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How would you introduce this game to someone who hasn't played it yet. Would love to hear your take.


Sorry for taking so long to answer, but I think the game is more of an adventure game with horror elements, a title where exploration, puzzles, investigation and taking in the lonely and eerie atmosphere matters more than anything else. Something I really like about this game is how touching the main story and side quests can be, since throught the entire game you are helping ghosts pass on to the afterlife which is accomplished by reuniting them, giving them an item that's very dear to them or just helping them heal and accept that everything is over. Unfortunately the game does have significant flaws that will prevent a lot of people from enjoying it all the way through, the biggest being that you just move too damn slow and you are sometimes required to backtrack through the entire facility, which can become boring... Also some of the items are hidden in a way that they straight up blend with the environments, so you can spend hours looking for something that was right next to you just because it is hard to see it and finally, the story, while touching and interesting, does have some plot holes which I'm not going to spoil, but it is the kind of plot that will work better the less you think about the small details. So I guess in conclusion, it is a unique and (very) slow-paced first person adventure game with horror elements where you explore the amazingly atmospheric moon colony trying to resolve a very interesting & touching tale (even if it doesn't completely work) while you learn about the people who perished and help them move on solving puzzled which most are pretty fun and clever, but some are just very annoying and can make you waste a lot of time in some bullshit way.


The original is one of my absolute favorite games of all time.


Excellent choice! Shame they never made more. Multiple endings too!


Obscure game nice pick up!


So many games to play and so little time!


I remember playing this on a PlayStation Magazine demo disc and whenever I remember it exists I feel curious about the full game all over again. How is it?


I think it is a good game that's very unique and interesting but infortunately does have significant flaws which make it not for everyone. Incredibly atmospheric, fun puzzles (for the most part), touching and interesting plot, at it's best it is a joy to explore the moon colony and the side characters have some moving stories behind them. The flaws are the (very) sluggish movement coupled with backtracking, items are sometimes placed in some bullshit way so that you'll be looking for them for a long time even though they were possibly right next you, and the story has some plot holes which can harm it if you think about it too much.


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