps2 game I've played, I wanted it so bad as a kid my mum got it me after a dentist appointment lmao and man it's awful


Why did you want it to much?


I was obsessed with parkour as a kid, I thought it was so cool 😅




Why would a *child* be thinking about sex? Hilarious you're stalking my comments because girls won't date you, embarrassing.




Learn to spell, it's straight not strait.




Dare you to dm me


Celebrity Deathmatch was pretty bad. Show was good. The game was ultra disappointing.


I think the game being broken actually makes it more fun


BMX XXX. If you want to use sex appeal to sell a game, fine. Sex sells, after all. But this was probably the dumbest way possible to do it.  And the gameplay was awful. I could forgive everything else if it was actually, y'know, *fun.*


Have you PLAYED Crazy Frog Racing?


I currently own this game, got it for free and have yet to allow that game to touch my console lol


The only thing good about that game is the intro cutscene🤣


Everything from Midas Interactive Entertainment publisher


Little Britain the game


All of those Tony Hawk clones that came out in the ps2's lifetime suck.


Someone’s never played Airblade !


My nostalgia goggles are on too tight for DMC2. Worst ps2 game i have played is dog’s life but it was entertainingly bad


A Dog's Life lets you do Twisted Metal inputs to poop, so I can't say it's all bad


Lol wtf i never knew that


I’ve never played this version but what about Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter? I heard the PS2 version isn’t good. 😂


Simpsons skateboarding is quite atrocious.


Anything by Phoenix Games, Data Design, or Blast. I seriously wonder how Sony Europe allowed these games to be sold.


If you think Devil May Cry is a bad game, then you haven't played any bad games. There's an entire company that did nothing but make awful PS2 games: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBKF9pcAJtQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBKF9pcAJtQ)


Rpg maker 2


dragon ball sagas


That was on the GCN as well.


oh, I never knew that.


Frank Herbert's Dune may be one of the worst I've played on the system.


This gets my vote.


State Of Emergency


Hey state of emergency (xb) is one of my GOATS. It was my therapy after a bad day at work. More pissed off I was, the higher my score. Played chaos modes only. Had a 90 song custom soundtrack Playlist for it


Yeah I guess it wasn't that bad to call it the worst. I was just more of a GTA / True Crime Streets of LA kid so compared to those it wasn't even close. I remember it always being in the back of my collection collecting dust. There's definitely worse games.


Well to be fair, the campaign was nothing to write home about but that wasn't what I played it for.


*State of Emergency 2*


Really? I thoroughly enjoyed this game lol. Even the goofy multiplayer tdm. Varied levels, simple controls, kind of goofy/funny story and characters. Loved Spanky.


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Red Ninja and Deadly Strike are the worst I've played so far.


I recently played DMC 2 and I thought it was okay. Not the best game out there and has issues, but I mostly enjoyed my time with it.


¡Qué Pasa, Neng! While the PS2 has a brutal library of masterpieces it also has this "game"


I'd say Daemon Summoner but I kinda like how bad it is


"¡Qué pasa, NENG!" is a video game based on a character from a Spanish humorist called "el neng". The character was the stereotypical cani, a teenager from a low income household that wears a traucksuit and listens to flamenco music, similar to gopniks in Russia, those teenagers that always wear Adidas. The game was just a bunch of bad minigames with a terrible taste and I feel second hand shame when I see it in someone's collection. Luckily we have better games now, like Gris.


If that's the worst game you've played, you haven't even neared the worst. DmC2 is at least playable. If you want bad, look at some of the shovelware games that launched simultaneously on PS2 and Wii. Those are some awful games.


I enjoyed all of the ones I played since childhood. Even the bad ones.


Haven't played it but Megaman X7 is widely hated upon. I like the artstyle though and a fully 3D megaman instead of 2.5D like the Megaman Legends games.


720 from the atari collection for ps1 played using the PS2 backwards compatibility Litterly unplayable


Is this game problematic on the slim ps2, or the phat ps2?


Both The game only works on ps1 and PS3


I don't know if it was actually bad bad but as a kid the only game I completely hated with my soul was The Sum Of All Fears based on the movie


Bad Boys Miami Takedown The Davinci Code


Am I the only one who thought DMC1 was insanely easy then comes the lava spider boss and I died about 50 times???


