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I liked the thing, never see it mentioned. It's a sequel to the great movie.


So you're the other person who likes it. I thought I was alone


Silent Hill 2-4, Haunting Ground, Fatal Frame 1-3, Obscure 1 and 2, Clock Tower 3, Rule Of Rose, Kuon and Disney's Haunted Mansion(The game is actually really creepy don't be fooled by the fact it's a Disney game)


Honestly that’s the reason I didn’t get haunted mansion cause it looked goofy but I’ll check it out


The game is actually really great. It's the first horror game I ever played


Sorry I sent the same message twice reddit keeps glitching


Xenosaga is pretty fun in my opinion


Silent hill 2 and 3, Shadow of the colossus and ico


I’ve played 2 not 3 I’ll check it out and I’ve played shadow of the colossus not ico so I’ll check them out thanks


Resident evil4 is a must


I’m a die hard re4 fan. I played it on ps2,ps4,and vr and I also played the remake


Tenchu: Wrath of the Heavens - 16th century Japan stealth action. Great atmosphere, feels good to master and has a high replayability and a beautiful soundtrack. Also, check out Fatal Shadows (the follow up). Tomb Raider Anniversary - Honestly an excellent remake of TR1 with graphics and gameplay that are of high quality. Silky smooth animations, textures to die for and incredible level design. Resident Evil : Codename Veronica - Old-school RE, you can't go wrong. KLONOA 2 - Excellent 2.5D platformer, loads of charm! Gran Turismo 4 - The best game in the series Maximo: From Ghost To Glory - 3rd person platformer that is tough as nails (think Dark/Demons Souls) but has an art direction that is so likable, perfect for Halloween or just some dark windy night... Fatal Frame 3 - So... you want to be scared? Look no further! 🔵 💀


Honestly, I second Tomb Raider: Anniversary. I am of the mindset that the Tomb Raider games (at least the Core Design games) are some of the great unsung horror games of their time. Really disturbing and chilling environments at times, jump scares aplenty, and an overall sense of helplessness when engaging in the janky combat. The LAU trilogy are more sleek and focused on adventure, but Anniversary, purely by the virtue of it being based on the first game, does lean into the horror aspect quite well. At least the body horror aspect, I’d say.


Underworld is absolutely gorgeous. Not played it on PS2 yet but on PC and Xbox One X the graphics are stunning, plus it retains that old school Tomb Raider feel.


I just saw Maximo. It reminds me of ghosts ‘n goblins 😭


That is because it is Ghosts n' Goblins (successor)! 🙂✌🏻


Is fatal frame 3 scarier than 2 because that’s the only one I’ve played


If you ask me, yes!


I’ll check it out. The scariest ps2 game I’ve played was kuon. That game had so many jump scares


Star Trek Voyager Elite Force.


I’ve never seen an episode of Star Trek but I’ll check it out thanks




I’ve played 1 but I haven’t played 2 is it worth it?


2 is even better IMO but only was released on Xbox for console.


castlevania curse of darkness and lament of innocence , big emphasis on CoD


Which one do you feel is better? I’ll check out both but what should I try first?


curse of darkness for sure


Ōkami, Kuon, Genji: Dawn of the Samurai


I tried Ōkami but didn’t really get it but I’ll check it out again


Dude, you need to play more. I was once like you, but the more i play, the more i understand, how beautiful this game is, the art, music, environment, aesthetic.Trust me, this game is a Masterpiece ✨. Also, fun fact, all of the game asset were *fully hand drawn*. Enjoy the beautiful art ✨ There's a reason why this game won BAFTA Award. And got remastered in HD.


Aside from some of the big names I highly suggest the Shadow Hearts series. A set of horror rpgs, and some of the best rpgs on the system.


fatal frame - crimson butterfly the suffering - 1 and 2


I have fatal frame 2 and suffering. I haven’t played the second one though


i dont really remember the second suffering but the first was good


The two best Metal Gear Solid games


Horror, Clock Tower 3 is a great horror game, adventure, Beyond Good & Evil. If you like those tell me and i can show you some more.


I’ll check out beyond good & evil. Clock tower 3 all I hear is it’s slow and repetitive but I’ll check it out thank you!!


Silent Hill 2, Klonoa 2, Beyond good and evil, Dark Cloud, Dragon Quest VIII, Rules of Rose, Fatal Frame, Forbidden Siren, Obscure and, just because I've loved the second one, Bloody Roar 3.


What’s better dark cloud 1 or 2? But I haven’t played it yet so I’ll check out 1


I like one more, but two is usually considered to be the better game.