The worst ps2 game that I can think of is probably chaos wars. The gameplay is okay, but the English voice acting is really bad. It was done by one guy and his family.


fight club. definition of a squandered opportunity IMO. they had a chance to make such a good game out of the source material, preferably like a story based action/adventure RPG or something. but they made a terrible tekken ripoff clunky fighting game instead. they also completely butchered the story and characters from the book/movie so badly that it’s not even funny. only good things about is that they actually included fred durst as a cameo which is so absurd that it’s hilarious (and i unironically like limp bizkit and nu metal), and they did get some top notch voice actors (too bad they had to work with such a bad script adaptation)


[Presented without comment.](https://youtu.be/tZ0PGMhi7f8?si=8syvmZPcI9ZMc3_T&t=455)


Spider Man web of Shadows because I lied about it thanks to the commercials


That truck series game racing 18 wheelers and that ford vs Chevy game sucked too


Super trucks racing yeah that’s a brutal one


Mr bean


Little Britain


Mercenaries 2 bc it was effectively broken and unplayable.


robot wars: arenas of destruction is the worst i've played


On fonem grave


State of Emergency


Spawn: Armageddon seemed alright for the little bit I played it, nothing special but it could easily be worse.


tomb raider Angel of darkness


I think it’s probably George of the Jungle and the search for the Secret (secret what?)


Secret Service. I literally gave it to my buddy at my local retro store just so I didn't have to own it anymore.


I tried to play Chaos Legion as an adult because I had fond memories of renting it as a teen. It has some of the worst HP sponging I've ever come across.


DMC2 is bad, I agree. Worst game I bought on PS2 tho... damn, I got in pretty late, so I had too many bangers to get through before I even found a bad game.


Little Britain: The video game


Imo portal runner. So far it's the absolute worst game ps2 game I've played


Watch i believe tennings on youtube. He played a bunch of phoenix games. By far the worst game company you will encounter. Its a good watch to see how bad a game could be


Brotherhood of steel


Frogger: The Great Quest


Unpopular opinion, but I'd say anything Rockstar has ever made and almost anything ubisoft has ever made.


I don't know how to edit, but I failed to say why there bad Rockstar has a lot of stuff that I don't agree with (and as far as I know does not benefit gameplay) And ubisoft has great games ruined by details just big enough to ruin the whole game The Tom clancy games have bad controls and suck team mate ai


I enjoy the mommy on the PS2 a lot as a kid, but I guess a lot of people didn’t like it


Snow White and the 7 Clever Boys The box art alone puts it in the bottom 5


I used to love this game when I was younger though it was a 360 port. The game is Civil War. I replayed it and boy it aged horribly I remember controlling it much better on the 360 and even though I really think it’s ok and something I’d play every now and then I’d put it in the worst.


The little Britain game.


Charlie's Angels (Europe only), oh boy. It was a mess. At least characters didn't look that ugly as in Gamecube version. Plot was like Fast n' Furious movies (Here angels have to bring back stolen... Statue of Liberty, Stonehenge, etc. Combat was rough, camera is your WORST enemy, things thrown at you like grenades, wrenches, knives, etc. or enemies appear out of your sight because of that. What's even more interesting that if you click "New Game" without memory card (this also happens in the Gamecube port as well) you will forever play stage 2 over and over again... I pick this game also because of my own personal experiences. I'm glad I "sent" that game back to Charlie, he can taste his own medicine, bastard😡


How about snow white and the seven clever boys.


The sniper 2 I think it’s a pal version exclusive though


From my personal experience: - tomb raider underworld - 50 cent bulletproof - dogs life - iron man - LOTR: fellowship of the ring - masters of the universe - Superman returns - seven samurai 20XX - The mummy returns - 187 ride or die These are some of the worst I've played on the PS2, for various reasons. I try to stay away from shovel ware so I know there are probably many games worse than most of these, but it's just my experience.


I was gutted as Two Towers is decent and I love the Fellowship film.


I feel like I’m the only autist who legitimately loved the adventurous feeling I got from that Fellowship game


For me, the biggest problem was the pathetic combat. A third way in I just quit fighting enemies and just ran past them lol


Max Payne 2 had a terrible PS2 version. People often say the first MP was really bad on the ps2, but I’ve finished it on my ps5 dozens of times, MP2 doesn’t compare and it’s so much worse.


Well, if we're gonna be like this, a majority of Playstation 2 titles are mediocre at best. When I consider the "worst" game, I'm considering the fact that 70% of the catalogue is full of garbage, much like the Wii. With that being said; James Cameron's Dark Angel is a pretty bad one from my collection. Redundant hand-to-hand combat in dark streetways, simple but overused puzzles, bad stealth mechanics, and it's a TV show tie-in. I love it so much, I own 2 copies.


The bouncer is crap 😂


No the hell it ain't! 🤣




Charlie and the Chocolate Factory


Unlimited Saga.


it gotta be silent hill 3. maze upon maze among lots of doors to find stuff and take them to X, story is bad and nonsense. clearly they had no idea what to do :DDD